How to justify text in a TextInput vertically

So I have a simple question: how can you justify text in a TextInput vertically?

Yeah, sorry, I should have given more details. Basically I have a TextInput component with a height of 48 so even though it is a one line component it looks like there is a lot of space below the text. The component in question is created dynamically during run-time. So I was tasked with making the text appear in the middle (vertically) of the TextInput. Is this not possible at all? Surely there is some way to do it.
Here is the Actionscript code that creates the components:
import fl.controls.TextInput;
import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
var gridArr:Array = new Array();
var w = 80;
var h = 48;
var rowNumber = 10;
var startX = 5;
var startY = 30;
var newTextFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
newTextFormat.font = "Arial";
newTextFormat.size = 16;
newTextFormat.bold = true
newTextFormat.color = 0x1E1E1E;
newTextFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.JUSTIFY;
newTextFormat.leading = 5;
for (var i:Number = 0; i < 8; i++)
  gridArr[i] = new Array();
  for (var j:Number = 0; j < rowNumber; j++)
   var newCell:Cell =  new Cell();
   newCell.initialize(i, j);
   newCell.cellText.setStyle("textFormat", newTextFormat);
   newCell.cellText.width = w;
   newCell.cellText.height = h;
   newCell.x = (i*w) + startX;
   newCell.y = (j*h) + startY;
   //newCell.cellText.text = "("+newCell.gridX+","+newCell.gridY+")";
   //newCell.cellText.tabEnabled = false;
   gridArr[i][j] = newCell;
for (j = 0; j < rowNumber; j++)
for (i= 0; i < 8; i++)

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    I robbed the framework from Dr Las or 74phillip (don't remember which) ...
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class AngleText extends JPanel {
      private int      degrees = 16;
      private JSpinner degreesSpinner;
      public AngleText () {
        setBackground ( Color.WHITE );
      }  // AngleText constructor
      protected void paintComponent ( Graphics _g ) {
        super.paintComponent ( _g );
        Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)_g;
        g.setRenderingHint ( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );
        AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance ( Math.toRadians ( degrees ) );
        Font f =  g.getFont();
        g.setFont ( f.deriveFont ( at ) );
        g.drawString ( "Rotating Text!", getWidth()/2, getHeight()/2 );
        g.setRenderingHint ( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF );
      }  // paintComponent
      public JPanel getUIPanel () {
        SpinnerModel degreesModel = new SpinnerNumberModel (
                                      degrees  // initial
                                     ,0        // min
                                     ,360      // max
                                     ,2        // step
        degreesSpinner = new JSpinner ( degreesModel );
        degreesSpinner.addChangeListener ( new DegreesTracker() );
        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
        panel.add ( degreesSpinner );
        return panel;
      }  // getUIPanel
      //  DegreesTracker
      private class DegreesTracker implements ChangeListener {
        public void stateChanged ( ChangeEvent e ) {
          Integer i = (Integer)((JSpinner)e.getSource()).getValue();
          degrees   = i.intValue ();
      }  // DegreesTracker
      //  main
      public static void main ( String[] args ) {
        JFrame f = new JFrame ( "AngleText" );
        f.setDefaultCloseOperation ( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        AngleText app = new AngleText();
        f.getContentPane().add ( app );
        f.getContentPane().add ( app.getUIPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH );
        f.setSize ( 200, 200 );
        f.setVisible ( true );
      }  // main
    }  // AngleText

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    Go through these threads for the discussions happened on similar issue... hope it helps you..
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    vertical and horizontal printing in same page with smartforms or sapscript
    Good luck

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    No. Like Peter and Walt, I wonder why you'd want to, considering the appearance of such manipulation, illustrated above. Is this a requirement for some specific type of document?
    Regarding your second question, there's no way to do this using Pages as it comes out-of-the-box (or in the downloaded edition). But you can sort the paragraphs of a document alphabetically using WordService, freeware from Devon Technologies. The link will take you to their download page. Scroll down to the Freeware section and the download link for WordService.

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    Code snippet for owner drawn combobox:
    #if !defined(AFX_CUSTCOMBOBOX_H__F8528B4F_396E_11D1_9384_00A0248F6145__INCLUDED_)
    #define AFX_CUSTCOMBOBOX_H__F8528B4F_396E_11D1_9384_00A0248F6145__INCLUDED_
    #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
    #pragma once
    #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
    typedef enum {FONTS} STYLE; //Why have I enumerated, Cos, Maybe I might want something other than Fonts here
    class COwnerDrawCombo : public CComboBox
    // Construction
    COwnerDrawCombo (STYLE);
    // Attributes
    void SetHilightColors (COLORREF hilight,COLORREF hilightText)
    m_clrHilight = hilight;
    m_clrHilightText = hilightText;
    void SetNormalColors (COLORREF clrBkgnd,COLORREF clrText)
    m_clrNormalText = clrText;
    m_clrBkgnd = clrBkgnd;
    static BOOL CALLBACK EnumFontProc (LPLOGFONT lplf, LPTEXTMETRIC lptm, DWORD dwType, LPARAM lpData);
    void FillFonts ();
    int GetSelFont (LOGFONT&);
    // Operations
    // Overrides
    // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
    virtual void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct);
    virtual void MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct);
    virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
    // Implementation
    virtual ~COwnerDrawCombo();
    // Generated message map functions
    STYLE m_enStyle;
    COLORREF m_clrHilight;
    COLORREF m_clrNormalText;
    COLORREF m_clrHilightText;
    COLORREF m_clrBkgnd;
    BOOL m_bInitOver;
    void DrawDefault (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT);
    void DrawFont(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT);
    void InitFonts ();
    afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
    afx_msg void OnDestroy();
    afx_msg long OnInitFonts (WPARAM, LPARAM);
    // Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
    #endif //!defined(AFX_CUSTCOMBOBOX_H__F8528B4F_396E_11D1_9384_00A0248F6145__INCLUDED_)
    // OwnerDrawCombo.cpp : implementation file
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "combobox.h"
    #include "OwnerDrawCombo.h"
    #ifdef _DEBUG
    #define new DEBUG_NEW
    #undef THIS_FILE
    static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
    #define WM_INITFONTS (WM_USER + 123)
    //I chose 123 cos nobody might use the same exact number.. I can improve this by use RegisterWindowMessage..
    // COwnerDrawCombo
    //Initial values of the text and highlight stuff
    m_enStyle = FONTS;
    m_clrHilight = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
    m_clrNormalText = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
    m_clrHilightText = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
    m_clrBkgnd = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOW);
    m_bInitOver = FALSE;
    COwnerDrawCombo::COwnerDrawCombo (STYLE enStyle)
    m_enStyle = enStyle;
    m_clrHilight = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
    m_clrNormalText = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
    m_clrHilightText = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
    m_clrBkgnd = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOW);
    m_bInitOver =FALSE;
    BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(COwnerDrawCombo, CComboBox)
    // COwnerDrawCombo message handlers
    void COwnerDrawCombo::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
    //I might want to add something else someday
    switch (m_enStyle)
    case FONTS:
    //I dont need the MeasureItem to do anything. Whatever the system says, it stays
    void COwnerDrawCombo::MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct)
    void COwnerDrawCombo::DrawFont(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDIS)
    CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpDIS->hDC);
    CRect rect;
    TRACE0 ("In Draw Font\n");
    // draw the colored rectangle portion
    pDC->SetBkMode( TRANSPARENT );
    if (lpDIS->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)
    pDC->FillSolidRect (rect,m_clrHilight);
    pDC->SetTextColor (m_clrHilightText);
    pDC->FillSolidRect (rect,m_clrBkgnd);
    pDC->SetTextColor (m_clrNormalText);
    if ((int)(lpDIS->itemID) < 0) // Well its negetive so no need to draw text
    CString strText;
    GetLBText (lpDIS->itemID,strText);
    CFont newFont;
    CFont *pOldFont;
    ((LOGFONT*)lpDIS->itemData)->lfHeight = 90; //9 point size
    ((LOGFONT*)lpDIS->itemData)->lfWidth = 0;
    newFont.CreatePointFontIndirect ((LOGFONT*)lpDIS->itemData);
    pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject (&newFont);
    pDC->DrawText(strText, rect, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE);
    pDC->SelectObject (pOldFont);
    newFont.DeleteObject ();
    void COwnerDrawCombo::InitFonts ()
    CDC *pDC = GetDC ();
    ResetContent (); //Delete whatever is there
    EnumFonts (pDC->GetSafeHdc(),NULL,(FONTENUMPROC) EnumFontProc,(LPARAM)this);//Enumerate
    m_bInitOver = TRUE;
    BOOL CALLBACK COwnerDrawCombo::EnumFontProc (LPLOGFONT lplf, LPTEXTMETRIC lptm, DWORD dwType, LPARAM lpData)
    if (dwType == TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) //Add only TTF fellows, If you want you can change it to check for others
    int index = ((COwnerDrawCombo *) lpData)->AddString(lplf->lfFaceName);
    lpLF = new LOGFONT;
    CopyMemory ((PVOID) lpLF,(CONST VOID *) lplf,sizeof (LOGFONT));
    ((COwnerDrawCombo *) lpData)->SetItemData (index,(DWORD) lpLF);
    return TRUE;
    int COwnerDrawCombo::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
    if (CComboBox::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
    return -1;
    // TODO: Add your specialized creation code here
    if (m_enStyle == FONTS)
    PostMessage (WM_INITFONTS,0,0);
    return 0;
    long COwnerDrawCombo::OnInitFonts (WPARAM, LPARAM)
    InitFonts ();
    return 0L;
    void COwnerDrawCombo::OnDestroy()
    if (m_enStyle == FONTS)
    int nCount;
    nCount = GetCount ();
    for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    delete ((LOGFONT*)GetItemData (i)); //delete the LOGFONTS actually created..
    // TODO: Add your message handler code here
    void COwnerDrawCombo::FillFonts ()
    m_enStyle = FONTS;
    PostMessage (WM_INITFONTS,0,0); //Process in one place
    int COwnerDrawCombo::GetSelFont (LOGFONT& lf)
    int index = GetCurSel ();
    if (index == LB_ERR)
    return LB_ERR;
    LPLOGFONT lpLF = (LPLOGFONT) GetItemData (index);
    CopyMemory ((PVOID)&lf, (CONST VOID *) lpLF, sizeof (LOGFONT));
    return index; //return the index here.. Maybe the user needs it:-)
    void COwnerDrawCombo::PreSubclassWindow()
    // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
    //Tried to do what Roger Onslow did for the button.. Did not work..?? Any R&D guys around :-)
    Can anyone please let me know how can I achieve this.
    Any help can be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi sivavuyyuru,
    I cannot find a easy way to make this.
    I think you may need to draw your own Combo Box control. And you could change the edit control more like static text. Check the article:
    In the resource editor, Owner draw -> variable , Has string->true, type->drop list.
    The result:
    Best regards,
    Shu Hu
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How do you justify text in Textfield?

    I have a PDF I created from a scan with textfield boxes on it. I've tried selecting the textfield and clicking the layout tab, but it won't let me change the justification of the text in the textfields from middle left to top left. How do I do this?

    On the right side of the LiveCycle Desinger window, there are three bars labeled "How To", "Paragraph & Text", and "Ojects". Try the "Paragraph & Text".

  • How do i make a justifiable text box in Photoshop CS5

    I tried to justify text but find it hard, any quick and simple ways to do it?

    We need less people like Tai Lao on these forums and more thoughtful, well thought out and thorough answers like the one 24/7 Tech Support gave.
    I fail to understand what you're motivation and goal is Tai Lao?
    This is precisely a board for people that are trying to learn whether they're beginners or not, or have high IQs or low IQs?
    I've been using Photoshop since 1996 and I recently got CS5 and I was searching for this exact topic, because I just wanted something comprehensive on the subject, so I don't understand why you or anyone else feels the need to get in the way of that?
    I mean, seriously, is this all for your ego? You like feeling superior to people, people you don't even know for that matter? Take your issues somewhere else. The immaturity is so obnoxious, especially when people that use these boards have work to do.
    We out here have work to do, and we need thorough answers. Sometimes, some of us, while we're in the middle or towards the end of the work day aren't even at our best or freshest and we need clear and comprehensive answers during those moments when we're not necessarily operating at our best.
    Whatever the case is, the truth is when you post answers, you should assume that the people are beginners or have "low IQs" or whatever garbage Tai Lao wrote.
    24/7 Tech Support, I hope you continue to go about with your method of presenting detailed thorough answers to the people's queries here on the Adobe boards, I'm sure I'll come across one of your USEFUL posts sometime soon in the near future, and hopefully less across the USELESS posts of those like Tai Lao.


    Was using OnRequestEnd.cfm to load copyright info at bottom
    of each page but page size varied and copyright info would appear
    at different points on different pages. Didn't look good. Could not
    use tables to align the text for output reasons. Coded a way using
    CSS and JavaScript to keep text at bottom of each page. Be careful
    with CFFORM, us have to set the attribute 'wMode=transparent' in
    CFFORM so text is above form. Tested in IE and Netscape. Put at end
    of individual templates or inside OnRequestEnd.cfm - Enjoy!
    (css goes in your external css file or between local style
    .copyright{background-color:#d8d8d8;color:Black;font-size:10px;font-family:Arial;width:10 0%;text-align:center;}
    body {border-bottom-width:0px;}
    (following goes at end of page or in OnRequestEnd.cfm)
    <span id="x" class="copyright">
    my copyright
    PAGE --->
    if(document.body.scrollHeight <
    var s = 0;
    else {
    var s = document.body.scrollHeight;

    To change it for a given text frame, the frame must be selected when you execute the menu command.
    AlyMcF1 wrote:
    …how can I apply this to the majority (400+) of my text frames at once?
    To change the setting of existing frames throughout your document, use Edit > Find/Change.
    Choose the Object tab.
    Set the Search: field to Document.
    Set the Type: field to Text Frames.
    If there is a formatting attribute common to all the text frames you want to target and change, click the glass/frame icon next to the Find Object Format field to access the Find Object Format Options dialog and set that common attribute.
    Click the glass/frame icon next to the Change Object Format field to access the Change Object Format Options dialog and set the Align: field to Justify under Basic Attributes > Text Frame General Options > Vertical Justification.
    Step through the Find Next/Change sequence to selectively apply the change, or click the Change All button if you're certain you want all the found frames changed.

  • How to enter text in text input box using virtual keyboard in flex application

    Re: how to enter text in text input box using virtual keyboard in flex application
    im using flash builder 4,
    i  designed virtual keyboard, i have to update the text in text input box  continously by using virtual keyboard.
    i used button events.i did  some mistake there.
    can some one help me out of tat.
    thanks  in advance.
    i have included my mxml program with this.
    <?xml  version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application  xmlns:fx=""
                    xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955"  minHeight="600" creationComplete="initfunc()">
                import  mx.controls.Alert;
                private function initfunc():void
                public function handleEvent ( e :  MouseEvent ) : void
                    var a:String= ;
                   var b:String=null;
                        case "Button20":
                       case "Button21":
        <s:Panel  x="43" y="82" width="527" height="213">
          <mx:Button  x="71" y="86" id="b1" label="1" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="180" y="86"  id="b2" label="5" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="127" y="86"  id="b3"  label="3" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="99"  y="86"  id="b4" label="2" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="323" y="86"  id="b5" label="0" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="294" y="86"  id="b6"  label="9" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="265"  y="86"   id="b7" label="8" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="237" y="86"  id="b8" label="7" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="209" y="86"  id="b9"  label="6" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="42"  y="86"  id="b10" label="`" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="382" y="86" id="b11" label="=" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="353" y="86"  id="b12"  label="-" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="410"  y="86"  id="b13" label="back" width="76" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="157" y="86"  id="b14" label="4" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="43" y="109" id="b15"  label="tab" width="66" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="105"  y="109"  id="b16" label="q" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="247" y="109"  id="b17" label="y" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="303" y="109"  id="b18"  label="i" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="361"  y="110"  id="b19" label="p" width="34" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="394" y="109"  id="b20" label="[" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="191" y="109"  id="b21"  label="r" width="34" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="424"  y="109"  id="b22" label="]" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="222" y="109"  id="b23" label="t" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="161" y="109"  id="b24"  label="e" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="133"  y="109"  id="b25" label="w" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="332" y="109"  id="b26" label="o" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="275" y="109"  id="b27"  label="u" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="220"  y="133"  id="b28" label="g" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="424" y="132"  id="b29" label="enter" width="62"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="43" y="132"  id="b30"  label="caps" width="66" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="275"  y="133"  id="b31" label="j" width="42" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="314" y="132"  id="b32" label="k" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="133" y="133"  id="b33"  label="s" width="31" height="23"/>
            <s:Button x="161"  y="133"  id="b34" label="d" width="31" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="250" y="133"  id="b35" label="h" width="31"  height="23"/>
            <s:Button x="105" y="133"  id="b36"  label="a" width="31" height="23"/>
            <s:Button x="191"  y="133"  id="b37" label="f" width="31" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="342" y="132"  id="b38" label="l" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="152" y="154"  id="b39"  label="x" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="353"  y="154"  id="b40" label="." width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="325" y="154"  id="b41" label="," width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="294" y="154"  id="b42"  label="m" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="259"  y="154"  id="b43" label="n" width="37" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="236" y="154"  id="b44" label="b" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="211" y="154"  id="b45"  label="v" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="181"  y="154"  id="b46" label="c" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="122" y="154"  id="b47" label="z" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="380" y="154"  id="b48"  label="/" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="368"  y="132"  id="b49" label=";" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="396" y="132"  id="b50" label="'" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="43" y="154"  id="b51"  label="shift" width="82" height="24"/>
            <s:Button  x="407" y="154" id="b52" label="shift" width="79" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="455" y="109"  id="b53" label="\" width="31"  height="24"/>
        <s:TextInput  x="161" y="27" id="textbox" width="253"/>
    saran r

    how to code for these buttons "control,alt,delete,insert and spacebar".
    can u help me how to program?
    i have attached the mxml code with this,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
                   creationComplete="application1_creationCompleteHandler(event)" viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html">
                import flash.utils.getQualifiedSuperclassName;
                private var inpText:String = 'inp1';
                private var shiftState:Boolean = false;
                private var capsState:Boolean = false;
                protected function keyboard_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+(event.currentTarget as Button).label;
                    if (shiftState == true) shift_clickHandler(null);
                protected function caps_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    capsState = !capsState;
                    if (capsState == true)
                        currentState = "SHIFTED" else currentState = "PRIMARY";
                protected function tab_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+"    ";
                protected function shift_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    shiftState = !shiftState;
                    if (shiftState == true)
                        currentState = "SHIFTED" else currentState = "PRIMARY";
                protected function enter_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+"\n";
                protected function backspace_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var tmpStr:String = this[inpText].text;
                    this[inpText].text = tmpStr.substr(0,tmpStr.length-1);
                protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                protected function focus_enterHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    inpText =;
            <s:State name="PRIMARY"/>
            <s:State name="SHIFTED"/>
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <s:TextInput id="inp1" y="36" width="151" horizontalCenter="0" click="focus_enterHandler(event)" y.PRIMARY="239" horizontalCenter.PRIMARY="42" width.PRIMARY="199" height.PRIMARY="31"/>
        <s:Group id="keyboard" width="661" height="184" horizontalCenter="0" y="300" focusEnabled="false">
            <s:Button x="5" y="5" label="~" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="`"/>
            <s:Button x="49" y="5" label="!" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="1"/>
            <s:Button x="93" y="5" label="@" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="2"/>
            <s:Button x="137" y="5" label="#" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="3"/>
            <s:Button x="181" y="5" label="$" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="4"/>
            <s:Button x="225" y="5" label="%" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="5"/>
            <s:Button x="269" y="5" label="^" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="6"/>
            <s:Button x="313" y="5" label="&amp;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="7"/>
            <s:Button x="357" y="5" label="*" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="8"/>
            <s:Button x="401" y="5" label="(" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="9"/>
            <s:Button x="445" y="5" label=")" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="0"/>
            <s:Button x="489" y="5" label="_" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="-"/>
            <s:Button x="533" y="5" label="+" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="="/>
            <s:Button x="577" y="5" label="Backspace" height="43" width="80" fontSize="11" fontWeight="bold" click="backspace_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="5" y="48" label="Tab" height="43" width="67" fontSize="12" fontWeight="bold" click="tab_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="72" y="48" label="Q" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="q"/>
            <s:Button x="116" y="48" label="W" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="w"/>
            <s:Button x="160" y="48" label="E" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="e"/>
            <s:Button x="204" y="48" label="R" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="r"/>
            <s:Button x="248" y="48" label="T" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="t"/>
            <s:Button x="292" y="48" label="Y" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="y"/>
            <s:Button x="336" y="48" label="U" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="u"/>
            <s:Button x="380" y="48" label="I" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="i"/>
            <s:Button x="424" y="48" label="O" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="o"/>
            <s:Button x="468" y="48" label="P" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="p"/>
            <s:Button x="512" y="48" label="{" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="["/>
            <s:Button x="556" y="48" label="}" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="]"/>
            <s:Button x="600" y="48" label="|" height="43" width="57" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="\"/>
            <s:Button x="5" y="91" label="CapsLock" height="43" width="80" fontSize="12" fontWeight="bold" click="caps_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="85" y="91" label="A" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="a"/>
            <s:Button x="129" y="91" label="S" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="s"/>
            <s:Button x="173" y="91" label="D" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="d"/>
            <s:Button x="217" y="91" label="F" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="f"/>
            <s:Button x="261" y="91" label="G" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="g"/>
            <s:Button x="305" y="91" label="H" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="h"/>
            <s:Button x="349" y="91" label="J" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="j"/>
            <s:Button x="393" y="91" label="K" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="k"/>
            <s:Button x="437" y="91" label="L" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="l"/>
            <s:Button x="481" y="91" label=":" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY=";"/>
            <s:Button x="525" y="91" label="&quot;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="'"/>
            <s:Button x="569" y="91" label="Enter" height="43" width="88" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="enter_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="5" y="134" label="Shift" height="43" width="106" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="shift_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="111" y="134" label="Z" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="z"/>
            <s:Button x="155" y="134" label="X" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="x"/>
            <s:Button x="199" y="134" label="C" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="c"/>
            <s:Button x="243" y="134" label="V" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="v"/>
            <s:Button x="287" y="134" label="B" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="b"/>
            <s:Button x="331" y="134" label="N" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="n"/>
            <s:Button x="375" y="134" label="M" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="m"/>
            <s:Button x="419" y="134" label="&lt;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY=","/>
            <s:Button x="463" y="134" label="&gt;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="."/>
            <s:Button x="507" y="134" label="?" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="/"/>
            <s:Button x="551" y="134" label="Shift" height="43" width="106" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="shift_clickHandler(event)"/>
    thanks in advance,
    saran r

  • How to middle text in a text area?

    Can someone tell me how to middle the text (vertically) on a JTextArea? It always starts at the top.
    Thanks to all in advance

    Um, assuming by "middle the text" you mean scroll the text area to the vertical center of the text area:
    1) Enclose your text area in a JScrollPane.
    2) Get the vertical scroll bar of the scroll pane using:
    JScrollBar scrollbar = scrollpane.getVerticalScrollBar();3) Find the middle of the scroll bar using:
    scrollbar.setValue(scrollbar.getMaximum() / 2);

  • How to center text in shapes

    how to center text in shapes. specifically circles.  I want text to be centered directly in the middle

    A lot depends on what you mean by centered, the number of lines of text, the actual font, and whether there are descenders.
    Using vertical justification set to centered may or may not work for you, depending on the above factors, as it depends on the baseline, I believe, rather than the acutal glyph dimensions. You could try adding baseline shift, I suppose, to make fine vertical adjustments, or you can bite the bullet and use the old-fashioned method of two frames.

Maybe you are looking for