How to put the sender name in the wf-system

Can anybody pls tell me how to give the sender address in stead of WF-SYSTEM
When ever a mail is triggered the mail is send to the mail the mail inbox it is showing in the sender option : WF-SYSTEM...
I want to put any name their .
can i put any name their.
please help me.....very urgent.
For any clarification pls revert back.

I've put the steps again here but this time I've put in Bold the lines that needs to be added in the different sources.
• Copy the BO SOFM to ZSOFM
And add to the method Send an import parameter
Then change the method SEND
begin_method send changing container.                             
data: result_object type swc_object.                              
data: document_data  like sodocchgi1,                             
      document_type  like sofolenti1-obj_type,                    
      receivers      like somlreci1 occurs 1 with header line,    
      object_para    like soparai1  occurs 0 with header line,    
      object_parb    like soparbi1  occurs 0 with header line,    
      object_header  like solisti1 occurs 1 with header line,     
      object_content like solisti1 occurs 10 with header line.    
data  folder_id      like soobjinfi1-object_id.                   
data  new_object_id  like soobjinfi1-object_id.                   
data  document_id    like sofolenti1-doc_id.                      
data low_len like sy-tabix.                                       
data  rcode          like sonv-rcode.                             
<b>data : SENDER like pa0105-usrid_long.                             
DATA : packinglist LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.     
DATA: tab_lines TYPE sy-tabix.                                    
DATA : sender_address like SOEXTRECI1-RECEIVER.                   
swc_get_element container 'SENDER' SENDER.       </b>
* get receivers out of container                 
perform extract_receivers tables receivers         
if object-key = space.                             
  * get document data out of the container       
  perform extract_document tables object_para      
                           using  document_type    
<b>DESCRIBE TABLE object_content LINES tab_lines.     
Packing List                                     
CLEAR packinglist-transf_bin.                      
packinglist-head_start = 1.                        
packinglist-head_num = 0.                          
packinglist-body_start = 1.                        
packinglist-body_num = tab_lines.                  
packinglist-doc_type = 'RAW'.                      
APPEND packinglist.                                                                               
move sender to sender_address. 
* send document                                               
  call function 'SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1'                         
      put_in_outbox = ''                                        
      document_data = document_data                             
      sender_address = sender_address                           
      sender_address_type        = 'SMTP'                       
      commit_work                = ''                           
      packing_list   = packinglist                              
      receivers      = receivers                                
      contents_txt   = object_content                           </b>   exceptions                                                    
      parameter_error = 23                                      
      too_many_receivers =  1                                   
      x_error =              1000                               
      operation_no_authorization =  13                          
      enqueue_error =     2                                     
      document_type_not_exist = 3                               
      document_not_sent =  15.                                  
  if sy-subrc ne 0.                                             
    exit_return 1023  document_data-obj_descr space space space.
* create now SOFM object of sent document                     
  if sy-subrc = 0.       
    perform insert_document_with_data using new_object_id        "870566
                                   changing folder_id                   
    move sy-subrc to rcode.                                             
    exit_return 1900 'Document Insert' space space space. "#EC NOTEXT   
* create result element with object key                               
  if rcode = 0.                                                         
    perform create_result tables container                              
                          using folder_id                               
    perform create_object using folder_id                               
  move object-key to document_id.                                       
  call function 'SO_OLD_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1'                             
            document_id                =  document_id                   
            PUT_IN_OUTBOX              =                              
            SENT_TO_ALL                =                              
            receivers                  =  receivers  
            too_many_receiver          = 1           
            document_not_sent          = 2           
            document_not_exist         = 14          
            operation_no_authorization = 13          
            parameter_error            = 23          
            x_error                    = 6           
            enqueue_error              = 7           
            others                     = 1000.       
  if sy-subrc ne 0.                                  
    exit_return 1023  document_id space space space. 
And add as import parameter SENDER TYPE COMM_ID_LONG.
In this function it will create an object SOFM and call the method Send and link the container for this method. So now we’ll create our copy of SOFM and add SENDER as container.
Set the object.
  swc_create_object office_object 'ZSOFM' space.
  swc_set_element local_container 'DocumentName' documentname.
  swc_set_element local_container 'DocumentTitle' documenttitle.
  swc_set_element local_container 'SENDER' SENDER.
  swc_set_table local_container 'DocumentContent' documentcontent[].
  swc_set_table local_container 'Receivers' t_receivers.
  swc_set_element local_container 'Express' express.
  IF NOT documentexpirydate IS INITIAL.
              swc_set_element local_container 'DocumentExpiryDat'
•Create a subtype for BO SELFITEM
Example : ZSELFWI
Create a method “SendWithSender”
Tab General : Check Synchronous & Result parameter
Tab Result type : Object type SOFM
Then you’ll have to copy all the parameter from the original function
“SendTaskDescription” and add a new one
SENDER(import like PA0105-USRID_LONG)
            Then copy the method “SendTaskDescription” to the code of “SendWithSender”
Now you’ll have to do some modifications to call the copy of the function
SWW_SRV_MAIL_SEND  and then delegate ZSELFWI &#61664; SELFITEM
And now in your task call the method SendWithSender of Selfitem and bind an address to Sender.
<b>DATA: WORKITEMID LIKE SWWWIHEAD-WI_ID.                           </b>
DATA: receivers TYPE swc_object OCCURS 0.                        
DATA: BEGIN OF address_objects OCCURS 3,                         
       a_object TYPE swc_object,                                 
      END OF address_objects.                                    
DATA: document_content TYPE so_txttab.                           
DATA: ls_document_content TYPE LINE OF so_txttab.                
DATA: workitem_task LIKE swwwihead-wi_rh_task,                   
      workitem_language LIKE swwwihead-wi_lang,                  
      workitem_short_text LIKE swwwihead-wi_text,                
      express LIKE sos04-l_***,                                  
      send_type LIKE sos04-l_art,                                
      send_language LIKE sy-langu,                               
      rc LIKE syst-subrc.                                        
<b>DATA: SENDER like PA0105-USRID_LONG.                             </b>
DATA: BEGIN OF address_strings OCCURS 3,                         
       a_string LIKE soxna-fullname,                             
     END OF address_strings.                                     
DATA: attachments TYPE swc_object OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.     
DATA: line_width LIKE thead-tdlinesize.                          
DATA: wi_handle TYPE REF TO if_swf_run_wim_internal.             
DATA: wi_container TYPE REF TO if_swf_cnt_container.             
DATA: lv_excp TYPE REF TO cx_swf_run_wim.                               
DATA: l_subrc TYPE sysubrc.                                             
DATA: l_expiry_date TYPE sydatum.                                       
DATA: l_settings TYPE swp_admin.                                                                               
~~ begin of trace specific coding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   
PERFORM trc_init <b>in program SWWSI</b> .                                     
~~ end of trace specific coding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                                               
swc_container addr_crea_container.                                                                               
Get the input parameters.                                             
swc_get_table container 'AddressStrings' address_strings.               
swc_get_element container 'TypeId' send_type.                           
swc_get_table container 'Receivers' receivers.                          
swc_get_element container 'Express' express.                            
swc_get_element container 'Language' send_language.                     
swc_get_table container 'Attachments' attachments.                      
swc_get_element container 'LineWidth' line_width.                       
<b>SWC_GET_ELEMENT CONTAINER 'SENDER' SENDER.                              
SWC_GET_PROPERTY SELF 'WorkitemId' WORKITEMID.                          </b> ~~ begin of trace specific coding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   
PERFORM trc_after_import_params <b>in program SWWSI</b>                        
                                TABLES container                        
                                USING send_type                        
~~ end of trace specific coding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  
Get some attributes of the object.                                   
    CALL METHOD cl_swf_run_wim_factory=>find_by_wiid                   
        im_wiid     = <b>WorkitemId</b>                                       
        re_instance = wi_handle.                                       
    workitem_task = wi_handle->m_sww_wihead-wi_rh_task.                                                                               
IF send_language IS INITIAL.                                       
      send_language = wi_handle->m_sww_wihead-wi_lang.                 
wi_container = wi_handle->get_wi_container( ).                     
  Perform variable substitution for task description.                
    CLEAR text_lines[].        
    IF line_width IS INITIAL.                      
     line_width = 75.                            
      line_width = 132.                            
        task              = workitem_task          
        usage             = 'W'                    
        linewidth         = line_width             
        language          = send_language          
        container_handle  = wi_container           
        ascii_text_lines  = text_lines             
        wrong_usage       = 01                     
        text_not_found    = 02                     
        text_system_error = 03.                    
    IF sy-subrc NE 0.                              
      exit_return 1004 space space space space.    
get work item text                               
    CALL METHOD wi_handle->get_witext              
        im_language = send_language                
        re_witext   = workitem_short_text.                                                                               
~~ begin of trace specific coding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       
    PERFORM trc_after_text_generation <b>in program SWWSI</b>                      
~~ end of trace specific coding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                                               
Fill the document content.                                                
    LOOP AT text_lines.                                                     
      ls_document_content-line = text_lines-tdline.   "note 510198          
      APPEND ls_document_content TO document_content.                       
  * note 881594 - determine default expiry date for office documents      
    CALL FUNCTION 'SWP_ADMIN_DATA_READ'                                     
        wf_settings = l_settings.                                           
    IF NOT l_settings-doc_expiry IS INITIAL.                           
      l_expiry_date = sy-datum + l_settings-doc_expiry.                
*- There problems with the implementation of persistence service       
*- of objects. The symptom of this problems is that sendorders         
*- (SCOT) are not saved if an object pool exists. Therefore we         
*- create a new session in this environments.                          
    DATA: t_receivers_por TYPE tswotobjid.                             
    DATA: t_attachments_por TYPE tswotobjid.                           
    DATA: receiver_object TYPE swc_object.                             
    DATA: attachment_object TYPE swc_object.                           
    DATA: por TYPE swotobjid.                                          
    DATA: result_por TYPE swotobjid.                                   
    DATA: rfcdest TYPE rfcdest.                                        
    DATA: documentname TYPE sodocchgi1-obj_name.                       
    DATA: documenttitle TYPE sodocchgi1-obj_descr.                     
    DATA: t_address_strings type swfstrtab.                                                                               
LOOP AT receivers INTO receiver_object.                            
      swc_object_to_persistent receiver_object por.                    
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.                                                
        swc_free_object receiver_object.                               
        APPEND por TO t_receivers_por.                                 
    LOOP AT attachments INTO attachment_object.       
      swc_object_to_persistent attachment_object por. 
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.                               
        swc_free_object attachment_object.            
        APPEND por TO t_attachments_por.              
    LOOP AT address_strings.                          
      append address_strings to t_address_strings.    
rfcdest = space.                                  
    IF cl_object_pool=>instance_exists( ) EQ 'X'.     
      rfcdest = 'NONE'.                               
documentname = 'Notiz'(001).                      
    documenttitle = workitem_short_text.              
    CALL FUNCTION <b>'ZSWW_SRV_MAIL_SEND'                </b>
      DESTINATION rfcdest                             
        send_type               = send_type           
        send_language           = send_language       
        documentname            = documentname        
        documenttitle           = documenttitle                
        documentcontent         = document_content             
        receivers               = t_receivers_por              
        express                 = express                      
        documentexpirydate      = l_expiry_date                
        attachments             = t_attachments_por            
        address_strings         = t_address_strings            
        <b>SENDER                  = SENDER    </b>                   
        result_por              = result_por                   
        document_not_send       = 1                            
        not_specified           = 2                            
        error_during_send       = 3                            
        error_during_attachment = 4                            
        OTHERS                  = 2.                           
    l_subrc = sy-subrc.                                        
*~~ begin of trace specific coding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       
    PERFORM trc_after_send <b>in program SWWSI</b> USING l_subrc.     
*~~ end of trace specific coding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       
  Check the result of the method call.                       
    CASE l_subrc.                                              
      WHEN 0.                                                  
        Set the return element (the SOFM object).               
        swc_set_element container result result_por.           
        commit work.                                           
      WHEN 1.                                                  
        exit_return 1001 sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.  
      WHEN 2.                                                  
        exit_return 1002 sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.  
      WHEN 4.                                                  
        exit_return 1005 sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.  
        WHEN OTHERS.                                           
          exit_return 1003 space space space space.            
CATCH cx_swf_run_wim INTO lv_excp .                          
    exit_return 1006 <b>workitemid</b> space space space.                                                                               

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              bleh.put(dropDownValue, "Drop Down Label"); //Item value (any object), Item Label (String)
              Iterator it = bleh.keySet().iterator();
              while (it.hasNext()) {
                   Object key =;
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    Thanx for your reply. No, although helpful, that's not what I meant. In outlook, the first line of the header contains the full username follow by a horizontal line. Under that, the default headers like To:, From:, Subject: etc follow.
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    In ID sender communication channel
    check the checkboxes for
    setadapter- specific message attributes
    in message mapping---- create one target elemt for the filename
    Write a UDF to pass the sender filename to the target element
    The UDF is as below
    DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container.getTransformationParameters().get(StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION);
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("","FileName");
    String ourSourceFileName = conf.get(key);
    return  ourSourceFileName;
    I think this may help you.

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      Greetings of the day!
    There are many ways of achieving the above and the easiest way is mentioned on the link attached below :-
    The above applies to other windows OS as well as win7.
    And to make it meaning ful, you would need to get creative  
    If you have any queries related to the same OR any other do reply.

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    Hi All, Can any one send me the documentation on sending Email automatically using HTML code in BSP (Not HTMLB),I saw so many blogs but all of those are related to HTMLB. thanks&regds, Srinivas.

  • Unrestricted Stock of issuing Storage Location in reservation

    Hi Experts, We have a requirement, we want that unresticted stock of issuing storage location is printed on reservation (MB23) Thru MB25. How it is possible. Kindly help me out, can we use sqvi or something else. Regards GR