How to properly save finished work.

I am getting full on my ext HD... I would like to know some different ways to save my projects.
I know how to back up to tape and save to DVD...etc.
i have some work i have done and I may have to re edit next yr for updates .
Should I just go back to tape? or save everything on EXT drives and If I save to HD's what parts should I save from render ,cap scratch, etc????? all files???
can't seem to find anything in forums.

Whatever you do, don't start using your main HD (the one OSX is on) for your FCE files for editing. This is never a smart thing to do.
This suggestion probably isn't the highest on your list:
Buy a new external HD. I searched Newegg for a while and found some hard drives. I came across a Seagate 320GB external HD for 94.99. I purchased it the next day. It was real cheap, really cheap for a drive of that size. Newegg has great selection on drives and cheap prices. Unforunatelly, the drive I bought was on sale when I bought it.
It's best to buy a internal hard drive, then purchase a Firewire enclosure. It's cheaper that way. - Amazing price.
Seagate drives on Newegg
I would invest in a larger drive, judging on how you are close to filling your current external. But if money is a factor, a lower drive size will work. Maybe buy the drive and use it only for your Capture Scratches.
Good luck
Remember to mark as helpful or solved.

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    There's an Apple help page on the DNS problem - at
    The first thing to try is changing your DNS settings - and for that you need to open System Preferences, then the
    Network section.
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    under DNS servers - use the + button to enter two extra lines
    either these, from google dns
    or from OpenDNS
    then click OK & then 'Apply'
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    Best, Lily

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