How to read manual off line?

Is there a way to read the iPhone 4 manual without havint to be connected to the Internet?
Can I download it and view it on the iPhone? If so, how?
Eros Nunes

Files can be put onto the phone IF you put an App on that supports it.
Some apps integrate into iTunes and let you put files into them via iTunes (eg: Stanza for putting eBooks, pdf's or other file types it supports).
Then there are other programs like DropBox that will sync over the air and mirror a folder on your computer (have to also install dropbox onto computer from their web site).

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    You can use the variable <tablecontrol>-Currentline as Ebus says but there is a problem with this.Suppose there are 10 records in the table control with only 5 records visible then when u press a page down and press F4 the first record in page 2,  <tablecontrol>-Currentline will have value of 1 instead of 6.So you will need to write a small logic for that.
    index = ( <tablecontrol>-topline - <tablecontrol>-currentline ) + 1.
    read internal table itab at index.
    Hope this helps.

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    Thanks very much

    Brynjar wrote:
    In Groovy, you would do something like:
    linefeed = "\n" //or "\r\n" if the user chose so
    lines = new File('pathtofile').text.split("${linefeed}")This is one of the things that has always annoyed me about Sun's sdk, i.e. the lack of easy ways to do things like that. You always end up making your own utilities or use something like Apache's Same goes for jdbc and xml - I'll wait for appropriate topics to show how easy that is in Groovy :)I generally agree, but what I really don't like about the Groovy text-file handling niceties: They don't care about encoding/always use the default encoding. And as soon as you want to specify the encoding, it gets a lot more complex (granted, it's still easier than in Java).

  • How to read the second line in a .txt file with bufferedReader?

    i am not the best in speaking english and programming java :)
    so, just try to make sense of my question:
    Im using a BufferedReader to read a .txt file.
    the .txt file has 5+ different lines, and each line has 6 tokens (separated with ; )
    My java file has 6 textFields and each textfield is filled with one of the 6 different tokens.
    and my problem is:
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    if somethings not understandable, just ask :)

    maybe its easier to help me, when i publish my code, so here it is:
    (its my version, without Thof's code. Sorry, but the comments are the most in german)
    /* */
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class userdata extends Frame {
    private JPanel panel = new JPanel ();
    String tokId = "";
    String tokName= "";
    String tokAge= "";
    String tokTel= "";
    String tokMail= "";
    String tokText= "";
    BufferedReader br;
    String zeile;
    StringTokenizer st;
    String delim = ";";
    //---------Buttons f?r Panel 1-------------------------
    Button first = new Button("|< First");
    Button back = new Button("< Back");
    Button next = new Button("Next >");
    Button last = new Button("Last >|");
    //---------Buttons f?r Panel 3-------------------------
    Button neu = new Button("New");
    Button safe = new Button("Safe");
    Button refresh = new Button("Refresh");
    //--------Labels f?r Panel 2-----------------------------
    Label lid = new Label("ID",Label.LEFT);
    Label lname = new Label("Name",Label.LEFT);
    Label lage = new Label("Age",Label.LEFT);
    Label ltel = new Label("Tel.",Label.LEFT);
    Label lmail = new Label("E-Mail",Label.LEFT);
    Label ltext = new Label("Spruch",Label.LEFT);
    Label lub = new Label("Last Button",Label.LEFT);
    TextField id = new TextField();
    TextField name = new TextField();
    TextField age = new TextField();
    TextField tel = new TextField();
    TextField mail = new TextField();
    TextField text = new TextField();
    TextField usedbutton = new TextField();
    //--------ActionEvent bla sachen eben--------------------
    public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException {
    userdata wnd = new userdata();
    public userdata() throws IOException {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
    //--------------------------------Layout mit panel bestimmung--------------------------------------
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
    JPanel p2 = new JPanel();
    JPanel p3 = new JPanel();
    add(BorderLayout.NORTH ,p1);
    add(BorderLayout.CENTER , p2);
    add(BorderLayout.SOUTH , p3);
    //-------------------------------Funktionslose Buttons in PANEL 1------------------------------------
    //--------------------------------Funktionierende Textfelder in PANEL 2------------------------------
    Panel labelpanel = new Panel();
    p2.setLayout(new GridLayout(7,3));
    //--------------------------------------Buttons in PANEL 3-----------------------------------------
    //--------------------------------BufferedReader -------------------------------------------------
    //--------------------------------Panel 2 TextField-----------------------------------------------
    first.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
    System.out.println ("First");
    back.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
    System.out.println ("Back");
    next.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
    System.out.println ("Next");
    last.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
    System.out.println ("Last");
    neu.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
    System.out.println ("New entry");
    safe.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
    System.out.println ("Now Saving, do not turn off!");
    refresh.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
    }catch( IOException ioe){
    System.out.println("Fehler beim lesen aus Datei");
    //=============================================================================Button Funktionen!!!
    //--------------------------------WindowsListener hinzuf?gene--------------------------------------
    new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event)
    //-----------------------------------readData() - > Buffered Reader in aktion! --------------------
    private void readData() throws IOException{
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("My .txt File with path"));
    String zeile;
    StringTokenizer st;
    String delim = ";";
    zeile = br.readLine();
    st = new StringTokenizer(zeile, delim);
    //System.out.println (st.nextToken());
    tokId = new String(st.nextToken());
    tokName = new String (st.nextToken());
    tokAge = new String (st.nextToken());
    tokTel = new String (st.nextToken());
    tokMail = new String (st.nextToken());
    tokText = new String (st.nextToken());
    //--------------------------fillForm() - > f?llt die TextFelder aus!--------------------------------
    private void fillForm(){

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    i have this .dat files for each customer, which contain their name on the first line, their id on the second line
    and a list of items and an item id between each item.
    John Doe
    Here is what I am trying to do, please correct me
    //list out .dat file in dir
    File customer_dir = new File ("Customer")
    if (customer_dir.isDirectory())
    String[] listofdat=dir.list();
    for (int i=0;i<listofdat.length();i++)
    Scanner dat_read = new Scanner (new File listfodat);
    if (dat_read.nextLine().equals("455689")) <--is this okay?

    bibiancheng wrote:
    would you please explain to me what
    String[] tokens = line.trim().split("\\s*,\\s*")"\\s*,\\s*" is a regex where \\s means whitespace and the * means "any number of".
    so \\s* means that it will grab all the whitespace if there is any.
    trim() removes white space from the beginning and end of the string.
    dont put a comma in the name.
    spaces allowed: "jane doe, 12-14-09, 428438, 6, 388473, 7, 187374, 3"
    it was just a recommendation. breaking it into separate lines would be fine.

  • How to read the last line in a txt file?

    Dear all,
    I want to read the last line in a txt file. There are thousands of lines in this file. What I want is to move the file pointer directly to the last line of the file. But I did not know how do to it. Can anybody help me out?
    Thank you very much!

    If the file is coded as ASCII or one of the encodings that maps a single byte to a char then the following class will assist you
    import java.util.*;
    public class GetLinesFromEndOfFile
        static public class BackwardsFileInputStream extends InputStream
            public BackwardsFileInputStream(File file) throws IOException
                assert (file != null) && file.exists() && file.isFile() && file.canRead();
                raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
                currentPositionInFile = raf.length();
                currentPositionInBuffer = 0;
            public int read() throws IOException
                if (currentPositionInFile <= 0)
                    return -1;
                if (--currentPositionInBuffer < 0)
                    currentPositionInBuffer = buffer.length;
                    long startOfBlock = currentPositionInFile - buffer.length;
                    if (startOfBlock < 0)
                        currentPositionInBuffer = buffer.length + (int)startOfBlock;
                        startOfBlock = 0;
                    raf.readFully(buffer, 0, currentPositionInBuffer);
                    return read();
                return buffer[currentPositionInBuffer];
            public void close() throws IOException
            private final byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
            private final RandomAccessFile raf;
            private long currentPositionInFile;
            private int currentPositionInBuffer;
        public static List<String> head(File file, int numberOfLinesToRead) throws IOException
            return head(file, "ISO-8859-1" , numberOfLinesToRead);
        public static List<String> head(File file, String encoding, int numberOfLinesToRead) throws IOException
            assert (file != null) && file.exists() && file.isFile() && file.canRead();
            assert numberOfLinesToRead > 0;
            assert encoding != null;
            LinkedList<String> lines = new LinkedList<String>();
            BufferedReader reader= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), encoding));
            for (String line = null; (numberOfLinesToRead-- > 0) && (line = reader.readLine()) != null;)
            return lines;
        public static List<String> tail(File file, int numberOfLinesToRead) throws IOException
            return tail(file, "ISO-8859-1" , numberOfLinesToRead);
        public static List<String> tail(File file, String encoding, int numberOfLinesToRead) throws IOException
            assert (file != null) && file.exists() && file.isFile() && file.canRead();
            assert numberOfLinesToRead > 0;
            assert (encoding != null) && encoding.matches("(?i)(iso-8859|ascii|us-ascii).*");
            LinkedList<String> lines = new LinkedList<String>();
            BufferedReader reader= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new BackwardsFileInputStream(file), encoding));
            for (String line = null; (numberOfLinesToRead-- > 0) && (line = reader.readLine()) != null;)
                // Reverse the order of the characters in the string
                char[] chars = line.toCharArray();
                for (int j = 0, k = chars.length - 1; j < k ; j++, k--)
                    char temp = chars[j];
                    chars[j] = chars[k];
                    chars[k]= temp;
                lines.addFirst(new String(chars));
            return lines;
        public static void main(String[] args)
                File file = new File("/usr/share/dict/words");
                int n = 10;
                    System.out.println("Head of " + file);
                    int index = 0;
                    for (String line : head(file, n))
                        System.out.println(++index + "\t[" + line + "]");
                    System.out.println("Tail of " + file);
                    int index = 0;
                    for (String line : tail(file, "us-ascii", n))
                        System.out.println(++index + "\t[" + line + "]");
            catch (Exception e)
    }Note, the EOL characters are treated as line separators so you will probably need to read the last two lines (think about it for a bit).

  • How to read the last line in a text file using text_io?? please help

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    I made a procedure that append text into a text file on the operating system.
    the text file grows rapidly. It contains now about 200,000 line . I need to read the last line only . In other wprds i need to go direct to the last line to read some values. Is it possible??
    Please help

    If you know the number of the line you want to read, I can sugget you to use the MORE dos command or the TAIL unix command that redirect to a temporary text file
    Example to create a file that contains the 200010th last lines :
    (Client)Host( 'MORE the_file_name.txt +200010 > small_file.txt') ;So you have only to read the small file with the TEXT_IO functions.

  • How to read the particular line in a file !!!

    i want to read the 5th , 8th or some other line number of the file. This file is consists of many data arranged by line number. I'm able to retrieve the LineNumber of the file but i'm not able to point the curser to that particular line so it can read that line only.
    i'm pointing the cursor to that particular linenumber as in.setLineNumber(5) it moves to that particular line but after that when i try to read that particular line i'm not able to read that line.
    could any one tell me which is the other way to read that particular line or in this only where i'm doing wrong...
    i need this urgent....

    As is typical of people who claim their problem is urgent, you posted this in the wrong forum (it doesn't have anything to do with JSP) and you left out any details that might help us understand what you are blathering about.
    So take a deep breath. It isn't urgent. There is no rush. Now formulate a proper description of your problem and post it in the proper forum.

  • How to read a file line by line in UTL

    Hi All,
    strbuffer VARCHAR2(100);
    fileID := UTL_FILE.FOPEN ('DR', 'New.txt', 'R');
    UTL_FILE.GET_LINE (fileID, strbuffer);
    By this program I can read only first line of the file. I want to read the file line by line.

    try this
        fileID UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
        strbuffer VARCHAR2(100);
        fileID := UTL_FILE.FOPEN ('DR', 'New.txt', 'R');
        if utl_file.is_open(fileID) THEN
            UTL_FILE.GET_LINE (fileID, strbuffer);
            if strbuffer IS NULL THEN
            end if;
          end loop;
        end if;
      END;note: untested.

  • Where is my EXPORT dump file ? How to do BRTools off line table reorgan ?

    Here was my BRTools Export output message :
    About to export specified tables via Direct Path ...
    Current user changed to SAPPRD
    . . exporting table                          CDHDR   60357362 rows exported
    Export terminated successfully without warnings.
    BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2011-08-09 16.53.04
    BR1160I 1 table exported by EXP utility
    BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2011-08-09 16.53.04
    BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
    But where is my Export dump file ?
    Besides, could you tell me the procedures of using BRTools Export & Import to do off-line table reorgan ?
    Due to some reasons, I can't do online table reorgan.

    Hi Ming,
    I noted the OSS note 646681 - Reorganizing tables with BRSPACE in my previous message, already. You don't need any additional effort such as creating script, if you use brspace as I noted in my last message.
    Stop the SAP system, but not database then execute the command, below;
    1) brspace -u / -f tbreorg -t "CDHDR"
    2) At the incoming menu steps, select --> (8 - Table reorganization mode (mode)) .. offline
    3) Then continue with "c"
    At the end of this steps, table and related indexes will be reorganized.
    You can update statistics by using the command, below after you complete the steps, above respectfully;
    brconnect -u / -c -f stats -t all -f collect -p 4
    Best regards,
    Orkun Gedik

  • How 2 read all the line of a sales order text ID plz

    Dear all
    I have the following to read sales order text of single line of limited char(40)
      TIDNO = '0003'.
        INTO        TNAME.
        TOBJT = 'VBBP'.
          WA_ITEM-PACKTYP = mslines-tdline(40).
      How do i read mutiple lines plz tell me ?
    Message was edited by: md monirujjaman

    Hi Md,
    sorry I don't understand your question, can you explain more ?


    My itouch has 8 Gb of RAM and I am looking for an app that will allow me to store a PDF document in memory and read it off line as there are times when I do not have access to WiFi. I can email myself the document but I am off line, I don't think that the inbox is an off line folder from which an attachment can be viewed off line, right? Therefore the reason I am looking for the ability to save and read off line.

    I don't think that the inbox is an off line folder from which an attachment can be viewed off line, right?
    No, incorrect. The inbox is an *off line* folder, just as it is on a computer. Once you download the email from the server, it is in your iPod/computer and you can access it when you like.

  • How to only read the last line in the text file by using BufferedReader ?

    Dear all,
    Hello, I am new to Java. Do anybody know how to read the last line (this is the last record) in the text file.The method I am now using is reading from the first line until I reach the last line in the text file. Thank you!!
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("c:\\sdk1.4.1\\bin\\dbExport.txt"));
    DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream("c:\\sdk1.4.1\\bin\\dbExport.txt"));
    String input;
    String firstinput;
    String secondinput;
    int count=90;
    int year=1955;
    while ((input = br.readLine()) != null) {
    firstinput = input.substring(0, 10);
    secondinput = input.substring(10);
    String insertStore1 = ("INSERT INTO AUTHORS " +
    "VALUES ('" + count + "', '" + firstinput + "', '" + secondinput + "', 1955)");
    int result = stmt.executeUpdate(insertStore1);

    I suppose you could use a

  • I am looking to read full length rss feeds to be read off-line on my ipad 2

    I can subscribe to rss feeds in my mail on my mac, but I cannot seem to do the same on my Ipad 2 either via mobile me (I cannot forward rss feeds into my mobile me account) or various apps (byline, feedlerss,flipboard,google reader). Some send the feed, but I then have to be on line to see the full article. This contrasts with reading an rss feed on my mac via mail where i can see the entire feed and therefore can read it off-line.
    Any thoughts anyone?

    Maybe there is something wrong with your settings, because you can alter the default behavior... Have a look in the Byline settings, especially in the "Web pages" category. There you can choose for which feeds you want to cache the original web paged as well, when the feed content seems truncated.

  • Firefox cannot browse the internet until I clear an "OFF LINE WORKING" ITEM FROM THE MENU ?

    How do I clear "off line working?" to allow Firefox to browse the net?

    Presumably you're using FF4 (?).
    If so, do the following.
    * Right click a blank part of the Tab Bar and then click the top option called "Menu Bar". This will remove the orange Firefox button, but reinstate the text links at the top.
    * Next, click "File", then click "Work Offline" to remove the checkmark. You should now have Internet access.
    To reinstate the previous layout, repeat the same steps.

Maybe you are looking for