How to make taskbar reappear in tablet after auto-hide???

I've have a 11 inches tablet with Windows 8. I like to make the taskbar auto-hide to give me more viewing area (some programs require lots screen space to show the whole dialog box and were
not able to shrink down to have scroll bar, like some area in QuickBooks) And, with tablet, I don't have
mouse pointer to move it to the
top of taskbar to make it reappear. Please help.

Thank you, S. But, that's not really what I want to do.
I am not rotating, I just simply want to make taskbar reappear after auto-hide when I don't have a mouse (cursor) to move
it over the taskbar.
For example, I have
set the taskbar auto-hide on my tablet (no keyboard, no mouse, just touch screen) Now, what do you need to do to make the taskbar reappear to see the time for fraction of second??? Do you
need to use one finger to move from the bottom up? Or up and down twice? Or two fingers twist around on the screen? Yes, the little program with rotating might help. But, I’ve been working or reading on the tablet which is on the stand. It just doesn’t
make any sense that I have to pick it up and rotate the tablet to make the taskbar reappear.
I think Microsoft just simply over look that because they got stuck of thinking everyone has to have a mouse to work on Windows OS. But, with the small and mini tablet coming up so fast, I think
they need to address this issue very soon. (or maybe there is a way and I am just ignorant, so please help)
PS, I don’t have Surface, I am using ATIV Smart PC. And I don’t have mouse or keyboard on that thing. And I don’t want to buy a mouse or keyboard for it. I think that would totally defeat
the purpose of using the tablet. And yes, I have laptops too.

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    FIELD chk_inst.
    FIELD chk_devloc.
    FIELD ehaud-haus.
    FIELD eanl-anlage.
    MODULE modify_screenfields.
    *& Module modify_screenfields INPUT
    * text
    MODULE modify_screenfields INPUT.
    CLEAR okcode.
    okcode = sy-ucomm.
    CASE okcode.
    IF chk_connobj IS INITIAL AND chk_inst EQ c_x AND
    chk_devloc EQ c_x.      -----------> ur condition
    IF ehaud-haus IS INITIAL.
    MESSAGE e000(zo_spa) WITH text-017. " message obj
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    if screen-name = 'FIELD_NAME'.
    field-name-input = 1. -----------> chnges to non-edit mod
    modify screen.
    if hlped pls mark points

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    <af:outputText value="#{row.attr1}"/>
    <af:outputText value="#{row.attr2}"/>
    <af:commandButton text="Modify..." action="#{formBean.modifyAction}" partialSubmit="true" useDialog="true" returnListener="#{formBean.dialogReturned"/>
    <f:facet name="actions">
    <af:commandButton text="Add Row..." action="#{formBean.addAction}" partialSubmit="true" useDialog="true" returnListener="#{formBean.dialogReturned"/>
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    Item item = (Item) event.getReturnValue();
    if (! dataBean.collection.contains(item) {
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    // perform some work against the row item AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().returnFromProcess(item);

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    1. Set up Boot Camp 60 gig partition.
    2. Install full copy of Windows XP SP2 on the Boot Camp partition.
    3. Using the OSX Disk, Install the Boot Camp 2.0 Drivers for Windows.
    4. Download the Boot Camp 2.1 Update from and install it.
    5. In Windows, run the Apple Software Update.
    6. In your Windows systray, you probably have notice of "automatic software updates". Install them from the systray notification and they will install correctly.
    7. Now manually visit Windows Update. You can view all available updates but if you try to actually install any updates this way you will hang immediately at the "Downloading" status. No actual download even starts.
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    1. In Windows, choose Start > Run and enter "msconfig".
    2. In the MS Configuration utility, choose to restart Windows in diagnostic mode. (You must perform the following step in diagnostic mode or some of the files you need to delete will be locked by some running service or whatnot.)
    3. After Windows comes up in diagnostic mode, open the C:\Windows\Software Distribution. Delete everything inside that folder (but not the folder itself).
    4. Run msconfig again and select to restart Windows in normal mode again.
    5. When Windows comes up in normal mode, it recreates the entire default contents that you just deleted in the previous step, and Windows Update will now work properly.

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    On a hunch, one time I did not bother with the above steps, but just restarted Windows (Start > Shutdown > Restart). Whaddya know? That worked to clear the problem with Windows Update too!
    So at this point I think the root cause of the problem is something about Boot Camp itself, particularly when you first switch from OSX over to your Boot Camp partition. It is 100% repeatable that Windows Update will run and find your various uninstalled updates, but if you try to actually download any of them, the process will hang right at the start of "Downloading".
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