How to mark a clip as Archived.

So I'm having a little problem with this clip I've archived via FTP.
I was able to successfully archive to the Superloader 3A and have done so many times. FCS always marks the clip as archived. This time, I archived a clip but FCS says that the archive failed and didn't mark the clip as archived.
If I look at the LTO-3 via my web interface, it shows that indeed it did archive to tape. Just to make sure that it was complete, I copied from the LTO-3 to another computer and compared it. It was indeed the same.
Is there a way to mark a clip as archived in FCS and then when you click restore it knows which device to look for?
I could just delete the clip off the LTO-3 tape but that would mean I would have to restore everything off that tape and then back it up again. These clips range from 60-90GB.

Sorry, just noticed I posted in the wrong forum.

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    Hello Saravanan,
    To delete unwanted support desk messages, you have to delete the basis part of a support desk message please follow note 566225. The CRM part can be archived with transaction SARA and the
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    Karsten Schlüter wrote:
    aapl.crox wrote:
    …  For example I can't mark a favourite that spans from the end of the first clip to the second.
    ... ehm? you can select two clips and hit F = both marked.
    or, if you want to mark just parts of both clips, in-to-end clip#1, begin-to-out on clip#2 ...
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    Hi Mark and everyone looking to find the answer,
    After experimenting, I figured out the answer. This applies for the latest version of Adobe Premiere Pro CC (as of 01-Sep-2014) ver 8.0.1 (build 21)
    Context: You want to add a marker to a specific clip instead of a sequence but you can't seem to do it.
        - X key (or Mark Clip as Premiere Pro CC calls it) doesn't add a Marker to a clip. What it does is using the clip you are selecting as reference for Mark In / Out of your current sequence.
        - M key (or Add Marker as Premiere Pro CC calls it) will add a marker to your clip.
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        It will only add the marker to the clip you are selecting. Track targeting does not matter.
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    Example: (This is the same clip and sequence)
    How it looks with marker added.
      Track targeting does not matter - reference number 1
      Current selected clip is is the key - reference number 2
        2.  How it looks with marker added but you can't see
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    Hi Jiri,
    I think John's reply in this thread will be helpful to you. The short answer is that your pre-build script should return a value to indicate whether the script success or not. Modify the TFS build process template via adding BuildDetail.Status = BuildStatus.Failed
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    HERE to participate the survey.

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    Hi Ajit,
      XD99 can be used as a appropriate mass deletion tool for customers .
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    data : BUPANUM type BU_PARTNER,
    RETMSG type ITMSG,
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    ls_Central_X type BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_X.
    ls_central-CENTRALARCHIVINGFLAG = 'X'.
    ls_central-CENTRALBLOCK = 'X' .
    move-corresponding ls_Central to ls_Central_X.
    CENTRALDATA = ls_Central
    CENTRALDATA_X = ls_Central_X
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    Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy. -
    "Girl, Interrupted"
    It is the journey itself which makes up your life. -
    Tiresias, the blind prophet, "The Odyssey"
    Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 02:00:41 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: How do I use clipping mask to cover unwanted background?
    Draw the mask using the pen tool over the image. Select both the drawn mask AND image and choose Object > Clipping Mask > Make

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    One more thing, I have clipped masks before too in the same tutorial given above but I don't know what has gone wrong for me in this step.
    Please help.
    Awais Rauf

    Why would you want a clipping mask? I don’t see a reason for it.
    However, for what you want I would use the Pathfinder panel to combine all the paths into one shape. First use the ungroup and release compound commands a few times each, to make sure you have nothing grouped. Then press the top left button in the Pathfinder p[panel. This should produce one closed path that just surrounds the scroll.

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    Sorry, I missed part 2. Unless CS4.2 has added a true "Group" function, like in InDesign, Illustrator, etc., there is not a direct way to keep Selected Clips together. However, you can put them on their own Sequence and then Nest that Sequence with others. This is often done, so that one can apply Effects "globally" to that Nested Sequence. [Note: there is no real Group function in Titler either, but for many operations, one can Select multiple Text Blocks, Shapes, Lines, etc., but there is no way to permanently "hold" that group.]
    The Alt-click in the Project Panel, for instance, will allow one to drag all to the Timeline, and the Shift-click (or lasso w/ Cursor) in the Timeline will allow one to apply certain things to that group, but the moment that any other Clip is Selected, that "group," does not exist.
    I can see a use for a real Group function, but for things like the application of Effects, one would still need to do the Nesting. Test this out by Selecting just two Clips, and go to apply an Effect - you cannot do that. OTOH, one can apply an Effect to one Clip, Rt-click it and choose Copy, then Select multiple Clips and Rt-click on those, where you would Paste Attributes. Not exactly what I think you are asking about, but the results, with just a few clicks, should be the same.
    If I missed your intent and need, let me know where I went wrong.
    Good luck,

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    Please help!

    Ok, I finally figured it out, no thanks to Adobe's crap "Help" system, which is missing MANY steps...
    1. Right-click the Multi-Camera Source Sequence in the Project tab (NOT the multicam sequence you're editing). It's the one with the green/blue lines perfectly lined up.
    2. Choose Open in Timeline.
    3. In the Timeline, make the edits you want to the clip you want (in this case, Brightness/Contrast on clip 2)
    4. Go to Window > Multi-Camera Monitor
    5. You'll see your source clips stacked in the window, and you can fine tune from here.
    6. Click on the Multi-Camera Sequence you're editing in the Timeline, and the Monitor should update to reflect your changes.
    You can toggle back and forth between these sequences in the timeline, adjusting as you need.
    This was incredibly easy for me to document, I really fail to understand why the Help file couldn't be bothered. It's completely missing things like what the difference is between the source multicam sequence and the program multicam sequence, how to edit a clip in your multicam sequence, and how the multicam monitor works. Really pisspoor documentation, but at this point, I don't expect anything else from Adobe.

  • How to select multiple clips???

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    Thanks ahead of time.

    Weird seeing this question today after I dealt with this yesterday. I did a movie yesterday that was multiple clips. I was able to select all clips at once and drag the entire thing up to the top window. I just tried to do the same thing again after reading this question and for the life of me, it will no longer allow me to click and drag to select them all. I wonder if this has something to do with the fact that all 10 or so clips I was able to highlight before, were all parts of the same clip when filmed (they were split into individual segments when imported). When I try to combine two clips that are not filmed sequentially, it will no longer allow it. The help menu says nothing about this. All it says is you need to click on the first clip and hold the mouse down and drag it to the end and it will select all. That is not working.

Maybe you are looking for