How to pass bind variable into oracle reports 6i - Parameter form

Hello All,
I want to pass bind variable into Oracle Reports 6I - Parameters.
I have tried out that but got the below error :-
rep-0781 : Bind variables are not allowed in the select statement
Kindly help me is there any option which allow me to pass bind variables into Oracle reports 6I.

may be its not possible to use :P_PARAM1 in user parameter of oracle 6i reports
but u can full fill user requirement using oracle forms
create a form as like as report parameter window
then create parameter list and run report
  pl_id ParamList;
  pl_id := Get_Parameter_List('tmpdata');
  IF NOT Id_Null(pl_id) THEN
    Destroy_Parameter_List( pl_id );
  pl_id := Create_Parameter_List('tmpdata');
  Add_Parameter(pl_id, 'PARAMFORM', TEXT_PARAMETER, 'NO');
  Run_Product(REPORTS, 'empreport', SYNCHRONOUS, RUNTIME, FILESYSTEM, pl_id, NULL);
mostafiz mitul
Dhaka Bangladesh

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    <cfinvokeargument name="x" value="#X#"
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    I don't quite understand your question. Can you rephrase?
    But before all that, bear in mind that one doesn't pass a
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    Your own sample code demonstrates this in action:
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    value="#companyAbbrCode#" />
    (NB: lose the trailing slash: this is CFML, not XML).
    So you know how to do that.
    Hence me not quite understanding what you're actually asking.

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    l_param_values := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_LIST();
    l_param_values(1) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD (
    'SELECT TO_DATE(TO_CHAR (alloc.timestamp, ''MON RR''),''MON RR'') AS CALENDAR_MONTH,ROUND(AVG(alloc.avg_size_mb/1024),2) AS SIZE_GB,ROUND(AVG(used.avg_used_mb/1024), 2) AS USED_GB,
    ROUND (AVG ((alloc.avg_size_mb - used.avg_used_mb )/1024), 2) AS FREE_GB
    (SELECT m.metric_column AS metric_column,m.rollup_timestamp AS timestamp,sum (m.average) AS avg_size_mb
    mgmt$metric_daily m, mgmt$target_type t
    WHERE t.target_name LIKE ??EMIP_BIND_PARAMNAME??
    AND (t.target_type = ''rac_database''
    OR (t.target_type = ''oracle_database'' AND t.TYPE_QUALIFIER3 != ''RACINST''))
    AND m.target_guid = t.target_guid AND m.metric_guid = t.metric_guid AND t.metric_name = ''tbspAllocation''
    AND (t.metric_column = ''spaceAllocated'')
    and m.rollup_timestamp >= ??EMIP_BIND_START_DATE??
    and m.rollup_timestamp <= ??EMIP_BIND_END_DATE??
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    FROM mgmt$metric_daily m, mgmt$target_type t
    WHERE t.target_name = ??EMIP_BIND_PARAMNAME??
    AND (t.target_type = ''rac_database''
    OR (t.target_type = ''oracle_database'' AND t.TYPE_QUALIFIER3 != ''RACINST''))
    AND m.target_guid = t.target_guid AND m.metric_guid = t.metric_guid AND t.metric_name = ''tbspAllocation''
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    and m.rollup_timestamp >= ??EMIP_BIND_START_DATE??
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    GROUP BY m.rollup_timestamp, m.metric_column) used
    WHERE alloc.timestamp = used.timestamp
    GROUP BY TO_CHAR (alloc.timestamp, ''MON RR'') order by 1');
    l_param_values(2) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD (
    l_param_values(3) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD (
    'oracle.sysman.eml.ip.render.elem.TableRender.filterPromptNAME','Database Name');
    l_param_values(4) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD (
    'oracle.sysman.eml.ip.render.elem.TableRender.filterTipNAME','Filter on the target names');
    l_param_values(5) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD (
    'oracle.sysman.eml.ip.render.elem.TableRender.filterPromptTYPE','Target Type');
    l_param_values(6) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD (
    'oracle.sysman.eml.ip.render.elem.TableRender.filterTipTYPE','Filter on the target types');
    l_param_values(7) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD (
    'oracle.sysman.eml.ip.render.elem.TableRender.filterStartEmpty', 'yes');
    l_param_values(8) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD (
    'oracle.sysman.eml.ip.render.elem.TableRender.filterEmptyTableHeaders','Calender Month, Size GB,Used GB,Free GB');
    l_param_values(9) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD (
    'select distinct t.target_name from mgmt$target t where (t.target_type = ''rac_database'' OR (t.target_type = ''oracle_database'' AND t.TYPE_QUALIFIER3 != ''RACINST'')) order by 1');
    l_param_values(10) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD (
    l_param_values(11) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD (
    'oracle.sysman.eml.ip.render.elem.TableRender.filterHeaderText','DB Filter');
    l_param_values(12) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD (
    'oracle.sysman.eml.ip.render.elem.TableRender.filterTipText','My Tip Text');
    l_param_values(13) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD (
    'oracle.sysman.eml.ip.render.elem.TableRender.filterButtonText','Get Growth');
    l_element_guid := mgmt_ip.add_element_to_report_def (
    p_report_guid => l_report_guid,
    p_element_name_nlsid => 'user_table_from_sql',
    p_element_type_nlsid => 'any_target_type',
    p_header_nlsid => 'Select DB for 6 Month Growth Summary',
    p_element_order => 1,
    p_element_row => 1,
    p_parameters => l_param_values,
    p_targets => null);
    Is there a way to pass the EMIP_BIND_PARAMNAME to a new element added to the report ?

    The report framework dev response was that the code was not designed for this use case (e.g. a report filter bind parameter used in multiple report elements). They said it is possible that this may work by chance (go ahead and try to pass the same filter parameters into other report elements and see what happens). If that does not work then you can work with your Oracle support contact to file an enhancement request.
    Edited by: cfowler on May 20, 2010 2:46 PM

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    it's the exact posting from your last post. Please don't duplicate the postings, so that we can help you in one thread and not so many different threads

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    In the above JOBNUM is having Hyper link as I removed the edit image.
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    Hi Ron,
    I am doing exaclty what you have suggested me but no luck. I started changing the DEMO_CUSTOMERS application to my requirements.The report is working fine and on the report I have created a page attribute to the Hyper linked column and linked that to the page 2 and assign that attribute with #JOBNUM#.
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    I've seen a few people asking this same question, but none of the answers either a) work at all for me , or b) are good enough for what I need to do.
    see previous solutions here and here :
    My project uses an internal array of data, and while in "preview" mode it works reasonably well.
    in the Stage creationComplete event i have Edge code like, for example :
       var imagesArray = ["images/img1.jpg", "images/img2.jpg", "images/img3.jpg"];
       var headlinesArray = ["product 1", "product 2", "product 3"];
       var subTxtArray = ["lovely widgets", "smelly doo-dads", "purple whatchamacallits"];
       var linksArray = ["", "", ""];
       //variables set to full internal scope, used immediately after this and called from sub-elements afterwards
       sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable("imagesArrayData", imagesArray);
    this code obviously needs to be changed via the HTML page that is calling it.
    IDEALLY i would have these elements already on the page ( <div><h1>Product 1</h1><img src="....  etc ) and then jquery it to hell to make it look funky. This is how we NEED to be doing it in the future...that way our content is still searchable and findable by search bots etc. Edge will output a "static" version of the page, i tried that, but it won't work for dynamically built objects. There's no way i've found of building an array of Symbols based on the existing DOM structure like you can do in jQuery itself.
    however, in the meantime i'll settle for being able to set a javascript call up somewhere - like the old flashvars solution (which was horrible fudge, but worked as a way to get data into a project )
    i'd REALLY rather not use an internal jSon call .... it's adding uneccessary bandwidth and additional server processing when the data it needs has already been retrieved from the database when the HTML page is drawn - AND it means i need to make sure that the json producing web service gets ported accross to any other projects that use this same "slider"
    i've tried removing the internal declaration and changing my HTML to :
    var imagesArray = ["images/img1.jpg", "images/img2.jpg", "images/img3.jpg"];
       var headlinesArray = ["product 1", "product 2", "product 3"];
       var subTxtArray = ["lovely widgets", "smelly doo-dads", "purple whatchamacallits"];
       var linksArray = ["", "", ""];
    <!--Adobe Edge Runtime-->
         <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="index_edgePreload.js"></script>
    but this hasn't worked.
    i'm going to attempt the solution using
    AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback(function(compId) { ....
    as found on
    but this doesnt explain how to set up Stage level variables, rather than targeting a specific Edge property
    Anyone got any ideas? Or do I just scrap the project?
    IMHO : Adobe need to be careful of falling into the same mindset that most of the anti-flash brigade have.
    Please remember that Flash is used for WAY more than just adverts.
    At the moment, Edge will work great as a way to put a simple animation onto the page with REALLY basic interactivity - suitable for a basic advert - but we need our HTML5 animations and scripts to be fully dynamic, data-driven, and portable, and preferably using existing DOM elements.
    One last thing, any chance of a feature to say "my page already uses jQuery, don't import Edge's own outdated version"
    Message was edited by: j1mp

    I have just about got the basics nailed for Edge Animate now - coming from a Flash background it's been fairly straight forward, nice work so far (but more on that later)
    I have had to build a "promoted items" slider for the homepage on one of our sites....previously this would have been a flash animation but, hey ho .
    I originally built it as a jQuery extension/plugin but found it too time consuming to make minor alterations - that's where Edge came in and SEEMED to fill the job pretty well.
    Now for the moment i'll put on hold the whole issue about how we NEED to be able to work with dom-level elements directly on the page (eg, animating divs and images within a ul-li structure which is how these things usually work) and concentrate on the Edge specific issue...
    I've seen a few people asking this same question, but none of the answers either a) work at all for me , or b) are good enough for what I need to do.
    see previous solutions here and here :
    My project uses an internal array of data, and while in "preview" mode it works reasonably well.
    in the Stage creationComplete event i have Edge code like, for example :
       var imagesArray = ["images/img1.jpg", "images/img2.jpg", "images/img3.jpg"];
       var headlinesArray = ["product 1", "product 2", "product 3"];
       var subTxtArray = ["lovely widgets", "smelly doo-dads", "purple whatchamacallits"];
       var linksArray = ["", "", ""];
       //variables set to full internal scope, used immediately after this and called from sub-elements afterwards
       sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable("imagesArrayData", imagesArray);
    this code obviously needs to be changed via the HTML page that is calling it.
    IDEALLY i would have these elements already on the page ( <div><h1>Product 1</h1><img src="....  etc ) and then jquery it to hell to make it look funky. This is how we NEED to be doing it in the future...that way our content is still searchable and findable by search bots etc. Edge will output a "static" version of the page, i tried that, but it won't work for dynamically built objects. There's no way i've found of building an array of Symbols based on the existing DOM structure like you can do in jQuery itself.
    however, in the meantime i'll settle for being able to set a javascript call up somewhere - like the old flashvars solution (which was horrible fudge, but worked as a way to get data into a project )
    i'd REALLY rather not use an internal jSon call .... it's adding uneccessary bandwidth and additional server processing when the data it needs has already been retrieved from the database when the HTML page is drawn - AND it means i need to make sure that the json producing web service gets ported accross to any other projects that use this same "slider"
    i've tried removing the internal declaration and changing my HTML to :
    var imagesArray = ["images/img1.jpg", "images/img2.jpg", "images/img3.jpg"];
       var headlinesArray = ["product 1", "product 2", "product 3"];
       var subTxtArray = ["lovely widgets", "smelly doo-dads", "purple whatchamacallits"];
       var linksArray = ["", "", ""];
    <!--Adobe Edge Runtime-->
         <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="index_edgePreload.js"></script>
    but this hasn't worked.
    i'm going to attempt the solution using
    AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback(function(compId) { ....
    as found on
    but this doesnt explain how to set up Stage level variables, rather than targeting a specific Edge property
    Anyone got any ideas? Or do I just scrap the project?
    IMHO : Adobe need to be careful of falling into the same mindset that most of the anti-flash brigade have.
    Please remember that Flash is used for WAY more than just adverts.
    At the moment, Edge will work great as a way to put a simple animation onto the page with REALLY basic interactivity - suitable for a basic advert - but we need our HTML5 animations and scripts to be fully dynamic, data-driven, and portable, and preferably using existing DOM elements.
    One last thing, any chance of a feature to say "my page already uses jQuery, don't import Edge's own outdated version"
    Message was edited by: j1mp

  • How to pass a variable into sqlplus script from file

    here is my problem :
    I have plenty of sql scripts to run. So every time I need to run sqlplus /nolog<enter> and then type login<enter>, password<enter>, second login<enter> , second password<enter> - and when it finishes again from the beggining with next one...
    I am fed up with passing these parameters every time. I would like to create a file (files?) with these logins and passwords (located f.ex. in directory where I run the script) then tells, in some way, to my scripts that answers for their questions is inside this file(s).
    Is there any way to do it in such a way ?
    something like: accept DataUser char %read from file user1.txt without my inerteraction%
    I cannot add directly these parameters to script because I need to run them on different servers (DEVs and PRODs) and every server has different users and passwords

    Actually the START command would resolve the issue, in conjunction with passing parameters and DEFINEs in a sensible manner.
    DEFINE dathasb = '&1'
    ACCEPT dathasb char prompt 'etc...'
    When dathasb already has a value, ACCEPT won't prompt.
    Too many people start hacking and don't use the power of Oracle because they don't the needful : Reading the documentation.
    Other than that obviously the series of scripts needs of course to be re-engineered.
    Asking interactively for a password .... even 20 years back we already didn't do this anymore.
    Of course that was the time when exporting anything beyond the VAX 11/750 to Eastern Europe was prohibited because of US export regulations ;)
    You could store the passwords in Oracle Wallet and be done with it.
    You could use OS authenticated accounts and be done with it.
    But then you still didn't post a version, even not when requested.
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

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    Advance Thanks

    Doc number (MOS Doc 743490.) is avaiable in metalink or ?Yes.
    Note: 743490.1 - Customization in Oracle Applications

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    Yeah I got the pop up asking to select the variables used, I have selected ENTITY_ID that was used by the interfaces, but on execution of the package the Scenario did not work as the passeed variable #ENTITY_ID is set to 0 instead of the value I am passing.
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    Using JDev
    I've recreated an excellent Frank Nimphius article about restricting values derived from a model driven LOV (
    But my bind variable isn't updating. Deleting the bind variable gets me the entire LOV. Activate the code below and insert a bind variable into the where clause like Frank says and I get nothing back. Bind variable is blank. Any ideas? Code wasn't supplied with the article. It seems simple enough but the bind variable isn't updating in the SQL, even though the updated value shows up here...
      public void onLovLaunch(LaunchPopupEvent launchPopupEvent)
        BindingContext bctx = BindingContext.getCurrent();
        BindingContainer bindings = bctx.getCurrentBindingsEntry();
        FacesCtrlLOVBinding lov = (FacesCtrlLOVBinding)bindings.get("DepartmentId");
        System.out.println("lov name: " + lov.getName().toString());
        System.out.println("lov Param Attrs: " + lov.getListIterBinding().getViewObject().getNamedWhereClauseParams().getAttribute("deptId").toString());
        System.out.println("lov View Object: " + lov.getListIterBinding().getViewObject().getName().toString());
        System.out.println("lov IterBinding: " + lov.getListIterBinding().getName().toString());
       }Gets me ...
    lov name: DepartmentId
    lov Param Attrs: 60
    lov View Object: _LOCAL_VIEW_USAGE_lov_model_queries_EmployeesView_DepartmentsView
    lov IterBinding: DepartmentIdList_2

    That's a good idea, but it's still not working. Here is how I implemented it. It might be different from your suggestion as I'm still pretty new to this.
    I have a recursive tree table. You select a node. You then click a button which calls the listener below. "findParents" is a method call to the AppModuleImpl class and it finds all parent nodes of your selection. "restrictPartBomLOV", also of the AppModuleImpl class, then modifies the model driven lists' View Object (partBomLOV) to exclude those parent node values.
    The resulting model driven LOV on the popup should be updated, yeah? But it still isn't udpating. If I manually type in the updated Where clause in PartBomLOV.xml query tab, it works, but it doesn't programmatically.
      public void insertPopupFetchListener(PopupFetchEvent popupFetchEvent)
        BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
        OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("findParents");
        parents = (List)operationBinding.execute();
        operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("restrictPartBomLOV");
       public void restrictPartBomLOV(List parents)
          ViewObjectImpl vo = getPartBomLOV();
          String wcl = "";
          Object[]   p = parents.toArray();
          for(int i = 0; i < p.length; i++)
             if (i == 0)
                wcl = wcl + "PNUM <> '" + p.toString() + "'";
    wcl = wcl + "AND PNUM <> '" + p[i].toString() + "'";
    Edited by: LovettWB on Nov 11, 2010 11:23 PM

  • How to pass session variable value with GO URL to override session value

    Hi Gurus,
    We have below requirement.Please help us at the earliest.
    How to pass session variable value with GO URL to override session value. ( It is not working after making changes to authentication xml file session init block creation as explained by oracle (Bug No14372679 : which they claim it is fixed in 1.7 version  Ref No :Bug 14372679 : REQUEST VARIABLE NOT OVERRIDING SESSION VARIABLE RUNNING THRU A GO URL )
    Please provide step by step solution.No vague answers.
    I followed below steps mentioned.
    ****-> Created a session variable called STATUS
    -> Create Session Init block called Init_Status with SQL
        select 'ACTIVE' from dual;
    -> Assigned the session variable STATUS to Init block Init_Status
    <RequestVariable source="url" type="informational"
    nameInSource="RE_CODE" biVariableName="NQ_SESSION.STATUS"/>
    Edit column "Contract Status" and added session variable as
    When  I run the URL above with parameter EXPIRED, the report still shows for  ACTIVE only. The URL is not making any difference with report.
    Report is picking the default value from RPD session variable init query.
    could you please let me know if I am missing something.

    Check those links might help you.
    Integrating Oracle OBIEE Content using GO URL
    How to set session variables using url variables | OBIEE Blog
    OBIEE 10G - How to set a request/session variable using the Saw Url (Go/Dashboard) | (BI, OBIEE, O…

  • How to use bind variable

    I have the below cursor 1 which is working already.For my requirement i want to use bind variable like second cursor.But its telling Bind Variable "p_col_list" is NOT DECLARED.Please any onehelp me on this.
    How to use bind variable Here.
    emp_cv sys_refcursor;
    iid NUMBER := 1;
    i_sql varchar2(100);
    p_col_list varchar2(2000) := 'aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd';
    i_sql := 'select '''||REPLACE(p_col_list, ',', ''',''')||''' from dual '||CHR(10) ;
    OPEN emp_cv FOR i_sql ;
    emp_cv sys_refcursor;
    iid NUMBER := 1;
    i_sql varchar2(100);
    p_col_list varchar2(2000) := 'aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd';
    i_sql := 'select '''||REPLACE(:p_col_list, ',', ''',''')||''' from dual '||CHR(10) ;
    OPEN emp_cv FOR i_sql using p_col_list;

    the reports parameterform capabilities are limited. if you want
    to create sophisticated parameterforms, you should do that with
    oracle forms or html forms.
    the oracle reports team --pw                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    Concatenate the multiple values into a string separated by comma and then pass that string to report as a parameter.
    In report query, you have to use the lexical parameter using ' & '

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    sel_qtn VARCHAR2 (10);
    CURSOR PT_QUANTITY IS select * from mmdb.product_tree WHERE QUANTITY_CHECK ='E'
    AND run_id = 100
    sel_qtn := i.quanttity-1;
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