How to make SELECT ?

I'd like to select some rows from my table. I try sth like this:
music.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {                 Base baza = new Base("MUZYKA");                 try {                     Statement stat = baza.conn.createStatement();                     ResultSet res = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM dzielo");                     while ( {                         String tytul = res.getString("tytul");                         String rok = res.getString("rok_wydania");                         String gatunek = res.getString("gatunek");                         System.out.println(tytul + "\n" + rok + "\n" + gatunek + "\n");                     }                     System.out.println("----------------------------------------KONIEC");                     res.close();                     stat.close();                     baza.conn.close();                 } catch (SQLException ex) {                     System.out.println("Błąd w bazie danych.");                     System.out.println("Message:  " + ex.getMessage());                 }             }         });
This is my Base():
public Base(String op) {         String operation = op;         try {             Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");         } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {             JDialog dialog = new DialogWindow(ramka, szerokoscEkranu, wysokoscEkranu, 250, 100,                     "<html>Po&#322;&#261;czenie zerwane.</html>", "Po&#322;&#261;czenie");             dialog.setVisible(true);             System.exit(1);         }         try {             conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString, login,                     password);             System.out.println("Po&#322;&#261;czenie nawi&#261;zane pomy&#347;lnie: " + operation);         } catch (SQLException e) {             System.out.println("Po&#322;&#261;czenie zerwane: " + operation);             JDialog dialog = new DialogWindow(ramka, szerokoscEkranu, wysokoscEkranu, 250, 100,                     "<html>Po&#322;&#261;czenie zerwane.</html>", "Po&#322;&#261;czenie");             dialog.setVisible(true);         }     }
And console give me:
Po&#322;&#261;czenie nawi&#261;zane pomy&#347;lnie: MUZYKA ----------------------------------------KONIEC
What's wrong?

It looks like there weren't any records in the table "dzielo".
Are you sure you connected to the right database? Are you sure the table contained records? Are you sure that any operation that was supposed to insert records into that table had completed and committed its results?
If that doesn't help you might want to post more of the details of the Base class than just the constructor and to specify just what output you expected to see.

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    Thanks & Regard ,

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    Hi Gopi,
    In order to make select-options mandatory we add OBLIGATORY in the statement like the below.
    Select-Options : v_PurOrg for EKKO-EKORG default '2000' OBLIGATORY.
    In this case, only the first option will have the default value of 2000.But if you want both the options low and high of select-options, means you have to add the below code in your program in the initialization event.
    v_PurOrg-low    =   1000. 
    v_PurOrg-high    =   2000. 
    append v_PurOrg.
    Hope this helps.
    Please reward if useful.

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      Selection screen having parameters, I am putting default values in that parametrs.
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    Thanks in advance
    See comments below
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Jul 1, 2009 12:43 PM

    For the parameters required, while declaring them use the MODIF ID, lets say you have choosen the modif id as SC1.
    i.e. parametes: p_mat type matnr DEFAULT '100' MODIF ID SC1.
    Then in the initialization event, code as below.
          IF screen-group1 = 'SC1'.
            screen-input = '0'.
            MODIFY SCREEN.
    It will work.

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            final String locationCategoryViewDef = "model.views.LocationCategoryView";
            if (ri != null && selectedNodeKey != null) {
                Row[] found = ri.findByKey(selectedNodeKey, 1);
                if (found != null && found.length == 1) {
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                    String nodeDefname = foundRow.getStructureDef().getDefFullName();
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                    //hardcoded locationId
                    childrow.setAttribute("LocationId", 434558);
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                  partialTriggers="gaga gag4a ga4a"
                  displayRow="selected" rowSelection="single" id="tt1" editingMode="clickToEdit"
                  horizontalGridVisible="true" binding="#{pageFlowScope.treeTableBean.sampleTreeTable}">
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            <af:column id="c5" width="15">
                <af:outputText value="#{node}" inlineStyle="display:none" id="ot1"/>
        <f:facet name="pathStamp">
            <af:inputText value="#{node}" id="ot2"/>
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            <af:inputText value="#{node.LocationCategoryName}" inlineStyle="font-weight:900" id="ot45"/>
        <af:column id="c6" headerText="Location CATID">
            <af:inputText value="#{node.LocationCategoryId}" inlineStyle="font-weight:900" id="ot6"/>
        <af:column id="cgg2" headerText="Var INDEx">
            <af:outputText value="#{vaarr.index}"/>
        <af:column id="c1" headerText="Location Name">
            <af:inputText value="#{node.LocationName}" id="ot3"/>
            <af:panelGroupLayout layout="vertical">
                <af:commandLink id="gaga" text="addLocation" inlineStyle="color:red"
                                rendered="#{node.LocationId == null}" partialSubmit="true"/>
                <af:commandLink id="gag4a" text="delete category" inlineStyle="color:blue"
                                partialSubmit="true" rendered="#{node.LocationId == null}"
                <af:commandLink id="ga4a" text="delete location" inlineStyle="color:green"
                                partialSubmit="true" rendered="#{node.LocationId != null}"

    Yes I did now but nothing changes. The current, selected and active row is still the parent node...
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    Thanks in advance.

    Is this what you are looking for?
    report zrich_0002.
    data: begin of itab occurs 0,
          matnr type mara-matnr,
          spras type makt-spras,
          maktx type makt-maktx,
          end of itab.
    select-options: s_matnr for itab-matnr.
    select-options: s_spras for itab-spras.
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               into corresponding fields of table itab
                      from mara
                            inner join makt
                               on mara~matnr = makt~matnr
                                        where mara~matnr in s_matnr
                                          and makt~spras in s_spras.
      check sy-subrc = 0.
    Rich Heilman

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    I did understand, but as i told you there is nothing like that, neither an option nor an event to capture.
    Here is the documentation:
    Read it and choose what you need and what is in existance.

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     The source file is the following:
    topic=interface_bridge ruleaction=add name=vlan10
    topic=interface_bridge ruleaction=add name=vlan13
    topic=interface_bridge ruleaction=add name=vlan14
    topic=interface_bridge ruleaction=add name=vlan20
    topic=interface_ethernet set=0 comment=DMZ
    topic=interface_ethernet set=1 comment=DMZ
    topic=interface_ethernet set=2 comment=Servers
    topic=interface_ethernet set=4 comment=WKS
    topic=interface_ethernet set=5 comment=VMWARE
    topic=interface_ethernet set=6 comment=WKS
    topic=interface_ethernet set=10 comment=External
    The current script is the following:
    $topics1=@($interface_ethernet, $interface_bridge)
    $topics=@($topic_Int_bridge, $topic_int_ethernet)
    foreach ($topic in $topics)
    $result_File = 'config_'+$topic+'.txt'
    $select = '$'+$topic
    $select1=invoke-expression ('$'+$topic)
    $results = Get-Content mk.txt | Where-Object { $_ -Match $match }| foreach { new-object PSObject -Property $($_ -replace '^' -replace ' ',"`n" | convertfrom-stringdata) }
    $results | select $select1
    I'm hang on the following: when I run the script it only takes first selection ($interface_bridge) gives the result about first topic (bridge), and for second (ethernet) - only comments.
    comment name protocol-mode
    There can be many topics, so write If expression for each it's not the case.
    How to modify the script that the result is printed for each topic with adequate section:
    1) when looping over topics, when the topic interface_ethernet is processed select and print results for variable $interface_ethernet
    (selected items 'comment','name','set','switch','master-port')
    2) when looping over topics, when the topic interface_bridge is processed select and print results for variable $interface_bridge
    (selected items 'comment','name','protocol-mode')
    3) etc...
    Each topic should be on separated iteration block because for each will be generated csv file with each own header. 

    I'm trying to understand why the script does not work. The question is:
    Is it correct way of using the "invoke-epression" on code?
    $select1=invoke-expression ('$'+$topic)

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    i have a Table t1 with columns c1 and c2
    stmt1 as select c1 from t1 where c1=1
    select c1 from t1 where c1=1
    /*some operations */
    update t1 set c2=4 where c1=1
    when process1 is executed it has to wait for process 2 to complete the return a row since it has to be synchronised and are run from different location
    thanks in advance

    You want to get around session consistent select. This is such a nice feature actually. But if you really want to do it, you can fool process 1 by telling it you want to do an update.
    This is process 2:
    SQL> update emp set sal=900 where empno=7369;
    1 row updated.Note I do not commit yet.
    This is process 1, with a "select for update".
    SQL> select sal from emp where  empno=7369 for update wait 10;
    select sal from emp where  empno=7369 for update wait 10
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-30006: resource busy; acquire with WAIT timeout expired"wait 10" tells Oracle to wait 10 seconds to get a lock.
    Now process 2 commits within the 10 seconds. The result of process 1 is then:
    SQL> select sal from emp where  empno=7369 for update wait 10;
    SQL> commit;You have to issue a commit or rollback in process 1 immediately to release the lock that process 1 laid on the record.

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    How can I make a select list read only and keep it's value for update.

    In HTML Header I have
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function Disable_List(pthis,hideitem)
    if ($x(hideitem).value == 'Y')
    {   $x(pthis).disabled = "disabled";
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function Load_Start()
    When I click apply changes, my Validation check that doesn't allow nulls in the "P5_LTY" fires saying the field can't be null. The select list is grayed out and I see the value, but the validation check thinks it's null.
    Edited by: spuchc on Jun 15, 2010 8:03 AM

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    for the first selection Ctrl+Click on the Vector Mask thumbnail to load it as a selection and then select the Polygonal Lasso Tool and set Subtract from Selection in the Options Bar and cut the first selection to get that. Same thing for the second one

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    to "F", how to change to selectable field {to X/E}

    I am not sure about the Business requirement why you need to change the Procurement type for ROH from Standard F.There is one more option to make the Procurement type field active in MRP-2 view by doing the cust setting in the material type. 
    IMG Path > Logistics - General > Material Master > Basic Settings > Material Types > Define Attributes of Material Types
    Choose Material Type > ROH and Click on Details
    In the next screen under Internal/External Purchase orders selection change the setting to Int. purchase orders as 1 from 0 and SAVE
    Now create the material with ROH using MM01 > In the MRP-2 view the Procurement type field become active with Default value as X. Here we can change the P/ type as F manually

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    In VD03 transaction, if i press the Display -> Change option in Customer menu all the fields of the tabstrip sales, Billing Documents and Partner functions gets enabled, i.e ready for change. But I need to make only certain fields editable and the remaining fields need to be grayed out. How to achieve it?
    Thanks in Advance,

    For this you can use screen Variant(Using Transaction SHD0) and assign this screen variant to all user

  • SQL Server - How to make SELECT block with TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE

    I'm in the process of switching an application to use SQL Server. Is there anyway of making a SELECT in SQL Server implement a lock (and therefore also get blocked) similar to an INSERT or UPDATE?
    Essentially, I have code that tracks a transaction ID for a particular customer; given there can be concurrent access from the same customer, I am using TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE:
    long id = 0L; // Customer ID stmt = Conn.prepareStatement("SELECT TxID FROM TxIDTable WHERE (ID = ?)"); stmt.setLong(1, id); result = stmt.executeQuery();; int tx_id = result.getInt("TxID"); result.close(); stmt.close(); stmt = Conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE TxID SET TxID = ? WHERE (ID = ?)"); stmt.setInt(1, tx_id + 1); stmt.setLong(2, id); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); Conn.commit();
    This code is working, however on SQL Server I have to wrap a loop around it, and if I catch a deadlock exception, rerun the transaction. This is costly and I would much rather have the SELECT create a lock and therefore block any concurrent SELECTs. One workaround is to force a dummy UPDATE up front:
    long id = 0L; // Customer ID stmt = Conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE TxIDTable SET ID = ? WHERE (ID = ?)"); stmt.setLong(1, id); // THIS UPDATE DOES NOT REALLY UPDATE ANYTHING stmt.setLong(2, id); // (NOTE SET AND WHERE CLAUSE ARE IDENTICAL) stmt.executeUpdate(); // HOWEVER, IT DOES EFFECTLY PREVENT DEADLOCK // BY CREATING A TABLE LOCK BEFORE THE SELECT stmt.close(); // stmt = Conn.prepareStatement("SELECT TxID FROM TxIDTable WHERE (ID = ?)"); stmt.setLong(1, id); result = stmt.executeQuery();; int tx_id = result.getInt("TxID"); result.close(); stmt.close(); stmt = Conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE TxIDTable SET TxID = ? WHERE (ID = ?)"); stmt.setInt(1, tx_id + 1); stmt.setLong(2, id); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); Conn.commit();
    This seems really like a waste -- anyway to make the SELECT lock on SQL Server??

    You want a table hint (the equivalent of SELECT ... FOR UPDATE in other dialects):

  • How to make select option in module pool

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    Easiest way is to create a subscreen and embed this in your dynpro.
    report zrich_0006 .
    tables: mara.
    * Custom Selection Screen 1010
    selection-screen begin of screen 1010 as subscreen.
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
    parameters: p_rad1 radiobutton group grp1 default 'X',
                p_rad2 radiobutton group grp1,
                p_rad3 radiobutton group grp1.
    select-options: s_matnr for  mara-matnr,
                    s_matkl for  mara-matkl,
                    s_mtart for  mara-mtart.
    selection-screen end of block b1.
    selection-screen end of screen 1010.
      call screen 100.
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    module status_0100 output.
    *  SET PF-STATUS 'xxxxxxxx'.
    *  SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'.
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    module user_command_0100 input.
    * Screen screen 100 with a subscreen area called "subscreen_1010"
    * Screen Flow Logic follows
    *process before output.
    *  module status_0100.
    *  call subscreen subscreen_1010 including sy-repid '1010'.
    *process after input.
    *  call subscreen subscreen_1010 .
    *  module user_command_0100.
    Rich Heilman

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