How to Publish a report created by Oracle report builder

Hi Everyone
My colleague and I were trying to use the Oracle Reports Builder to replace our existing reports generator from our ERP system. We have already created the report in the Reports Builder from the development suite.
What we are looking for is a similar solution as the Microsoft reporting service;
1) create the company report templates
2) and then upload the template files to a location (e.g. folder on the server)
3) then all user in the company can access it by a web browser with some fields which they can enter some critiria (e.g. purchase order number).
4) then send to printer and the print out should look exactly like the template.
Unfortunately, we had very bad time on try to find out what we need and how to publish that Oracle report we created. We spent 15 hours on that but no result.
In that 15 hours we tried to setup the "Oracle report service", but at last my colleague said that wasnt what we looking for, the "Oracle report service" is for reporting the error from the application hosted on the server, not for publish the company report created by the "Oracle report bulider" .
We use Oracle Database 10g for the ERP quite a long time already. We had the Oracle Developer Setup, and the Application Server Installed.
Could someone please tell us what kind of Oracle service we are actually looking for. Any other suggestion and setup guides are also the most welcoming.
Best Regards

If you want to be able to execute your Reports on the web, the best solution is to use the "Oracle Application Server"
For example , the "Forms & Reports Services Standalone" edition
Then, use the Reports Servlet to submit the execution requests to a Reports Server :
Oracle® Application Server Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
13 Running Report Requests
Deploying a report

Similar Messages

  • "This file was created by Oracle Reports. View this document in Page Layout mode" , how to avoid this text

    we print some RTF Files , we dont want to  print to paper  this text "This file was created by Oracle Reports. View this document in Page Layout mode"
    How to able do it.
    Tanks for reply.

    we print some RTF Files , we dont want to  print to paper  this text "This file was created by Oracle Reports. View this document in Page Layout mode"
    How to able do it.
    Tanks for reply.

  • PDF file created from Oracle Report is attached wrongly

    Please help. It is very urgent.
    I am using Oracle Developer 10gR2, Oracle Report 10.1.2 on Windows 2000.
    I would like to attach the PDF file created by Oracle Report to the Notification sent from Workflow.
    I use the following package procedure in my Workflow.
    procedure Create_File_Attachment (document_id   in varchar2, display_type  in varchar2, document      in out blob, document_type in out varchar2)
         l_itemtype          varchar2(100);
         l_itemkey           varchar2(100);
         l_output_directory  varchar2(30);
         l_filename          varchar2(255);
         src_loc             bfile;
         bdoc                blob;
         src_offset          number := 1;
         dst_offset          number := 1;
         amount              number;
         l_itemtype := substr(document_id, 1, instr(document_id, ':') - 1);
         l_itemkey := substr(document_id, instr(document_id, ':') + 1, length(document_id) - 2);
         l_output_directory := 'USR_TMP_DIR';
         l_filename := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrText(l_itemtype, l_itemkey, 'ATR_FILENAME');
         src_loc := bfilename(l_output_directory,l_filename);
         dbms_lob.createTemporary(bdoc, FALSE,;
         dbms_lob.fileopen(src_loc, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
         amount := dbms_lob.getLength(bdoc);
         document_type := 'application/pdf; name=attach.pdf';
    end Create_File_Attachment;Oracle Report created the PDF file correctly (original.pdf).
    I tried to attach the PDF into my Workflow.
    I can see the file is attached (attach.pdf), but it cannot be opened.
    The Adobe shows : 'A drawing error occured.' each time I open the attachment.
    I compare the original.pdf and the attach.pdf
    However, there is one specific difference
    - in original.pdf, the line started with '.' (single period)
    in attach.pdf, the line is started with '..' (two periods)
    Thus the attachment cannot be opened.
    After I delete the period, it can be opened.
    - Has someone ever succeed in attaching the PDF created from Report?
    - Are the codes above is wrong?
    - Or perhaps the DBMS_LOB.LOADBLOBFROMFILE always double the single period on front of the line?
    - Is there any solution on this?
    I have succeed in attaching PDF files unless the PDF created by the Report.
    Sorry for the long post.
    Please help. It is very urgent.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Many thanks,

    The code looks absolutely good. I have the same code working in my system. Only difference is I use TRUE and DBMS_LOB.Session for the BLOB I use to read from the BFILE.
    I can suggest one more way to handle to binary attachments if you are on Oracle 9i DB are later versions.
    procedure attach_document (p_document_id   in varchar2,
                               p_display_type  in varchar2,
                               p_document      in out nocopy clob,
                               p_document_type in out nocopy varchar2)
      l_nid        number;
      l_directory  varchar2(100);
      l_filename   varchar2(100);
      l_content_type varchar2(100);
      l_src_offset binary_integer := 1;
      l_dst_offset binary_integer := 1;
      l_err_msg    varchar2(100);
      l_amount     number;
      l_bfile BFILE;
      l_blob  BLOB;
      l_clob  CLOB;
      file_not_found exception;
      pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(file_not_found, -22288);
      l_nid := to_number(p_document_id);
      l_directory := trim(wf_notification.GetAttrText(l_nid, 'ATTR_DIRECTORY'));
      l_filename := trim(wf_notification.GetAttrText(l_nid, 'ATTR_FILENAME'));
      l_content_type := trim(wf_notification.GetAttrText(l_nid, 'ATTR_CONTENT_TYPE'));
      l_bfile := BFILENAME(l_directory, l_filename);
      dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_blob, true, dbms_lob.Session);
      dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_clob, true, dbms_lob.Session);
        dbms_lob.FileOpen(l_bfile, dbms_lob.File_Readonly);
        when file_not_found then
          l_err_msg := to_char(sqlcode)||' - Attachment File "'||l_filename||'" is not found.';
          raise_application_error(-20002, l_err_msg);
      dbms_lob.LoadBLOBFromFile(l_blob, l_bfile, dbms_lob.LobMaxSize, l_src_offset, l_dst_offset);
      -- Encode the BLOB content to BASE64 and attach to notification  
      wf_mail_util.EncodeBLOB(l_blob, l_clob);
      l_amount := dbms_lob.GetLength(l_clob);
      dbms_lob.Copy(p_document, l_clob, l_amount, 1, 1);
      -- Mention an appropriate Content Type so that Notification System
      -- understands the attachment content
      p_document_type := l_content_type||'; encoding=base64; name='||l_filename;
    end attach_document;Here I read the BLOB from the filesystem and base64 encode it before giving it to the Mailer. Please note that this is a PLSQLCLOB based attachment as against PLSQLBLOB that you are using.
    Thanks - Vijay

  • PDF file created from Oracle Report is created wrongly using dbms_lob

    Please help. It is very urgent.
    I am using Oracle Developer 10gR2, Oracle Report 10.1.2 on Windows 2000.
    I would like to attach the PDF file created by Oracle Report to the Notification sent from Workflow.
    I use the following package procedure in my Workflow.
    procedure Create_File_Attachment (document_id   in varchar2, display_type  in varchar2,
                                                                                         document      in out blob, document_type in out varchar2)
         l_itemtype          varchar2(100);
         l_itemkey           varchar2(100);
         l_output_directory  varchar2(30);
         l_filename          varchar2(255);
         src_loc             bfile;
         bdoc                blob;
         src_offset          number := 1;
         dst_offset          number := 1;
         amount              number;
         l_itemtype := substr(document_id, 1, instr(document_id, ':') - 1);
         l_itemkey := substr(document_id, instr(document_id, ':') + 1, length(document_id) - 2);
         l_output_directory := 'USR_TMP_DIR';
         l_filename := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrText(l_itemtype, l_itemkey, 'ATR_FILENAME');
         src_loc := bfilename(l_output_directory,l_filename);
         dbms_lob.createTemporary(bdoc, FALSE,;
         dbms_lob.fileopen(src_loc, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
         amount := dbms_lob.getLength(bdoc);
         document_type := 'application/pdf; name=attach.pdf';
    end Create_File_Attachment;Oracle Report created the PDF file correctly (original.pdf).
    I tried to attach the PDF into my Workflow.
    I can see the file is attached (attach.pdf), but it cannot be opened.
    The Adobe shows : 'A drawing error occured.' each time I open the attachment.
    I compare the original.pdf and the attach.pdf
    However, there is one specific difference
    - in original.pdf, the line started with '.' (single period)
    in attach.pdf, the line is started with '..' (two periods)
    Thus the attachment cannot be opened.
    After I delete the period, it can be opened.
    - Has someone ever succeed in attaching the PDF created from Report?
    - Are the codes above is wrong?
    - Or perhaps the DBMS_LOB.LOADBLOBFROMFILE always double the single period on front of the line?
    - Is there any solution on this?
    I have succeed in attaching PDF files unless the PDF created by the Report.
    Sorry for the long post.
    Please help. It is very urgent.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Many thanks,

    Please help. It is very urgent.
    I am using Oracle Developer 10gR2, Oracle Report 10.1.2 on Windows 2000.
    I would like to attach the PDF file created by Oracle Report to the Notification sent from Workflow.
    I use the following package procedure in my Workflow.
    procedure Create_File_Attachment (document_id   in varchar2, display_type  in varchar2,
                                                                                         document      in out blob, document_type in out varchar2)
         l_itemtype          varchar2(100);
         l_itemkey           varchar2(100);
         l_output_directory  varchar2(30);
         l_filename          varchar2(255);
         src_loc             bfile;
         bdoc                blob;
         src_offset          number := 1;
         dst_offset          number := 1;
         amount              number;
         l_itemtype := substr(document_id, 1, instr(document_id, ':') - 1);
         l_itemkey := substr(document_id, instr(document_id, ':') + 1, length(document_id) - 2);
         l_output_directory := 'USR_TMP_DIR';
         l_filename := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrText(l_itemtype, l_itemkey, 'ATR_FILENAME');
         src_loc := bfilename(l_output_directory,l_filename);
         dbms_lob.createTemporary(bdoc, FALSE,;
         dbms_lob.fileopen(src_loc, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
         amount := dbms_lob.getLength(bdoc);
         document_type := 'application/pdf; name=attach.pdf';
    end Create_File_Attachment;Oracle Report created the PDF file correctly (original.pdf).
    I tried to attach the PDF into my Workflow.
    I can see the file is attached (attach.pdf), but it cannot be opened.
    The Adobe shows : 'A drawing error occured.' each time I open the attachment.
    I compare the original.pdf and the attach.pdf
    However, there is one specific difference
    - in original.pdf, the line started with '.' (single period)
    in attach.pdf, the line is started with '..' (two periods)
    Thus the attachment cannot be opened.
    After I delete the period, it can be opened.
    - Has someone ever succeed in attaching the PDF created from Report?
    - Are the codes above is wrong?
    - Or perhaps the DBMS_LOB.LOADBLOBFROMFILE always double the single period on front of the line?
    - Is there any solution on this?
    I have succeed in attaching PDF files unless the PDF created by the Report.
    Sorry for the long post.
    Please help. It is very urgent.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Many thanks,

  • How to set default print orientation in oracle reports 6i?

    Can anyone please help how to set default print orientation of Oracle Reports 6i? Currently document is printed in Portrait orientation, but I need to print it in Landscape orientation. Is this possible?

    It is solved now. Go to Layout Model -> Main Section, Press F4. In the property pallet select the Orientation that is required to be selected when print is taken for that report.

  • Generatation of 4 PDF Reports from One Oracle reports 10 G

    Hi All,
    i am generating 4 PDF reports from one Oracle reports in 10 G.
    i used RUN_REPORT_OBJECT built in 4 times with some different parameter list at a single time.
    some time it generates but some time it generate 2 or 3 out of 4.
    Can you anyone help me on this issue.
    Code that i used for generation of report:
    on key-F0:
         PL_NAME VARCHAR2(10) := 'REP';
         USRNM VARCHAR2(50);
         pl_id2 paramlist;
         pl_name2 varchar2(10):= 'REP';
         usrnm2 varchar2(50);
         pl_id3 paramlist;
         pl_name3 varchar2(10):= 'REP';
         usrnm3 varchar2(50);
         pl_id4 paramlist;
         pl_name4 varchar2(10):= 'REP';
         usrnm4 varchar2(50);
                        IF NOT ID_NULL(PL_ID) THEN
                        END IF;
                        PL_ID := CREATE_PARAMETER_LIST(PL_NAME);
                        IF ID_NULL(PL_ID) THEN
                                  MESSAGE('Error Creating Parameter List ');
                        END IF;
                        ADD_PARAMETER(PL_ID, 'USR_NM', TEXT_PARAMETER, USRNM);
                             ADD_PARAMETER(PL_ID, 'SCHEDULE', TEXT_PARAMETER, :RUN_TIME);
                   ADD_PARAMETER(PL_ID, 'P_ENG_SP', TEXT_PARAMETER,'N');
                        IF NOT ID_NULL(PL_ID2) THEN
                        END IF;
                        PL_ID2 := CREATE_PARAMETER_LIST(PL_NAME2);
                        IF ID_NULL(PL_ID2) THEN
                                  MESSAGE('Error Creating Parameter List');
                        END IF;
                        IF NOT ID_NULL(PL_ID3) THEN
                        END IF;
                        PL_ID3 := CREATE_PARAMETER_LIST(PL_NAME3);
                        IF ID_NULL(PL_ID3) THEN
                                  MESSAGE('Error Creating Parameter List');
                        END IF;
                        IF NOT ID_NULL(PL_ID4) THEN
                        END IF;
                        PL_ID4 := CREATE_PARAMETER_LIST(PL_NAME4);
                        IF ID_NULL(PL_ID4) THEN
                                  MESSAGE('Error Creating Parameter List');
                        END IF;
                        Message('Notice Submitted For Printing');
    Program unit:
    PROCEDURE REDET_REPORT(rep_name in Varchar2,plist in ParamList,rep_pdf_name in Varchar2)IS
              filecode varchar(2);
              Repnm varchar(30);
              report_id REPORT_OBJECT;
              report_id_hear REPORT_OBJECT;
              report_prop VARCHAR2(20);
              v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
              rep_status VARCHAR2(200);
              bat_loc varchar2(200);
              time_slot varchar2(100);
              rep_folder_name varchar2(100):='Redet Notice for Packets Sent\';
                   Filecode := init.GetFileNmCode;
    if filecode <> 'FL' then
    if upper(substr(rep_name,1,2)) ='CC' then
    RepNm := filecode||substr(rep_name,3);
         if rep_name != 'viewerr' then
    RepNm := filecode||rep_name;
              RepNm := rep_name;
         end if;
    end if;
    end if;
                        report_id := find_report_object(RepNm);
                        if error_code = '41219' then
                        Message('Unable to execute : '|| RepNm);
                             Raise FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE;
                        end if;
                        set_report_object_property(report_id, REPORT_FILENAME, RepNm);
                        set_report_object_property(report_id, REPORT_SERVER, init.Appl_Repserver);
                        set_report_object_property(report_id, REPORT_DESFORMAT,'PDF');
              select rprm_param_val||rep_folder_name||rep_pdf_name||'.pdf' into bat_loc from rprm where rprm_param_name = 'BAT_LOC';
              v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(report_id,plist);
              exception when others then
                   Message('Error While executing running reports ::'||error_code);

    Please post your question in the Reports forum. This forum is for Forms related questions.

  • Not able to start report server component, getting error : oracle.reports.RWException: IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0

    [2014-06-03T14:16:13.257+02:00] [WLS_REPORTS] [INCIDENT_ERROR] [] [oracle.reports.servlet] [tid: 18] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000KPXe7kGFk3S6yFaeMG1JZR_f00000G,0:1] [APP: reports#11.1.2] ServerManager:getServer  Bind to Reports Server rep_wls_reports_xyz_asinst_1 failed.
    [2014-06-03T14:16:13.258+02:00] [WLS_REPORTS] [INCIDENT_ERROR] [REP-51002] [oracle.reports.servlet] [tid: 18] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000KPXe7kGFk3S6yFaeMG1JZR_f00000G,0:1] [APP: reports#11.1.2] REP-51002 : Bind to Reports Server rep_wls_reports_xyz_asinst_1 failed.  [[
    oracle.reports.RWException: IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0
      at oracle.reports.utility.Utility.newRWException(
      at oracle.reports.client.ServerManager.getServer(
      at oracle.reports.client.ServerManager.isSecure(
      at oracle.reports.client.ServerManager.isSecure(
      at oracle.reports.rwclient.CommandManager.getServerSecuritySetting(
      at oracle.reports.rwclient.ServletCmdMgr.handleWebCommand(
      at oracle.reports.rwclient.RWClient.handleWebCommand(
      at oracle.reports.rwclient.RWClient.processRequest(
      at oracle.reports.rwclient.RWClient.doPost(
      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
      at oracle.dms.servlet.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(

    Please review following note:How to Troubleshoot Errors FRM-41213 / REP-51002 / REP-178 with Oracle Reports 10gR2 / 11g (Doc ID 460976.1)

  • Migrating to Oracle Reports 6i from Oracle Report 9i

    Hi all,
    We re-compiled original Forms & Reports 6i source code with Oracle 9i Forms & Reports.
    Forms are working really nice with almost no change at all with Oracle 9ias Forms services and Oracle 8i as db. The Oracle 9ias server is W2k. Will be upgrading to oracle 9i db in a short time.
    The only change we applied to forms source code was the function to call reports. We are using WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT() instead of RUN_PRODUCT.
    i.e. the URl is formed in all reports as
    At the beginning we used directly the 6i reports but they were running inconsistently, after several calls to reports they got stock and we did need to reboot report services.
    Then as a suggestion we re-build only two reports in reports 9i for testing. But same result when running in combination with 6i reports. Combination means, sometimes called 6i reports someothers reports in 9i.
    The reports run fine several times but inconsistently. What I mean is that they can be running normaly many times and suddenly the reports server sends this message
    REP-50002:Server is shutting down
    DBA reported this issue to our local support but they said configuration is ok.
    In other tests and only running 9i reports it seems not getting stock never, at least we run two 9i reports more than 40 times. So the problem seems to be when we run 9i reports in combination with 6i reports. We are planning to migrate all our reports but this mean to rebuild all reports again.
    Is someone facing this kind of problem?
    Or is this the only solution? Losting men/machine hours rebuilding the reports.
    Any suggestion for my DBA to check in configuration?

    Sorry for the confusion the subject for this issue should be
    Migrating to Oracle Reports 9i from Oracle Reports 6i

  • Where is the forum for Fusion Report Service with Oracle Reports?

    Where is the forum for Fusion Report Service with Oracle Reports?

    You could try this one, maybe post your question.

  • REP-52266: The in-process Reports Server rep_adminserver_ikit_asinst_1 failed to IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0

    I have installed oracle forms and reports 11gR2 on Windows 7 Professional 64bit (and configured in development mode), the forms are working fine but when i run a report i get this message
    REP-52266: The in-process Reports Server rep_adminserver_ikit_asinst_1 failed to IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0

    I was trying to add a new destination:
       <destination class="oracle.reports.server.DesMail" destype="mail"/>
    I couldn't make it work , so I commented my changes.
    In fact, I should have gone back to a backup file , as weblogic seemed to have changed the file itself!! (attributes of the xml tags were in different order, and more things ...) but just undoing what I have done did the trick.
    This file seems to be quite picky, I left this tag uncommented
    and the same REP-5226 error happened.

  • How to open new window and generate oracle report from apex

    I had created an application that generates PDF files using Oracle Reports, following this Guide.
    And I followed 'Advanced Technique', so that users can't generate PDF file by changing URL and parameters. This is done for security reasons.
    But in this tutorial, when 'Go' button is pressed, the PDF file is displayed on the same window of apex application. If so, user might close the window by mistake. In order to avoid this, another window have to be opened.
    So, I put this code in the BRANCH - URL Target. (Note that this is not in Optional URL Redirect in the button property, but the branch which is called by the button.)
    But if the button is pressed, I get this error.
    ERR-1777: Page 2100 provided no page to branch to. Please report this error to your application administrator.
    Restart Application
    If I put the code 'javascritpt ....' in the Optional URL Redirect, another window opens successfully, but the Process to generate report job is not executed.
    Does anyone know how to open new window from the Branch in this case?

    G'day Shohei,
    Try putting your javascript into your plsql process using the htp.p(); procedure.
    For example, something along these lines should do it:
    -- Your other process code goes here...
    htp.p('<script type="javascript/text">');
    What happens is the javascript is browser based whereas your plsql process is server based and so if you put the javascript into your button item Optional URL Redirect it is executed prior to getting to the page plsql process and therefore it will never execute the process. When you have it in your branch which normally follows the processes, control has been handed to the server and the javascript cannot be executed and so your page throws the error "Page 2100 provided no page to branch to"... By "seeding" the plsql process with the embedded javascript in the htp.p() procedure you can achieve the desired result. You could also have it as a separate process also as long as it is sequenced correctly to follow your other process.

  • Create an Oracle Reports Parameter form application in HTMLDB

    I am investigating whether I can satisfy following requirement using HTMLDB and if yes, then what are the steps to be followed.
    The idea is simple. Store Oracle Reports name, parameter names, default values etc. in a table and write an application which will display a list of reports on your left, on clicking a report, use the param names stored in the table to display a form to accept values for each parameter and the submit button calls a URL pointing to the Oracle Reports Server.
    This can be done easily using Oracle Forms but I am investigating if this can be done using HTMLDB since it's 100% thin client.
    Any comments, hints etc. appreciated.

    I had already seen the how-to article but my requirement was a little different since each Param Name, Value will be stored in seperate record. If a report has 4 parameters, then the table will have 4 records, one for each parameter. Here's a sample table structure that I am using.
    rep_name varchar2(100)
    ,param_name varchar2(100)
    ,sort_order integer
    ,param_len varchar2(100)
    ,param_data_type varchar2(100)
    ,param_required varchar2(1) default 'N'
    ,param_description varchar2(100)
    ,default_value varchar2(1000)
    ,lov_sql varchar2(1000)
    I was in fact able to achieve what I want by using a Tabular Form with the parameter description display only and default value updateable and it's submit button can be redirected to the reports URL with form fields substitution. I will use cgicmd.dat to map username/password so that it's not visible in the url.
    My additional questions:
    1. As per the table structure above, I have a lov_sql text field. Is it possible to create an LOV on the tabular form using this lov_sql?
    2. Above the tabular form, I want to display a drop-down-list with a list of reports. When a user selects a list-item, I want to refresh the page with it's tabular form showing parameters for that report. Kind of parameterizing the Form display. Is this possible? If not what are the alternatives?

  • How can i do the following in oracle reports

    I have a query that can give me details of the commission for my clients branchwise. We can put the duration, e.g. January, 2009 to June, 2009, which gives me the result for sum of this duration. and in one single column. My concern here is how can i distribute the duration single month wise like following:
    Branch Name Jan 2009 Feb 2009 March 2009....
    Client Name1
    Client Name2
    Client Name3
    Can anyone suggest like how can i do it on report builder or on SQL.
    Thank you.

    ghazani7 wrote:
    See I have the following sum of records from a query and the input values are date range i.e. January 2009 to March 2009:
    17     0050     BM10     134.15
    17     0050     BM17     64
    17     0050     BM18     25
    17     0050     BM3     4
    17     0050     BM31     6645
    17     0050     BM34     68.5
    17     0050     BM36     467.5
    17     0050     BM48     4.44
    17     0050     BM56     2205
    17     0050     BM6     255
    17     0050     BM60     375
    17     0050     BM62     535
    17     0050     BM67     1821.3
    17     0050     BM70     10So from the above result how would i now that this result related with which month(s). My suggesstion is you will have to include the month column in your query and also in group by statement. Then it will be easy for you to create simple matrix report.
    For posting example data and outputs you should use the tags before and after your example data. For more details see FAQ on forum's page right corner.

  • How to remove space between pages in Oracle Reports 6i?

    I have customized one oracle report (rdf). Earlier, the standard report was showing the ouput in pages i.e. there exists space beteen the pages. But I want my custom report in such a way that it should show me the result in one page i.e. there should be no space between the pages as user wants to spool the output into excel sheet (xls format) after getting the result output obtained from my custom report. Presently, when i spool the data into excel sheet, there is still the space exists between the pages like...few records will come then white space...then records.
    How can I remove this space, so that user can easily spool the data into excel without existence of white space.
    Any sort of help on this will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sumir Chawla
    Edited by: Chawla on Jan 4, 2009 10:20 PM

    My report is running on Unix. When I checked the output file in unix where it is getting generated, i saw ^L characters wherever the space appears when i see the output in apps (notepad) , like after every page where I am able to see the space in my output, there ^L is appearing in output file in unix, so how can I avoid this.
    I tried to adjust the frames and repeatinf frames also, even i tried changing the properties also of main region (body), but nothing is working for me and still the same issue occurs. I am not aware of this. Please suggest me.
    Thanks a lot!

  • Exception while opening a JSP file created using oracle report builder

    I have created a JSP page which contains embedded Oracle reports build using Oracle Report Builder.
    I have deployed the JSP created above to the Oracle Application Server
    but when i try to open the JSP file it gives the following error:
    500 Internal Server Error
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: rwlib-1: REP-1202: ORACLE logon not specified. at oracle.reports.jsp.ObjectsTag.doEndTag( at testing.test1._jspService( [SRC:/testing/test1.jsp:0] at com.orionserver[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service( at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.compileAndServe( at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service( at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService( at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter( at Source) at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (] at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (] at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$ at
    can anybody help regarding this
    this is of high priority to me
    thanks and regards


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