How to open and  find right nr. range i

In the middle in transaction "FP2P1" I am stucked I am asked to in order to open a number range.If I enter in message I get Check the number range for number range object FKK_P2P with transaction FPNP2P. Create the number range if it has not been created yet.
In which transaction I can do that?
How to find right nr. range i

Use tcode SNRO.
Also check below details.
972991 SNRO: Number range overview
Hope this helps.
Edited by: Sushil Suryawanshi on May 28, 2009 9:26 AM

Similar Messages

  • How to debug and find the exact constraint violation error

    {122712 14:22:36:ErrorCode -1 with ErrorMessage as ORA-00001: unique constraint (OPS$CMS.PK_TB_ML_EXER_UPLOAD) violated has occured for [SSO16063259009], [CMSCOST_USER] pk_xop_subsales.pr_process_exer }
    {PROCEDURE pr_process_exer(
    p_voucher_num           tb_xop_order_manager_t.voucher_num%TYPE,
    p_status_type           tb_xop_order_manager_t.status_type%type,
    p_dest                    tb_xop_order_manager_t.dest%type,
    p_reference_key            tb_xop_order_manager_t.reference_key%type,
    p_seq_num                tb_xop_order_manager_t.seq_num%type,
    p_return_code            tb_xop_order_manager_t.return_code%type,
    p_reason_desc           tb_xop_order_manager_t.reason_desc%type,
    p_activity_qty            tb_xop_order_manager_t.activity_qty%type,
    p_leaves_qty            tb_xop_order_manager_t.leaves_qty%type,
    p_exec_price            tb_xop_order_manager_t.exec_price%type,
    p_current_status        tb_xop_order_manager_t.current_status%type,
    p_err_cur          OUT  ref_cursor)
    CURSOR get_order_dtls(v_voucher_num tb_xop_order_manager_t.voucher_num%type)
    SELECT *
    FROM   tb_xop_order_manager_t
    WHERE  voucher_num = v_voucher_num;
    CURSOR get_mail_cd(v_opt_num OPTIONEE.opt_num%TYPE) IS
          SELECT mail_cd, sp_mail_cd
          WHERE opt_num = v_opt_num;
    cursor get_opt_dtls(v_opt_num OPTIONEE.opt_num%TYPE) IS
    SUBSTR(trim(O.name_first) || ' ' || trim(O.name_mi) || ' ' ||
              trim(O.name_last), 1, 35) p_name,
            SUBSTR(O.address1, 1, 35) opt_addr1,
              SUBSTR(O.address2, 1, 35) opt_addr2,
              SUBSTR(O.address3, 1, 35) opt_addr3,
              SUBSTR(O.address4, 1, 35) opt_addr4,
              SUBSTR(O.address5, 1, 35) opt_addr5,
              SUBSTR(O.address6, 1, 35) opt_addr6,
            SUBSTR(trim( || ' ' || trim(O.state) || ' ' ||
            trim( || ' ' || trim(, 1, 35) city_state_zip_country,
            trim( city,
            trim(O.state) state,
            trim( zip,
            trim( country
    from  optionee o
    where o.opt_num = v_opt_num;
    --CQ:PCTUP00210726- Added wire instructions audit for deleted wire info.
    CURSOR c_wire_instruction (
          in_wire_seq_no           TB_XOP_WIRE_INSTRUCTIONS.wire_seq_no%TYPE ) IS
          SELECT ml_brok_acct_num,
           WHERE wire_seq_no = in_wire_seq_no
           SELECT ml_brok_acct_num,
           WHERE wire_seq_no = in_wire_seq_no;
    CURSOR c_order_qty IS
    SELECT order_qty
    FROM tb_xop_order_manager
    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
    v_order_qty     tb_xop_order_manager.order_qty%TYPE;
    v_wire_instruction             c_wire_instruction%ROWTYPE;
    v_order_dtls      get_order_dtls%rowtype;
    v_opt_dtls        get_opt_dtls%rowtype;
    v_settle_dt       tb_ml_exer_upload.settle_dt%type;
    v_cusip_num       corp.cusip_num%type;
    v_err_cd          number(12):=0;
    v_err_msg         varchar2(4000);
    v_compy_nme       tb_fc_Compy.compy_nme%type;
    v_ml_sec_num      tb_fc_compy.ml_sec_num%type;
    v_mail_cd         xop_optionee.mail_cd%type;
    v_count1            PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    v_sum_activity_qty  tb_xop_order_manager_t.activity_qty%TYPE;
    v_transact_no       PLS_INTEGER;
    v_ivr_plan_num      tb_fc_compy.ivr_plan_num%TYPE;
    wait_for_more       EXCEPTION;
    exceeds_order_qty   EXCEPTION;
    --Added for CQ# PCTUP00481233
    v_sub_totfee number;
    v_sub_fixedfee1 number;
    v_sub_fixedfee2 number;
    v_sub_fixedfee3 number;
    v_sub_secfee number;
    v_sub_feenum number;
    --Added for CQ# PCTUP00481233
    v_fixedfee1 tb_xop_order_manager_t.fixed_fee1%TYPE; --SPIF# 43161- variable to hold fixed fee1
        OPEN c_order_qty;
        FETCH c_order_qty INTO v_order_qty;
        CLOSE c_order_qty;
        IF v_order_qty <> p_activity_qty THEN
            IF p_status_type = 'EO' AND v_order_qty < p_activity_qty THEN
                RAISE exceeds_order_qty;
            ELSIF p_status_type = 'EO' AND v_order_qty > p_activity_qty THEN
                -- Partial Execution
                INSERT INTO tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                    ( voucher_num
                    , reference_key
                    , seq_num
                    , return_code
                    , reason_desc
                    , status_type
                    , activity_qty
                    , leaves_qty
                    , exec_price
                    , current_status
                    , waiting
                    ,activ_dt )
                    ( p_voucher_num
                    , p_reference_key
                    , p_seq_num
                    , p_return_code
                    , p_reason_desc
                    , p_status_type
                    , p_activity_qty
                    , p_leaves_qty
                    , p_exec_price
                    , p_current_status
                    , 'Y'
                    ,SYSTIMESTAMP );
                IF p_status_type = 'BE' THEN
                    SELECT COUNT(1) INTO v_count1
                    FROM tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
                    IF v_count1 > 0 THEN
                        INSERT INTO tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                            ( voucher_num
                            , reference_key
                            , seq_num
                            , return_code
                            , reason_desc
                            , status_type
                            , activity_qty
                            , leaves_qty
                            , exec_price
                            , current_status
                            , waiting
                            ( p_voucher_num
                            , p_reference_key
                            , p_seq_num
                            , p_return_code
                            , p_reason_desc
                            , p_status_type
                            , (-1) * p_activity_qty
                            , p_leaves_qty
                            , p_exec_price
                            , p_current_status
                            , 'Y'
                            ,SYSTIMESTAMP );
                        UPDATE tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                        SET waiting = 'Y'
                        WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
                    END IF;
                END IF;
            END IF;
            SELECT SUM(NVL(activity_qty,0)) INTO v_sum_activity_qty
            FROM tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
            WHERE waiting = 'Y'
            AND voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
            IF v_sum_activity_qty > 0 THEN
                IF v_sum_activity_qty <> v_order_qty THEN
                    RAISE wait_for_more;
                    -- final order in the partial execution; complete the process
                    UPDATE tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                    SET waiting = 'N'
                        , process_dt = SYSDATE
                    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
                END IF;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        UPDATE tb_xop_order_manager_t
        SET activ_dt = TO_CHAR( SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' ) || '.000'
            , dest = p_dest
            , reference_key = p_reference_key
            , seq_num = p_seq_num
            , return_code = p_return_code
            , reason_desc = p_reason_desc
            , status_type = p_status_type
            , activity_qty = v_order_qty --p_activity_qty
            , leaves_qty = 0 --p_leaves_qty
            , exec_price = p_exec_price
        WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
         * SPIF# 43161- Update of current status to PO moved at the end, same as how PROD works.
    IF (p_status_type = 'EO') THEN
        select cusip_num
          into   v_cusip_num
          from   corp;
              SELECT cusip_num
                INTO v_cusip_num
                FROM tb_xop_espp_compy
               WHERE compy_acronym = replace(replace(user,'CMS'),'_USER');
       select compy_nme,ml_sec_num, ivr_plan_num
       into   v_compy_nme,v_ml_sec_num, v_ivr_plan_num
       from   tb_fc_compy
       where compy_acronym = replace(replace(user,'CMS'),'_USER')
       UNION ALL
       select compy_nme, je_ml_security_number, ivr_plan_num
       from tb_xop_espp_compy
       where compy_acronym = replace(replace(user,'CMS'),'_USER');
    --   where  ivr_plan_num = replace(substr(p_voucher_num,1,7),'SSO','XOP');
      open get_order_dtls(p_voucher_num);
      FETCH get_order_dtls INTO v_order_dtls;
       v_settle_dt := fn_xop_bankopen_bizday(TRUNC(v_order_dtls.exer_date + 1));
       v_settle_dt := fn_xop_bankopen_bizday(TRUNC(v_settle_dt + 1));
       v_settle_dt := fn_xop_bankopen_bizday(TRUNC(v_settle_dt + 1));
       FOR c_mail_cd IN get_mail_cd(v_order_dtls.opt_num)
         v_mail_cd := c_mail_cd.mail_cd;
         -- Do we need to get sp_mail_cd and overlay with the sp_mail_cd in order_manager_t???
       END LOOP;
       OPEN get_opt_dtls(v_order_dtls.opt_num);
       FETCH get_opt_dtls INTO v_opt_dtls;
       CLOSE get_opt_dtls;
      v_fixedfee1 := nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1, 0);
       * SPIF# 43161- atleast one handling fee per day of transaction
      v_fixedfee1 := pk_xop_enh_exerupdate.chrg_tranxfixed_fee(v_fixedfee1,
      --Insert into tb_ml_exer_upload
      --Added for CQ# PCTUP00481233
                                    round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4),v_sub_totfee,v_sub_fixedfee2,v_sub_fixedfee1,
       UPDATE tb_xop_order_manager_t
        SET sec_fee=v_sub_secfee
        WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
      --- End CQ # PCTUP00481233
      INSERT INTO tb_ml_exer_upload
                             exer_dt, written_flag, backout_flag, output_line,
                             je_flag, opts_exer,
                             mkt_prc,exer_type, soc_sec,
                             name_first, name_mi,
                             cusip_num, ml_retail_account,multi_curr_handling_fee,
                             ml_sec_num, corp_name,upd_optionee_addr,
                             outbound_flag, -- make it N
                             corp_symbol,taxwire_approve, -- make it not applicaplabe
                             mail_cd, sp_mail_cd,
    -- PG 12/12/05 Changed to populate the je_flag based on dom_chek_distr         'D',
    -- PG 12/16/05 JE should not be generated for international checks.. So 'Y' always
              'Y', --je_flag
              v_order_dtls.opts_exer,0,--total tax will be 0.
              v_order_dtls.opts_exer, --shrs_sold,
              --SPIF# 43161- replaced nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1, 0) with v_fixedfee1
              v_fixedfee1 + nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee3,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.sec_fee,0), --v_order_dtls.fees_amt,
              round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4),v_order_dtls.exer_type,
              LPAD(v_order_dtls.ssn,9,'0'), --v_order_dtls.ssn, Modified by Suresh on 02/08/07 for SPIF # 37210
                  v_opt_dtls.city_state_zip_country),1,34), -- COLUMN LENGTH MAX IS 35
    --          nvl(fn_get_sec_num(replace(substr(p_voucher_num,1,7),'SSO','XOP'),v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
              nvl(fn_get_sec_num(v_ivr_plan_num, v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
              'N', --'N' is for outbound flag.
              v_order_dtls.symbol,'D', --'D' for taxwires disabled
              'S', -- 'S' for source being subsequent sale.
              v_mail_cd,  --need to get mail_Cd??
    IF (NVL(v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no,0) > 0) THEN
       OPEN c_wire_instruction(v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no);
       FETCH c_wire_instruction INTO v_wire_instruction;
       CLOSE c_wire_instruction;
                           (user_id, exer_num, wire_seq_no, ml_brok_acct_num, ssn,
                            plan_num, instr_type, aba_routing_num,
                            swift_routing_code, bank_name, bank_acct_num,
                            name_on_account, bank_addr_1, bank_addr_2, bank_addr_3,
                            city, state, country, zip, bank_ident_num, addtl_info )
                           (USER,v_order_dtls.exer_num, v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no,
                            v_wire_instruction.ml_brok_acct_num, v_wire_instruction.ssn,
                            v_wire_instruction.plan_num, v_wire_instruction.instr_type, v_wire_instruction.aba_routing_num,
                            v_wire_instruction.swift_routing_code, v_wire_instruction.bank_name, v_wire_instruction.bank_acct_num,
                            v_wire_instruction.name_on_account, v_wire_instruction.bank_addr_1, v_wire_instruction.bank_addr_2,
                            v_wire_instruction.bank_addr_3,, v_wire_instruction.state,,,
                             v_wire_instruction.bank_ident_num, v_wire_instruction.addtl_info);
    END IF;
    /* PG 01/05/06 Call the check conversion only for international checks and wires */
    IF v_order_dtls.dom_chek_distr = 'N' AND v_order_dtls.distribution_method IN ('W', 'D', 'C') THEN
        /* PG 12/20/05 To process subsequent sales with wire or foreign currency distribution */
         v_transact_no := 88;
         pk_xop_citibank_forex.pr_cashconversion_ins_request( v_order_dtls.acct_num
                                                              , LPAD(v_order_dtls.ssn,9,'0') --v_order_dtls.ssn, Modified by Suresh on 02/15/07 for SPIF # 37210
                                                              , v_order_dtls.distribution_method
                                                              , v_order_dtls.foreign_currency_code
                                                              , v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no
                                                              , ROUND((v_order_dtls.opts_exer * round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4)),2)
                                                                - ROUND(v_order_dtls.comm_value,2)
                                                                - ROUND(nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee3,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.sec_fee,0),2)
                                                                - nvl(v_order_dtls.multi_curr_handling_fee,0)
                                                                - nvl(v_order_dtls.backup_withholding,0) -- net proceeds
                                                              , v_order_dtls.multi_curr_handling_fee --handling fee
                    --Modified by Bhaskar/Suresh on 03/02/2006    --, v_order_dtls.login_name
                                                              , CASE v_order_dtls.login_name WHEN 'CLIENT/' THEN v_order_dtls.login_name||'SSO' ELSE v_order_dtls.login_name||'/SSO' END
                                                              , v_transact_no -- transact_no as place holder for exer_type 88
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_1
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_2
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_3
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_4
                                                              , v_order_dtls.upd_optionee_addr
                                                              , v_order_dtls.state
                                                              , v_order_dtls.login_ipaddress
                                                              , v_order_dtls.fcnum
                                                              , v_order_dtls.opt_num
                                                              , v_settle_dt,
                                                              p_exer_num => v_order_dtls.exer_num
    END IF;
    close get_order_dtls;
    END IF;
      * SPIF# 43161- Update to current status into PO is moved to this part, same as PROD.
    UPDATE tb_xop_order_manager_t
    SET exec_dttime = decode(p_status_type,'EO',to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:mi:ss'),null)
         , exer_date  = TRUNC(SYSDATE)
         , cancel_dttime = decode(p_status_type,'CX',to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:mi:ss'),'UR',to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:mi:ss'),null)
         , current_status = 'PO'
         , sum_status = decode(p_status_type,'EO','X','C')
         , sum_stat_dttime = SYSDATE
    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
          v_err_cd := sqlcode;
          v_err_msg := sqlerrm;
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
    /* PG 02/10 handled 'partial fill order' exception */
      when wait_for_more then
          v_err_cd := 0;
          v_err_msg := 'ORA-0000: normal, successful completion';
          pr_xop_log_errors('Partially filled; Waiting for more - Activity qty:' || to_char(v_sum_activity_qty)|| ' pk_xop_subsales.pr_process_exer');
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
      when exceeds_order_qty then
          v_err_cd := sqlcode;
          v_err_msg := sqlerrm;
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
          pr_xop_log_errors('Activity quantity exceeded the Order_qty - Activity qty: ' || to_char(p_activity_qty) || ' pk_xop_subsales.pr_process_exer');
      when others then
          v_err_cd := sqlcode;
          v_err_msg := sqlerrm;
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
          pr_xop_log_errors('ErrorCode '||SQLCODE||' with ErrorMessage as '||SQLERRM||' has occured for '||user||'pk_xop_subsales.pr_process_exer');
    END pr_process_exer;
    Hi friends, any1 help me out how to define the ref-cursor in declaration section, and how to find at what situation the constraint error occurred..

    956684 wrote:
    Friends plz help me out to debug and find the exact position of the constraint violation..thank you for the help..There isn't a way to trace it unless you have caught the exception raised.
    As a way to start the debug, you will have to monitor
    1. All DML's against the Table on which you have constraint. More specifically, the DML's that act on the column you have constraint on.
    2. Use Exception Handling, to log the Error and the data that causes the constraint to fail.
    3. Do not forget to monitor the Triggers, if they are used, that would write some data into the column you have constraint on.
    Another way to trace is:
    select *
      from user_source
    where lower(text) like '%your_table_name%';
    order by type, name, line;Look at the lines, exclude that are in Declaration or in SELECT statements and target the DML's.
    Looking at the un-formatted code you posted, this statement looks like a culprit.
    INSERT INTO tb_ml_exer_upload
    exer_dt, written_flag, backout_flag, output_line,
    je_flag, opts_exer,
    mkt_prc,exer_type, soc_sec,
    name_first, name_mi,
    cusip_num, ml_retail_account,multi_curr_handling_fee,
    ml_sec_num, corp_name,upd_optionee_addr,
    outbound_flag, -- make it N
    corp_symbol,taxwire_approve, -- make it not applicaplabe
    mail_cd, sp_mail_cd,
    -- PG 12/12/05 Changed to populate the je_flag based on dom_chek_distr 'D',
    -- PG 12/16/05 JE should not be generated for international checks.. So 'Y' always
    'Y', --je_flag
    v_order_dtls.opts_exer,0,--total tax will be 0.
    v_order_dtls.opts_exer, --shrs_sold,
    --SPIF# 43161- replaced nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1, 0) with v_fixedfee1
    v_fixedfee1 + nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee3,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.sec_fee,0), --v_order_dtls.fees_amt,
    round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4),v_order_dtls.exer_type,
    LPAD(v_order_dtls.ssn,9,'0'), --v_order_dtls.ssn, Modified by Suresh on 02/08/07 for SPIF # 37210
    v_opt_dtls.city_state_zip_country),1,34), -- COLUMN LENGTH MAX IS 35
    -- nvl(fn_get_sec_num(replace(substr(p_voucher_num,1,7),'SSO','XOP'),v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
    nvl(fn_get_sec_num(v_ivr_plan_num, v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
    'N', --'N' is for outbound flag.
    v_order_dtls.symbol,'D', --'D' for taxwires disabled
    'S', -- 'S' for source being subsequent sale.
    v_mail_cd, --need to get mail_Cd??
    user,v_order_dtls.acct_num_othr);What is the Table structure of tb_ml_exer_upload and what columns do you have constraints on?
    Which column of the table tb_ml_exer_upload is your Primary Key (because constraint name mentions pk_tb_ml_exer_upload)?
    Edited by: Purvesh K on Jan 4, 2013 12:57 PM

  • How to open and closed posting period??

    Dear Gurus,
    Pls help me, how to open and closed posting period.when and how we used special period.

    Tcode is ob52
    here we generally provide the following details
    a/c type from a/c to a/c from period year to period year from period year to period
    +                                    1            2007   12         2007      13       2007   16
    + implies it applicable to all account types
    generally we can have maximum 4 special periods and total no of periods(normal+special) should not exceed 16
    generally we use special periods for year end adjustments like tax adjustments
    if it is useful assign me points

  • How to open and close posting period for both material  , n invoicing

    how to open and close posting period for both material  , n invoicing , AM NEW TO SD , SO ALL DOUBTS I DO POST IN HERE PLEASE DONT MIND

    Hi Sunaina
    Period Open T.code: MMP1
    Period Close T-Code: MMPV
    Automate the opening of MM periods 
    How can you automate the monthly opening of MM periods (transaction MMPV - program RMMMPERI) with 
    RMMMPERI accepts a period/year or a date.
    If you enter a date the period is derived by it.
    1. create a variant and check the attribute 'selection variable' for the parameter date. Then click the button 'Selection variables' and set the current date. Every time this variant is used the parameter DATE is filled with the current date.
    2. create a job for RMMMPERI with the variant created in the preceding step. Set it as periodic.
    If you're not using a fiscal year variant simply schedule it as monthly (to be executed the first day of the month).
    If you are using a fiscal year variant you'd have to define a calendar with only the first day of each period defined as working 
    day and use it in the periodicity restrictions.
    Another possibility:
    Write a very simple ABAP which run daily to check if the period has changed and submit RMMMPERI.
    Reward if useful to u

  • How to open and navigate between human task forms in a same page?

    I use Oracle BPM
    I have a question about taskflows in BPM Application.
    In ADF web application, I create a sipmle task flow and insert view id and bind these to jspx pages, my pages are opend in same page when
    return an outcome.
    For exapmle I have three pages like A,B,C.
    In task flow, insert three view ids and bind to A,B,C.
    My first pages is A, and when outcome is B navigate to B, when my outcome is C then navigate to C in a same page not separate pages.
    But my problem is here.. in BPM Application when create task forms, every task has a separate task flow that there exist a single view id and a wild card flow in it.
    In BPM workspace when initiate human task form is closed, I should press refresh button to see next human task form in task list table.
    I tried to create a simple task flow and insert human task forms in it and navigate between these.. but show human task form in wrong display and don`t show some component and human task payload.
    Now, my question : How to open and navigate between human task forms in a same page like software installation?

    Having a separate Data Control for each human task is normally the case. There is a way to assign multiple human tasks to a single data control (and one task flow), but I don't think that this is going to help you with what I think you're trying to do.
    If your human task is called "EmployeeDetail", then you'd use the data control associated with this for the UI pages in the task flow diagram that is associated with this human task. For example, you might have a first page that has just the basic employee information - the fields (at least the ID field) would come from the EmployeeDetail data control. When the end user clicks "Next", you might have this UI page flow to a second UI page in the task flow diagram that has the employee's address information. You might place the address fields from the EmployeeDetail data control onto this second UI page.
    You might be asking how the work item instance can automatically flow to the next interactive activity in the process while staying inside the first interactive activity's human task's task flow diagram. This is not how it works - the task flow diagram models the end user interaction while inside a single human task that is tied to a specific interactive activity in the process. If you want a the end user to be able to move the instance through multiple interactive activities in the process in one interaction, look at "Activity Guides". Activity Guides do a nice job of this.

  • How to open and edit a TopLink .mwp file?

    I can not open the toplink_mappings.mwp file using JDeveloper tool.
    How to open and edit a TopLink .mwp file?
    Thank you

    Use JDeveloper to import the mwp project .In Jdeveloper,File->Import->ToplinkWorkbench->Select the .mwp file and can work from JDeveloper in editing the tlmap.xml and session.xml.
    P.Vinay Kumar

  • I have downloaded the Instagram App but i can't open and find it in my MacBook

    i have downloaded the Instagram App but i can't open and find it in my MacBook?

    Itunes does not sell any apps at all for your computer.  Itunes only sells ipod/iphone/ipad apps.

  • I lost my iphone and cannot figure out how to open the "find my iphone app after I downloaded it in itunes

    I lost my iphone and cannot figure out how to open the app "find my iphone" in itunes after I have downloaded it. Can anybody help?

    Or did you mean you had downloaded it to your iPhone, and you were looking for the app in iTunes to activate it? If so, that is not where you would do it. You need to sign on to your iCloud account on your computer - that's where it is housed....
    Sorry if I misunderstood!

  • Mount time machine, how to open and recover .inprogress file

    so this is how i fixed and mounted a time machine capsule ( it was extended journaled Case-sensitive) to MacBook Pro ( non-case sensitive) and recovered files from .inprogress file. for me it worked like a charm and lets see if this can help you too.
    Found a way to figure it out! (mount drive). So I went to my gf's laptop and created a new backup file for her ( just the file or a new sparsebundle.  the info.plist , token and info.bckup are the files that we need from here ). If no mac is available, create a new backup in pc but it has to be to the same time capsule  ( the files that we need and create will point and tell the sparse bundle a new path to time capsule ) To het there you go to the sparse bundle Dmg, right click and go to "show contents". So this is how i change it, I open 2 finder windows and got each sparse bundle in it ( old one or damaged and new one), righ click on both > show contents and then  replace these files from the new one to the damaged one (  info.plist , token and info.bckup ). That's it. The time machine at least mounted on my desktop and could see the files. Now for opening the .inprogress file; go to Automator >new workflow > and drag in this order;  get selected finder items, get folder contents and open finder items. While the .inprogress file i selected, press "run" or play button in Automator. That's it. Now you may try to drag to desktop but it will say "the volume has the wrong case sensitive for a backup" but you should have access. Now for copying or move to somewhere; get another hard drive ( external) and format it to the same as time capsule ( extended journaled case sensitive is my case), once it's done, right click and go to info> at the bottom uncheck "ignore ownership" and close it. Now you can copy from .inprogress file to just formatted hard drive and from hard drive to laptop. Here's the annoying part; it will treat it as a special folder ( when you paste it in you desktop it's gonna ask for password, if you wanna move it somewhere else it's going to do it as well. But at least you can recover the file ) . once this process It's done just reformat your time capsule.

    well, after you transfer everything to new hard drive and to avoid the putting a password everytime you move the folders, richt click on drive > get info > check again the "ignore ownership" option and you shouldnt have any problems transfering back folders

  • Help, how to open and display blobs from tables

    Dear all,
    I am trying to store ms-word files on a table using a blob column.
    Does anyone how to open the files and display them from a form using 9iAS?
    Thank you.

    And there may be, but you won't likely find that here. Do some time searching Google and maybe you'll find code that someone was nice enough to make freely available, although I wouldn't count on it. Were i a programmer and took the time to read those docs and write the code, I'd want to be paid for my time. But there are a lot of programmers who swear by freeware! You may get lucky.

  • How to open and save file like the Notepad Demo do?

    I am a newer to Java Web Start. I found that in the Notepad Demo, when user try to open or save file, a message box appear and give the user some security suggestions.
    In my application, I used a JFileChooser and set the <security> element to <j2ee-application-client-permissions/> in the jnlp file. But the application will thow an exception:
    access denied ( C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\desktop\Java Web Start.lnk read)
    Can someone tell me how to solve this problem. By the way, where can I find the source of the Notepad Demo. I want my application to open and save file just like the Notepad Demo do.

    The Notpad demo uses the JNLP api to read and write files. The api doc can be found at:
    Although the Notpad demo source is not available, there is other sample code available at:
    Included here is the webpad demo, which uses the FileOpenService and
    FileSaveService API's.

  • How to open and the view the .jsp(OAF) page and it's related code?

    Can anybody help on how to open the .jsp and it's related java files to see the coding? I want to know the table and view details related to a particular OAF page. It will be great help if someone explains.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Murugeshapps on Jun 26, 2009 6:37 AM

    Please see the following documents.
    Note: 416708.1 - How to find the correct version of JDeveloper to use with eBusiness Suite 11i or Release 12.x
    Note: 330236.1 - Configuring JDeveloper For Use With Oracle Applications 11i and R12
    For further OAF questions, please post it in [Technology - OA Framework |] forum, you would probably get a better/faster response.

  • How to open and read an external file in Dashboard widget?

    I am new to Dashboard widgets and also Javascript. I have written a widget that needs to open and read a file on the local file system. I have searched a lot and have not found any documentation or reference on the internet as to how to do this.
    I know it can be done since there is a checkbox in the widget attributes that says "Allow External File Access".
    can anyone help me out here?

    You need to define the AllowFileAccessOutsideOfWidget key to Yes.
    You also need to define the AllowFullAccess key.
    You may also need to define the AllowSystem key (to Yes of course).
    PS. If you cannot find any other documentation please check

  • How to open and read backup disc

    I put the disc in drive and a window opens and I don't know how to get into contents of backup disc.

    You need to define the AllowFileAccessOutsideOfWidget key to Yes.
    You also need to define the AllowFullAccess key.
    You may also need to define the AllowSystem key (to Yes of course).
    PS. If you cannot find any other documentation please check

  • How to open and display a powerpoint file.

    I'm working on an app that I would like to have open and view a powerpoint presentation. How would I go about doing this? Is there already some framework available that'll do it for me? Is there something that'll let me convert it to a pdf?
    thanks for any help

    And there may be, but you won't likely find that here. Do some time searching Google and maybe you'll find code that someone was nice enough to make freely available, although I wouldn't count on it. Were i a programmer and took the time to read those docs and write the code, I'd want to be paid for my time. But there are a lot of programmers who swear by freeware! You may get lucky.

Maybe you are looking for

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