How to push out settings like stroke, swatch, etc...? CS3

I am trying to create a standardized settings in indesign. So that everyone using the program has the same settings, for example, same stroke, swatch and all other prefs. I have about 40 PC's and would like a way to push this out to each user.
Or if a user notices settings are not right, they can run this script and they will all be reset to our inhouse default.
I have done this, set the prefs to the way I liked on one computer. Closed Indesign and then copied the:
C:\documents and settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\Version 5.0
C:\documents and settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\Version 5.0
folders out to my network. I then created a script to grab those folders and copy them to the current users folders. However this does not seem to work all the time.
For example I know that I made the swatch Black, but it reverts back to None.
Are all the settings not stored in the InDesign Defaults and Color Settings and Saved Data files ?
Anyone out there doing this successfully? thanks.

>Usually they don't open just in design, they open a page that has already been started, etc..
Then the styles and swatches, etc., must either already be in that document, or they need to be added. Changing the defaults is only going to affect new work, not existing files.
Adobe says that preferences can be scripted, and I know that's true because one of the scripters has mentioned doing just that for a client. But he wasn't at liberty to share the code, and Adobe doesn't provide any details for how to do it that I've been able to find. :(

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    If you want to upgrade, you could copy the new files, down the domain and
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    > [email protected],
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    FOGRA39 is fine for sheet fed offset-printing in Europe (central Europe at least).
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    Message was edited by:
            Keerti Vemulapalli

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    [Crystal Reports For Visual Studio .NET Reporting Off ADO.NET Datasets|]
    [Crystal Reports For Visual Studio 2005 Walkthroughs|] (page 332 on).

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    I ran into this issue some time ago as well and wrote just such a script!
    Here's an exerpt from my documentation:
    Lastly we need to add the Printer via the command line. Here's how:
    First thing we need to do is copy the PPD file to the correct location. By default it's in /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/
    The PPD in question can be found specifically by typing lpinfo -m This lists all of the printer drivers available to cups.
    You must copy the gz file using sudo. It needs to be copied to /usr/share/cups/model/
    The copy command looks like this:
    sudo cp /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/HP\ LaserJet\ P3010\ Series.gz /usr/share/cups/model/
    Once there, you run the script to install it.
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    lpadmin -p LabLaser -E -v socket:// -m HP\ LaserJet\ 1320\ Series.gz -o printer-is-shared=false
    lpadmin -p LabLaser adds the printer and calls it "LabLaser"
    -E forces encryption while connecting to the server. It's probably not necessary but it's in all the examples on the web that I could find.
    -v gives you the opportunity to specify the location of the printer. In ***** case they're all network printers with valid IP addresses and MDNS addresses, so yeah. socket:// for standard IP printing protocol (IPP) mdns:// for bonjour.
    Get the mdns name from lpinfo -m
    ...the -m specifies the name of the PPD. See above. (this is the driver that I copied to /usr/share/cups/model/)
    -o is pretty self explanitory...  However I feels it's extremely important.  This will prevent the printer from showing up in the bonjour list of printers on the network even if the user has printer sharing turned on.
    Hope this helps!

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    <blockquote>Locking duplicate thread.<br>
    Please continue here: [/questions/826921]</blockquote><br>
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    Hi. A JDBC connection pool is a set of identical, interchangeable, pre-made
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    I need to know how to set Multi User Environment in the weblogic 5.1
    properties file..
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    2)According to the user privileges i need access the database tables
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    Chandu([email protected],[email protected])

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    Hi Hunter,
    this one worked great. this is really cool man.
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    i created a environment variable saying
    i need to go to $HTTP_HOME/Apaceh/Apache/bin"
    and i give the command "./apachetcl start" for the http server to start running.
    how can i make this apachectl variable to work so that form any directoy i should be able to give "apachectl start" comand and it runs.
    Can u help me please.
    i think if i do this also i can get some more understanding.
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    Are you using cleanup software like CCleaner?
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    *Java Plug-in 1.6.0_05 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
    Update the [[Java]] plugin to the latest version.
    * (Java Platform: Download JRE)

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    The question is: Is this possible and if yes: How and where can I change these settings???
    Kind regards

    You could look at updating the file in the APS installation directory.
    Update then restart APS
    Though this might not be the issue if on windows, it may be down to the amount of ports being used, have a read [here | ] for a possible fix.

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    You're not very clear in stating your problem. Maybe it's terminology: "takes" in recording lingo (and in GB lingo) are different version of exactly the same part in a song, so you only want one of them in the end. Please tell us exactly what you did and what it is that you don't like.

Maybe you are looking for