How to remove an unneeded scroll bar from an iView?

I have an iView which presenta KM content.
The iView is presented with two annoying scrollbars which doesn't contribute to anything since there is really not much to scroll.
I would like to cancel these scroll bars.
I tried playing with the iView appearance parameters (Fixed/Automatic) and with the height parameter yet it didn't help.
I also tried to see if this option can be mofified at the Layout Set this iView is based on yet I couldn't find such.
Any suggestions...?

Hi Roy,
Can you tell me what is the "Isolation Mode" property of your iview set to.
Is it Embedded or URL. If it is URL try setting it to Embedded and let me know.

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    There are a couple of ways in which to achieve this
    1) Try and make the content flat. What I mean by this is that the content area (when using the standard light framework) doesn't contain an iframe, meaning that the iview defined on the page has "EMBEDDED" isolation mode. This should mean that you only have one scrollbar (if the content extends past the size of the browser)
    2) If you need to make the iview URL isolation, then try and get the domain of the content to be of a similar domain to your portal server, i.e. your portal is and the content is In this way you can make the pages expand.
    NOTE: One thing to note is that when using URL isolation iviews doesn't allow the automatic expanding of the iframe content. This is because the standard javascript doesn't allow this. Therefore you may have to write your own javascript function (or content area page) to do this
    I hope this helps

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    System Preferences > General > Show scroll bars:
    Make sure that "Always" is selected.

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    depart Id
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    Always mention your JDev version.
    As Timo mentioned, it would be easier for you if you use a treeTable. Any specific reasons why you don't want to use it? If you want to do it through iterator, you could also use a grid layout (depends on your JDev version) to make it look like a grid.

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    Where do I do my math in the code so the thumbnails will be located in the middle of the screen rather than in its right hand.
    Here are the code snippets responsible for the thumbnails build up:
      const _THUMB_WIDTH:Number = 50;
      const _THUMB_HEIGHT:Number = 64;
      const _IMAGE_WIDTH:Number = 860;//550;original #
      const _IMAGE_HEIGHT:Number = 500;//355;original #
      const _THUMB_GAP:Number = 2;
      const _SCROLL_SPEED:Number = 12;
      const _SCROLL_AREA:Number = 150;
    var _progressBar:MovieClip;
    var _arrowLeft:MovieClip;
    var _arrowRight:MovieClip;
    var _slides:Array;
    var _curSlide:Slide; //Slide that is currently displaying
    var _loadingSlide:Slide; //only used when a Slide is supposed to show but hasn't been fully loaded yet (like if the user clicks "next" many times before all the images have loaded). We keep track of the one that's in the process of loading and should be shown as soon as it finishes, then we set _loadingSlide back to null.
    var _imagesContainer:Sprite; //the Sprite into which the full-size images are placed (this helps manage the stacking order so that the images can always be behind everything else and yet we can addChild() each image so that it shows up on top of the previous one)
    var _thumbnailsContainer:Sprite; //the Sprite into which the thumbnail images are placed. This also allows us to slide them all at the same time.
    var _destScrollX:Number = 0; //destination x value for the _thumbnailsContainer which is used for scrolling it across the bottom. We don't want to use _thumbnailsContainer.x because it could be in the process of tweening, so we keep track of the end/destination value and add/subtract from it when creating our tweens.
    var _minScrollX:Number; //we know the maximum x value for _thumbnailsContainer is 0, but the mimimum value will depend on how many thumbnail images it contains (the total width). We calculate it in the _setupThumbnails() method and store it here for easier/faster scrolling calculations in the _enterFrameHandler()
    _thumbnailsContainer = new Sprite();
    //_thumbnailsContainer.x = -550;//moves x position of thumbnails, instead done in line 273 thumbnail.x = curX - 590;
    _thumbnailsContainer.y = _IMAGE_HEIGHT;//moves y position of thumbnails
    _thumbnailsContainer.alpha = 0; //we want alpha 0 initially because we'll fade it in later when the thumbnails load.
    _thumbnailsContainer.visible = false; //ensures nothing is clickable.
    var xmlLoader:XMLLoader = new XMLLoader("loadingAssets/appThumbnails/slideshow_image scroller greenSock_mine/assets/data.xml", {onComplete:_xmlCompleteHandler});
    function _xmlCompleteHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {
    _slides = [];
    var xml:XML =; //the XMLLoader's "content" is the XML that was loaded.
    var imageList:XMLList = xml.image; //In the XML, we have <image /> nodes with all the info we need.
    //loop through each <image /> node and create a Slide object for each.
    for each (var image:XML in imageList) {
    _slides.push( new Slide(image.@name,
    new ImageLoader("loadingAssets/appThumbnails/slideshow_image scroller greenSock_mine/assets/thumbnails/appThmb_imgs/" + image.@name + ".jpg",
    name:image.@name + "Thumb",
    //x:260, y:320,//doesn't work here but works in line 69
    //loops through all the thumbnail images and places them in the proper order across the bottom of the screen and adds CLICK_THUMBNAIL listeners.
    function _setupThumbnails():void {
    var l:int = _slides.length;
    var curX:Number = _THUMB_GAP;
    for (var i:int = 0; i < l; i++) {
    var thumbnail:Sprite = _slides[i].thumbnail;
    _thumbnailsContainer.addChild(thumbnail);, 0, {colorTransform:{brightness:0.5}});
    _slides[i].addEventListener(Slide.CLICK_THUMBNAIL, _clickThumbnailHandler, false, 0, true);
    thumbnail.x = curX;
    thumbnail.y = -234;//defines y position of the thumbnails row
    curX += _THUMB_WIDTH + _THUMB_GAP;
    _minScrollX = _IMAGE_WIDTH - curX;
    if (_minScrollX > 0) {
    _minScrollX = 0;
    function _enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void {
    if (_thumbnailsContainer.hitTestPoint(this.stage.mouseX, this.stage.mouseY, false)) {
    if (this.mouseX < _SCROLL_AREA) {
    _destScrollX += ((_SCROLL_AREA - this.mouseX) / _SCROLL_AREA) * _SCROLL_SPEED;
    if (_destScrollX > 0) {  //this number is 1/2 the stage size, previously was at 0 it defines the left position of the thumbnails scroll end, has to be indentical to the number below
    _destScrollX = 0;    //this number is 1/2 the stage size, previously was at 0 it defines the left position of the thumbnails scroll end, has to be indentical to the number above, 0.5, {x:_destScrollX});
    } else if (this.mouseX > _IMAGE_WIDTH - _SCROLL_AREA) {
    _destScrollX -= ((this.mouseX - (_IMAGE_WIDTH - _SCROLL_AREA)) / _SCROLL_AREA) * _SCROLL_SPEED;
    if (_destScrollX < _minScrollX) {
    _destScrollX = _minScrollX;, 0.5, {x:_destScrollX});

    Hi, thanks for taking a look at my problem.
    I assume that the code was difficult to read due to an unusual line brakes, which somehow I got when pasting on this site.
    Please take a look I am pasting the code anew in it entirety:
    (please let me know if you would like me to separate the areas which I believe give me troubles to address my previously describe problem:
    All worked fine until the last moment when thumbnails bar is positioned as if its starting point is in the middle of the screen. I suppose it was developed for the flash screen layout with centered coordinates. My stage probably has them set to the upper left corner.
    I can not make the bar move.
    My stage size is 1024 x 768
    Where do I do my math in the code so the thumbnails will be located in the middle of the screen rather than in its right hand.)
    (Also wanted to mention that there an external file which is not responsible for the construction and positioning of the thumbnails)
              import com.greensock.*;
              import com.greensock.loading.*;
              import com.greensock.loading.display.*;
              //import com.greensock.TweenLite;
              //import com.greensock.loading.ImageLoader;
              //import com.greensock.loading.SWFLoader;
              //import com.greensock.loading.LoaderMax;
              //import com.greensock.loading.XMLLoader;
              import com.greensock.plugins.AutoAlphaPlugin;
              import com.greensock.plugins.ColorTransformPlugin;
              import com.greensock.plugins.GlowFilterPlugin;
              import com.greensock.plugins.BlurFilterPlugin;//i added this filter to blur the progressBar
              import com.greensock.plugins.TweenPlugin;
              import flash.display.MovieClip;
              import flash.display.Sprite;
              //public class SlideshowExample extends MovieClip {
                          const _THUMB_WIDTH:Number = 50;
                          const _THUMB_HEIGHT:Number = 64;
                          const _IMAGE_WIDTH:Number = 860;//550;original #
                          const _IMAGE_HEIGHT:Number = 500;//355;original #
                          const _THUMB_GAP:Number = 2;
                          const _SCROLL_SPEED:Number = 12;
                          const _SCROLL_AREA:Number = 150;
                         var _progressBar:MovieClip;
                         var _arrowLeft:MovieClip;
                         var _arrowRight:MovieClip;
                         var _slides:Array;
                         var _curSlide:Slide; //Slide that is currently displaying
                         var _loadingSlide:Slide; //only used when a Slide is supposed to show but hasn't been fully loaded yet (like if the user clicks "next" many times before all the images have loaded). We keep track of the one that's in the process of loading and should be shown as soon as it finishes, then we set _loadingSlide back to null.
                         var _imagesContainer:Sprite; //the Sprite into which the full-size images are placed (this helps manage the stacking order so that the images can always be behind everything else and yet we can addChild() each image so that it shows up on top of the previous one)
                         var _thumbnailsContainer:Sprite; //the Sprite into which the thumbnail images are placed. This also allows us to slide them all at the same time.
                         var _destScrollX:Number = 0; //destination x value for the _thumbnailsContainer which is used for scrolling it across the bottom. We don't want to use _thumbnailsContainer.x because it could be in the process of tweening, so we keep track of the end/destination value and add/subtract from it when creating our tweens.
                         var _minScrollX:Number; //we know the maximum x value for _thumbnailsContainer is 0, but the mimimum value will depend on how many thumbnail images it contains (the total width). We calculate it in the _setupThumbnails() method and store it here for easier/faster scrolling calculations in the _enterFrameHandler()
                         //function SlideshowExample() {
                                  //activate the plugins that we'll be using so that TweenLite can tween special properties like filters, colorTransform, and do autoAlpha fades.
                                  TweenPlugin.activate([AutoAlphaPlugin, ColorTransformPlugin, GlowFilterPlugin, BlurFilterPlugin]);//i added BlurFilterPlugin at the end
                                  _progressBar = this.getChildByName("progress_mc") as MovieClip;
                                  _arrowLeft = this.getChildByName("arrowLeft_mc") as MovieClip;
                                  _arrowRight = this.getChildByName("arrowRight_mc") as MovieClip;
                                  //////////my additions to make progress bay blurry
                        , 0, {blurFilter:{blurX:21, blurY:8}});//i added this line to make ProgressBar_mc to blur
                        , 0, {blurFilter:{blurX:21, blurY:8}});//i added this line to make ProgressBar_mc to blur
                                  _arrowLeft.visible = _arrowRight.visible = false;
                                  _imagesContainer = new Sprite();
                                  this.addChildAt(_imagesContainer, 0);
                                  _thumbnailsContainer = new Sprite();
                                  //_thumbnailsContainer.x = -550;//moves x position of thumbnails, instead done in line 273 thumbnail.x = curX - 590;
                                  _thumbnailsContainer.y = _IMAGE_HEIGHT;//moves y position of thumbnails
                                  _thumbnailsContainer.alpha = 0; //we want alpha 0 initially because we'll fade it in later when the thumbnails load.
                                  _thumbnailsContainer.visible = false; //ensures nothing is clickable.
                                  var xmlLoader:XMLLoader = new XMLLoader("loadingAssets/appThumbnails/slideshow_image scroller greenSock_mine/assets/data.xml", {onComplete:_xmlCompleteHandler});
                         function _xmlCompleteHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {
                                  _slides = [];
                                  var xml:XML =; //the XMLLoader's "content" is the XML that was loaded.
                                  var imageList:XMLList = xml.image; //In the XML, we have <image /> nodes with all the info we need.
                                  //loop through each <image /> node and create a Slide object for each.
                                  for each (var image:XML in imageList) {
                                            _slides.push( new Slide(image.@name,
                                                                                                        new ImageLoader("loadingAssets/appThumbnails/slideshow_image scroller greenSock_mine/assets/thumbnails/appThmb_imgs/" + image.@name + ".jpg",
                                                                                                                                                          name:image.@na me + "Thumb",
                                                                                                                                                          width:_THUMB_W IDTH,
                                                                                                                                                          height:_THUMB_ HEIGHT,
                                                                                                                                                          //centerRegist ration:true,
                                                                                                                                                          //x:260, y:320,//doesn't work here but works in line 69
                                                                                                                                                          scaleMode:"pro portionalInside",
                                                                                                                                                          bgColor:0x0000 00,
                                                                                                                                                          estimatedBytes :13000,
                                                                                                                                                          onFail:_imageF ailHandler}),
                                                                                                        new SWFLoader("loadingAssets/appThumbnails/slideshow_image scroller greenSock_mine/assets/images/" + image.@name + ".swf",
                                                                                                                                                  name:image.@name + "Image",
                                                                                                                                                  x:-420, y:-260,
                                  //now create a LoaderMax queue and populate it with all the thumbnail ImageLoaders as well as the very first full-size ImageLoader. We don't want to show anything until the thumbnails are done loading as well as the first full-size one. After that, we'll create another LoaderMax queue containing the rest of the full-size images that will load silently in the background.
                                  var initialLoadQueue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({onComplete:_initialLoadComplete, onProgress:_progressHandler});
                                  for (var i:int = 0; i < _slides.length; i++) {
                                            initialLoadQueue.append( _slides[i].thumbnailLoader );
                                  initialLoadQueue.append(_slides[0].imageLoader); //make sure the very first full-sized image is loaded initially too.
                         function _initialLoadComplete(event:LoaderEvent):void {
                                  //now that the initial load is complete, fade out the progressBar. autoAlpha will automatically set visible to false once alpha hits 0.
                        , 0.5, {autoAlpha:0});
                                  //fade in the thumbnails container
                        , 1, {autoAlpha:1});
                                  //setup the ENTER_FRAME listeners that controls the thumbnail scrolling behavior at the bottom
                                  this.stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _enterFrameHandler, false, 0, true);
                                  //now put all the remaining images into a LoaderMax queue that will load them one-at-a-time in the background in the proper order. This can greatly improve the user's experience compared to loading them on demand which forces the user to wait while the next image loads.
                                  var imagesQueue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({maxConnections:1});
                                  for (var i:int = 1; i < _slides.length; i++) {
                                            imagesQueue.append( _slides[i].imageLoader );
                                  //now start the slideshow
                        //loops through all the thumbnail images and places them in the proper order across the bottom of the screen and adds CLICK_THUMBNAIL listeners.
                         function _setupThumbnails():void {
                                  var l:int = _slides.length;
                                  var curX:Number = _THUMB_GAP;
                                  for (var i:int = 0; i < l; i++) {
                                            var thumbnail:Sprite = _slides[i].thumbnail;
                                  , 0, {colorTransform:{brightness:0.5}});
                                            _slides[i].addEventListener(Slide.CLICK_THUMBNAIL, _clickThumbnailHandler, false, 0, true);
                                            thumbnail.x = curX;
                                            thumbnail.y = -234;//defines y position of the thumbnails row
                                            curX += _THUMB_WIDTH + _THUMB_GAP;
                                  _minScrollX = _IMAGE_WIDTH - curX;
                                  if (_minScrollX > 0) {
                                            _minScrollX = 0;
                         function _setupArrows():void {
                                  _arrowLeft.alpha = _arrowRight.alpha = 0;
                                  _arrowLeft.visible = _arrowRight.visible = true;
                                  _arrowLeft.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, _rollOverArrowHandler, false, 0, true);
                                  _arrowLeft.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, _rollOutArrowHandler, false, 0, true);
                                  _arrowLeft.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _showPrevious, false, 0, true);
                                  _arrowRight.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, _rollOverArrowHandler, false, 0, true);
                                  _arrowRight.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, _rollOutArrowHandler, false, 0, true);
                                  _arrowRight.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _showNext, false, 0, true);
                         function _showNext(event:Event=null):void {
                                  //if there's a _loadingSlide we should assume that the next Slide would be AFTER that one. Otherwise just get the one after the _curSlide.
                                  var next:int = (_loadingSlide != null) ? _slides.indexOf(_loadingSlide) + 1 : _slides.indexOf(_curSlide) + 1;
                                  if (next >= _slides.length) {
                                            next = 0;
                         function _showPrevious(event:Event=null):void {
                                  //if there's a _loadingSlide we should assume that the previous Slide would be BEFORE that one. Otherwise just get the one before the _curSlide.
                                  var prev:int = (_loadingSlide != null) ? _slides.indexOf(_loadingSlide) - 1 : _slides.indexOf(_curSlide) - 1;
                                  if (prev < 0) {
                                            prev = _slides.length - 1;
                         function _requestSlide(slide:Slide):void {
                                  if (slide == _curSlide) {
                                  //kill the delayed calls to _showNext so that we start over again with a 5-second wait time.
                                  if (_loadingSlide != null) {
                                            _cancelPrioritizedSlide(); //the user must have skipped to another Slide and didn't want to wait for the one that was loading.
                                  //if the requested Slide's full-sized image hasn't loaded yet, we need to show the progress bar and wait for it to load.
                                  if (slide.imageLoader.progress != 1) {
                                  //fade the old Slide and make sure it's not highlighted anymore as the current Slide.
                                  if (_curSlide != null) {
                                  , 0.5, {autoAlpha:0});
                                  _curSlide = slide;
                                  _imagesContainer.addChild(_curSlide.image); //ensures the image is at the top of the stacking order inside the _imagesContainer
                        , 0.5, {autoAlpha:1}); //fade the image in and make sure visible is true.
                                  _curSlide.setShowingStatus(true); //adds an outline to the image indicating that it's the currently showing Slide.
                                  TweenLite.delayedCall(5, _showNext); //create a delayedCall that will call _showNext in 5 seconds.
                         function _prioritizeSlide(slide:Slide):void {
                        , 0.5, {autoAlpha:1}); //show the progress bar
                                  _loadingSlide = slide;
                                  _loadingSlide.imageLoader.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.PROGRESS, _progressHandler);
                                  _loadingSlide.imageLoader.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.COMPLETE, _completePrioritizedHandler);
                                  _loadingSlide.imageLoader.prioritize(true); //when the loader is prioritized, it will jump to the top of any LoaderMax queues that it belongs to, so if another loader is in the process of loading in that queue, it will be canceled and this new one will take over which maximizes bandwidth utilization. Once the _loadingSlide is done loading, the LoaderMax queue(s) will continue loading the rest of their images normally.
                         function _cancelPrioritizedSlide():void {
                        , 0.5, {autoAlpha:0}); //hide the progress bar
                                  _loadingSlide.imageLoader.removeEventListener(LoaderEvent.PROGRESS, _progressHandler);
                                  _loadingSlide.imageLoader.removeEventListener(LoaderEvent.COMPLETE, _completePrioritizedHandler);
                                  _loadingSlide = null;
                         function _completePrioritizedHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {
                                  var next:Slide = _loadingSlide; //store it in a local variable first because _cancelPrioritizedSlide() will set _loadingSlide to null.
                         function _progressHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {
                                  _progressBar.progressBar_mc.scaleX =;
                         function _clickThumbnailHandler(event:Event):void {
                                  _requestSlide( as Slide);
                         function _rollOverArrowHandler(event:Event):void {
                        , 0.5, {alpha:1});
                         function _rollOutArrowHandler(event:Event):void {
                        , 0.5, {alpha:0});
                         function _enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void {
                                  if (_thumbnailsContainer.hitTestPoint(this.stage.mouseX, this.stage.mouseY, false)) {
                                            if (this.mouseX < _SCROLL_AREA) {
                                                      _destScrollX += ((_SCROLL_AREA - this.mouseX) / _SCROLL_AREA) * _SCROLL_SPEED;
                                                      if (_destScrollX > 0) {  //this number is 1/2 the stage size, previously was at 0 it defines the left position of the thumbnails scroll end, has to be indentical to the number below
                                                                _destScrollX = 0;    //this number is 1/2 the stage size, previously was at 0 it defines the left position of the thumbnails scroll end, has to be indentical to the number above
                                            , 0.5, {x:_destScrollX});
                                            } else if (this.mouseX > _IMAGE_WIDTH - _SCROLL_AREA) {
                                                      _destScrollX -= ((this.mouseX - (_IMAGE_WIDTH - _SCROLL_AREA)) / _SCROLL_AREA) * _SCROLL_SPEED;
                                                      if (_destScrollX < _minScrollX) {
                                                                _destScrollX = _minScrollX;
                                            , 0.5, {x:_destScrollX});
                        //if an image fails to load properly, remove it from the slideshow completely including its thumbnail at the bottom.
                         function _imageFailHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {
                                  var slide:Slide;
                                  var i:int = _slides.length;
                                  while (--i > -1) {
                                            slide = _slides[i];
                                            if ( == slide.thumbnailLoader || == slide.imageLoader) {
                                                      _slides.splice(i, 1);

  • Removing horizontal scroll bar from iframe

    how can i remove the horizontal scroll bar from an
    iframe when the contents does not need one.

    You don't get the horizontal scrollbar unless the contents
    need one.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
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    "straight guy" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e7qfk8$fbo$[email protected]..
    how can i remove the horizontal scroll bar from an
    iframe when
    > the contents does not need one.

  • Removing scroll bar from product pages

    I need to remove the scroll bar that appears on the product pages. It doesn't matter if I have only one product or 100 on the page with the small images, I still get a scroll bar on the right side. I've tried adding and removing margins and padding, set the container height to auto, and removed the previous and next buttons from the shop templates, all to no avail. It appears to be caused by the table that holds the products, but no change to the code fixes it.
    I have included a screen print of the top of the page showing the scroll bar. There are only 3 images on this page and plenty of room below them. Overflow has been set to auto (and/or visible) on the container, the table, and the page.
    So, can anyone tell me how to shut off that scroll bar? I can't find that code that includes it so I can't see what's going on.
    Thank you for you help.

    Thank you for answering.
    I didn't want to turn the scroll bar on the page off, but the scroll bar that appears in a div container. I finally solved the problem by turning overflow: auto to overflow: hidden. And smacked myself in the forehead and said, "Duh. I knew that." Too tired and too close to the problem I guess.
    The only other thing I can't seem to find is the large space that appears above a product table. I've tried everything from margins to padding and beyond.
    Sorry about not including the url. I have used the forum so rarely that I didn't think of that. It is, just in cases you want to look at the big space on Harry Potter > Accessories and on the large product page. I'd love to tuck the product closer to the breadcrumb, but if that is not possible, then c'est la vie.
    Thank you.

  • Want to remove scroll bar from navigation pane in Web Template

    HI All,
    I have a report created in WAD.When I am using navigation pane, I get a scroll bar there.
    I want to remove that scroll bar from navigation pane.Tried increasing the height in the property of same but nothing is helping.
    The expanded option should be ON and do not want to group characteristics shown in nav. pane.
    Please suggest, if there is any other way to do that.

    Why do you want to expand it? Generally when you click on Nav pane, it should show the assigned chars under it. No scroll bar comes up with  below settings:-

  • Remove vertical scroll bar from table control

    i had used table control in my application. i want remove vertical scroll bar from table control.
    At initial time in table control there is no vertical scroll bar. In my table control lines are dependent on internal table which i was used to fill it.
    i was used these code for to set table control lines.
    Initially there is no data in internal table so there is no vertical scroll bar. After getting value i am filling internal table. and there is scroll bar in my table control. but i does not want that.
    i was not selected RESIZING-VERTICAL OR -HORIZONTAL.

    From Scroll Bars in Table Control
    You can remove the scroll bar in the table control by switching off horizontal and vertical scrolling in the properties of the table control. The properties can be accessed from the screen painter by double clicking on the table control. Regarding the page up and page down functions, I believe you add those buttons in the screen layout and code for them. You can use the standard function code for the page up and page down functions.
    You can get rid of the vertical scroll bars by not setting table control lines. This way the user can only see the visible lines of the table control. As for the horizontal scrollbar, just make sure that your table control doesn't contain too many fields.

  • Removing scroll bar from Nav Panel & Work Area layout

    Hi Guys,
    I have a requirement to remove the scroll bar which appears between nav panel and Work Area in 'Nav Panel and work area layout'.
    I would like it to be as a single page as we get in narrow: wide layout.
    Well I could just do it by using a narrow:wide layout, but the challenge is I also need the collapse/expand Icon which we get in Nav Panel/WA layout.
    I am looking fcor help with either
    1. Removing the scroll bar from Nav Panel/WA layout
    2. Adding collapse/expand  icon to narrow:wide layout.

    Hi Yomesh ,
    If you want to enable the expand/collapse icon , then you can set the property named Show Tray of the page to yes and then test . By default the property meant for showing the expand/collapse icon is set to yes . You only need to enable the tray and check .
    I did not get the requirement that you have with respect to scrollbar . Where is that scrollbar appearing that you want to remove?

  • Remove horizontal scroll bar from iview

    My portal page have 2 iviews and one of them is Webdynpro iview; these iviews are placed in the page horizontally. Page and webdynpro ivew both of them have unnecessarily horizontal scrollbar.  At least I want to remove horizontal scrollbar from iView. (Our portal version is 6.0 SP 18). It looks like that it is not possible to do this by changing any iView property. Even I checked theme properties but figured out nothing.
    Who knows more and can help me?

    Its possible to remove the horizondal tool bar in an iView.
    Either you can change/modify the content that making horizondal tool bar or Customize the Layout
    in portal.
    Download the layout par file and upload into NWDS. Create your own layout/ changing the width of existing one. If you are modifying the existing layout, then that may effect all other pages where that particular layour is beeing used.

  • Scroll Bar From Browser Problem!

    Hi i have a silly question.
    I made a page wish is half black and half Red.
    And beetwen in the middle of the page i whant to put a white life. from L -0
    to right of my page close at the finish page on the right, but to not apper the horizontal scroll bar from the browser.
    What i have to use to me that posible.
    when i go with my layer on the right of the page in dreamweaver at 1280 and i taste it in browers appear the scroll orizontal bar wish i dont want.
    But i want my line to go fordware on right and that the people dont see where the line finish.
    this is my code far away.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    #line {
    <div id="line"></div>
    thank you for help

    Yeah what i wanne to lets say a simple page half  to be white then a red line and then
    down to be black.
    But what i wanne to is that this red line that i wanne cross over my html page,from the left to the right,but when the people changing the resolution ,in more that i have ,wish mine is 1280 with 800,
    to not appear the  horizontal scroll bar from the browser never, something like you said with repet.
    i know is a bad idea with the layer ,but was only for exemple.
    If a make a repeting image on my body, how large i have to make the line?

  • How do I lock the scroll bar on, keeping valid HTML5?

    I have a site that was originally created in FrontPage some years ago, and I have now redone it using Muse (not before time, I hear you say!)
    There were several pages on the site where the content was not large enough to need to be scrolled on most displays, and some browsers removed the scroll bar from the right of the page when those pages were visited. This resulted in a shift to the right on those pages, which made all the fixed elements move on the screen when going between pages, which I found very annoying.
    I fixed it by adding this code to the pages in question -
    <style type="text/css">
    /* Force Right Scrollbar */
    html { overflow-y : scroll; }
    This worked fine and locked the scroll bar on, and I wanted to do the same with the Muse version of the site.
    I have added the same code using the add HTML feature, and it still works fine.
    However, if I run any of the pages concerned through a validator, I get the error -
    Validation Output: 1 Error
    Line 23, Column 28: Element style is missing required attribute scoped.
         <style type="text/css">
    I tried to find out why this was, but all I found was a lot of standards documents which were mostly way over my head!
    So, is there any modification I can do to that code to get it through the validator, or do I need to look at a different method of locking the scroll bar on on my web pages?
    Thanks for any and all suggestions!

    Thanks very much jgrummel and Vikas.Sharma!
    Sorry for the delay in responding.
    I have now added "scoped="scoped"" to the code, and the validater ( is now showing just a warning rather than an error.
    "Line 23, Column 44: The scoped attribute on the style element is not supported by browsers yet. It would probably be better to wait for implementations.
         <style type="text/css" scoped="scoped">"
    I'm not too worrid about that, as it is still passing it!
    The code is inserted on the master page of my site, so it presumably propagates through to all the pages, including those that don't need it, but this doesn't seem to cause any problem.
    The site is here -

  • How can I hide the scroll bar in TextArea?

    How can I hide the scroll bar in TextArea?

    Hi. To remove the horizontal scrollbar you can do this:
    To remove the vertical scrollbar you can do this:
    ScrollBar scrollBarv = (ScrollBar)ta.lookup(".scroll-bar:vertical");
    scrollBarv.setDisable(true);  and set the opacity to 0 in the css file:
    //css file
    .text-area .scroll-bar:vertical:disabled {
        -fx-opacity: 0;
    }Here is an example:
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
    import javafx.scene.Node;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.Button;
    import javafx.scene.control.ContextMenu;
    import javafx.scene.control.MenuItem;
    import javafx.scene.control.ScrollBar;
    import javafx.scene.control.TextArea;
    import javafx.scene.input.ContextMenuEvent;
    import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class TextAreaSample extends Application {
        public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        final TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
            StackPane root = new StackPane();
            Scene scene = new Scene(root, 300, 250);
            ScrollBar scrollBarv = (ScrollBar)textArea.lookup(".scroll-bar:vertical");
        public static void main(String[] args) {

  • Pls help - how to create a navigator scroll bar in full flash site

    hi to all,
    good day! i'm norman of RP this s for all d flash master, i'm
    beginner only in flash and i want to create a full flash website
    but i didn't know on how to put a navigational scroll bar. is der
    anybody can help me to give me a simple code of it or a link?
    i appreciate any help from all of u. I nid it badly to my
    many tnx an advns
    - normz - RP -

    use this below div tag to the table:
    <div style="overflow: auto; width: 480px; height: 100px; border-left: 1px gray solid; border-bottom: 1px gray solid; padding:0px; margin: 0px;">

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