How to Migrate Su05 users to Su01 users

Dear Experts,
We have recently upgraded our R/3 System to ECC 6.0 where SU05 transaction is not working. We have many SU05 IDs,
Please help how to convert those existing IDs to SU01 IDs, Please provide me detailed steps.
I tried to serach in the forum could not get detailed steps.
Please help
Thank you,

Hi Vijay,
We kindly suggest you to take a look at the following document:
    -> SAP for Utilities - Product Information
       -> IS-U/CCS
          -> General
             -> Cookbooks&Guidelines
                -> User Conversion for the IS-U-B2C-Scenarios
In the document above you can find the instructions to convert internet
users (SU05) to standard users (SU01).

Similar Messages

  • Migration SU05-users to SU01-Users

    Hello all, we have updated our ECC 6.0 QA system with the EHP4 update.  As mentioned, in the OSS note for the EHP4 update transaction SU05 is no longer available but the note mentioned and no other notes give information on how to handle these users from this point forward.  Through some posts on this site it appears that there is a function module SUSR_INTERNET_USER_MIGRATION that may be the way to migrate these users.  I have also read there may need to be an internet reference user set up prior to running this migration but haven't been able to determine specifics for this user (for example, does the username have to be a specific one, what roles or profiles should the user have, etc).
    Any help in this matter will be very appreciated.

    Have you checked [this thread|Migration SU05-users to SU01-Users;? Wolfgang's post looks like one which answers for you. Have a look also if there is a migration solution from SAP for your scenario.

  • How to migrate Apex users with existing passwords.

    Hi Guys,
    Our apex env finally getting a upgrade from 3.1.1 to 4.1.1 (I know, it's been overdue for years)
    Some of our apps use 'Application Express' authentication, and have few hundreds users in Apex (and users belong to diff user groups).
    The issue is, the 4.1.1 env is set up on a brand new server and DB, we want to migrate these users with their existing passwords from the 3.1.1 env.
    I tried exporting the workspace, and the users are exported as below,
         wwv_flow_fnd_user_api.create_fnd_user (
         p_user_id => '10592934818556549584',
         p_user_name => 'TEST',
         p_first_name => 'a',
         p_last_name => 'b',
         p_description => '',
         p_email_address=> '[email protected]',
         p_web_password => 'E92903DEAD135E6E86BD6B64544D2BD9',
         p_web_password_format => 'HEX_ENCODED_DIGEST_V2',
         p_group_ids => '10592435401495787816:',
         p_developer_privs=> '',
         p_default_schema=> 'TEST',
         p_account_locked=> 'N',
         p_account_expiry=> to_date('201212040000','YYYYMMDDHH24MI'),
         p_failed_access_attempts=> 0,
         p_change_password_on_first_use=> 'Y',
         p_first_password_use_occurred=> 'N',
         p_allow_access_to_schemas => '');
    when I run this in 4.1.1 I had to modify it to the new format as below,
    also changed the p_group_ids to new user group but kept the password the same
         wwv_flow_fnd_user_api.create_fnd_user (
         p_user_id => '',
         p_user_name => 'TEST',
         p_first_name => 'a',
         p_last_name => 'b',
         p_description => '',
         p_email_address=> '[email protected]',
         p_web_password => 'E92903DEAD135E6E86BD6B64544D2BD9',
         p_web_password_format => 'HEX_ENCODED_DIGEST_V2',
         p_group_ids => '1399416797653068:',
         p_developer_privs=> '',
         p_default_schema=> 'TEST',
         p_account_locked=> 'N',
         p_account_expiry=> to_date('201209041006','YYYYMMDDHH24MI'),
         p_failed_access_attempts=> 0,
         p_change_password_on_first_use=> 'Y',
         p_first_password_use_occurred=> 'N',
    p_allow_app_building_yn=> 'N',
    p_allow_sql_workshop_yn=> 'N',
    p_allow_websheet_dev_yn=> 'N',
    p_allow_team_development_yn=> 'N',     
    p_allow_access_to_schemas => '');
    the result was that the user is created fine, but the password is not valid.
    Anyone knows how to export apex users with existing password to a new server?
    Edited by: Danny on 3/12/2012 20:51

    Not sure why you say
    when I run this in 4.1.1 I had to modify it to the new format as below, If you just run the workspace export sql it should create the Workspace, Groups and Users
    The signature of the procedure is below. See the highlighted lines.
    procedure create_fnd_user (-- Description:
    -- This procedure allows for programatic and bulk creation of users.
    -- Example:
    -- From sqlplus logged in as the privileged flows user, first
    -- ensure that the security group id is set properly, then create
    -- your users.
    <b> -- begin wwv_flow_security.g_security_group_id := 20; end;</b>
    -- begin
    -- for i in 1..10 loop
    -- wwv_flow_fnd_user_api.create_fnd_user(
    -- p_user_name => 'USER_'||i,
    -- p_email_address => 'user_'||i||'',
    -- p_web_password => 'user_'||i) ;
    -- end loop;
    -- commit;
    -- end;
    -- Arguments:
    -- p_user_id numeric primary key of user
    -- p_user_name the username the user uses to login
    -- p_first_name informational only
    -- p_last_name informational only
    <b> -- p_web_password the unencrypted password for the new user</b>
    -- p_group_ids A colon delimited list of group IDs from the table wwv_flow_fnd_user_groups
    -- p_developer_privs A colon delmited list of developer privs, privs include:
    -- p_default_schema A valid oracle schema that is the default schema for use in browsing and
    -- creating flows
    -- p_allow_access_to_schemas A colon delimited list of oracle schemas that the user is allowed to
    -- parse as. If null the user can parse as any schema available to the company.
    -- This does not provide privilege it only resticts privilege, so listing a schema
    -- does not provide the privilege to parse as a schema, it only restricts that user
    -- to that list of schemas.
    -- p_attributes_XX These attributes allow you to store arbitary information about a given user.
    -- They are for use by flow developers who want to extend user information.
    <b> -- p_web_password_format Identifies the format of the web password.
    -- The range of values is CLEAR_TEXT, HEX_ENCODED_DIGEST, DIGEST </b>
    -- p_person_type "E" marks the user as external
    Note there is no HEX_ENCODED_DIGEST, DIGEST_V2 listed. It may work, but not obvious from the signature.

  • How to migrate network users to new home directory

    Want to migrate network user accounts from current directories on an internal drives on a Mac Pro  to a newly connected XRAID box.
    Before the XRAID was attached, network users were able to use their home directories to log into the system, but space was limited and we had them use Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices to store their data and media files.   The XRAID now provides 7TB or protected storage and we'd like to move their accounts to the arrays in the XRAID box.
    Have not been able to find details on how best to handle this.  Don't know if the current info needs to be exported, user ID's delete/recreated - or modified to point to new home directories, and then imported, etc.   I have most of the Apple 10.6 Server manuals, but have not run across info for this type of change/migration.
    Thanks for any leads to this information, or how-to's.

    Did some trials with some bogus users I set up on the original share device.
    Did the unshare as mentioned. Created new share directory on the Xraid.  Ran CP to copy users in the old share directory to the new.  Shared the new Xraid directory and set auto-mount.
    While the share directories were on two completely separate volumes and their paths were fine.  Workgroup Manager shows the shares by servername/sharename.   So I now had sharename and sharename-1 showing up in WM.  The old share directory had been Unshared, but as long as any users in WM point to the old directory - it shows up on the list.
    Seeing this, I deleted the newly copied users and deleted the Xraid share directory.  Then created newsharename on the Xraid, ran the CP to this new name.  Used WM to change the Home directory for each user.  User logon failed because the path names had changed.  Deleted the new users and the new Xraid directory and retried first method with same sharename and resulting sharename-1 in WM.
    Updated the user's home directories to sharename-1 in WM.  Once all were changed, the old sharename dropped out of the WM list, but I was left with the sharename-1.  User Logon was spotty - some were OK, others had issues, some earlier OK logons failed later.  Was not rock solid.
    Before I move any real user accounts and all their data, need to be certain there will be no issues.  This naming issue of the share appears to be the bug in the process.  Ideas to overcome this naming issue?
    What I didn't try (thought of later, after testing) was to unshare the sharename-1 and go back and select the sharename again.  Thinking is the "-1" due to the duplicate should not be an issue.  But now the Home Directory info will have the "-1" - this caused Logon issues.  Possibly WM will show these as sharename-1 as old Home location and allow me to select plain sharename and all be settled.
    No where near the clean process I thought Apple Server would provide for moving user Home and Data.
    Open to any and all ideas.  Thx!

  • How to migrate External users

    Hi Guru's
    Hyperion version,Hyperion Planning
    we have Nativedirectory and 2 more external directories..We are planning to migrate the application from Testing to Production..
    I have a doubt that How to Migrate the External users..By using LCM  or any otherway..Please help me with this.
    Thanks In Advance,

    I think you dont have to worry on migration of external users as they reside in the User directory configured in shared services.
    You will have to configure those user directories in target shared services & can use LCM to import the provisioning.

  • How to migrate custom user attributes (UDF) from test environment to production when a sandbox is published

    Hi all,
    I like to migrate custom attributes from test environment to my production environment. I read OIM documentation and i tried to fallow these steps but I cannot export sandbox and import it because all sandboxes are published in the test environment.
    I exported and imported users metadata by deployment manager only. Now, all migrated attributes are in the OIM DB but I do not see these attributes in Administration Console.
    How can i solve this issue? Is it possible to export published sandbox and import it in the other environment?
    Thank you.

    In OIM 11g R2 you need to export sandbox before publishing sandbox for custom user fields from DEV or TEST environment.
    Then import exported sandbox in the another environment.
    If you didn't exported custom user fields sandbox from your TEST or DEV in that case you need to create those again in another environment manually. There is no other option for this in OIM 11g R2.

  • How to migrate  workflow user to upgrade oracle database

    hello all,
    we are running oracle 8.1.7 on sun solaris machine
    and workflow builder,now we want to upgrade the
    database with 9i,can some body please guide me how can we
    migrate the workflow user 'owf_mgr' data from 8.1.7 to 9i.
    i mean i want to have all the runtime data avaialable to me on
    9i as well.
    thanks in advance.
    Zeeshan Ahmad

    The first thing you need to be aware of is that Oracle Workflow
    2.5 is not certified on 9i. You have 2 options:
    1) Upgrade to Oracle Workflow 2.6 on 8.1.7 (Workflow 2.6 is a
    separate CD in the 8.1.7 CD pack), and then upgrade the database
    to 9i.
    2) Upgrade the Database to 9i, and then upgrade to Oracle
    Workflow 2.6.1 which is included on the 9i Database CD.
    When you upgrade the database, all the data in the owf_mgr schema
    should be upgraded as well. As always, you would perform a couple
    of test database/workflow upgrades before upgrading on your
    production box.
    hello all,
    we are running oracle 8.1.7 on sun solaris machine
    and workflow builder,now we want to upgrade the
    database with 9i,can some body please guide me how can we
    migrate the workflow user 'owf_mgr' data from 8.1.7 to 9i.
    i mean i want to have all the runtime data avaialable to me on
    9i as well.
    thanks in advance.
    Zeeshan Ahmad

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    Now i want to migrate Ad uesr Account from to abc.ocm.
    How will we do???
    Pls help...

    Hi Anil,
    After configuring trust, you can use ADMT to migrate users, computers etc between domains.
    To export the password of AD User Accounts from to abc.ocm, you need to install Password Export Server(PES) on the source domain (
    Checkou the below link on ADMT and PES installation,
    Checkou the below link on AD user account migration,

  • How to Migrate Exchange2k Users to OCS904 on SUN?

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    I've been looking lately for some documents on the migration of Exchange users and I found some, but most of them, even the OCS904 ones are mentioned clearly for Exchange5.5, it has nothing for Exchange2k.
    Anyhow, I'm very confused on how and where should I install this tool! Let's say I have one Exchange2k server with some users and I want to migrate them to OCS running on SUN Solaris. Can any one lead me to exactly what to do first!, should I first install the migration tool on the SUN Box or where to start with.
    All your inputs will be very much appreciated.

    Will the same procedure for Exchange 5.5 work with Exchange2K? can I use any of the (MBOX or IMAP) methods? or is there a different procedure for Exchange2K?.
    I also noticed that it says you have to have at least one Oracle Component running, is this applicable on the Exchange server as well?, let's say I want to install the Migration tool on the Exhange Server where I have all my existing users that I wish to migrate, should I install anything on top of it rather than the MS Outlook? Do I have to have any Oracle Component on that machine?.

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    Thanks and Regards

    OSS 827768 Comparison between Migration and Transport
    732458 Migration Enterprise Portal 6.0 SP2 to NW '04 - Central Note
    732461 Central Note - Migration of EP & KM from 5.0 to NW '04 
    Look under /instguidesNW04 -> Documentation -> How-To guides for the current docs on EP5 and EP6 migration.
    Also, NW04 is able to take in users through a plain text upload file.

  • How to Move Local Users to Network Domain Users

    Before you follow these instructions...... I'm a rank amateur so I'd check to see if the smart kids have corrected my errors or improved on the method in the replies below
    The reason for the post is I have good and established local user accounts on all the computers and moving them to domain controlled accounts is the one topic I could not find a script to follow that worked for my low level of knowledge of OS X.
    Let me first explain my setup and needs. I'm replacing a Windows Home Server (WHS) with the Mac Mini Server. My goal was to have the Mac Mini as the server holding all our photos, data, etc. and running a user account to run the family iTunes account to feed the Apple TV and be the backup / sync point for a family sized set of iPod Touches, iPads and iPhones. I want to be able to log into each mac and have the same information setting, links, etc........ basically walk around the house, find any mac shaped device not used by someone else, log in and carry on where I was before -  with the MacBook Air having a portable account so it can come travelling with us.
    The key hardware is...
    Mac Mini Server running Snow Leopard 10.6.8
    Apple TV
    2 x iMac Running Lion 10.7.1 [upgraded from 10.6.8]
    MacBook Air running Lion 10.7.1 [upgraded from 10.6.8]
    Normal stuff like wifi, hubs and a router doing the DHCP (and for me reserving IP addresses based on the 'MAC Address' to save me having to manually configure all the IP addresses)
    Key Resources I used as I learnt how to do this; to level set you all, I'm a relative newcomer to OS X having had a Windows life with Linux for fun, so i'm not a mac or IT specialist but like to play around.
    Apple's podcast series 'Apple Quick Tour of Leopard Server'  - this is great, it informed me and kept me motivated through all the bah moments, all 33 episodes and it's in the iTunes store as a podcast.
    The book 'Mac OS X Snow Leopard Server For Dummies' - I bought this about half way through the whole process and wish i'd bought it earlier, my reccomendation would be get the Kindle version so you can search it for advice.
    The excellent information on DNS from Hoffman Labs
    The video 'Setting up a primary DNS zone.....' from on youtube
    The Series of PDF document on Snow Leopard Server from Apple
    And finally this excellent post from Joe Ferrante which was the core of what I used -with-networked-home-folder-on-snow-leopard-server/
    Right off we go....
    Setting up the Server [this took me 6 goes to get it right as I learnt a little each time].
    So i'm not going to go through this step by step because it in the 'dummies' book and the videos from Apple above and those will be better than anything I write but here's my details/advice.
    I split the primary disc into 2 partitions using disk utility so I could reformat the operating system without moving my data.
    100GB for the OS X system
    400GB for user data
    Install OS X from the DVD, press the buttons based on your desires but stop at the bit about naming you computer titled Network Names
    READ UP ON DNS  - this one of the reason I had so many goes as it was the 1st time i've set up a server like this using DNS and guessing didn't get me there.
    If you don't have one buy a domain name for your network it make it much easier in the long run & is $10 well spent
    The name needs to be [the computer name].[your domain name].[com or net or org, etc]
    So if you want you computer to be called fred and you bought or have the domain enter in the primary DNS name box
    This shoud automatically put fred in the computer name box.
    Follow along with the set up guide to finish
    After you have finished the set up test the DNS with NSLOOKUP in a terminal window
    nslookup    in my example and you should get the IP
    Add your servers IP address to the list of DNS servers in network preferences on the client mac.
    Bind [link] the client computers to the server in Accounts on the client computer - I used the 'dummies' book for this but there's lots of data on the web.
    Clean up the user profile on the client to reduce the size of the Home folder as much as possible or the data transfer is loooooooonnnnng - i also connect the iMac on a cable rather than wifi to speed it up.
    Read Joe's post -with-networked-home-folder-on-snow-leopard-server/ and follow along.useful info I learnt somewhere - to get the paths to the folders correct in the terminal window go to the folder in Finder and then drag it to the terminal window and let go - this will put the correct link in the instruction.
    You now need to be on a terminal window on your server, with a finder window open and logged into the client as the user you are moving
    THE CLIENT COMPUTER NEEDS TO BE LOGGED OUT or logged in as a different user than the one you're trying to move.
    so when you're at the right point - type sudo cp -R then hit the space bar, drag the existing user folder onto the finder window, add the /* and hit space then find the users folder on the server and drag that onto the terminal window to complete the instruction.
    Hit enter and wait a while assuming it starts ok - i used network traffic on the Activity Monitor utility to check if it was working.
    If you got this far and it all worked - login to the profle you moved on any computer linked to the server or the server but not the original client computer to see if it worked and all your setting and data are intact and then delete the profile off the original client if it was ok [archiving the home directory took ages for me].
    As you can probably guess most of this was good learning for me and it worked successfully for me in the end, moving all my history, saved password, etc, etc without any problems.
    Hope this helps other in the same situation & feel free to expand or correct this if I've missed anything.

    I was unable to access the Joe Ferrante information (it appears to now requrie a password and was not able to determine how a username and password were assigned)  Would you happen to have a copy of the post that you refer to above?
    I am still at the early stages of this process but am hoping that the steps you refer to are going to get me where I want to be.  Your stated end goal is where I hope to get to.

  • How to migrate BPM 11g server to another BPM 11g server

    Hi All,
    There is no change on BPM version (BPMN Editor )
    just simply a physical migrate, changed application server, DB and server domain/IP
    Now we met questions when migrate DB date, there are four schemas DEV_MDS、DEV_SOAINFRA、DEV_ORABAM、DEV_ORASDPM, cannot used including install config settings, could not be used any more, could not be started.
    Is there any guide of how to migrate just user data please?
    Thanks for any help!

    Migration of environment should really be done through backup tools that ensure a consistent point-in-time view of the data. We recently had a need to use import/export for an environment. I'll post those notes here hopefully save some time if you have to use this approach. But I'll emphasize again that a backup/restore model is the better way to go.
    What we did
    We took an environment that had a small set of BPM processes and exported the data from the three core schemas.
    •     PS2_MDS
    •     PS2_SOAINFRA
    •     PS2_ORASDPM
    We then loaded that data into another domain, started the server, and interacted with the composites that had originally been deployed in another domain.
    What we didn’t do
    •     Export complex composites. We didn’t have access to things like AIA applications
    •     Export large amounts of data
    •     Test a broad set of features. We did use Workspace to create roles, view dashboard, and interact with task lists.
    What we learned
    We believe this confirmed the basic assumption that data can be exported from one BPM/SOA environment, then loaded and run in another environment. However the issues around user privileges, starting queues, etc, highlight the need to test the process in a broader context.
    Tools Used
    Data Pump
    Data Pump is an import/export tool provided by Oracle. A summary of features can be found at:
    Used to run scripts
    Create Users
    The data pump export will include privilege information in the export. And the data pump import will create users in the target database (assuming sufficient privileges for the user running the import). However we found that some roles related to AQ were not granted during the import. To resolve that issue we created scripts to pre-create the schema users and grant required privileges in the target environment.
    1.     Review the required privileges to see if there are data pump options that would resolve this
    2.     Verify that there are no additional privileges needed by applications in the target integration environment.
    Create Output Directory
    Data Pump needs to have access to the file system from the database.
    Make sure that the output directory is writable by the DB process.
    From SQL*Plus:
    create directory dbexport as '/scratch/ dbexport';
    grant read,write on directory dbexport to system;
    Export Data For Selected Schemas
    The Data Pump tool supports providing a list of schemas to export as part of a single operation. In this test case we exported the following core BPM schemas to a single file. The commands are in the script.
    •     PS2_MDS
    •     PS2_SOAINFRA
    •     PS2_ORASDPM
    1.     Verify space required for the target database to ensure that there is sufficient space to export the data.
    Import Data into Target Schemas
    Data Pump supports mapping schema names and table spaces as part of the import specification. In this case we used the same Oracle instance, so the schemas were mapped to new names. The PS2 prefix was mapped to XYZ.
    Note that the OID transform property is required to avoid conflicts with existing object Identifiers.
    impdp system/welcome1 DIRECTORY=dbexport DUMPFILE=bpm.dmp transform=oid:n \
    1.     Check the log for errors. The only errors we saw were related to trying to build stats on empty indexes.
    2.     Identify any other schemas being used
    3.     Verify if any other transform operators are needed
    Post Import
    Start Queues
    SOA infrastructure makes use of queues in the DB server. While the queue structures were created, they were not started as part of the import. The start_queues.sql script starts the queues.
    1.     Verify if there are any other queues that need to be started/configured
    2.     Verify if there are any other Stream/Queuing configuration tasks needed
    Update Data Sources on WLS
    Assuming an existing installation of SOA, the datasources need to be updated to use the new schemas.
    Start Domain and Verify Logs
    It’s important to check the admin and managed server logs for errors related to composite instances and MDS operations.
    Verify Composite State
    Log into EM and ensure that the state of instances is consistent with the prior state.
    Verify Application Roles and Role Mappings
    Since the composites are loaded from MDS, there will be no deployment to create application roles. If the environment is using LDAP or DB, then the validation is to check the mappings through Workspace. If the old environment used a file store, then you’d have to crate the role mappings through Workspace.
    Verify Workspace Operations on Existing Instances
    Verify that task list operations and dashboards are functional.

  • SU05 User Migration

    We are trying to move the time entry users from SU05 to SU01 (SU05 is obsolete from EHP4)
    How can we migrate it and how to define the users as internet users only ?

    SAP provides relevant migration paths for specific applications. One example is [here|]. There are some notes on marketplace dedicated to internet user migration. I would start with  note 1324366.

  • How to migrate user's data from Panther G3 to MacBook Snow Leopard?

    Migration Assistant isn't helping at the moment. Over the network, it just spins saying "looking for other computers" even though I've seen and acted on  -- although that doesn't relate to Panther so it isn't right for that. Anyway, so I forget doing it over the network.
    I copy two users' entire directories on the Panther G3 machine to an external hard drive. I plug that into the MacBook, open Migration Assistant and choose from a disk. Now it just spins indefinitely where it's supposed to allow me to select the disk -- it can't even show the disk (the disk has mounted fine).
    I'm now thinking Migration Assistant is completely useless -- better not touched?
    So I haven't got a clue how to get two users from a G3 machine to the new MacBook. Any suggestions? Thanks.

    Interestingly, it looks like a mounted disk image of a full system is recognized by Snow Leopard's Migration Assistant. Although the disk image is not bootable, it presents as a separate volume "with OS X installed", and apparently this is enough.
    One of my external drives contains a  sparsebundle disk image of my oid G5 Leopard Mac that I created with either CCC or SuperDuper just before that computer died. I just tried mounting it by double-clicking it, and then running Snow Leopard's Migration Assistant, choosing the option to migrate "From a Time Machine backup or other disk." The mounted volume was recognized as a "disk", and all its contents were accessible as items to migrate. I didn't actually run it.
    CCC makes it easy, though, to protect the other stuff as you suggested and then clone to the whole partition rather than to a disk image.

  • How to find the users who r assigned to profile sap_all through su01

    how to find the users who r assigned to profile sap_all through su01

    you can get into SUIM-->where used lists, check for users with profile SAP_ALL you can get a list of users who have
    it. and you can get into SUIM through SU01 from user information system link.
    you can execute RSUSR002 from SA38/SE38.
    RSUSR002  is the report which gets you the whereused list for profiles within roles, users.
    you can get it from transaction SECR ofcourse you are executing the same report.
    you can get from UST04 table and obviously USR04 also because sometimes you  miss some details from UST04 because of sync problems.

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  • Why are rules in Mail so troublesome?

    Here is my question. In Mail v.7.3 (1878.6), in the top left of the email in bold letters it says a one-word company name for example "XYZ". So I did the following: In Preferences/Rules the rule is set to If: any of the following conditions are met F

  • EK01 & EK02 Condition Type

    Dear Friends In Sales Document type in Billing Section Condition Type Line Item=EK02 and In Standard Pricing Procedure RVAA01 used EK01 and EK02 What is the use of it where it will affect? Please clarify my doubts Thanking You Arun

  • How do i delete from portal.wwdoc_document?

    Hi, i followed the instructions of modpls user's guide and lama madi (?) an managed to build an application to up- and download files. but i store the files in my own tables. unfortunately all files uploaded are stored in portal.wwdoc_document too. I