How to Open without Convert to Artboart dialog???

I'm batch exporting JPGs of AI files in CS5, but many of the files are as old as AI10, so I'm getting the "Convert to Artboard" dialog box. I've set open options (below), but they seem to just pre-populate the checkboxes in the dialog. Any way to do this without user interaction? (userInteractionLevel doesn't seem to apply here)
var optRef = new OpenOptions();
optRef.updateLegacyText = true;
optRef.convertCropAreaToArboard = false;
optRef.preserveLegacyArtboard = true;
optRef.createArtboardWithArtworkBoundingBox = false;

I was having the same problem - and was pleased to see my search turn up this responce, but the key for me was setting the userInteractionLevel -

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    Thank you very much..........
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    Hi Dave,
    I'd like to assist!
    Are you having a hard time finding the file? If so, you can go here:
    Be sure to use your Adobe ID and password.
    If you are having trouble opening it in .docx try checking to be sure the file is named accordingly.
    Let me know if that helps!
    Kind regards, Stacy

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        var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();
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        desc2.putDouble(app.stringIDToTypeID("a"), 0.86);
        desc2.putDouble(app.stringIDToTypeID("b"), 0.31);
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        desc3.putDouble(app.stringIDToTypeID("b"), 49.85);
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    Ok never mind i got it, stupid me.
    Recorded it with Script Listener and changed the "DialogMode" parameter of the executeAction function from "DialogModes.No" to "DialogModes.All".
    var idCnvM = charIDToTypeID( "CnvM" );
                var desc249 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idT = charIDToTypeID( "T  " );
                    var desc250 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idPlt = charIDToTypeID( "Plt " );
                    var idClrP = charIDToTypeID( "ClrP" );
                    var idSele = charIDToTypeID( "Sele" );
                    desc250.putEnumerated( idPlt, idClrP, idSele );
                    var idClrs = charIDToTypeID( "Clrs" );
                    desc250.putInteger( idClrs, 4 );
                    var idFrcC = charIDToTypeID( "FrcC" );
                    var idFrcC = charIDToTypeID( "FrcC" );
                    var idNone = charIDToTypeID( "None" );
                    desc250.putEnumerated( idFrcC, idFrcC, idNone );
                    var idTrns = charIDToTypeID( "Trns" );
                    desc250.putBoolean( idTrns, false );
                    var idDthr = charIDToTypeID( "Dthr" );
                    var idDthr = charIDToTypeID( "Dthr" );
                    var idDfsn = charIDToTypeID( "Dfsn" );
                    desc250.putEnumerated( idDthr, idDthr, idDfsn );
                    var idDthA = charIDToTypeID( "DthA" );
                    desc250.putInteger( idDthA, 75 );
                var idIndC = charIDToTypeID( "IndC" );
                desc249.putObject( idT, idIndC, desc250 );
            executeAction( idCnvM, desc249, DialogModes.ALL ); //Change from NO to ALL

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    1. Now user can select some lines from result region and click on Submit button.
    2. On click of submit button we need to pop up a window or may be a dialog page asking that " Do you want open supplier web link portal or not?".
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    Hope a quick response from you all.
    Note:- To open a custom page we can have a link or button(button of type button and not submit button) on base page with destination url property as following javascript:
    javascript:var a ='OA.jsp?page=/XXX/oracle/apps/xxx/......&retainAM=Y', 'a','height=500,width=900,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no'); a.focus();
    So the question is how to do the same for submit button on OAF page???

    You just need to attach a submit action in button bean and not submit button bean, based on the output of confirm type of alert in javascript.
    Here is code u need to put in destination url of the button:
    //replace <confirm message> by message you want to show.
    javascript:input=confirm('<confirm message>');if(input==true){submitForm('DefaultFormName',0,{XXX:' abc'});}" Now in the process request of the base page CO, u can get parametre 'XXX' from the
    {/// custom LOGIC }
    The same i have replied in your mail. I hope this resolves the issue.

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    The good news is that you're not the first to have those requirements!
    Here's the JavaScript:
    var allLinks = document.querySelectorAll(" tr td a");
    for(var i=0; i<allLinks.length; i++){
    if(allLinks[i].onclick == null){
    var targetUrl = allLinks[i].href;
    targetUrl = targetUrl.indexOf("?") > -1 ? targetUrl + "&isDlg=1" : targetUrl + "?isDlg=1";
    allLinks[i].href= "javascript:var options = {width:500, height:300, url:'"+targetUrl+"'}; SP.UI.ModalDialog.commonModalDialogOpen('"+targetUrl+"', options);";
    This script can be saved to a text file and uploaded to a document library. You can then add a content editor web part below your list view web part (so that it doesn't execute until after the list view has loaded) and set the "content link"
    property of the web part to be the path to the uploaded text file.
    The solution was originally posted here:

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    b) in HTMLDB 2.0 he is prompted to enter username, password with the username populated
    Please tell me how can I achieve the same behaviour in HTMLDB2.0 as it was in HTMLDB 1.6.
    I understand this change is somehow security related, althogh I don't understand how. If you can explain this either I would be very happy?
    Best regards,
    Mihail Daskalov

    Mihail - I detailed a couple of approaches here: Re: Application Link

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