How to read from BLOB and Write to a file in user readable format.

     I am trying to read from a BLOB column and write the content to a file in user readable format. So far I was able to read the Blob column using dbms_lob, but not able to write to a file. Kindly let me know the method to do this.

Hi, with this Java Code from Oracle Technet it's a easy thing:
// classpath= /ORACLE/u01/app/oracle/product/
// Java SQL classes
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
// Oracle JDBC driver class
import oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver;
// Java IO classes
//Java Util classes
import java.util.Properties;
* This class demonstrates the Oracle JDBC 10g enhanced features for inserting
* and retrieving CLOB data from the database. Using the new features, large
* data of more than 32765 bytes can be inserted into the database using the
* existing PreparedStatement.setString() and PreparedStatement.getString()
* methods.
public class ClobMan {
/* Database Connection object */
private Connection conn = null;
/* Variables to hold database details */
private String url = null;
private String user = null;
private String password = null;
// Create a property object to hold the username, password and
// the new property SetBigStringTryClob.
private Properties props = new Properties();
/* String to hold file name */
private String fileName = null;
* Default Constructor to instantiate and get a handle to class methods
* and variables.
public ClobMan(String fileName) {
this.fileName = fileName;
* Main runnable class.
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
// Instantiate the main class.
ClobMan clobMan = new ClobMan(args[0]);
// Load the Oracle JDBC driver class.
DriverManager.registerDriver(new OracleDriver());
// Load the database details into the variables.
String dbUrl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@pmol:1550:dbpmol";
clobMan.url = dbUrl;
clobMan.user = "gh10";
clobMan.password = "secret";
// Populate the property object to hold the username, password and
// the new property 'SetBigStringTryClob' which is set to true. Setting
// this property allows inserting of large data using the existing
// setString() method, to a CLOB column in the database.
clobMan.props.put("user", clobMan.user );
clobMan.props.put("password", clobMan.password);
clobMan.props.put("SetBigStringTryClob", "true");
// Check if the table 'CLOB_TAB' is present in the database.
// Call the methods to insert and select CLOB from the database.
* This method will insert the data into a CLOB column in the database.
* Oracle JDBC 10g has enhanced the existing PreparedStatement.setString()
* method for setting the data more than 32765 bytes. So, using setString(),
* it is now easy to insert CLOB data into the database directly.
private void insertClob() throws SQLException {
// Create a PreparedStatement object.
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
try {
// Create the database connection, if it is closed.
if ((conn==null)||conn.isClosed()){
// Connect to the database.
conn = DriverManager.getConnection( this.url, this.props );
// Create SQL query to insert data into the CLOB column in the database.
String sql = "INSERT INTO clob_tab VALUES(?)";
// Read a big file(larger than 32765 bytes)
String str = this.readFile();
// Create the OraclePreparedStatement object
pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
// Use the same setString() method which is enhanced to insert
// the CLOB data. The string data is automatically transformed into a
// clob and inserted into the database column. Make sure that the
// Connection property - 'SetBigStringTryClob' is set to true for
// the insert to happen.
// Execute the PreparedStatement
} catch (SQLException sqlex) {
// Catch Exceptions and display messages accordingly.
System.out.println("SQLException while connecting and inserting into " +
"the database table: " + sqlex.toString());
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Exception while connecting and inserting into the" +
" database table: " + ex.toString());
} finally {
// Close the Statement and the connection objects.
if (pstmt!=null) pstmt.close();
if (conn!=null) conn.close();
* This method reads the CLOB data from the database by using getString()
* method.
private void selectClob() throws SQLException {
// Create a PreparedStatement object
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
// Create a ResultSet to hold the records retrieved.
ResultSet rset = null;
try {
// Create the database connection, if it is closed.
if ((conn==null)||conn.isClosed()){
// Connect to the database.
conn = DriverManager.getConnection( this.url, this.props );
// Create SQL query statement to retrieve records having CLOB data from
// the database.
String sqlCall = "SELECT rownum, name, sourcetext FROM t_source";
pstmt= conn.prepareStatement(sqlCall);
// Execute the PrepareStatement
rset = pstmt.executeQuery();
String rownum = null;
String o_name =null;
String clobVal = null;
// Get the CLOB value from the resultset
// out = new"pr_all.sql"));
while ( {
rownum = rset.getString(1);
     o_name = rset.getString(2);
     clobVal = rset.getString(3);
System.out.println(" length: "+clobVal.length()+" "+o_name+" "+rownum); out =
} catch (SQLException sqlex) {
// Catch Exceptions and display messages accordingly.
System.out.println("SQLException while connecting and querying the " +
"database table: " + sqlex.toString());
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Exception while connecting and querying the " +
"database table: " + ex.toString());
} finally {
// Close the resultset, statement and the connection objects.
if (rset !=null) rset.close();
if (pstmt!=null) pstmt.close();
if (conn!=null) conn.close();
* Method to check if the table ('CLOB_TAB') exists in the database; if not
* then it is created.
* Table Name: CLOB_TAB
* Column Name Type
* col_col CLOB
private void checkTables() {
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rset = null;
try {
// Create the database connection, if it is closed.
if ((conn==null)||conn.isClosed()){
// Connect to the database.
conn = DriverManager.getConnection( this.url, this.props );
// Create Statement object
stmt = conn.createStatement();
// Check if the table is present
rset = stmt.executeQuery(" SELECT table_name FROM user_tables "+
" WHERE table_name = 'CLOB_TAB' ");
// If the table is not present, then create the table.
if (! {
// Table does not exist, create it
stmt.executeUpdate(" CREATE TABLE clob_tab(clob_col CLOB)");
} catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
System.out.println("Could not create table clob_tab : "
} finally {
try {
if( rset != null ) rset.close();
if( stmt != null ) stmt.close();
if (conn!=null) conn.close();
} catch(SQLException ex) {
System.out.println("Could not close objects in checkTables method : "
* This method reads the specified text file and, returns the content
* as a string.
private String readFile()
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException{
// Read the file whose content has to be passed as String
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
String nextLine = "";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
while ((nextLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
// Convert the content into to a string
String clobData = sb.toString();
// Return the data.
return clobData;

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    Let's look at your file: if I correctly interpret your question, one row in it should like like this:
    In this case you could use the following formatting string to read all data from the string:
    [x] means to discard terminator, in order to read from strings, for example, "name" and not "name,". It's important in this case to put ALL field separators.
    Maybe your problem is that in the file you don't have separators between strings and numbers: in this case the last "%s" should read the '9' inside the last string and the subsequent "%d" matches with incorrect area in the file (end-of-line or next row).
    Hope this help
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
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    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

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         FileReader fr;
         try {
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              String str;
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    If you want to copy files as fast as possible, without processing them (as the DOS "copy" or the Unix "cp" command), you can try the java.nio.channels package.
    import java.nio.*;
    import java.nio.channels.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    class Kopy {
         * @param args [0] = source filename
         *        args [1] = destination filename
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            if (args.length != 2) {
                System.err.println ("Syntax: java -cp . Kopy source destination");
            File in = new File(args[0]);
            long fileLength = in.length();
            long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (in);
            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream (args[1]);
            FileChannel fci = fis.getChannel();
            FileChannel fco = fos.getChannel();
            fco.transferFrom(fci, 0, fileLength);
            t = System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
            NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00");
            System.out.print (nf.format(fileLength/1024.0) + "kB copied");
            if (t > 0) {
                System.out.println (" in " + t + "ms: " + nf.format(fileLength / 1.024 / t) + " kB/s");

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    Thanks odie.
    The nls_charset for my database is WE8ISO8859P1 and database version is Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi.
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    l_file UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    l_clob CLOB;
    l_buffer VARCHAR2(32767);
    l_amount BINARY_INTEGER := 32767;
    l_pos INTEGER := 1;
    SELECT XMLElement("case",
    ).getClobVal() val1 into l_clob
    l_file :=
    UTL_FILE.fopen (XMLDIR,
    LOOP (l_clob,
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_file, l_buffer);
    l_pos := l_pos + l_amount;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.NEW_LINE('Reached end of file');
    The comments column given contains the character like pound.
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    Thanks and Regards

    I am suggesting the solution.
    I will try out and let u know soon.
    Make a coma separated file from your excel file.
    Assuming that your requirement allows to make a csv file.
    This file may be passed as an file object to be read by java.Using JDBC you must be able to populate the data base.You can also use String Tokenizer if needed.
    You do not want to  go via sql Loader?
    For reading the excel file itself do you want java?

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         ; // open the file.
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    Please give response immtly
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    Please send me it'library
    Thank you very much!

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    I am new to xml. I am storing my xml file into BLOB in database. Now in my jsp page I want to retrieve this xml file from BLOB and display in HTML/CSS/XSLT form...
    Pl. guide me.. any docs..?? Logic...??
    Thanks in Advance.
    Sandeep Oza

    Hello Sandeep!
    I'm not familiar with jsp but logic should be as follows:
    -in jsp page instantiate XML parser
    -load specified BLOB into parser
    Now you may traverse the XML tree or you might load XSL file and use transform method to transform XML according to XSL file.
    I have an example where I'm selecting XML straight from relational database and then transform it using XSL into appropriate HTML output, but it's written in PSP.
    You can try for basics on XML, CSS, XSL. It's easy to follow with good examples.

  • Reading the Blob and writing it to an external file in an xml tree format

    We have a table by name clarity_response_log and content of the column(Response_file) is BLOB and we have xml file or xml content in that column. Most probably the column or table may be having more than 5 records and hence we need to read the corresponding blob content and write to an external file.
      DATE_CRATED    DATE                           NOT NULL,
      CREATED_BY     NUMBER                         NOT NULL,
      UPDATED_BY     NUMBER                         DEFAULT 1,
    )The xml content in the insert statement is very small because of some reason and cannot be made public and indeed we have a very big xml file stored in the BLOB column or Response_File column
       (5, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xml-response><phone-number>1212121212</tracking-number></xml-response>', TO_DATE('09/23/2010 09:01:34', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 1, 1, '23-SEP-10');
       (6, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xml-response><phone-number>1212121212</tracking-number></xml-response>', TO_DATE('09/23/2010 09:01:34', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 1, 1, '23-SEP-10');
       (7, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xml-response><phone-number>1212121212</tracking-number></xml-response>', TO_DATE('09/23/2010 09:01:34', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 1, 1, '23-SEP-10');
       (8, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xml-response><phone-number>1212121212</tracking-number></xml-response>', TO_DATE('09/23/2010 09:01:34', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 1, 1, '23-SEP-10');
       (9, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xml-response><phone-number>1212121212</tracking-number></xml-response>', TO_DATE('09/23/2010 09:01:34', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 1, 1, '23-SEP-10');THe corresponding proc for reading the data and writing the data to an external file goes something like this
    SET serveroutput ON
       vstart     NUMBER             := 1;
       bytelen    NUMBER             := 32000;
       len        NUMBER;
       my_vr      RAW (32000);
       x          NUMBER;
       l_output   UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    -- define output directory
       l_output :=
          UTL_FILE.FOPEN ('CWFSTORE_RESPONCE_XML', 'extract500.txt', 'wb', 32760);
       vstart := 1;
       bytelen := 32000;
    ---get the Blob locator
       FOR rec IN (SELECT response_file vblob
                     FROM clarity_response_log
                    WHERE TRUNC (date_crated) = TRUNC (SYSDATE - 1))
    --get length of the blob
    len := DBMS_LOB.getlength (rec.vblob);
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (len);
          x := len;
    ---- If small enough for a single write
    IF len < 32760
             UTL_FILE.put_raw (l_output, rec.vblob);
             UTL_FILE.FFLUSH (l_output);
    -------- write in pieces
             vstart := 1;
             WHILE vstart < len AND bytelen > 0
                DBMS_LOB.READ (rec.vblob, bytelen, vstart, my_vr);
                UTL_FILE.put_raw (l_output, my_vr);
                UTL_FILE.FFLUSH (l_output);
    ---------------- set the start position for the next cut
                vstart := vstart + bytelen;
    ---------- set the end position if less than 32000 bytes
                x := x - bytelen;
                IF x < 32000
                   bytelen := x;
                END IF;
                UTL_FILE.NEW_LINE (l_output);
             END LOOP;
    ----------------- --- UTL_FILE.NEW_LINE(l_output);
          END IF;
       END LOOP;
       UTL_FILE.FCLOSE (l_output);
    END;The above code works well and all the records or xml contents are being written simultaneously adjacent to each other but we each records must be written to a new line or there must be a line gap or a blank line between any two records
    the code which I get is as follow all all xml data comes on a single line
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><emp><empno>7369</empno><ename>James</ename><job>Manager</job><salary>1000</salary></emp><?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><emp><empno>7370</empno><ename>charles</ename><job>President</job><salary>500</salary></emp>But the code written to an external file has to be something like this.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    </emp>Please advice

    What was wrong with the previous answers given on your other thread:
    Export Blob data to text file(-29285-ORA-29285: file write error)
    If there's a continuing issue, stay with the same thread, don't just ask the same question again and again, it's really Pi**es people off and causes confusion as not everyone will be familiar with what answers you've already had. You're just wasting people's time by doing that.
    As already mentioned before, convert your BLOB to a CLOB and then to XMLTYPE where it can be treated as XML and written out to file in a variety of ways including the way I showed you on the other thread.
    You really seem to be struggling to get the worst possible way to work.

  • How to read particular Sector and Block in Mifare 1k through Java?

    Hi Friends..
    Do you know how to read particular Sector and Block in Mifare 1K through Java?..
    I've created the simple application that read data from Mifare 1K, but i've problem when i want to read the other sectors and blocks..
    i tried to read the blocks by using this APDU command :
    FF B0 00 00 10  //read data in Sector 0 and Block 0
    FF B0 00 01 10  //read data in Sector 0 and Block 1
    FF B0 00 02 10  //read data in Sector 0 and Block 2
    FF B0 00 03 10  //read data in Sector 0 and Block 1How to read the other sectors and blocks?..
    I've tried to read data in Sector 1 and Block 5, so i tried to send this APDU command : FF B0 01 05 10, but i got this error : *6986*
    Actually, it doesn't matter if i use MifareWnd, but i want to create my own application that Read/Write From/into Mifare 1K..
    Please help me regarding this..
    Thanks in advance..
    Edited by: Leonardo_Carreira on Mar 31, 2010 2:47 AM
    Edited by: Leonardo_Carreira on Mar 31, 2010 2:50 AM

    Hi Sidd,
    You should check out the Example Finder under Hardware Input and Output»IMAQ»Signal Input and Output for examples of triggering in framegrabbers.
    Stephen Meserve
    National Instruments

  • How bapi different from session and call transaction?

    how bapi different from session and call transaction?
    thanks in advance.

    For one, Batch Data Communication (BDC) is older. Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI) came later, about 10 years ago (you can see this already from the name, which contains marketese like "business" ).
    More important though, they are different technologies. With BDC you build the "batch input transaction" yourself, with an ABAP program which creates the "batch input session" ("Batch-Input-Mappe" in german). You then take that session, like an object, and "run" it on a system (most of the time, this is done on a local system by the administrators, after it has been tested for correctness).
    With BAPI, a system (local or remote) exposes its interface to you through some kind of Remote Function Call (RFC). Practically, it tells you: "What do you want to do? Insert that data into Materials Management? Here is the function and the the parameters you have to use for each record". You only work with the Interface - the exposed function. How this function works does not have to interest you. You don't have sessions to "run", you fire your function calls filled with data, one after another and you're done.
    BAPI can be run remotely. With BDC, you probably have to call the administrators of the remote system and send them the session you created for them to run. With BDC you go through the whole transaction in one BDC session, with BAPI you may need more than one "BAPI calls" to do this.
    With BAPI you don't fill obcure field names with values, you just fill the parameters. You can use a BAPI from inside your ABAP program to let a "business object" do some clearly defined work for you, then you can continue with your code doing other things. You don't do this with BDC. With BDC you write a dedicated program that creates the "session", which is then executed separately.
    Batch Data Communication (BDC) is the oldest batch interfacing technique that SAP provided since the early versions of R/3. BDC is not a
    typical integration tool, in the sense that, it can be only be used for uploading data into R/3 and so it is not bi-directional.
    BDC works on the principle of simulating user input for transactional screen, via an ABAP program. Typically the input comes in the form of a flat file. The ABAP program reads this file and formats the input data screen by screen into an internal table (BDCDATA). The transaction is then started using this internal table as the input and executed in the background.
    In Call Transaction, the transactions are triggered at the time of processing itself and so the ABAP program must do the error handling.
    It can also be used for real-time interfaces and custom error handling & logging features. Whereas in Batch Input Sessions, the ABAP
    program creates a session with all the transactional data, and this session can be viewed, scheduled and processed (using Transaction SM35) at a later time. The latter technique has a built-in error processing mechanism too.
    Batch Input (BI) programs still use the classical BDC approach but doesnt require an ABAP program to be written to format the
    BDCDATA. The user has to format the data using predefined structures and store it in a flat file. The BI program then reads this and
    invokes the transaction mentioned in the header record of the file.
    Direct Input (DI) programs work exactly similar to BI programs. But the only difference is, instead of processing screens they validate
    fields and directly load the data into tables using standard function modules. For this reason, DI programs are much faster (RMDATIND - Material Master DI program works at least 5 times faster) than the BDC counterpart and so ideally suited for loading large volume data. DI programs are
    not available for all application areas.
    Business Add-In (BADI) are a new SAP enhancement technique based on ABAP Objects.
    They can be inserted into the SAP System to accommodate user requirements too specific to be included in the standard delivery. Since specific industries often require special functions, SAP allows you to predefine these points in your software.
    As with customer exits two different views are available:
    In the definition view, an application programmer predefines exit points in a source that allow specific industry sectors, partners, and customers to attach additional software to standard SAP source code without having to modify the original object.
    In the implementation view, the users of Business Add-Ins can customize the logic they need or use a standard logic if one is available.
    In contrast to customer exits, Business Add-Ins no longer assume a two-level infrastructure (SAP and customer solutions), but instead allow for a multi-level system landscape (SAP, partner, and customer solutions, as well as country versions, industry solutions, and the like). Definitions and implementations of Business Add-Ins can be created at each level within such a system infrastructure.

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    Frede Lei

    Thanks for the reply however I could able to write the PCR to read one variable without wagetype. My question is, I have 6 variables in VAR table and now I want to read all the variable and based on the variable I need to create the 6 wagetype each for each variable.
    I know to create the wagetype with one variable.
    ZSSB CCE : restore 7SSB wage types paid separately in RT       
            AMT=& VSSB Set                                         
            AMT?0      Comparison                                  
                ADDWTI7SSB IT   Input table                        
    However, how I could create the only 1 PCR for 6 variable?
    Saurabh Garg

  • How to create a table with datatype blob and insert a pdf file (ravi)

    how to create a table with datatype blob and insert a pdf file,
    give me the explain asap
    1.create the table?
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    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: 895044 on Dec 5, 2011 2:55 AM

    895044 wrote:
    how to create a table with datatype blob and insert a pdf file,
    give me the explain asapPerhaps you should read...
    especially point 2.
    We're not just sitting here waiting to answer your question as quickly as possible for you.

  • Read and write a .CSV file contains cirillic characters issue

    Hi guys,
    I am a developer of a web application project which uses Oracle Fusion Middleware technologies. We use JDeveloper as development IDE.
    I have a requirement to get a .csv file from WLS to application running machine. I used a downloadActinLinsener in front end .jspx in order to do that.
    I use OpenCSV library to read and write .csv files.
    Here is my code for read and write the .csv file,
    public void dwdFile(FacesContext facesContext, OutputStream out) {
    String [] nextLine;
    try {
    FileInputStream fstream1 = new FileInputStream("Downloads/filetoberead.CSV");
    DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream1);
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in,"UTF-8"));
    CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(br,'\n');
    //CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader("Downloads/ACTIVITY_LOG_22-JAN-13.csv"),'\n');
    List<String> list=new ArrayList();
    while ((nextLine = reader.readNext()) != null) {
    if(nextLine !=null){
    for(String s:nextLine){
    System.out.println("list size ; "+list.size());
    OutputStreamWriter w = new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8");
    CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(w, ',','\u0000');
    for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++){
    System.out.println("list items"+list.get(i));
    String[] entries = list.get(i).split(",");
    //System.out.println("list items : "+list.get(i));
    } catch (IOException e) {
    say the filetoberead.CSV contains following data,
    1,111211,LI,0,TABO,B,M002500003593,,,К /БЭ60072715/,КАРТЕНБАЙ
    2,07,Balance Free,3
    1,383708,LI,0,BDSC,B,НЭ63041374,,,Т /НЭ63041374/,ОТГОНБААТАР
    2,07,Balance Free,161
    It reads and writes the numbers and english characters correct. All cirillic characters it prints "?" as follows,
    1,111211,LI,0,TABO,B,M002500003593,,,? /??60072715/,?????????
    2,07,Balance Free,3
    1,383708,LI,0,BDSC,B,??63041374,,,? /??63041374/,???????????
    2,07,Balance Free,161
    can somone please help me to resolve this problem?
    Regards !

    Are you sure that the input file (e.g. "Downloads/filetoberead.CSV") is in UTF-8 character set? You can also check it using some text editor having a view in hex mode. If each Cyrillic character in your input file occupies a single byte (instead of two), then the file is not in UTF-8. Most probably it is in Cyrillic for Windows (CP1251).
    If this is the case, you should modify the line
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in,"UTF-8"));toBufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in,"windows-1251"));Dimitar

  • How to read from text file?

    I would like to read data (frequencies) already written in a text file. I will need read these frequencies one at a time to set the function generator (as part of my data acquisition application), acquire data that is in turn written to a file and then go back and read the next frequency from the file to repeat the process again. I also have another idea of doing the same, which is read all the frequencies from the text file and populate a table and a frequency value is picked from the table each time to go through the process mentioned above.
    Can anyone suggest the following: (1) How to read from a text file, (2) What could be the most efficient way of solving my above problem.
    I am a new LabVIEW user and any help will be appreciated.

    Hi Research,
    Depending on the format of the data file, there are a few options for reading it.  If it is tab delimited, you may want to use the Read from SpreadSheet File VI which will read the file into an Array.  You can then use the Index Array VI to pull out individual entries.  If the files is ASCII but not tab delimited, you could use the regular Open File and Read File VIs.  You can either read the file out piece by piece, or read the entire file into a string and then use the Match Pattern VI to parse out the different elements (there are actually many ways to do this - check out the Strings subpalette). 
    Since you're new to LabVIEW, you may want to check out these resources:
    Three Hour Introduction to LabVIEW
    Six Hour Introduction to LabVIEW
    Getting Started with LabVIEW
    I hope this helps!  Let us know if you have more questions,
    Megan B.
    National Instruments

  • How to read the date and time information of a file by labview

    how to read the date and time information of a file by labview? for example, created time and modified time.
    Go to Solution.

    if you need to know the last modification date of file:-
    "Functions->File I/O->Advanced File Functions->File/Directory"
    This vi returns the value of file's last modification date. This is returned as U32 number. To see it in MM/DD/YY format you must create the indicator, right-click on it and select "Format & Precision" item from drop-down menu. Then select "Time and Date" format there.
    Thanks as kudos only

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