How to output as DVCPRO1080i60 at 23.97

I have an AE file that needs to be output to FCP, and the settings provided to me by the editor are the standard DVCPRO1080i60 but at 23.976.  This wasn't a problem until I tried to output the project and found that AE forces a 29.976 frame rate onto the outputted movie.
I understand that CS5 has become stricter with these settings viv a vis Quicktime, but is there any way I can output the movie in 23.976?
Thanks for any help you can give.

No such thing as DVCPro 1080I60 at 23.976 fps... DVCPro HD is a codec. One of the acceptable frame sizes is 1280 X 1080. If it's 1080 can't be anything else. The frame rates for the codec are a little more complicated. Here's a clip from the specs from Final Cut concerning DVCPro format:
Frame Rate 
DVCPRO HD supports both NTSC and PAL frame rates:
NTSC: 59.94 and 29.97 fps
PAL: 50 and 25 fps
Note: The Panasonic Varicam camcorder has an option for true 60 fps recording (versus 59.94 fps), although Final Cut Pro does not support these rates when capturing via FireWire.The 1080i60 format can record 24 fps progressive footage with standard pull-down (2:3:2:3) or advanced pull-down (2:3:3:2).Camcorders capable of recording 720p60 footage can also record 720p30 and 720p24 footage. Camcorders that support 720p50 can also record 720p25 footage. Tape-based camcorders achieve these frame rates by duplicating frames and flagging them for removal during capture (or with a frame rate converter). P2 camcorders such as the Panasonic AG-HVX200 can record natively (without duplicate frames) to the 720pN30 and 720pN24 formats. The Panasonic AG-HVX200E camcorder supports 720pN25.Some DVCPRO HD camcorders support variable frame rate recording in the 720p format. In this case, the video is actually recorded at 60 or 50 fps and duplicate frames are flagged for removal during post-production. Duplicate frames can be removed using a frame rate converter.
Scanning MethodDVCPRO HD can record either interlaced or progressive scan images, depending on the frame size and format.
1080 lines: Interlaced or progressive (via advanced pull-down)
720 lines: Progressive only
I'd take some raw footage from your editor and look at it's properties. I'd guess that it's 60i with 3:2 pulldown which must be removed to turn it into 23.976 (23.97) progressive. I don't think your editor completely understands the format.
If it were my project I'd work in a 23.976 fps full hd comp and render to something like Pro Rez 422 and use that in the edit. You'd then edit in 24P and I wouldn't render to a DVCPro codec for delivery unless that was absolutely required by the client. DVCPro HD is an acquisition codec, not a delivery codec.

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    i.e. did you try logger:enable( "logfile" ) -- that works for me in OSX to log to a file.
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    local function logToFile( msg )
        local f = ( self.logFilePath, "a" )
        if f == nil then
            Debug.pause( "can't open log file", self.logFilePath )
        f:write ( LrDate.timeToUserFormat( LrDate.currentTime(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), " ", msg, '\n' )
        f:close ()
    if self.verbose then
        --self.logger:enable( 'logfile' ) -- enable everything to log file.
        self.logger:enable( logToFile )
        local actions = {
            -- debug output is suppressed when not logging verbosely
            trace = logToFile,
            info = logToFile,
            warn = logToFile,
            error = logToFile,
            fatal = logToFile,
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    You seem to have misunderstood the way in which LabVIEW processes data.  The code that you have produced will run in exactly the same way without the need for the case structure.
    The code does not actually run the data from the previous case. It is merely processing data from the previous loop iteration, regardless of the case. If you were to remove the case structure, leaving only one copy of the code intact, and remove the toggle switch you have produced, or used the shift register which, I assure you would have worked, then you will have exactly the same functionality.
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    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments UK
    Applications Engineering Team Leader | National Instruments | UK & Ireland
    Attachments: ‏24 KB

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    *      confirm_overwrite = 'X'
          codepage          = '8400' "Chinese
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          others         = 4.

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    It is not updated for more than 1 years and it is dropped by Sun and users were recommended to migrate to ICEfaces.
    The Woodstock release 4.2 is the last official version of Woodstock that Sun will release. Sun will continue to support its customers that have built on top of Woodstock 4.2. The Project Woodstock code is still available, and community members can still create new features or enhancements. For future development or migration of existing Woodstock projects, Sun is officially endorsing ICEfaces as the replacement technology for Woodstock. Also see [], although I would recommend RichFaces above that. It is only that it doesn't have a drag'n'drop palette for Netbeans, so it is not reachable for blind visual developers.

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         FileOutputStream stream;
              stream = new FileOutputStream("test.rtf");
              RTFEditorKit kit = new RTFEditorKit();
              Document doc = kit.createDefaultDocument();
              SimpleAttributeSet bold = new SimpleAttributeSet();
              StyleConstants.setBold(bold, true);
              doc.insertString(0, "TITLE", bold);
              doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\n\r" , null);
              doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "Bla bla bla", null);
              doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "bla bla bla", null);
              kit.write(stream, doc, 0, doc.getLength());
         catch (FileNotFoundException e)
         catch (IOException e)
         catch (BadLocationException e)
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    Hi pdevaal,
    Thanks for reply, For first question I test it and it works but it is possible to add MIMETYPE on server other wise I have to modify every Run report procedure for this to work.
    For second question I just view the slide show by Oracle to create template for spreadsheet output.
    Regards, Khawar

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              DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
              DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
              Document document = builder.newDocument();
              Element root = document.createElement("root"); 
              Element child = document.createElement("new");
              Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
              Properties properties = transformer.getOutputProperties();
              properties.setProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "utf-8");
              properties.setProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml");
              properties.setProperty(OutputKeys.VERSION, "1.0");
              properties.setProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
              properties.setProperty("{}indent-amount", "4");
              StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
              transformer.transform(new DOMSource(document), new StreamResult(sw));
              System.out.println(sw.toString());I think that maybe to set some property to the transformer outputproperties.
    but I don't know what property will done.
    any suggestion is appreciated

    Thanks for your respons.My manager has accentuated this format before .maybe I will ask why.
    However I don't think it will done after adding child.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));
    it still output <new/>.
    I have writed a function to format this xml String like this:
          * format <new/> String to <new></new>
          * @param xmlString
          * @return String
         public static String formatXml(String xmlString){
              int idx = xmlString.indexOf("/>");
              while(idx != -1){
                   String temp = xmlString.substring(0,idx);
                   int idx1 = temp.lastIndexOf("<");
                   String key = temp.substring(idx1+1,idx);
                   xmlString = xmlString.replaceAll("<" + key + "/>", "<" + key + "></" + key + ">");
                   idx = xmlString.indexOf("/>");
              return xmlString;
         }but i still won't to use it less than the end.

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    Hi SaberSaber,
    You should be able to use the counters to generate a pulse train that could be used for clock and synch purposes.  
    Hope this helps.  Let us know if you have more questions.  
    Dave C.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    The simpliest way is to take your data and write it to a Comma Dilimeted File which Excel can read without any problems or user intervention. You would use an ObjectOutputStream. Hope this helps.

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    Hello mwibm,
    If you just want to do file input/output in LabWindows/CVI, I would take a look at the Formatting and I/O CVI library or the ANSI File I/O functions. For example, if you just want to write an array of data to a file, I would look at the ArrayToFile function or the fwrite/fputs/fprintf ANSI C functions included in stdio.h. The ANSI C functions will also work in Visual Studio. More information on the LabWindows/CVI File I/O functions can be found in CVI help, and more information on ANSI C functions can be found in CVI Help and online at various websites.
    Maybe you could further clarify what problems you are having and what kind of data you want to write to a file.
    Wendy L
    LabWindows/CVI Developer Newsletter -

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    HarishDv wrote:
    I dont have indesign  installed on my system. I only have the binary , which needs modification and i have to save back to the DB as indd.
    Can't be done, for a realistic assessment of "can". InDesigns documents cannot reliably be created or modified without InDesign itself. (*)
    If you need to do this on native InDesign documents, you have to buy and install it.
    * "Not true, there is always IDML". But that's not a 'binary'; and you cannot (**) "convert" a binary INDD to IDML and back again without InDesign.
    ** Again, for a remotely realistic value of "can".

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    I recently bought a AV projector and was asked by a smirky but envious friend the same question, after watching me hook up my powerbook, having already purchased an ipod video 30gig with the UNIVERSAL DOCK with remote control and ifrared remote control I remembered reading about it also working with the iphone, so it having a s-video output with a audio mini output port, I plugged the iphone into it and it came up with a little message saying this is not a iphone compatible device, and asked me to turn on airport, I ignored the request and it just clicked over to the itunes section, I picked a video and presto instant big screen projection TV off the iphone, How IMPRESSIVE! then I went to utube launched a utube video and wow how cool it also played seamlessly, although it pays to let the Youtube videos buffer for a minute to get a better play off the EDGE net work verse the Wi-Fi, I plan on having lots of out door theatre shows this summer with this very compact multi-media package, What a hoot! Get the universal dock no glitches!

Maybe you are looking for