How to read SOAP request details pre send in applescript

Hello All.
Please can someone help me, I have written a SOAP applescript to connect to a web service and although i can compile and run the script, I'm getting a response error of "INTERNAL ERROR".. what I'm now wanting to do is ensure the SOAP call has everything needed for the call. The problem is im not sure of the syntax displaying what the SOAP details are.
Below is my applescript, please is someone able to tell me the extra /debug code needed so that i can see what applescript is sending to the SOAP webservice.
tell application ""
(call soap ¬
{method name:"login", SOAPAction:"login", method namespace uri:"", parameters:{locationId:0, username:xxxx", password:"xxxxx", productId:82, vendorsoftwareId:0, ipaddress:0}} ¬
end tell
Thank you all>!
Iain Smith

go through this weblog, this might help you to solve your problem.

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    Let me see whether I understand. Are you attempting to achieve something like this:
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    Hi All,
    SOAP Framework AXIS provided the tool TCPMONITOR to monitor the SOAPRequest,SOAPResponse which is passing between ServiceConsumer and ServiceProvider.To do this just follow the below steps.
    Step1:Set axis.jar in the classpath and then Run the java class(it will open a window)
    java org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon [listenPort targetHost targetPort]
    For suppose you are running webservice at port number 8888.
    Here listenPort is some port number which is not using by anyother give number like 7070 and targetHost is IP address of System where the Webservice is running,targetPort is portnumber where the Webservice is running.
    For example java org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon 7070 8888
    i.e In client application you have to modify the portnumber to 7070,once user submitted the request that request going to portnumber at 7070 where TcpMonitor is listening,SOAPRequest will come in Request Box and and select submit button then request going to service at port numer 8888,then you can view the response in Response can get more details in the following url

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    Depending on the version of WebSphere you are using, there should be a menu option to create a dynamic web project. This will set up the basic structure of the application for you. Also, right-click on the newly created web application and there should be a context menu something like Web Services -> Deploy Web Service. This will do some more under-the-covers work for you.
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    I�d be wary of introducing any external web service software into a WebSphere environment. On my last project we ran into a few tricky SOAP API conflicts so we decided to stick with pure IBM implementations wherever possible. That said, this is some sample code that I've recycled from the Monson-Haefel book I've mentioned before:
    package sandbox;
    import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
    import javax.xml.rpc.handler.MessageContext;
    import javax.xml.rpc.handler.soap.SOAPMessageContext;
    import javax.xml.soap.*;
    public class MessageHandlerID extends javax.xml.rpc.handler.GenericHandler{
      QName [] headerNames = null;
      public QName [] getHeaders(){
        if(headerNames == null){
          QName myHeader = new QName("", "message-id");
          headerNames = new QName[] { myHeader };
        return headerNames;
      public boolean handleRequest(MessageContext context){
        String messageID = new java.rmi.dgc.VMID().toString();
          SOAPMessageContext soapCntxt = (SOAPMessageContext)context;
          SOAPMessage message = soapCntxt.getMessage();
          SOAPHeader header = message.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getHeader();
          Name blockName = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createName("message-id","mi","");
          SOAPHeaderElement headerBlock = header.addHeaderElement(blockName);
          headerBlock.addTextNode( messageID );
          return true;
        } catch(javax.xml.soap.SOAPException se){
              throw new javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException(se);
    }It doesn't do much but might give you some ideas.
    You may have already come across this, but I found the following RedBook invaluable:
    Wahli, U., Garcia, G. O., Cocasse, S. and Muetschard, M. (2004). WebSphere Version 5.1 Application Developer 5.1.1 Web Services Handbook. IBM.

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    I got my SOAP Requests tested using SOAP UI .. However I am still looking for ways to test it using XML SPY.
    In the SOAP UI Tool just do right click and select Add WS Security Token ..
    Thanks :)

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    The recommended solution is to download Oracle JRockit Mission Control (available here: and install on your server. The installers include Oracle JRockit JVM as well as Mission Control, and are free of license checks.
    If that solution for some reason is unfeasible you can download legacy development license files from here (
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    We have a diagnostic tool called Post [1] that will post the request
    directly to a SOAP server. You can also try the graphical tool WeX [2]
    so you can see what is happening at the wire level.
    I may have misunderstood your question and goal. The purpose of the
    JAX-RPC [3] API is to provide a high-level abstraction of SOAP
    communications such as you describe.
    What is your use case?
    Nisha Kothari wrote:
    how i can pass soap request message to server using http request header? the soap
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    Name: addsoaprequest.xml
    addsoaprequest.xml Type: ACT Project (text/xml)
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    try this FM please:
    program zjdtest.
    parameter p_req type TRDYSE01SN-TR_TRKORR.
    DATA: lt_docu         TYPE rsfbtltab.
                iv_object = p_req
                tt_line   = lt_docu
                error     = 0.

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    On 904, you have the abilitty to use an HTTP proxy tool between the client and the service. This has to be driven from the client side. You can find informations on the way to do this with JDeveloper here:
    If you need to view it from the server side, you can turn on debugging at the servlet level, to get some more information, but this should not be used on production system. To get the list of options, use "java -jar oc4j.jar -listProperties". Those of interest to you are:
    http.request.debug - Used to gate whether to dump http traffic to console
    http.error.debug - Gates whether to dump HTTP exceptions to the console
    On production system, your best option will be to use a servlet filter :-(
    If you are using Windows to host your services, you can also take a look at Mindreef's SOAPscope to capture all the traffic at the NIC level.
    Hope this helps,

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    Hi friends,
    While calling a web service, I am getting following error: javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException: Failed to parse WSDL
    I believe it is due to an invalid parameter set for the request soap. I need to analysis this error. Can you help me to print SOAP request at client program when program calls web service.
    Is there any way to print SOAP request XML?

    Is this question related to Oracle SOA suite? Which client are you using? Use SOAPUI to validate whether WSDL is correct.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Let me see whether I understand. Are you attempting to achieve something like this:
    <cfcomponent output="no">
    <cffunction name="testFunction" returntype="any" access="remote">
    <cfargument name="soapInput">
    <cfset var inputXML = arguments.soapInput>
    <cfset var soapBodyText="">
    <cfset var noBodyTextError="">
        <cfset soapBodyText = xmlSearch(inputXML,"//soapenv:Body/text()")[1].xmlValue>
        <cfsavecontent variable="noBodyTextError"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soapenv:Envelope     xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <soapenv:Body> <soapenv:Fault> <faultcode>soapenv:Server.userException</faultcode> <faultstring>java.lang.Exception: Body not found.</faultstring></cfsavecontent>
        <cfif trim(soapBodyText) is "">
        <cfreturn inputXML>
    <cfcatch type="any">
    <cfreturn noBodyTextError>
    <cfxml variable="mydata">
            <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wor="">
    <cfinvoke webservice = ""
              method = "testFunction"
               returnVariable = "result">
           <cfinvokeargument name="soapInput" value="#trim(mydata)#" >
    <cfdump var="#result#">

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    Thanks in advance.

    HI This may help you.Let me know if not.
    Step by Step Guide: XML File 2 XML File Scenario: Part I
    Step by Step Guide: XML File 2 XML File Scenario: Part II
    Converting XML to PDF using XI
    Introduction to simple(File-XI-File)scenario and complete walk through for starters(Part1)
    Introduction to simple (File-XI-File)scenario and complete walk through for starters(Part2)
    "JAVA MAPPING", an alternate way of reading a CSV file
    Dynamic File Name using XI 3.0 SP12 Part - I
    Dynamic file name(XSLT Mapping with Java Enhancement) using XI 3.0 SP12 Part -II
    Push Data to MVC Architectured application using XI
    How to send any data (even binary) through XI, without using the Integration Repository
    XI in the role of a FTP
    The specified item was not found.
    The specified item was not found.
    The specified item was not found.
    The specified item was not found.

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    I  really nead your suggestion, please.
    I attached my code also my Exel file.
    DG5071.xlsx ‏1841 KB
    Rigol ‏52 KB

    Hello vsa,
    I checked the specifications of this Function Arbitrary Waveform Generator and I found that it is GPIB complaint. Instruments with GPIB protocol can be controlled using GPIB commands, but each instrument could have different GPIB commands. Despite this, most providers have "standard" commands among its products.
    I checked some documentation and found a help file that describes the GPIB commands used by this device, so the options are:
    1. Wait for someone to develop an Instrument Driver for this instrument.
    2. Check if you find any other Function Arbitrary Waveform Generator of the same brand that uses the same commands and for which there is already an instrument driver.
    3. Create your own instrument driver.
    If you choose option 3 I share with you the following links that you may find useful:
    Developing LabVIEW Plug and Play Instrument Drivers:
    Connecting Instruments via GPIB:
    GPIB Instrument Control Tutorial:
    Using IVI Drivers in LabVIEW:
    Instrument Control in LabVIEW Tutorial:
    Best regards.
    David P.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer
    DG5000 Programming ‏907 KB

  • How to read xlsx files using file sender adapter in PI7.11

    Hi All,
    i have scenario where i need to read the xlsx file and convert it into idoc.
    i have gone through the few bolgs
    but not got proper result to read the xlsx file.
    please guide me how can i achieve this scenario using standard way(like standard adapter modules,graphical mapping).
    i saw in some blogs using API....
    but i am not aware of the process of develop custom modules in PI.
    please if there is any step by step process document to develop custom module for adapters.
    thanks in advance.

    HI Hareesh,
    i have gone through that blog.
    i tried it...but i am getting mapping error  no receiver determination fond because there are so  many excel files.
    my data is available on sharedString.xml but also it is in not same order.
    i have no clue how to handle this part form the blog.
    "This way our mapping will receive all data from the sheet in an XML format. The only thing that's left is to create an XSD file from the XML file we received in order to be able to use it in the mapping and as our Service Interface and we can proceed with mapping. As you can see from the sheet.xml files all the data is placed with column name and row number so it's not that difficult to map it to an table type format using the Message Mapping only (no java, abap mapping required)."

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    I see examples of processing the SOAP Message with either a SOAPHander or a LogicalHandler (body only) but is there a way I can get access to the SOAP body from the server side endpoint (the processing operation).
    I have a large schema being passed as WSDL, and would like to have access to the XML doc and the JAXB classes.
    Any ideas?

    The problem is that your DocumentBuilderFactory is not set to be namespace aware. If add a call to factory.setNamespaceAware(true) that should fix your problem.

Maybe you are looking for