How to prevent downloading? because my sister always downloading any files that has more MB and it will store to the memory, so i wanted to stop download.

Thank you, please answer my question

You can look at this extension:
*Public Fox:
Note that an extension can easily be bypassed by starting in Safe Mode (hold down the Shift key when starting).

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    I am in a unique situation where in I am trying to retrieve values from multiple tables and publish them as XML output. The problem is based on the condition a few tables could retrieve data more than 32KB and a few less than 32KB. Less than 32KB is not an issue as XML generation is smooth. The minute it reaches greater than 32KB it generates a run time error. Just wondering if there is any way to ensure that the minute the query's results is greater than 32 kb, it should break say - if the results is 35KB, then I should break that result into 32 KB and 3kb; once done then pass this data to be published as an XML output. This is again not just for one table, but all the tables that are called in the function.
    Is there any way?? I am unable to get any ideas nor have I done anything so complex from production support stand point. Would appreciate if someone can guide me on this.
    The way it is, is as follows:
    I have a table called ctn_pub_cntl
    CREATE TABLE CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    (ctn_pub_cntl_id          NUMBER(18)
    ,table_name                  VARCHAR2(50)
    ,last_pub_tms              DATE
    ,queue_name               VARCHAR2(50)
    ,dest_system              VARCHAR2(50)
    ,frequency                  NUMBER(6)
    ,status                      VARCHAR2(8)
    ,record_create_tms          DATE
    ,create_user_id                VARCHAR2(8)
    ,record_update_tms          DATE
    ,update_user_id             VARCHAR2(8)
    ,CONSTRAINT ctn_pub_cntl_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(ctn_pub_cntl_id)
    Data for this is:
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('10/2/2004 10:17:44PM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('02/06/2015 9:50:00AM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('10/2/2004 10:17:44PM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('02/06/2015 9:50:00AM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('04/23/2015 11:50:00PM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('04/23/2015 11:50:00AM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('03/26/2015 7:50:00AM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('03/28/2015 12:50:00AM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    Once the above data is inserted and committed, then I created a function in a package:
    TYPE tNameTyp IS TABLE OF ctn_pub_cntl.table_name%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
    g_tName tNameTyp;
    g_tClob tClobTyp;
    FUNCTION GetCtnData(p_nInCtnPubCntlID IN CTN_PUB_CNTL.ctn_pub_cntl_id%TYPE,p_count OUT NUMBER ) RETURN tClobTyp;
    --Package body
         doc           xmldom.DOMDocument;
         main_node     xmldom.DOMNode;
         root_node     xmldom.DOMNode;
         root_elmt     xmldom.DOMElement;
         child_node    xmldom.DOMNode;
         child_elmt    xmldom.DOMElement;
         leaf_node     xmldom.DOMNode;
         elmt_value    xmldom.DOMText;
         tbl_node      xmldom.DOMNode;
         table_data    XMLDOM.DOMDOCUMENTFRAGMENT;
         l_ctx         DBMS_XMLGEN.CTXHANDLE;
         vStrSqlQuery  VARCHAR2(32767);
         l_clob        tClobTyp;
         l_xmltype     XMLTYPE;
    --Local Procedure to build XML header    
        child_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc, 'PUBLISH_HEADER');
        child_node  := xmldom.appendChild (root_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
        child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (doc, 'SOURCE_APLCTN_ID');
        elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, 'CTN');
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));
        child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (doc, 'SOURCE_PRGRM_ID');
        elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, 'VALUE');
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));
        child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (doc, 'SOURCE_CMPNT_ID');
        elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, 'VALUE');
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));
        child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (doc, 'PUBLISH_TMS');
        elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));
    END BuildCPRHeader;
    --Get table data based on table name
    FUNCTION GetCtnData(p_nInCtnPubCntlID IN CTN_PUB_CNTL.ctn_pub_cntl_id%TYPE,p_Count OUT NUMBER) RETURN tClobTyp IS
        vTblName      ctn_pub_cntl.table_name%TYPE;
        vLastPubTms   ctn_pub_cntl.last_pub_tms%TYPE;
            SELECT table_name,last_pub_tms
            INTO   vTblName, vLastPubTms
            FROM   CTN_PUB_CNTL
            WHERE  ctn_pub_cntl_id=p_nInCtnPubCntlID;
        -- Start the XML Message generation
            doc := xmldom.newDOMDocument;
            main_node := xmldom.makeNode(doc);
            root_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc, 'PUBLISH');
            root_node := xmldom.appendChild(main_node, xmldom.makeNode(root_elmt));
          --Append Table Data as Publish Header
          --Append Table Data as Publish Body
           child_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc, 'PUBLISH_BODY');
           leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (root_node, xmldom.makeNode(child_elmt));
           vStrSqlQuery := 'SELECT * FROM ' || vTblName
                          || ' WHERE record_update_tms <= TO_DATE(''' || TO_CHAR(vLastPubTms, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ''', ''MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') ' ;
                        --  ||  ' AND rownum < 16'
           l_ctx  := DBMS_XMLGEN.NEWCONTEXT(vStrSqlQuery);
          DBMS_XMLGEN.SETROWSETTAG(l_ctx, vTblName);
          -- Append Table Data as XML Fragment
          elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, l_clob(1));
         leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));
         xmldom.writeToBuffer (doc, l_clob(1));
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?&gt;', NULL);
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&lt;', '<');
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&gt;', '>');
         RETURN l_clob;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Answer is' ||l_clob(1));
            DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('There is no data with' || SQLERRM);
            g_vErrorMessage:=SQLERRM|| g_vErrorMessage;
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
    END GetCtnData;
    PROCEDURE printClob (result IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB) IS
        xmlstr   VARCHAR2 (32767);
        line     VARCHAR2 (2000);
        xmlstr := DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (result, 32767);
           EXIT WHEN xmlstr IS NULL;
           line := SUBSTR (xmlstr, 1, INSTR (xmlstr, CHR (10)) - 1);
           DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (line);
           xmlstr := SUBSTR (xmlstr, INSTR (xmlstr, CHR (10)) + 1);
        END LOOP;
    END printClob;
    If you notice my query:
    vStrSqlQuery := 'SELECT * FROM ' || vTblName
                          || ' WHERE record_update_tms <= TO_DATE(''' || TO_CHAR(vLastPubTms, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ''', ''MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') ' ;
                         ||  ' AND rownum < 16'
    The minute I comment
    ||  ' AND rownum < 16' ;
    , it throws an error because this query returns around 600 rows and all of those rows need to be published as XML and the tragedy is that there is a C program in between as well i.e. C will call my packged functions and then will do all the processing. Once this is done will pass the results back to C program. So obviously C does not recognise CLOB and somewhere in the process I have to convert the CLOB to VARCHAR or instead of CLOB I have to use VARCHAR array as a return type. This is my challenge.
    Anyone that can help me to find out the required magic number and also a brief know how, I would appreciate that. Many thanks in advance.

    Not sure I understand which part is failing.
    Is it the C program calling your packaged function? Or does the error occur in the PL/SQL code, in which case you should be able to pinpoint where it's wrong?
    A few comments :
    1) Using DOM to build XML out of relational data? What for? Use SQL/XML functions.
    2) Giving sample data is usually great, but it's not useful here since we can't run your code. We're missing the base tables.
    3) This is wrong :
    vStrSqlQuery := 'SELECT * FROM ' || vTblName                     || ' WHERE record_update_tms <= TO_DATE(''' || TO_CHAR(vLastPubTms, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ''', ''MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') ' ;
    A bind variable should be used here for the date.
    4) This is wrong :
    elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, l_clob(1));
    createTextNode does not support CLOB so it will fail as soon as the CLOB you're trying to pass exceeds 32k.
    Maybe that's the problem you're referring to?
    5) This is most wrong :
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?&gt;', NULL); 
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&lt;', '<'); 
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&gt;', '>'); 
    I understand what you're trying to do but it's not the correct way.
    You're trying to convert a text() node representing XML in escaped form back to XML content.
    The problem is that there are other things to take care of besides just '&lt;' and '&gt;'.
    If you want to insert an XML node into an existing document, treat that as an XML node, not as a string.
    Anyone that can help me to find out the required magic number
    That would be a bad idea. Fix what needs to be fixed.
    And please clearly state which part is failing : the C program or the PL/SQL code?
    I'd vote for PL/SQL, as pointed out in [4].

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    I'm not sure if this helps, but here's a web page which talks about Image I/O:
    For your problem, they have a sample solution which can read a specific page of a multi-page tiff file, so perhaps you could make a loop to read all of the pages:
    Good luck!

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    Go to to manage the ID, sign in.  If you are using two-step verification on the ID, select the Name, ID and Email Addresses section, then change the birth date on the bottom right.  If you are using security questions instead of two-step verification, select the Password and Security Question and answer the two security question to access and change the birth date.  At the present time you may not be able to enter the correct birth date, but you should be able to change it to 1/1/2001, which will have child ID status.

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    I have a jsp file with extension *.abc. The browser is showing the files as text instead of sending it to be processed as a jsp file.
              I have the following settings in the web.xml but it is not picking it up.

    This is kind of a hack and not officially supported, but you might try...
              Since this isn't the default JSPServlet registration, it doesn't pick up the
              default JSPServlet init arguments, so after some experimentation I figured
              out that you have to at least define these two. Others that you may want to
              configure are...
              These are all defined as jsp-descriptor args in the weblogic.xml file, but
              you can equally use them as servlet-args for your custom JSP registration
              Good luck,
              Why don't you want to use jsp files anyway?
              "shelley otero" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > I have a jsp file with extension *.abc. The browser is showing the files
              as text instead of sending it to be processed as a jsp file.
              > I have the following settings in the web.xml but it is not picking it up.
              > <servlet-mapping>
              > <servlet-name>
              > jsp
              > </servlet-name>
              > <url-pattern>
              > *.abc
              > </url-pattern>
              > </servlet-mapping>

  • I have a problem when you run Firefox to download a claim this tool (askToolbarInstaller- What is the solution and how to prevent download scent tool.

    I have a problem when you run Firefox to download a claim this tool (askToolbarInstaller- What is the solution and how to prevent download scent tool.

    i have the same exact problems too and it's starting to bother me further more...

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    I have downloaded OS x 10.9.5 and it has not worked and my system (mimi mac the original version) doesn't allow me to see the tool bar etc?? how do I reboot it without losing everything?

    You're talking about the dock?
    To check on that, go to System Preferences > Dock > indicate your preference.
    I can get iTunes up, and safari, but i don't know how
    Not sure what you mean - if you can "get it up" - does that mean you can launch it? What do you not know?

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    I'd report the problem to the iTunes Store. 
    Log in to the Store. Click on "Account" in your Quick Links. When you're in your Account information screen, go down to Purchase History and click "See all".
    Find the item that is not playing properly. If you can't see "Report a Problem" next to the item, click the "Report a problem" button. Now click the "Report a Problem" link next to the item.

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    I have an extremely long and important email thread that has become unprintable (and in some cases unreadable) because each preceding email in the thread is indented and eventually the text is very far to the right margin and even beyond.  Some of the text is even showing up as only 1 letter per line.  I tried selecting all and then left justifying it, thinking that that would shift everything to the left, but it didn't work.   When I go to print the thread, it shows as 344 pages, which although long, I can't believe it's that long.  What do you think happened to cause this and can it be corrected?

    Ick. So it can't just work sensibly? Sensible would be either autosave overwrites previously autosaved versions or all autosaved versions would be deleted when the message is finally sent. Allowing previous message versions to accumulate endlessly might be beneficial to someone, but does not seem like sensible default behavior.

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    This is a noob question, though I do use SQL Server databases all the time with Entity Framework when I code in C# using Visual Studio 2013.  The development environment is found below at [A].  I am trying to make a clone of a SQL Server 2008 R2
    database (.mdf)  that exists online.  I can read, connect and work with this database in Visual Studio 2013, but I wish to make a local copy of the database, as an .MDF file.  Somewhere in my notes I have a way of creating a local copy from
    an online database when using Visual Studio but I forgot how (it seems, reviewing my notes, that it deals with ADO.NET which is deprecated in Visual Studio 2013 these days, or so it seems).  So I'm looking for another way.  What I did was create
    (or export) a "Data-Tier Application File" from the online SQL Server database, with data, and it seems to have worked in that this Data-Tier Application file exists on my hard drive and seems to have data in it ("SQL Server Replication Snapshot"
    is the format it seems).  It contains skeleton code to create a database, but when I tried to execute it with SQL Server 2014 Management Studio, I got a bunch of errors.
    So my question is:
    1) Can I somehow create a .MDF SQL Server Database from an Data-Tier Application file that has data?  What tool do I use?  I saw this link, 
    and it relates to Azure, but is there a tool for C#Visual Studio 2013, standalone?
    2) If there's an easy way to create a .mdf SQL Server Database file from an online file, within SQL Server Management Studio?  I don't think so, since it would require Administrator permissions on the online server, which I don't have. I have permission
    to read, update, delete the online database file, but strangely not to download it (the service I use has a tool for backup, but not for download).
    3) same question as 2), but for Visual Studio 2013?  I don't think so, since I notice none of the templates even mentions ADO.NET anymore, but instead they go with Entity Framework.  Using EF I can of course do anything I want with the online database
    (CRUD), but it remains online.  Maybe there's a switch to make a local copy?  I guess I could write a short program to suck all the data out of the online database and put it into a new, duplicate database having the same tables, that I create on
    my localhost, but my question here is if there's an easier way than this, maybe a tool or command I can run from inside Visual Studio?
    Any advice on any of the above questions is appreciated.
    Thank you,
    [A] Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013
    Version 12.0.21005.1 REL
    Microsoft .NET Framework
    Version 4.5.51641
    Microsoft Web Developer Tools 2013   2.0.40926.0
    SQL Server Data Tools   12.0.30919.1
    Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools
    Windows Azure Mobile Services Tools   1.0
    Windows Azure Mobile Services Tools

    Thanks but these links are too general to help.
    "2. what do you mean by online file?" - I mean the SQL Server database file is on a remote web server that I rent from, but I am not the administrator of.  I can access my database using SQL Server Authentication, but nothing more.
    What do you mean by too general? It explains on how you can use data tier application to create and deploy databases
    May be this will help you to understand better
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

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    I would prefer to answer in your post. as I have tried on two occasions to help.. so far this is the first time I can see you stated  you are using Lion.
    1. Did you download and install the 5.6 utility..?
    I said to do it.. you never said yes.. I did that.
    Please do it. .. you will get no place before you do.
    2. Did you bridge the TC.. ?
    If so it will work perfectly.. please post a screen shot of the summary page from the 5.6 utility. If something is wrong I can work it out from there.
    3. Or ring apple support and get them to walk you through the setup.. there should be phone support for the first week or two.

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    I moved Creative Suite 5 from my old MacBook Pro to my new MacBook Air and followed the instructions for deactivating on the old and activating on the new but only Photoshop and Illustrator will work. I need to also access InDesign, Acrobat, Dreamweaver and Fireworks. Is there a way to fix this? Problem with the MacBook Air is that is doesn't have a disc drive so I had to transfer via external hard drive.

    The problem is that you need to install CS5 from an installation file or installation disc. You can't just copy files because there are lots of supplementary files that don't get put in the right location.
    You'll need to use the Adobe Cleaner to remove all the stuff on your new computer:
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
    Then download an installer for CS5:
    Other downloads

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    Ok, I finally managed to get rid of it.
    First I did the thing with the about:config but I flitered for imesh instead and managed to reset two thing but when I got to the keyword.URL I got the same thing as lolbabe98 did with the "An attempt to change your search engine or homepage was blocked."
    Then I did a search on my C: drive for iMesh and discovered some things that hadn't been removed even though I had unistalled both the toolbar and the actual program. After that it worked fine and I now have a regular "untitled" tab when I open a new tab.
    One last thing, when I tried to remove some of the files there was one that said it was in use, it was called datamanagerUI or something rather. The only thing I had to do there was to open Task Manager and kill a process called DATAMN~1 and I was able to remove it. Hope this helps.

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    Place the iOS device in Recovery Mode and then connect to your computer and restore via iTunes. The iPod will be erased.
    iOS: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen                         
    If recovery mode does not work try DFU mode.                        
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings        
    For how to restore:
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software
    To restore from backup see:
    iOS: How to back up     
    If you restore from iCloud backup the apps will be automatically downloaded. If you restore from iTunes backup the apps and music have to be in the iTunes library since synced media like apps and music are not included in the backup of the iOS device that iTunes makes.
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