How to iterate dyna validation form using jstl tag

i have create dyna validation form in struts-config.xml
<form-bean name="DynaValidationForm"
<form-property name="username" type="java.lang.String" />
<form-property name="cityName" type="java.lang.String[]" />
and i want to disply these value on my jsp by usig jstl tag
<c:forEach var="form" item="${DynaValidatorForm.????????}">
<c:out value="form.username">
but problem is item is of collection object And in dyna validation form
how can i create the collection object or to call this .
please help me

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    You must submit the page to do it with PL/SQL. If you do not want to submit the page, you must do it with JavaScript.

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    JSTL variables are attributes in the page, request, session and application scopes.
    As such, they can only be objects, because you can't store a primitive value as an attribute.
    However you shouldn't need to declare primitive variables. You should hardly need to declare any variables.
    JSTL is not a programming language. It is a language to aid the display of a JSP. Therefore most of its attention is geared towards outputting things, with a much lesser concern on setting them.

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    Hi Evnafets,
    Thank you for the response.
    Here are the tasks I am doing to display the data on JSP.
    0. We are running on Tomcat 5 and the memory size is 1024MB (1GB).
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                                     columnClasses="history_col1, history_col2, history_col3, history_col4, history_col5" width="100%" cellpadding="5" >
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                                            <f:param value="itemName"/>
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                                <f:facet name="header">
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                                        <h:outputText value="#{msg.userorders_data}">
                                            <f:param value="orderLineWrappers"/>
                                            <f:param value="data"/>
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                                        <h:outputText value="#{}" styleClass="basic_thin"/>
                                    <c_rt:when test="#{wrapper.type==1}">
                                        <h:inputText value="#{}" styleClass="basic_thin" style="width:160px"/>
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                                        <h:outputLink value="#{}">
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    Replace the c:choose block by<h:outputText value="#{}" styleClass="basic_thin" rendered="#{wrapper.type == 0}" />
    <h:inputText value="#{}" styleClass="basic_thin" style="width:160px" rendered="#{wrapper.type == 1}" />
    <h:outputLink value="#{}" rendered="#{wrapper.type == 2}">
        <h:outputText value="#{msg.userorders_link}" styleClass="basic_thin"/>

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    <c:if test="${user.role > 0 }">
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    thanx in advance,
    Capitan Haddock

    try to use gt instead of >

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    Rahul and Sharmila,
    You have answered several of my queries earlier and I am thankful for them.
    I have been trying to creating a MD form using dynamic page and I haven't fiqured it out. I need help. You both advised me on creating a simple form using dynamic page. The complexity changes drastically when I have to create a MD form. Has no body ever tried to create a MD form with dynamic page?
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    Thanks for your kind attention.

    I have replied to this in the morning.
    Re: Oracle portal and JSR 168 compliance
    Hope it helps.

  • How to Create an Input Form using a Transient View Object?

    I would like to use a Transient View Object to store data from input forms across a multiple-page enrollment process.
    My question is how to I create the input form using the Transient View Object on the .jspx page? Do I drag/drop an ADF creation form onto the page? Or, use a regular ADF form? Do I need to create the initial row progammatically?
    Just looking for some general directions or set of instructions? I've looked at the SRDemo example (Globals Transient View Object), but I'm not sure how they created the page at design time?

    Well following the SRDemo example, this seems to work:
    1. Create Transient View Object
    2. Add to Application Module as a Data control
    3. Add to .jspx page as an ADF Form (not as an ADF Create Form)
    4. Add following code to Application Module containting Transient VO instance:
    protected void prepareSession(Session session) {
    private void insertTransientViewObjRows() {
    ViewObject transientvo = getViewObj1();

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    I just want to know how can I open the Batch Details system Form, using a LinkedButton from my user form.
    Just like the Batch Number Transaction Report window, from the Batch Column.
    It's difficult because this document don't have the ObjectType.
    Thanks a lot.

    I did this:
    From the MatrixLinkPressedEvent:
    if (pVal.BeforeAction)
                        switch (pVal.ColUID)
                              case "column":
                                BubbleEvent = false;
                                AddOnApplication.Application.ActivateMenuItem("12290");//Form for Batch Details
                                form.EnableMenu("12290", true);
                                bool _runThread = true;
                                while (_runThread)
                                        ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)AddOnApplication.Application.Forms.ActiveForm.Items.Item("40").Specific).Value = _dtGrid.GetValue("ItemCode", pVal.Row - 1).ToString();
                                        ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)AddOnApplication.Application.Forms.ActiveForm.Items.Item("62").Specific).Value = _dtGrid.GetValue("Batch Hide", pVal.Row - 1).ToString(); ;
                                        AddOnApplication.Application.Forms.ActiveForm.DefButton = "38";
                                        _runThread = false;
                                    catch (Exception){}
                                        _runThread = false;
    And that's it.
    Hope this help to someone

  • Validating forms using check boxs

    hi i am trying to validate a form using check boxs where all of the elements have the same name. Using the code below it enables validation when only one check box is available, however with muliple check-boxs it goes into and eternal loop and never executes the code! Any help on this matter would be most appreciated.
    <SCRIPT language="javaScript">
    function validate()
    if (!document.myform.pkey.checked)
    alert("Please Select a Questionnaire to delete!!");
         return false;

    When you have multiple checkboxes with same name, it will form an array of check boxes. So you have to validate them as below.
    //checkbox selected,can give any action
    // checkbox not selected,give alert

  • How to create software request form using Info path functionality?

    Hi All,
    i am trying to create a Software Request Form using Info path functionality. Following are the steps:
    1. Users will fill out the form with all necessary fields.
    2. once they click on Submit button, it will send an email to two specific groups with a link so that they can see the form and Approve/Deny or can put comments on that.
    Thanks in advanced!

    Hi Rakib,
    There are many ways you can achieve this.
    Either by Creating a SharePoint list and then modify it using InfoPath to get all your required fields added
    Use InfoPath application and select any template or blank form template to get all your required fields added and then publish it to SharePoint site
    For the second step you can create an OOTB workflow which can send email to view an approve items using Approval workflow feature
    For the advance notification you can use SPD workflows as well.
    Refer this article for more on InfoPath and SPD integration -
    Let us know if this helps, thanks
    Pratik Vyas | SharePoint Consultant |
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