How to produce the Month Growth

Dear All,
Help needed. I am having problem to produce a calculated sales measure which is the month growth where the exmaple is as follow:
For the month growth of "Jan-2008", it has to take the sales for (Jan-2008 - Jan-2007) / sales for Jan-2007.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Best Regards,

Hi Amr Salem,
Thanks for the suggestion. In fact, I am looking at the dynamic way to show at least 2 years of Month Growth. For example.
Sales -
>                    | Growth  --->
Jan07 | Feb07 | Mar07 ... Jan08(Growth) | Feb08(Growth) | ......
Kindly Help.

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    This is code authored by Richard Ding that will log database sizes to a table.  If you run it every day, then you can go back and compare the database size differences day to day... week to week... month to month... and year over year.  That is
    how I forecast growth over time.
    Note:  There is a database name required that is local to your environment, so change [YOURDATABASENAME] to whatever local database you wish to use.  I will also post the DDL to create the target table.  Create that table in the database you
    name in the stored procedure code and all should run fine.
    USE [master]
    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_SDS] Script Date: 04/22/2015 09:32:53 ******/
    @TargetDatabase sysname = NULL, -- NULL: all dbs
    @Level varchar(10) = 'Database', -- or "File"
    @UpdateUsage bit = 0, -- default no update
    @Unit char(2) = 'MB' -- Megabytes, Kilobytes or Gigabytes
    ** author: Richard Ding
    ** date: 4/8/2008
    ** usage: list db size AND path w/o SUMmary
    ** test code: sp_SDS -- default behavior
    ** sp_SDS 'maAster'
    ** sp_SDS NULL, NULL, 0
    ** sp_SDS NULL, 'file', 1, 'GB'
    ** sp_SDS 'Test_snapshot', 'Database', 1
    ** sp_SDS 'Test', 'File', 0, 'kb'
    ** sp_SDS 'pfaids', 'Database', 0, 'gb'
    ** sp_SDS 'tempdb', NULL, 1, 'kb'
    IF @TargetDatabase IS NOT NULL AND DB_ID(@TargetDatabase) IS NULL
    RAISERROR(15010, -1, -1, @TargetDatabase);
    RETURN (-1)
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo', 'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.##Tbl_DbFileStats', 'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE dbo.##Tbl_DbFileStats;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.##Tbl_ValidDbs', 'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE dbo.##Tbl_ValidDbs;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.##Tbl_Logs', 'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE dbo.##Tbl_Logs;
    CREATE TABLE dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo (
    DatabaseName sysname NULL,
    [type] VARCHAR(10) NULL,
    LogicalName sysname NULL,
    T dec(10, 2) NULL,
    U dec(10, 2) NULL,
    [U(%)] dec(5, 2) NULL,
    F dec(10, 2) NULL,
    [F(%)] dec(5, 2) NULL,
    PhysicalName sysname NULL );
    CREATE TABLE dbo.##Tbl_DbFileStats (
    Id int identity,
    DatabaseName sysname NULL,
    FileId int NULL,
    FileGroup int NULL,
    TotalExtents bigint NULL,
    UsedExtents bigint NULL,
    Name sysname NULL,
    FileName varchar(255) NULL );
    CREATE TABLE dbo.##Tbl_ValidDbs (
    Id int identity,
    Dbname sysname NULL );
    CREATE TABLE dbo.##Tbl_Logs (
    DatabaseName sysname NULL,
    LogSize dec (10, 2) NULL,
    LogSpaceUsedPercent dec (5, 2) NULL,
    Status int NULL );
    DECLARE @Ver varchar(10),
    @DatabaseName sysname,
    @Ident_last int,
    @String varchar(2000),
    @BaseString varchar(2000);
    SELECT @DatabaseName = '',
    @Ident_last = 0,
    @String = '',
    @Ver = CASE WHEN @@VERSION LIKE '%9.0%' THEN 'SQL 2005'
    WHEN @@VERSION LIKE '%8.0%' THEN 'SQL 2000'
    WHEN @@VERSION LIKE '%10.0%' THEN 'SQL 2008'
    WHEN @@VERSION LIKE '%11.0%' THEN 'SQL 2012'
    WHEN @@VERSION LIKE '%12.0%' THEN 'SQL 2014'
    SELECT @BaseString =
    ' SELECT DB_NAME(), ' +
    CASE WHEN @Ver = 'SQL 2000' THEN 'CASE WHEN status & 0x40 = 0x40 THEN ''Log'' ELSE ''Data'' END'
    ELSE ' CASE type WHEN 0 THEN ''Data'' WHEN 1 THEN ''Log'' WHEN 4 THEN ''Full-text'' ELSE ''reserved'' END' END +
    ', name, ' +
    CASE WHEN @Ver = 'SQL 2000' THEN 'filename' ELSE 'physical_name' END +
    ', size*8.0/1024.0 FROM ' +
    CASE WHEN @Ver = 'SQL 2000' THEN 'sysfiles' ELSE 'sys.database_files' END +
    ' WHERE '
    + CASE WHEN @Ver = 'SQL 2000' THEN ' HAS_DBACCESS(DB_NAME()) = 1' ELSE 'state_desc = ''ONLINE''' END + '';
    SELECT @String = 'INSERT INTO dbo.##Tbl_ValidDbs SELECT name FROM ' +
    CASE WHEN @Ver = 'SQL 2000' THEN 'master.dbo.sysdatabases'
    WHEN @Ver IN ('SQL 2005', 'SQL 2008', 'SQL 2012', 'SQL 2014') THEN 'master.sys.databases'
    END + ' WHERE HAS_DBACCESS(name) = 1 ORDER BY name ASC';
    EXEC (@String);
    -- For data part
    IF @TargetDatabase IS NOT NULL
    SELECT @DatabaseName = @TargetDatabase;
    IF @UpdateUsage <> 0 AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX (@DatabaseName,'Status') = 'ONLINE'
    AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX (@DatabaseName, 'Updateability') <> 'READ_ONLY'
    SELECT @String = 'USE [' + @DatabaseName + '] DBCC UPDATEUSAGE (0)';
    PRINT '*** ' + @String + ' *** ';
    EXEC (@String);
    PRINT '';
    SELECT @String = 'INSERT INTO dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo (DatabaseName, type, LogicalName, PhysicalName, T) ' + @BaseString;
    INSERT INTO dbo.##Tbl_DbFileStats (FileId, FileGroup, TotalExtents, UsedExtents, Name, FileName)
    EXEC ('USE [' + @DatabaseName + '] ' + @String);
    UPDATE dbo.##Tbl_DbFileStats SET DatabaseName = @DatabaseName;
    WHILE 1 = 1
    SELECT TOP 1 @DatabaseName = Dbname FROM dbo.##Tbl_ValidDbs WHERE Dbname > @DatabaseName ORDER BY Dbname ASC;
    IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0
    IF @UpdateUsage <> 0 AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX (@DatabaseName, 'Status') = 'ONLINE'
    AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX (@DatabaseName, 'Updateability') <> 'READ_ONLY'
    SELECT @String = 'DBCC UPDATEUSAGE (''' + @DatabaseName + ''') ';
    PRINT '*** ' + @String + '*** ';
    EXEC (@String);
    PRINT '';
    SELECT @Ident_last = ISNULL(MAX(Id), 0) FROM dbo.##Tbl_DbFileStats;
    SELECT @String = 'INSERT INTO dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo (DatabaseName, type, LogicalName, PhysicalName, T) ' + @BaseString;
    EXEC ('USE [' + @DatabaseName + '] ' + @String);
    INSERT INTO dbo.##Tbl_DbFileStats (FileId, FileGroup, TotalExtents, UsedExtents, Name, FileName)
    UPDATE dbo.##Tbl_DbFileStats SET DatabaseName = @DatabaseName WHERE Id BETWEEN @Ident_last + 1 AND @@IDENTITY;
    -- set used size for data files, do not change total obtained from sys.database_files as it has for log files
    UPDATE dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo
    SET U = s.UsedExtents*8*8/1024.0
    FROM dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo t JOIN dbo.##Tbl_DbFileStats s
    ON t.LogicalName = s.Name AND s.DatabaseName = t.DatabaseName;
    -- set used size and % values for log files:
    UPDATE dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo
    SET [U(%)] = LogSpaceUsedPercent,
    U = T * LogSpaceUsedPercent/100.0
    FROM dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo t JOIN dbo.##Tbl_Logs l
    ON l.DatabaseName = t.DatabaseName
    WHERE t.type = 'Log';
    UPDATE dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo SET F = T - U, [U(%)] = U*100.0/T;
    UPDATE dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo SET [F(%)] = F*100.0/T;
    IF @Unit = 'KB'
    UPDATE dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo
    SET T = T * 1024, U = U * 1024, F = F * 1024;
    IF @Unit = 'GB'
    UPDATE dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo
    SET T = T / 1024, U = U / 1024, F = F / 1024;
    SELECT DatabaseName AS 'Database',
    type AS 'Type',
    T AS 'Total',
    U AS 'Used',
    [U(%)] AS 'Used (%)',
    F AS 'Free',
    [F(%)] AS 'Free (%)',
    FROM dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo
    WHERE DatabaseName LIKE ISNULL(@TargetDatabase, '%')
    ORDER BY DatabaseName ASC, type ASC;
    SUM (T) AS 'TOTAL', SUM (U) AS 'USED', SUM (F) AS 'FREE' FROM dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo;
    DECLARE @Tbl_Final TABLE (
    DatabaseName sysname NULL,
    TOTAL dec (10, 2),
    [=] char(1),
    used dec (10, 2),
    [used (%)] dec (5, 2),
    [+] char(1),
    free dec (10, 2),
    [free (%)] dec (5, 2),
    [==] char(2),
    Data dec (10, 2),
    Data_Used dec (10, 2),
    [Data_Used (%)] dec (5, 2),
    Data_Free dec (10, 2),
    [Data_Free (%)] dec (5, 2),
    [++] char(2),
    Log dec (10, 2),
    Log_Used dec (10, 2),
    [Log_Used (%)] dec (5, 2),
    Log_Free dec (10, 2),
    [Log_Free (%)] dec (5, 2) );
    INSERT INTO @Tbl_Final
    SELECT x.DatabaseName,
    x.Data + y.Log AS 'TOTAL',
    '=' AS '=',
    x.Data_Used + y.Log_Used AS 'U',
    (x.Data_Used + y.Log_Used)*100.0 / (x.Data + y.Log) AS 'U(%)',
    '+' AS '+',
    x.Data_Free + y.Log_Free AS 'F',
    (x.Data_Free + y.Log_Free)*100.0 / (x.Data + y.Log) AS 'F(%)',
    '==' AS '==',
    x.Data_Used*100/x.Data AS 'D_U(%)',
    x.Data_Free*100/x.Data AS 'D_F(%)',
    '++' AS '++',
    y.Log_Used*100/y.Log AS 'L_U(%)',
    y.Log_Free*100/y.Log AS 'L_F(%)'
    ( SELECT d.DatabaseName,
    SUM(d.T) AS 'Data',
    SUM(d.U) AS 'Data_Used',
    SUM(d.F) AS 'Data_Free'
    FROM dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo d WHERE d.type = 'Data' GROUP BY d.DatabaseName ) AS x
    ( SELECT l.DatabaseName,
    SUM(l.T) AS 'Log',
    SUM(l.U) AS 'Log_Used',
    SUM(l.F) AS 'Log_Free'
    FROM dbo.##Tbl_CombinedInfo l WHERE l.type = 'Log' GROUP BY l.DatabaseName ) AS y
    ON x.DatabaseName = y.DatabaseName;
    IF @Unit = 'KB'
    UPDATE @Tbl_Final SET TOTAL = TOTAL * 1024,
    used = used * 1024,
    free = free * 1024,
    Data = Data * 1024,
    Data_Used = Data_Used * 1024,
    Data_Free = Data_Free * 1024,
    Log = Log * 1024,
    Log_Used = Log_Used * 1024,
    Log_Free = Log_Free * 1024;
    IF @Unit = 'GB'
    UPDATE @Tbl_Final SET TOTAL = TOTAL / 1024,
    used = used / 1024,
    free = free / 1024,
    Data = Data / 1024,
    Data_Used = Data_Used / 1024,
    Data_Free = Data_Free / 1024,
    Log = Log / 1024,
    Log_Used = Log_Used / 1024,
    Log_Free = Log_Free / 1024;
    DECLARE @GrantTotal dec(11, 2);
    SELECT @GrantTotal = SUM(TOTAL) FROM @Tbl_Final;
    CONVERT(dec(10, 2), TOTAL*100.0/@GrantTotal) AS 'WEIGHT (%)',
    DatabaseName AS 'DATABASE',
    CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), used) AS 'USED',
    CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), free) AS 'FREE',
    FROM @Tbl_Final
    WHERE DatabaseName LIKE ISNULL(@TargetDatabase, '%')
    ORDER BY DatabaseName ASC;
    IF @TargetDatabase IS NULL
    SUM (used) AS 'USED',
    SUM (free) AS 'FREE',
    SUM (Data) AS 'DATA',
    SUM (Log) AS 'LOG'
    FROM @Tbl_Final;
    RETURN (0)
    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DBSize] Script Date: 04/22/2015 09:49:10 ******/
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DBSize](
    [UID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [Weight] [decimal](18, 2) NULL,
    [DBName] [varchar](250) NULL,
    [Used] [decimal](18, 2) NULL,
    [Free] [decimal](18, 2) NULL,
    [Total] [decimal](18, 2) NULL,
    [Data] [decimal](18, 2) NULL,
    [Data_Used] [decimal](18, 2) NULL,
    [Log] [decimal](18, 2) NULL,
    [Log_Used] [decimal](18, 2) NULL,
    [DT] [datetime] NULL,
    [UID] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

  • How to find the month wise Overall result

    calculating share percentage of order quantity  based on Overal result.
    if given the fiscal period range in the variable(for ex 001.2006 to 009.2006) Overall result considering sum of all Order quantity data between this range.
    But need to calculate share percentage based on month wise in this fiscal period range,for this regard should consider the sum of overal result in month wise.
    How to calculate the month wise overall result?

    Hi Hari,
    You need to enable the results row for your Month char in the query. Then use a new formula with the function %CT to get the percentage share of individual values wrt to overall result of that month.
    Hope this helps...

  • How to monitor the database growth?

    Dear All,
    How to monitor the database growth in SAP.
    Is there any t.code available to check the same.
    advance thanks,
    Sundar  C
    Note: suitable answers will get maximum reward points.

          You can check the database growth using tcode -db02.
    and also use tcode-db02old(if the SAP is Netweaver2004s version)  and click on space statistics for monitoring the datbase growth,
    Thanks and Regards,

  • How to get the monthly interest rate

    I have been using AppleWorks for 10 years.
    Since that time, I use a financial template named Mortgage Analyser.
    In this file, one can get the pmt if one provided the +pv, monthly interest rate and the number of periods.+
    What I get is the reverse, that is, how to get the +monthly interest rate+, if I provide the +pv, the number of periods and the pmt+?
    I think I had this in the past, but I can not find it.
    Jorge Lucas (the guy from Rio Grande do Sul)

    I already saw that, but it does not give me what I want.
    That works only if you put a money at a savings account and DO NOT TOUCH IT for a given period.
    My need right now is to help a girl to buy a car in 36 or 48 monthly payments and calculate the real interest.
    I want to have this for any other similar buying.
    I can do it using the Mortgage Analyser template changing the MONTHLY RATE by *+try and error+* but — +since I am a High School Math Teacher+ — I would like to have the function directly.
    Another day I was looking on the Internet and it seems that there is no direct response for what I want, using AppleWorks.
    So, if I continue to use AW, I must calculate it by try and error.
    Thanks anyway!
    Jorge Lucas (the guy from Rio Grande do Sul)

  • How to calculate the month difference between two date char. in Query?

    Customers would like to see how many months passed between two date type of characteristics (e.g., the month difference between the current date and the scheduled delivery date in the record) and put the result into the column as KF. 
    We would have to grab the fiscal year/period kind of value and then do the subtraction, e.g., if the current date value is 2/28/2008 and the scheduled delivery date value in the record is 12/01/2007, the correct result should be 2 month difference between these two date values, but could someone here give us the technical light on how to make this happen in query design?
    Thanks and we will give you reward points for the correct anwsers!

    Hi Kevin,
    The Badi is RSR_OLAP_BADI.
    You can create an implementation using Transaction  SE18.
    The implementation is per cube and is defined in the filters.
    In the Implementation you have the following methods :
    1. Define : Here you will provide the Keyfigure you need as a virtual one.
    2. Initilialize : Any Init Function you want to do.
    3. Compute. This is called per datarecord and here you can cimpute your value.
    Hope this helps.
    Pralay Ahluwalia

  • How to get the Month from no of week

    Dear Friendz
    I have one variable which contains the value as 200547 where 2005 is the year and 47 is the no of week.
    now i want to get the month from the no of week.
    so how to solve the problem???
    thank in advance.
    nilesh shete

    report ztest.
    data: myweek type SCAL-WEEK,
          mydate type SCAL-DATE,
    myweek = '200547'.
    call function 'WEEK_GET_FIRST_DAY'
              WEEK   = myweek
              DATE   = mydate
              others = 9.
    mymonth = mydate+4(2).
    write mymonth.

  • BPC - Script - How to get the month of a date stored as an amount?

    We have a account called "StartDate" in our database.
    The user enter a date for this account: 01/07/2010
    This date is then stored as 40360 in the db
    We are trying to get the month number (7) out of this record.
    We succeeded to write an sql query to do that:
    Select Month( cast( as datetime ) )
    From tblFact
    Where = 'StartDate'
    Any idea how to do that in a bpc script logic ?

    There's no built-in support for any type of date math in BPC script logic.
    One approach I've used is to add a property to the time dimension, ExcelTimeID. Then you can compare the value to your time periods, if your logic requires this type of condition.
    *WHEN SignedData
    *IS < Time.ExcelTimeID
    But that doesn't solve the problem you have, where you want to know the month. I can't think of an immediate solution, other than perhaps in the original input schedule to hide a second account that submits the month number (as an integer) along with the account you have now (with the full date).
    Or stick a stored proc in some logic package, scheduled to run every 10 minutes or whatever, that takes the account with the date in it, and runs your query, saving the result as the month number. Ugly in so many different ways, but it's another way to tackle the problem further upstream.
    And last result is to build script logic with ridiculous hard-coding of Excel time IDs all over the place.

  • How to lock the month in Planning web forms

    Hi all ,
    we r using the web forms in planning for inputting the data .
    we had a problem here.
    User is giving the in put for the month Dec..and again in he is changing the how to lock the in web forms month wise.
    thanks in Adv

    Hi Bunny,
    Do you mean to say that , once the user inputs the values for the month of Dec,after that , you dont want the user to change the values of dec which he had provided.
    Is that what your montly locking means?
    Sandeep Reddy Enti

  • How to Produce the highest quality picture onto DVD or Blu-Ray

    I have recently started looking at new video cameras and software. I will soon purchase FCS. One thing that I cant get a clear answer on is how to produce a high quality DVD / Blu-Ray Disc.
    I stumbled upon a cinematographer by the name of Ray Roman. He is producing the kind of wedding videos that I want to produce in the near future. I see that he answered one of his followers by saying he shot the wedding with Cannon 7D DSLR cameras.
    Here is a link to the video I am speaking about.
    Ps. You need to scroll down a little to see the video.
    Can anyone tell me if they believe that was shot with a DSLR type camera, and if so what steps do you believe were took to create such a high quality final product.
    1. What type of software is needed to produce this?
    2. Does it have to be a Blu-Ray disc to hold that clarity?
    3. Does FCS support Blu-Ray?
    4. If FCS does not support Blu-Ray can I Export the project to Roxio 10 Pro to make the Blu-Ray disc?
    If I am totally off in left field Please Please Please let me know your opinion as to the best methods you have found to end up with a high quality product like that.
    What I really need to know is
    1. What camera will capture the correct info to start with
    2. What software will edit it and encode it without losing all that high quality data
    3. What way to burn the project to disc to again retain all the clarity, brightness, sharpness etc...
    Thanks for you help Ron...

    I'm at work so I can't see the video, but I can answer some workflow questions for you. If you see lots of shallow depth of field shots it was probably shot on an HDSLR. That's about the only thing they have going for them video wise.
    1) Without watching it I'm willing to guess it could all be done in Final Cut Studio or seeing CS4 in your signature, Adobe Creative Suite 4 Production Premium/Master Collection (Premiere/After Effects).
    2) DVDs only show SD video. You can do anamorphic video to get widescreen video on a DVD, but anything 720p and up will require more than a DVD disc. You can also letterbox your video to get faux widescreen on a DVD.
    3) FCS doesn't really support blu-ray. Apple in general does not support blu-ray. You can export to a codec that is blu-ray friendly but there is no blu-ray authoring software, nor can any Mac be purchased with a blu-ray drive to my knowledge.
    4) There are lots and lots of ways to export from Final Cut Studio. I'm sure you can find several wrapper and codec combinations that Roxio will accept. The level of compatibility is a different you need subtitles, chapter markers, etc. If you need more than a video clip you'll probably hit some hurdles.
    1) I'd avoid an HDSLR to get started out. They are a pain in terms of workflow. You have to transcode (convert) all the video from the nasty H.264/PhotoJPEG codecs they record in (H.264 for the Canon cameras, PhotoJPEG for the Nikons) if you want them to be friendly in Apple's Final Cut or Adobe's Premiere.
    It is important to understand video comes in a few types of formats, acquisition formats, editing formats, and delivery formats. A .mov file is a wrapper can be contain perhaps hundreds of different codecs (only one at a time), AIC, ProRes422, ProRes4444, Animation, the list goes on and on, it is the codec used that is important. H.264 is a compressed, lossy video codec developed for delivery and now used for acquisition in consumer devices. Editing software wants something simpler to edit with, like Apple ProRes422 or AIC for Final Cut. Transcode it and you won't have to render out every frame (let the computer build a preview video in an editing codec so it can play it back smoothly), then re-render when you do so little as add a cross dissolve.
    That also doesn't even begin to look into the audio issue. Using an HDSLR for video capture basically says you need a separate device (and likely another operator) for audio acquisition. These will have to be synced up in post.
    I'd say do yourself a favour and get a video camera if you want to shoot video. When you've got a feel for the workflow and a better understanding of what you're up against an HDSLR can liven up your shooting with some shallow depth of field effects.
    2) Final Cut Studio and Creative Suite 4 will both work with 7D video, but the 7D doesn't shoot "high quality data." The video it shoots is H.264, or compressed. Think of it as though every frame has gone through Photoshop and been saved as a JPG with the quality setting at 3 or so. It looks pretty good if you blow the background out of focus, but it has inherent issues that make it not the best for every situation.
    3) The best way to retain image quality is good workflow from beginning to end.

  • How to return the month view format on IPhone to show text of events and not dots?

    The month view in my IPhone ICal is now filled with dots to let me know I have an event as opposed to the former view where I could see text at a glance and know what I had to do on certain days.  The month view of days with dots is now worthless to me unless i can change it back to see text.  Also, you have to scroll through to see all the hours in a day.  Is this really necessary?  Who has time to enter in so much activity on their daily calendar that is reqires scrolling through the hours?  Can I make the entire day appear on one screen if I'm in day view?
    Thanks for your help.

    You can see what is similar to the List view by tapping on the magnifying glass. The former Month view with a couple of lines ot text under it no longer exists.
    Feedback to Apple can be made at and click on the appropriate link.

  • How to get the month value in a date?

    I am retrieving a Date from the database using the getDate() method! However, I want the value of the month in this obtained result, which i want to compare with an integer!
    I dont see any other option but to use the deprecated getMonth() method on this Date object! Or rather get the date as a String & apply the substring methods to get the reqd value!
    Is there any other go on this?

    You can use GregorianCalendar.
    Date d = new Date();
    Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();

  • How to determine the month from the week number?

    Hi all,
    in a routine i have the week number in a year and i need to find the month but i don't know the correct FM to use for this.
    Is there anyone that had to face a similar problem?
    I'm considering that to determine the month it will be used the first day of the week since there are weeks belonging to 2 different months...
    Thank you

    If you have a Fiscal Year Variant determined for the week you can use function module PERIOD_DAY_DETERMINE by passing week,fiscal year and fiscal year variant for the week which will return fist and last date.So based on last data you can determine the month.

  • How to subtract the month from an item type Date Picker

    Hi everybody!!
    I´m building an application (V4.2) in wich customer introduce a date (item P11_F_ACTIVIDAD, Display as Date Picker). I need to sustract the month from that field and use it in a SQL query to fetch all rows from a table that met that condition (column F_ACTIVIDAD) . The WHERE clause should has something like this: WHERE substr(to_char(h.F_ACTIVIDAD,'ddmmyyyy'),3,2)= substr(to_char(:P11_F_ACTIVIDAD,'ddmmyyyy'),3,2)  but SQL engine does not see ":P11_F_ACTIVIDAD" like a column name..... Of course, it is not a column name.
    I appreciate recomend me an idea to overcome this issue.
    Thanks so much!

    Lecc23 wrote:
    Hi everybody!!
    I´m building an application (V4.2) in wich customer introduce a date (item P11_F_ACTIVIDAD, Display as Date Picker). I need to sustract the month from that field and use it in a SQL query to fetch all rows from a table that met that condition (column F_ACTIVIDAD) . The WHERE clause should has something like this: WHERE substr(to_char(h.F_ACTIVIDAD,'ddmmyyyy'),3,2)= substr(to_char(:P11_F_ACTIVIDAD,'ddmmyyyy'),3,2)  but SQL engine does not see ":P11_F_ACTIVIDAD" like a column name..... Of course, it is not a column name.
    I appreciate recomend me an idea to overcome this issue.
    Thanks so much!
    In APEX, items can certainly be used as bound variables in a SQL statement; like this.
    SELECT emp.ename,
           EXTRACT (MONTH FROM emp.hiredate) hiredate_month,
           EXTRACT (MONTH FROM :p11_f_actividad) datepicker_month
      FROM emp
    WHERE SUBSTR (TO_CHAR (emp.hiredate, 'ddmmyyyy'), 3, 2) =
              SUBSTR (TO_CHAR ( :p11_f_actividad, 'ddmmyyyy'), 3, 2)

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