How to recompile IMAP email portlet?

I would like to make some changes to the IMAP email portlet. Could someone give me ideas on how to rebuild the project under JDevelper 10.1.3?
Thanks for your help,
-Dong Chen

Hello Harsha:
Here is what I did so far:
I renamed most of the "jsp" files to "jspf". The email project compiled fine but I didn't have any output. So, I unzipped the "" to "email/src" folder, and recompile. Now, I received the following errors:
C:\Development\OracleAS Portal Development\email\email\src\oracle\portal\integration\
Error(4,46): cannot access class oracle.portal.provider.v2.personalize.NameValuePersonalizationObject; file oracle\portal\provider\v2\personalize\NameValuePersonalizationObject.class not found
This is probably I am missing some library files, right? How can I set the correct library path?
-Dong Chen

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    Hello, is this iCloud/MobileMe/.mac???
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    iCloud Mail setup, do not choose .mac or MobileMe as type, but choose IMAP...
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    IMAP (Incoming Mail Server) information:
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    • Port: 993
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    Actually, you can still do that by pressing the Alt/Option key when you first set up an email account and at the prompt where you enter your email address, username and password. I can't remember, but I think you press the Option key after you fill out that screen. I think the Create button changes to Next so you can manually select the type of email account (IMAP, POP).

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    Hi Abhishek,
    Warning(3,1): package name
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    Hello blu monkey,
    I found some resources that I think might help with the visibility of your IMAP email folders on your iPad and Mac.
    On your iPad, you may need to follow the steps in this article to make sure your folders are visible:
    iOS: If IMAP Mail folders are not visible
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    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    Hey Rich.  Once in 'settings,' there should be a "days to sync' under the 'data usage' section.   You don't have that?

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    Hi guys.. can't believe I have to answer my own question.  
    Here is the link that I found on Gmail's setting page. This is about the general IMAP setup for Gmail on PB (without using the email setup widget)....
    this did help me a lot... I hope it help you too... 

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    Have you tried
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    You do not need to specify the type of account.  If its IMAP, when you add the account it will detect that automatically.
    Alternatively, you can enter a fake email address and password when adding the account, and wait for the process to fail, you should then get an option at the top to select between IMAP and POP3
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    dual 2.7 M G5 desktop   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Not sure I understand what your problem is. Why don't you just wipe out the entire ~/Library/Mail folder and the ~/Library/Preferences/ preferences file?
    Actually, I don't understand why don't you do an Erase and Install of Mac OS X. Why are you concerned about your mail account only, and not about the rest of your data?

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    it's only possible with pop3 type email accounts not with imap and exchange
    preference->account->click the account in question-Click advanced and set "remove copy from server after retreiving a message to what you wish it to be

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