How to parse a html document?

I am trying to parse an html document that I load from a url over the internet. The html is not well formed but thats ok. The problem is the document builder throws an exception because the document is not well formed.
Can I parse a html document using the document builder?
Please note that I set validating to false and the parse still has a fatal errror saying <meta> tag must have a corresponding </meta> tag.
I am using code like the following.....
DocumentBuilderfactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
doc = db.parse(urlString);

The html is not well formed but thats ok.No, it isn't.
"Validation" means checking that the XML conforms to a schema or a DTD. Don't confuse that with checking whether the XML is well-formed, which means whether it follows the basic rules of XML like opening tags have to have matching closing tags. Which is what your message is telling you -- your file isn't well-formed XML.
So sure, you can parse HTML or anything else with an XML parser, just be prepared to be told it isn't well-formed XML.
If you want to clean up HTML so that it's well-formed XML, there are products like HTMLTidy and JTidy that will do that for you.

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    If you want to do a small amount of parsing, then it would make sense to write a custom program as described in the previous response. If, however, you want to do a lot of parsing, then it might make more sense to try to make use of an XML parser. If you are trying to parse html pages that are your own, then you might want to think about transforming them into xhtml so that an XML parser will be able to process them.
    XML parsing is easy. I recently developed a web site for a set of mock exams for the Java Programmer Certification. Originally, I started developing the pages in html, but I quickly realized that I would have a hard time managing the exams in that format. I then organized the exam into a set of xml documents--one document for each topic. To publish a set of cross-topic exams, I use JDOM (with the help of SAX)to load all of the questions into the Java Collections Framework where I can easily organized a set of four cross-topic exams. Also, I use JDOM to number the questions and answers before writting the new exams out to a new set of four xml files. Then I use XSLT to transform the four exam.xml documents into eight HTML files--four html files for the questions and four for the answers.
    If you would like to take a look at the result, then please use the following link.
    If you own the html files that you want to parse, then I would try to find a way to transform them into valid xml. XHTML might be a good choice.
    Dan Chisholm

  • Problem parsing a html document

    Hi all,
    I need to parse a html document.
    InputStream is = new File("c:/temp/htmldoc.html"));
    DOMFragmentParser DOMparser = new DOMFragmentParser();
    DocumentFragment doc = new HTMLDocumentImpl().createDocumentFragment();
    DOMparser.parse(new InputSource(is), doc);
    NodeList nl = doc.getChildNodes();
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    Here's an example showing how to do this via javax.xml:
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    public class HTMLElementLister {
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              URLConnection con = new URL("").openConnection();
              InputStream in = (InputStream)con.getContent();
              Document doc = null;
              try {
                   DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                   DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
                   doc = db.parse(in);
              } finally {
              NodeList nodes = doc.getChildNodes();
              for (int i=0; i<nodes.getLength(); i++) {
                   Node node = nodes.item(i);
                   String nodeName = node.getNodeName();
                   if ("html".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName)) {
                        NodeList grandkids = node.getChildNodes();
                        for (int j=0; j<grandkids.getLength(); j++) {
                             Node contentNode = grandkids.item(j);
                             nodeName = contentNode.getNodeName();
                             System.out.println("|- " + nodeName);
                             if ("body".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName)) {
                                  System.out.println("   |");
                                  NodeList bodyNodes = contentNode.getChildNodes();
                                  for (int k=0; k<bodyNodes.getLength(); k++) {
                                       node = bodyNodes.item(k);
                                       System.out.println("   |- " + node.getNodeName());

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    If your HTML files are not well-formed (chances are with most HTML files) like attribute values are not enclosed in punctuation marks, etc, most XML parsers will fail.
    Anand from this forum introduced the JTidy to me and it worked very well. This is a HTML parser that is able to tidy up your HTML codes.

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    You start by reading the first character and then continiung until you reach the last character.
    For a more serious answer try elaborating on your question. Its really really vague.

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    here is a method for replacing strings in a text:
    I know it isn't exactly what you want, but maybe it helps you to begin.

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    What HTML parser and what does "parsing" mean to you?

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    It's just like any other XML parser, it's only designed to parse one XML document. If you have something that concatenates two XML documents together (that's what your "buffer" sounds like), then stop doing that.

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    See for example Request taglib from Coldtags suite:

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    Here is an example of parsing xml taken fro Oracle8i 8.1.7 xdk.
    This one uses external OS files to pase, but could be easily converted to
    use CLOB or VARCHAR2 string for parsing XML documents.
    IF you wanted to use CLOB to store and manipulate xml documents you can use XMLParser and XMLDom
    packages along with the DBMS_LOB package to do that.
    -- This file demonstates a simple use of the parser and DOM API.
    -- The XML file that is given to the application is parsed and the
    -- elements and attributes in the document are printed.
    -- The use of setting the parser options is demonstrated.
    set serveroutput on;
    create or replace procedure domsample(dir varchar2, inpfile varchar2,
    errfile varchar2) is
    p xmlparser.parser;
    doc xmldom.DOMDocument;
    -- prints elements in a document
    procedure printElements(doc xmldom.DOMDocument) is
    nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    len number;
    n xmldom.DOMNode;
    -- get all elements
    nl := xmldom.getElementsByTagName(doc, '*');
    len := xmldom.getLength(nl);
    -- loop through elements
    for i in 0..len-1 loop
    n := xmldom.item(nl, i);
    dbms_output.put(xmldom.getNodeName(n) || ' ');
    end loop;
    end printElements;
    -- prints the attributes of each element in a document
    procedure printElementAttributes(doc xmldom.DOMDocument) is
    nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    len1 number;
    len2 number;
    n xmldom.DOMNode;
    e xmldom.DOMElement;
    nnm xmldom.DOMNamedNodeMap;
    attrname varchar2(100);
    attrval varchar2(100);
    -- get all elements
    nl := xmldom.getElementsByTagName(doc, '*');
    len1 := xmldom.getLength(nl);
    -- loop through elements
    for j in 0..len1-1 loop
    n := xmldom.item(nl, j);
    e := xmldom.makeElement(n);
    dbms_output.put_line(xmldom.getTagName(e) || ':');
    -- get all attributes of element
    nnm := xmldom.getAttributes(n);
    if (xmldom.isNull(nnm) = FALSE) then
    len2 := xmldom.getLength(nnm);
    -- loop through attributes
    for i in 0..len2-1 loop
    n := xmldom.item(nnm, i);
    attrname := xmldom.getNodeName(n);
    attrval := xmldom.getNodeValue(n);
    dbms_output.put(' ' || attrname || ' = ' || attrval);
    end loop;
    end if;
    end loop;
    end printElementAttributes;
    -- new parser
    p := xmlparser.newParser;
    -- set some characteristics
    xmlparser.setValidationMode(p, FALSE);
    xmlparser.setErrorLog(p, dir || '/' || errfile);
    xmlparser.setBaseDir(p, dir);
    -- parse input file
    xmlparser.parse(p, dir || '/' || inpfile);
    -- get document
    doc := xmlparser.getDocument(p);
    -- Print document elements
    dbms_output.put('The elements are: ');
    -- Print document element attributes
    dbms_output.put_line('The attributes of each element are: ');
    -- deal with exceptions
    when xmldom.INDEX_SIZE_ERR then
    raise_application_error(-20120, 'Index Size error');
    when xmldom.DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR then
    raise_application_error(-20120, 'String Size error');
    when xmldom.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR then
    raise_application_error(-20120, 'Hierarchy request error');
    when xmldom.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR then
    raise_application_error(-20120, 'Wrong doc error');
    when xmldom.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR then
    raise_application_error(-20120, 'Invalid Char error');
    when xmldom.NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR then
    raise_application_error(-20120, 'Nod data allowed error');
    when xmldom.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR then
    raise_application_error(-20120, 'No mod allowed error');
    when xmldom.NOT_FOUND_ERR then
    raise_application_error(-20120, 'Not found error');
    when xmldom.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR then
    raise_application_error(-20120, 'Not supported error');
    when xmldom.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR then
    raise_application_error(-20120, 'In use attr error');
    end domsample;
    show errors;

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    Regex isn't a good method unless your requirements are quite simple. In general if you want a Java HTML parser they are not hard to find -- "java html parser" is a good choice of keywords for an internet search.

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    <html><head><style type="text/css">
    table.automatic {table-layout:fixed; width:100%; border-collapse: collapse; word-wrap:break-word;}TR.head{font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt; vertical-align: top ; color: #ffffff; background-color: black; font-weight: bold; }{font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; vertical-align: top}</style></head><body><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4"><tbody><tr><td></td><td align="center"><font size="2" style="verdana"><b>EMERGENCY ICE Installs by Manager And Production Install Date Range</b></font><br><td></td><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4"><thead><tr><td width="74%" align="center"><font size="1" style="verdana"><b>From:</b>09/01/07</font><font size="1" style="verdana"><b>&nbsp&nbspTo:</b>01/08/08</font></td></tr></thead></table></td></tr></tbody></table><br></br>
    <table border="1" class="automatic"><thead><tr class="head"><td width="8%">Manager</td><td width="5%">ICE # </td><td width="10%">Plan Prod Install Date</td><td width="10%">Doc Status</td><td width="10%">Doc Title</td><td width="7%">Owner</td><td width="5%">Risk Desc</td><td width="4%">AS/400</td><td width="4%">Unix</td><td width="4%">Win Srv</td><td width="4%">Win Dsk</td><td width="4%">Vax</td><td width="5%">Target Loc</td><td width="10%">No Chg Risk Desc</td><td width="15%">Brief Chg Desc</td></tr></thead><tbody>
    <tr class="data"><td rowspan="12" width="5%">Randal Hockenberry</td><td width="8%">16926</td><td width="10%">Dec 31,2007</td><td width="10%">Pending Manager-Business Review</td><td width="10%">AUTO APPROVE</td><td width="7%">Padma Chirumalla</td><td width="5%">Low</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">Y</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="5%">TEST</td><td width="10%">TEST</td><td width="15%">TESTzxdcxvsrfdgdsgfdffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff</td></tr>
    <tr class="data"><td width="8%">16933</td><td width="10%">Dec 28,2007</td><td width="10%">Pending Non-QS Testing</td><td width="10%">SR</td><td width="7%">Padma Chirumalla</td><td width="5%">Low</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">Y</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="5%">XC</td><td width="10%">DFV</td><td width="15%">CX</td></tr>
    <tr class="data"><td width="8%">16927</td><td width="10%">Dec 28,2007</td><td width="10%">Pending Risk Review</td><td width="10%">AUTO APPROVAL TEST</td><td width="7%">Padma Chirumalla</td><td width="5%">Low</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">Y</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="5%">AUTO</td><td width="10%">AUTO APPROVE</td><td width="15%">AUTO APPROVE</td></tr>
    <tr class="data"><td width="8%">15926</td><td width="10%">Nov 27,2007</td><td width="10%">Pending Code Review</td><td width="10%">CM Install LEVEL 3 QS will test</td><td width="7%">Gary Zhong</td><td width="5%">Low</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">Y</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">Y</td><td width="5%">pitt99</td><td width="10%">testing the app</td><td width="15%">CM Install LEVEL 3 QS will test</td></tr>
    <tr class="data"><td width="8%">15712</td><td width="10%">Nov 22,2007</td><td width="10%">Rejected</td><td width="10%">Test Documentation Request</td><td width="7%">Autumn Priddy</td><td width="5%">Low</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="5%">x</td><td width="10%">none</td><td width="15%">run-through for documentation purposes</td></tr>
    <tr class="data"><td width="8%">16029</td><td width="10%">Nov 21,2007</td><td width="10%">Rejected</td><td width="10%">Contractor</td><td width="7%">Padma Chirumalla</td><td width="5%">Low</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">Y</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="5%">Windows</td><td width="10%">testing</td><td width="15%">Testing</td></tr>
    <tr class="data"><td width="8%">16030</td><td width="10%">Nov 19,2007</td><td width="10%">Rejected</td><td width="10%">Contractor</td><td width="7%">Padma Chirumalla</td><td width="5%">Low</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">Y</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="5%">Windows</td><td width="10%">testing</td><td width="15%">Testing</td></tr>
    <tr class="data"><td width="8%">15840</td><td width="10%">Nov 10,2007</td><td width="10%">Pending Follow Up Review</td><td width="10%">SMS Install LEVEL 3</td><td width="7%">Stephen Sciullo</td><td width="5%">Low</td><td width="4%">Y</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">Y</td><td width="5%">pitt88</td><td width="10%">system testing</td><td width="15%">SMS Install LEVEL 3</td></tr>
    <tr class="data"><td width="8%">15719</td><td width="10%">Nov 08,2007</td><td width="10%">Pending Test Install</td><td width="10%">CM Install LEVEL 1 pitt3/col3</td><td width="7%">Stephen Sciullo</td><td width="5%">Low</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">Y</td><td width="5%">pitt88</td><td width="10%">testing</td><td width="15%">testing</td></tr>
    <tr class="data"><td width="8%">14815</td><td width="10%">Nov 03,2007</td><td width="10%">Rejected</td><td width="10%">test</td><td width="7%">Stephen Sciullo</td><td width="5%">Low</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">Y</td><td width="4%">Y</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="5%">pitt2</td><td width="10%">test</td><td width="15%">test</td></tr>
    <tr class="data"><td width="8%">14915</td><td width="10%">Nov 01,2007</td><td width="10%">Pending Follow Up Review</td><td width="10%">Contractor</td><td width="7%">Padma Chirumalla</td><td width="5%">Low</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">Y</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="5%">windows</td><td width="10%">test</td><td width="15%">Test</td></tr>
    <tr class="data"><td width="8%">14816</td><td width="10%">Oct 31,2007;Nov 01,2007;Nov 02,2007</td><td width="10%">Production Install Complete</td><td width="10%">Contractor</td><td width="7%">Padma Chirumalla</td><td width="5%">Low</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">Y</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="5%">windows</td><td width="10%">test</td><td width="15%">test</td></tr>
    <tr class="data"><td rowspan="1" width="5%">Linda Humm</td><td width="8%">16034</td><td width="10%">Dec 06,2007</td><td width="10%">Pending Production Install</td><td width="10%">CM Install LEVEL 1 pitt3/col3</td><td width="7%">Randal Hockenberry</td><td width="5%">Low</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">N</td><td width="4%">Y</td><td width="5%">pitt88</td><td width="10%">testing</td><td width="15%">testing</td></tr>

    Why are you asking a CSS question in a Java/JSP/JSTL forum? I would rather use a CSS forum for that. That HTML code is unnecessary too. Just post relevant code only, such as that CSS snippet.
    Anyway, it may differ per web browser if this page rule will be picked up and it may also be a client side setting regarding printer settings. Nothing to do here.

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    Cross post:

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    Here you have...
    A Full Web Browser Java Bean - Oracle Forms PJCs/Java Beans

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