How to produce an image Contact Sheet by way of AppleScript

I have found that the PDF contact sheet action in Automator doesn’t allow for labeling the images (with file name and/or creation date etc).
So, I thought I may try may hand at doing this by way of AppleScript.
Does anyone know whether AppleScript (or any application supplied with Mac OS X) is capable of doing this?
I can see how to get the images and scale them down, as well as find their names and/or creation dates, but I’m not really sure how to print them to a multi page pdf.
20 iMac G5/17 PowerBook/G4 400 AGP/iPod   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

What is your Quark Xpress version and MAC OS.
I am still working on it. Ihave almost completed but some bugs is there so it doesnot fulfill my requirements.
See the code below:
The problem line is in bold
tell application "QuarkXPress™ 4.1_XU14777929963"
set templateName to (choose file with prompt "Choose your template.")
open templateName use doc prefs yes
tell document 1
set horizontal measure to points
set vertical measure to points
end tell
set pageInfo to (properties of page 1 of spread 1 of document 1) as list
set topMargin to top margin of pageInfo as list
set pageLeftMargin to left margin of pageInfo as list
set bottomMargin to bottom margin of pageInfo as list
set rightMargin to right margin of pageInfo as list
tell page 1 of document 1
set pageBounds to bounds as list
set rightMargin to get right margin as real
set leftMargin to get left margin as real
set topMargin to get top margin as real
set bottomMargin to get bottom margin as real
set pageWidth to get page width of document 1 as real
set pageheight to get page height of document 1 as real
set tot to leftMargin + rightMargin
set totalPageWidth1 to pageWidth - rightMargin
set totalPageHeight1 to pageheight - topMargin
set maxWidth to totalPageWidth1 - tot
set maxHeight to totalPageHeight1 - tot
end tell
tell page 1 of document 1
make new picture box at beginning with properties {bounds:{0, 0, "1\"", "1\""}}
tell picture box 1
set colorbarImage to choose file with prompt "Find color bar."
set image 1 to colorbarImage
set colorbarBounds to bounds of image 1
set colorbarWidth to (item 3 of colorbarBounds) - (item 1 of colorbarBounds)
set colorbarHeight to (item 4 of colorbarBounds) - (item 2 of colorbarBounds)
end tell
delete picture box 1
end tell
set myFolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose your folder containing Images"
set layOnly to false
set myFolderText to myFolder as text
ignoring case
repeat with i from 4 to length of myFolderText
if character i of myFolderText = ":" then
if character (i - 1) of myFolderText = "s" then
if character (i - 2) of myFolderText = "e" then
if character (i - 3) of myFolderText = ":" then
set layOnly to true
display dialog ("Only .lay files will be processed")
end if
end if
end if
end if
end repeat
end ignoring
display dialog ("How many points to add to box size?") default answer "0" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
set addSize to text returned of result
set addSizePts to addSize as real
set theResults to (display dialog ("Enter Job Number") default answer "XXX" buttons {"No ID", "OK"} default button 2)
set textJob to text returned of theResults
set noID to button returned of theResults
if (noID = "No ID") then
set colorbarHeight to 0
set singlleImage to "Yes"
display dialog ("Enter batch identification") default answer "Art" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
set textBatch to text returned of result
display dialog ("Enter Chapter identification") default answer "Art" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
set textChapter to text returned of result
set textJobBatch to "Job:" & textJob & " Chapter:" & textChapter & " Batch:" & textBatch & "" as styled text
display dialog ("Enter date") default answer "EPG" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
set textDate to text returned of result
display dialog ("Enter Client Name") default answer "EPG" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
set textClientName to text returned of result
set textClientName to ("Client: " & textClientName)
display dialog ("Enter your code") default answer "IHK" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
set textOpName to text returned of result
set textDateOpNum to (return & "Date:" & textDate & "Operator:" & textOpName) as styled text
display dialog ("One image/page?") buttons {"YES", "NO"} default button 2
set singleImage to button returned of result
end if
copy (list folder (myFolder) without invisibles) to fileList
set currPage to 1
set currSpread to 1
set spreadInfo to (properties of spread currSpread of document 1) as list
set newPage to true
set imageOrigin to 0
-- set leftMargin to leftMargin
set columnWidth to 0
set totalImages to 0
if (noID = "No ID") then
set textBoxHeight to 0
set barCodes to true
set textBoxHeight to 58
set barCodes to true
end if
repeat with i from 1 to count of fileList
set imageFile to (myFolder as text) & (item i of fileList as text)
tell application "Finder"
set fileType to file type of imageFile
set creatorType to creator type of file imageFile
on error
set fileType to "RRRR"
end try
end tell
if fileType ≠ "fold" then --checking whether it is a folder or file
if ((fileType = "EPSF") or (fileType = "TIFF") or (fileType = "..CT") or (fileType = "JPEG") or (fileType = "GIFF")) then
ignoring case
if layOnly then
if (imageFile ends with ".lay") then
set processFile to true
set processFile to false
end if
if (imageFile ends with ".C") or (imageFile ends with ".M") or (imageFile ends with ".Y") or (imageFile ends with ".K") then
set processFile to false
set processFile to true
end if
end if
end ignoring
if processFile then
set totalImages to (totalImages + 1)
tell page currPage of spread currSpread of document 1
if (imageOrigin + colorbarHeight + textBoxHeight) > maxHeight then
make picture box at begining with properties {bounds:¬
{topMargin + colorbarHeight + imageOrigin, leftMargin, ¬
topMargin + colorbarHeight + imageOrigin + 36, leftMargin + 36}, color:"None"}
end if
tell picture box 1
set image 1 to alias imageFile
set imageBounds to bounds of image 1
set imageWidth to (item 3 of imageBounds) - (item 1 of imageBounds) + addSize
set imageHeight to (item 4 of imageBounds) - (item 2 of limageBounds) + addSize
set saveImageHeight to imageHeight
set saveImageWidth to imageWidth
if imageWidth < colorbarWidth then
set imageWidth to colorbarWidth
end if
end tell
if newPage = false then
ignoring case
if singleImage = "Yes" then
set leftMargin to (maxWidth + 1)
set imageOrigin to (maxHeight + 1)
end if
end ignoring
if (leftMargin + imageWidth) > maxWidth then
set leftMargin to (maxWidth + 1)
set imageOrigin to (maxHeight + 1)
end if
if (imagOrigin + colorbarHeight + imageHeight + textBoxHeight) > maxHeight then
delete picture box 1
set imageOrigin to 0
set newPage to true
set leftMargin to (leftMargin + columnWidth + 24)
set columnWidth to 0
if (leftMargin + imageWidth) > maxWidth then
set currPage to currPage + 1
if currPage > (item 6 of spreadInfo) then
set currSpread to currSpread + 1
set currPage to 1
tell document 1
make new spread at end
show spread currSpread
end tell
set leftMargin to pageLeftMargin
end if
end if
end if
set newPage to false
end if
end tell
set fullSize to true
tell page currPage of spread currSpread of document 1
if newPage = true then
set fullImageHeight to imageHeight
set fullImageWidth to imageWidth
if (imageHeight > (maxHeight - (colorbarHeight + textBoxHeight))) then
set imagHeight to (maxHeight - (colorbarHeight + textBoxHeight))
set fullSize to false
end if
if (imageWidth > maxWidth) then
set imagWidth to maxWidth
set fullSize to false
end if
make picture box at beginning with properties {bounds:¬
{topMargin + colorbarHeight + imageOrigin, leftMargin, ¬
topMargin + colorbarHeight + imageOrigin ¬
+ 36, leftMargin + 36}, color:"None"}
tell picture box 1
set image 1 to alias imagFile
set imageBounds to bounds of image 1
set colunWidth to imageWidth
end tell
set newPage to false
end if
tell picture box 1
set height of bounds to imageHeight
set width of bounds to imageWidth
set bounds of image 1 to «constant JUSTcent»
set boxBounds to bounds as list --box bounds reads as {A,B,C,D}
set BoxA to ((item 1 of boxBounds) as point units) as real --converts everything to points
set BoxB to ((item 2 of boxBounds) as point units) as real
set BoxC to ((item 3 of boxBounds) as point units) as real
set BoxD to ((item 4 of boxBounds) as point units) as real
if (noID ≠ "No ID") then
--set imageName to (name of image 1) as text
get file path of image 1 --gets the path name of the imported image
set pathName to result as text --converts the path name from a reference to text
set oldDelims to text item delimiters of AppleScript --puts the current delimiters into a placeholder
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to {":"} --uses the colon as the new delimiter
set fileName to last text item of pathName --asks for the last item of the delimited text string and sets it to variable
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to oldDelims --resets the old delimiters
(* if the operator enters "none" for the bar code, don't ask for any more bar codes *)
if barCodes then
display dialog ("Enter bar code for image " & fileName) ¬
default answer "none" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
set textBarCode to text returned of result
if (textBarCode = "none") or (textBarCode = "NONE") or (textBarCode = "None") then
set textBarCode to ""
set barCodes to false
(* set textBoxHeight to 36 *)
if textBarCode ≠ "" then
(* set textBarCode to (return & "Bar Code: " & textBarCode) as styled text *)
set textBarCode to (" Bar Code: " & textBarCode)
end if
end if
set textBarCode to ""
end if
if (creatorType = "ART5") then
set textCreator to " Creator: Illustrator"
else if (creatorType = "8BIM") then
set textCreator to " Creator: PhotoShop"
else if (creatorType = "FH40") then
set textCreator to " Creator: FreeHand"
set textCreator to " CreatorID: " & creatorType as text
end if
--set textClientBarCode to (return & textClientName & textBarCode) as styled text
set textClientBarCode to (return & textClientName & textBarCode & textCreator) as styled text
if fullSize then
set sizeDisclaimer to ""
set sizeDisclaimer to " (complete image is not displayed; full size=" & (saveImageWidth as text) ¬
& " x " & (saveImageHeight as text) & ")"
end if
end if
end tell
if (noID ≠ "No ID") then
set textIDSize to (return & "Fig: " & fileName & " Size: " & (saveImageWidth as text) ¬
& " X" & (saveImageHeight as text)) as styled text
(* add a box identifying the figure including job, batch, client, barcode, name, size, date and oper *)
make new text box at beginning with properties ¬
{bounds:{BoxC + 6, BoxB, BoxC + 6 + textBoxHeight, BoxD}, runaround:none runaround, color:"None"} ¬
if sizeDisclaimer ≠ "" then
set story 1 of text box 1 to (fileName & sizeDisclaimer) as styled text
set story 1 of text box 1 to (textJobBatch & textClientBarCode & textIDSize & textDateOpNum) as styled text
end if
set justification of story 1 of text box 1 to «constant JUSTcent»
if sizeDisclaimer = "" then
tell paragraph 1 of story 1 of text box 1
(* if (word count) = 2 then *)
(* set style of word 1 to bold *)
(* set style of word 2 to italic *)
(* else *)
set style of word 1 to «constant Stylbold»
(* word 3 *)
--select character 1
(*set textArray to words as list
set arrayLength to length of textArray
repeat with i from 1 to arrayLength
set paraLength to count of words
repeat with i from 1 to paraLength
if word i = "Batch" then
set style of word i to «constant Stylbold»
else if word i = "Chapter" then
set style of word i to «constant Stylbold»
end if
end repeat
(* end if *)
end tell
(* if textBarCode ≠ "" then *)
tell paragraph 2 of story 1 of text box 1
set style of word 1 to «constant Stylbold»
set paraLength to count of words
if textBarCode ≠ "" then
(* set style of words 1 through 2 to bold *)
(* word count *)
repeat with i from 1 to paraLength
if word i = "Bar" then
set style of words i thru (i + 1) to ¬
«constant Stylbold»
end if
end repeat
end if
repeat with i from 1 to paraLength
if word i = "Creator" then
set style of word i to «constant Stylbold»
else if word i = "CreatorID" then
set style of word i to «constant Stylbold»
end if
end repeat
end tell
(* end if *)
tell paragraph 3 of story 1 of text box 1
set style of word 1 to «constant Stylbold»
(* word count *)
set paraLength to count of words
repeat with i from 1 to paraLength
if word i = "Size" then
set style of word i to «constant Stylbold»
end if
end repeat
end tell
tell paragraph 4 of story 1 of text box 1
set style of word 1 to «constant Stylbold»
set paraLength to count of words
repeat with i from 1 to paraLength
if word i = "Oper" then
set style of word i to «constant Stylbold»
end if
end repeat
(* word count *)
end tell
tell text box 1
set heightAdjustment to 6
set item3 to (BoxC + 6 + textBoxHeight + heightAdjustment)
--repeat while box overflows and (item3 < maxHeight)
repeat while box overflows
--if box overflows then
set bounds to {BoxC + 6, BoxB, item3, BoxD}
set heightAdjustment to heightAdjustment + 6
set item3 to (BoxC + 6 + textBoxHeight + heightAdjustment)
--end if
end repeat
end tell
end if
end if
if (noID ≠ "No ID") then
(* add the color bar *)
make picture box at beginning with properties ¬
{bounds:{BoxA - colorbarHeight - 1, BoxB, BoxA - 1, BoxB + colorbarWidth}, color:"None"}
tell picture box 1
set image 1 to colorbarImage
end tell
set imageOrigin to BoxC + textBoxHeight -- starting point of next image
if imageWidth > columnWidth then
set columnWidth to imageWidth
end if
end if
end tell
end if
end if
end if
end repeat
display dialog (totalImages as text) & " images processed in " & myFolder & ". " buttons {"OK"} default button {"OK"}
tell document 1
show page -1 --last page
end tell
end tell

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    Hi there
    The help is saying to click View > Toolbars > Formatting (in case the toolbar has been turned off)
    Perhaps the image below will better assist in locating the icon.
    Cheers... Rick

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    CS6 is a version number... what actual program are you using?
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    A contact sheet can only put each photo once on the page. I can't think of a way to do it in iPhoto.
    I was able to do what you describe in Photoshop Elements. If you have access to that program you can give it a try.
    In Photoshop Elements, open all 8 photos.
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    PDF995 is a free utility that converts any kind of document into a PDF file.  It functions like a printer driver.  Instead of sending the document (the contact sheet) to a real printer, send it to PDF995, which will create a PDF file that can be printed anywhere.
    Another free utility is IrfanView (  It will let you create and save contact sheets in JPEG or other picture formats.

Maybe you are looking for