How to move the ends of skewed lines to the bleed bounds

Hi all,
I am developing a script that trims page items to the bleed. To achieve this I collect all page items (except text frames) located partially on the pasteboard, create a temporary mask and 'crop' them with Pathfinder's Subtract feature. However this approach doesn't work with graphic lines so I am attempting to move ends of lines to the bounds of bleed box. (I'm assuming that these are simple straight lines consisting of two end points.)
I've figured out how to deal with orthogonal lines -- it's quite easy:
if ( == "GraphicLine" && theItem.paths.length === 1) {
     path = theItem.paths[0];
     if (path.pathPoints.length === 2) {
          ep = path.entirePath;
          w = ep[1][0]-ep[0][0];
          h = ep[1][1]-ep[0 ][1];
          if (w > h) {
               newEp = [ [ spreadWithBleedBounds[1], ep[0][1] ], [ spreadWithBleedBounds[3], ep[1][1] ] ];
               path.entirePath = newEp;
          else if (h > w) {
               newEp = [ [ ep[0][0], spreadWithBleedBounds[0] ], [ ep[1][0], spreadWithBleedBounds[2] ] ];
               path.entirePath = newEp;
This moves A1 to A2, B1 to B2, C1 to C2, D1 to D2.
But how to deal with skewed lines? How to calculate coordinates for points E2 and F2? Is there some magic formula? Or can anybody point me to the right direction: e.g. some book to read?
I guess this has something to do with geometry/trigonometry, but I haven't studied this stuff at school. (I graduated an art school -- studied to draw nude models instead.)
If someone is going to answer to my question, please do it on elementary level since I am a total noob in this.
Below is the whole script:
if (Number(String(app.version).split(".")[0]) == 7) ErrorExit("This script can't work with InDesign CS5 so far.", true);
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var spreadBounds, spreadWithBleedBounds, gPartiallyOutOfSpreadItems;
var ungroupErrors = 0;
var originalHorUnits =  doc.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits;
var originalVerUnits =  doc.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits;
doc.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = doc.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.INCHES;
doc.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin = RulerOrigin.spreadOrigin;
doc.zeroPoint = [0, 0];
if (doc.layers.itemByName("Temporary Layer") == null ) {
     var tempLayer = doc.layers.add({name:"Temporary Layer"});
else {
     var tempLayer = doc.layers.itemByName("Temporary Layer");
doc.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = originalHorUnits;
doc.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = originalVerUnits;
var msg = (ungroupErrors > 0) ? " Failed to ungroup " + ungroupErrors + " groups since they are too large." : "";
alert("Done." + msg, "Trim Pages Script");
//================================== FUNCTONS ===========================================
function ProcessSpreads(spreads) {
     var spread, path, ep, w, h;
     for (var s = 0; s < spreads.length; s++) {
          spread = spreads[s];
          spreadBounds = GetSpreadBound(spread, false);
          spreadWithBleedBounds = GetSpreadBound(spread, true);
          gPartiallyOutOfSpreadItems = GetPartiallyOutOfSpreadItems(spread);
          var theItem, theMask, newItem;
          for (var i = gPartiallyOutOfSpreadItems.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
               theItem = gPartiallyOutOfSpreadItems[i];
               if ( == "GraphicLine" && theItem.paths.length === 1) {
                    path = theItem.paths[0];
                    if (path.pathPoints.length === 2) {
                         ep = path.entirePath;
                         w = ep[1][0]-ep[0][0];
                         h = ep[1][1]-ep[0 ][1];
                         if (w > h) {
                              newEp = [ [ spreadWithBleedBounds[1], ep[0][1] ], [ spreadWithBleedBounds[3], ep[1][1] ] ];
                              path.entirePath = newEp;
                         else if (h > w) {
                              newEp = [ [ ep[0][0], spreadWithBleedBounds[0] ], [ ep[1][0], spreadWithBleedBounds[2] ] ];
                              path.entirePath = newEp;
               else {
                    theMask = CreateMask(spread);
                    try {
                         newItem = theMask.subtractPath(theItem);
                    catch (err) {
                         $.writeln("2 - " + err);
function IsPartiallyOutOfSpread(pageItem) {
     var result = false;
     if ( == "TextFrame" ||
 == "Group" ||
 == "Group")
          return result;
     var visBounds = pageItem.visibleBounds;
     if (visBounds[0] < spreadBounds[0] && visBounds[2] > spreadBounds[0] ||
          visBounds[1] < spreadBounds[1] && visBounds[3] > spreadBounds[1] ||
          visBounds[2] > spreadBounds[2] && visBounds[0] < spreadBounds[2] ||
          visBounds[3] > spreadBounds[3] && visBounds[1] < spreadBounds[3]  ) {
          result = true;
     return result;
function GetSpreadBound(spread, bleed) { // including bleed -boolean
     if (bleed == undefined) bleed = false;
     with (doc.documentPreferences) {
          var topBleed = documentBleedTopOffset
          var leftBleed = documentBleedInsideOrLeftOffset;
          var bottomBleed = documentBleedBottomOffset;
          var rightBleed = documentBleedOutsideOrRightOffset;
     var bFirst = spread.pages.item(0).bounds; // bounds of the first page
     var bLast = spread.pages.item(-1).bounds; // bounds of the last page
     return [     ((bleed) ? bFirst[0]-topBleed : bFirst[0]),
                    ((bleed) ? bFirst[1]-leftBleed : bFirst[1]),
                    ((bleed) ? bLast[2]+bottomBleed : bFirst[2]),
                    ((bleed) ? bLast[3]+rightBleed : bLast[3])
function CreateMask(spread) {
     var unitValue = new UnitValue (app.pasteboardPreferences.minimumSpaceAboveAndBelow, "mm");
     var unitValueAsInch ="in");
     var outerRectangleBounds = [spreadWithBleedBounds[0]-unitValueAsInch,
     var outerRectangle = spread.rectangles.add(tempLayer, undefined, undefined, {geometricBounds:outerRectangleBounds});
     var innerRectangle = spread.rectangles.add(tempLayer, undefined, undefined, {geometricBounds:spreadWithBleedBounds, fillColor:doc.swatches.item("Black"), fillTint:30});
     var mask = outerRectangle.excludeOverlapPath(innerRectangle);
     return mask;
function GetPartiallyOutOfSpreadItems(spread) {
     var allPageItems = spread.allPageItems;
     var partiallyOutOfSpreadItems = [];
     var currentItem;
     for (var i = 0; i < allPageItems.length; i++) {
          currentItem = allPageItems[i];
          if (IsPartiallyOutOfSpread(currentItem)) partiallyOutOfSpreadItems.push(currentItem);
     return partiallyOutOfSpreadItems;
function DeleteObjectsOnPasteboard() {
     var objs = app.documents[0].pageItems.everyItem().getElements();
     while (obj=objs.pop()) {
          try {
               if(obj.parent instanceof Spread || obj.parent instanceof MasterSpread){ obj.remove() }
          catch(err) {
               //$.writeln("2 - " + err);
function ErrorExit(myMessage, myIcon) {
     alert(myMessage, "Trim Pages Script", myIcon);
function UngroupAllGroups(groups) {
     for (var i = groups.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
          var gr = groups[i];
          if (gr.groups.length > 0) {
               var subGroups = [];
               for (var j = gr.groups.length-1; j >= 0; j--) {
               try {
               catch(err) {
                    //$.writeln("1 - " + err);
               for (var k = subGroups.length-1; k >= 0; k--) {
                    try {
                    catch(err) {
                         //$.writeln("2 - " + err);
          else {
               try {
               catch(err) {
                    //$.writeln("1 - " + err);
Thanks in advance.

Hi Kasyan!
I didn't try to integrate this into your script, so you might have to adjust it a little bit. The trick is to define a function that finds the intersection point of two lines --- and, obviously, you should only call it for the lines that are sure to cross the page border! (Otherwise, it would simply extend *any* line up and over the border.)
I think it would be wise to allow for a tiny error for lines that appear to run "up to" the page edge -- I tested a line for "x <= 0" on a line that appeared to start on 0; the control panel told me so. However, I didn't type that 0 in; I dragged the line to the edge. Apparently, it was *NOT* at precisely "0mm", but something like "0.001mm", because the script simply didn't "see" the line.
My function comes from this page: and I didn't test what it does to orthogonal lines
(but of course you could add this as an exception), and this is my line-extending script, with a little wrapper to set things up.
The function tests *any* line against *any* other line, so if one crosses the page bounding box, I get the intersection with the bleed box on the side where it crosses the page bbox.
line = app.selection[0];
// pg size in "regular" [y1,x1, y2,x2] format
pagebbox = [0,0, app.activeDocument.documentPreferences.pageHeight,app.activeDocument.documentPreferences.pageWidth ];
bleedDist = 5; //
bleedbbox = [ pagebbox[0] - bleedDist, pagebbox[1] - bleedDist, pagebbox[2] + bleedDist, pagebbox[3] + bleedDist ];
pt1 = line.paths[0].pathPoints[0].anchor;
pt2 = line.paths[0].pathPoints.lastItem().anchor;
// Start point:
if (pt1[0] <= pagebbox[1] || pt1[0] >= pagebbox[3] ||
pt1[1] <= pagebbox[0] || pt1[1] >= pagebbox[2])
if (pt1[0] <= pagebbox[1])
  intersectPt = IntersectionPt ( [pt1, pt2], [ [ bleedbbox[1], bleedbbox[0]], [bleedbbox[1], bleedbbox[2] ] ] );
if (pt1[0] >= pagebbox[3])
  intersectPt = IntersectionPt ( [pt1, pt2], [ [ bleedbbox[3], bleedbbox[0]], [bleedbbox[3], bleedbbox[2] ] ] );
if (pt1[1] <= pagebbox[0])
  intersectPt = IntersectionPt ( [pt1, pt2], [ [ bleedbbox[1], bleedbbox[0]], [bleedbbox[3], bleedbbox[0] ] ] );
if (pt1[1] >= pagebbox[2])
  intersectPt = IntersectionPt ( [pt1, pt2], [ [ bleedbbox[1], bleedbbox[2]], [bleedbbox[3], bleedbbox[2] ] ] );
line.paths[0].pathPoints[0].anchor = intersectPt;
// End point:
if (pt2[0] <= pagebbox[1] || pt2[0] >= pagebbox[3] ||
pt2[1] <= pagebbox[0] || pt2[1] >= pagebbox[2])
if (pt2[0] <= pagebbox[1])
  intersectPt = IntersectionPt ( [pt1, pt2], [ [ bleedbbox[1], bleedbbox[0]], [bleedbbox[1], bleedbbox[2] ] ] );
if (pt2[0] >= pagebbox[3])
  intersectPt = IntersectionPt ( [pt1, pt2], [ [ bleedbbox[3], bleedbbox[0]], [bleedbbox[3], bleedbbox[2] ] ] );
if (pt2[1] <= pagebbox[0])
  intersectPt = IntersectionPt ( [pt1, pt2], [ [ bleedbbox[1], bleedbbox[0]], [bleedbbox[3], bleedbbox[0] ] ] );
if (pt2[1] >= pagebbox[2])
  intersectPt = IntersectionPt ( [pt1, pt2], [ [ bleedbbox[1], bleedbbox[2]], [bleedbbox[3], bleedbbox[2] ] ] );
line.paths[0].pathPoints.lastItem().anchor = intersectPt;
function IntersectionPt (ln1, ln2)
var ua;
var x1 = ln1[0][0], x2 = ln1[1][0], x3 = ln2[0][0], x4 = ln2[1][0];
var y1 = ln1[0][1], y2 = ln1[1][1], y3 = ln2[0][1], y4 = ln2[1][1];
ua = ((x4 - x3)*(y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3)*(x1 - x3))/((y4 - y3)*(x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3)*(y2 - y1));
return [ x1 + ua*(x2-x1), y1 + ua*(y2-y1) ];

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    Well you have to get the String value of the JTextField.
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    Then you have to make a loop and check each single character if it equals '\n', that means "RETURN" or "NEW LINE".
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    I'm not sure about buying css style sheets. 
    You don't need one for each book; if you want to have a series of books all with the same general format,
    then they should all use the same style sheet on a given device, but maybe different style sheets for different devices.
    All the books will then have one consistent look on a given device, and a different consistent look on another device.
    ADE only runs on PCs and Macs.  There are lots of different ereader software apps out there for running on different devices.
    For a dedicated device, you are stuck with the reader the device provides.
    For tablets you can download different ereader apps, for example Bluefire (my favourite, ios, Android), Aldiko (android) and DReader and DL Reader (windows RT).
    I don't know if the readers/apps are derived from the same root as ADE in any way and likely to show similar bugs.
    If it is not DRM, you should certainly try on Calibre, which is the most popular (free) ereader app for computers.
    If you care to create a very short non DRM extract (complete with css) and post it somewhere on the web I'll have a quick look.
    If you have inclination to get more involved yourself,
    there is free software called sigil ( that will help you get off the ground and experiment.

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    Using Readers and Writers are often a better choice for text: they are designed for character-based I/O, handling different character set encodings and thus more easily localizable.
    BufferedReader and PrintWriter are buffered which in many cases will increase performance.
    These classes also provide line-oriented methods, readLine() and println(), which will handle end-of-line delimiters in a platform-independant way.
    BufferedReader in = null ;
    PrintWriter out = null ;
    try {
        in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("infile.txt")) ;
        out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("outfile.txt")) ;
        String line ;
        while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
            out.print(line) ;
            out.println('|') ;
        out.flush() ;
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        System.err.println("problem opening file for read: "+e) ;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.err.println("problem reading file: "+e) ;
    } finally {
        try {
            if (out != null) out.close() ;
            if (in  != null) in.close() ;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("problem closing files: "+e) ;

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    You can setup the easy vpn server/client setup here for the VPN connectivity between ur locations.
    Your central router will act as the easy vpn server accepting the tunnels from the easy vpn clients which is nothing but your remote locations.
    But before getting this configured i would suggest to check out whether both ur routers support the configuration required for the same.
    basically u need to have the required ios in ur router to support them up also the required h/w resources like DRAM,FLASH to hold the supported IOS code..
    Pls check this link for more info on how to configure the same..

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    is it something possible doing by using a script?
    i don't script myself but if someone could find me a way to do this it would be really appreciated.
    Here's an example to what i need to do:
    i have paragraph style X in a current  book document, and i need to edit the book and add the copyright source at the end of every line that has the style X to it
    so i would need something that asks me
    the targeted paragraph style
    which word i want to append to it, and then apply it torough the document.
    Thanks in advance

    Yes, the screen shot shows where you got it wrong:
    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    Find: (.)$
    and set your paragraph style in the find format area
    Change: $1XYZ
    where XYZ is the text you want to insert.
    .. you forgot the '1' right after the '$'. It's an important omission: "$1" is a GREP code, meaning "insert the found text, parenthesized group #1" -- and there is also a "$2", "$3", etc. up to "$9". It's great if you have to switch two, or even more, items around! But without the digit, the dollar sign indicates ... just a dollar sign.
    Change the Change to text to
    and you'll be fine.

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    Let me know if it's not clear what I'm saying
    Many thanks

    LegitNZ wrote:
     I've been going through it manually and correcting it but it's taking many hours
    Ouch!  What you need to do is turn "hyphenating" off.  Select all your text and do it in the control panel like this:
    You can also turn it off before you start in the paragraph panel, or by turning it off with no documents open make it off by default.

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    Hi whatisitagain, 
    Thank you for participating in the Apple Support Communities. 
    If the movie you downloaded from the iTunes Store is not playing in iTunes for Windows, start with the troubleshooting tips in this article:
    Troubleshooting iTunes for Windows Vista or Windows 7 video playback performance issues - Apple Support
    All the best,

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