How to remove graph prompt borders in OBIEE (BP1)

I have a requirement to remove the borders of a graph prompt that we have in place. The version for OBIEE is (BP1).
Just, to make my question clear, I understand it is not similar to_ OBIEE 11g – Remove Border Around Section Prompt. Also, as it depends on the CSS-Javascript formatting, I was hoping to find some info on this.
The only source I found that had a small note (on page 19) was:
I appreciate any information/ideas/scripts that can be shared here.

Use the below code in Text object in your page and tick the box for ‘contains HTML markup’.
For permanent, site-wide solution would be to modify views.css
.PTPageControl { border:0px; padding:0px; }
.PTPageEmbedded { border:0px; }
in .css file
looks for the text as below
border:solid 1px
put 0px instead of 1px
Pls mark if helps

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    Try this code in the text object
    .PTPageControl { border:0px; padding:0px; }
    .PTPageEmbedded { border:0px; }
    Check the box contains for HTML markup.
    Mark if helps,

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    How to remove or hide the "Sign Out" option from Dashboard in OBIEE 11g?
    Edited by: Siva Prasad on Jul 6, 2011 6:20 AM

    Hi Amit, Following z the file.. Plz check it out....
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    Edited by: Siva Prasad on Jul 6, 2011 10:39 PM
    Edited by: Siva Prasad on Jul 6, 2011 11:10 PM
    Edited by: Siva Prasad on Jul 6, 2011 11:58 PM

  • How to remove installer prompt at shut down?

    Talking about a MacBook Pro running 10.9.5.   Something I  brought on myself.  I downloaded an installer for an app and began the installation, but changed my mind, canceled the installation and removed the app, installer and associated files.  However, now at shut down I get a prompt with an installer icon asking if I want to abort installation or not.  Choose abort and the computer shuts down.  Choose "Yes" to continue the phantom installation and the system looks for the missing app then shuts down.  How can I remove this prompt?  Thanks in advance.

    When you restart or turn off your Mac, OS X is set to automatically open the apps that were opened when you turned it off, so this could be the reason why the installer always pops up during shutdown.
    To avoid this, uncheck "Reopen windows when logging back in" in the shutdown or restart window, or start in safe mode once (hold the Shift key while your Mac is starting up) and restart. This should fix the issue.

  • How to remove table cell borders

    I’m using dreamweaver cs6.first i create a HTML page then i create a div tag (800w 900 h) & create a table inside of above div. i want to keep table border & make it to tickness, want to remove cell borders. I can’t find any options to remove the cell borders. Please any one can help me.
    Thank you.

    table.borderless {
    border-width: 0px;
    background-color: white;
    font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 1.2em;
    text-align: center;
    text-transform: none;
    table.borderless th {
        border-width: 0px;
        padding: 5px;
        background-color: white;   
    table.borderless td {
        border-width: 0px;
        padding: 5px;
        background-color: white;
    <table width="250" height="150" align="center" class="borderless">
      <th colspan="2" class="style1">Borderless table<br />
       cell 1 &amp; 2 merged</span> </th>
      <th class="borderless">cell 3 </th>
      <td class="borderless">cell 4 </td>
        <th>cell 5 </th>
        <td>cell 6 </td>

  • How to Remove Shutdown Prompt

    Is there any way to either 1) completely remove/disable the prompt that appears when selecting Shutdown from the Apple Menu or 2) reduce the time before it automatically shuts down? It's not a big deal, but when I hit shutdown, I mean shutdown, not "double-check" or question me for 60 seconds. I know it's automatic, but if it is removable, that is my preference. Everyone seems to be asking about the checkbox (reopen windows on relaunch), but I would rather completely skip this step. Thanks in advance.

    You can use the AppleScript Editor app to shut down the computer without prompt.
    Application folder... Utilities folder... AppleScript Editor... New Document.
    Paste this into the window:
    tell application "Finder"
      shut down
    end tell
    Save... File Format... Application. Save the file for example to your Document folder. Best to place the file into a folder. Drag that folder into your doc (right hand side of the doc) ...
    Click on the folder in the dock... click on the shutdown file.
    If you don't put the file into a folder... drag the file to the dock (left hand side of the dock) right click on the file... option... keep in dock. (Caution: by accident you could shutdown your computer, saving/using the file this way. Best to put it into a folder as explained above.)
    tell application "Finder"
    end tell
    tell application "Finder"
    end tell

  • How to remove confirmation prompt when deleting from network share on Windows 8?

    Regarding the question, on Windows 7 if I uncheck "Display delete confirmation dialog" I could delete a file without confirmation whether it's on local or network share but in Windows 8 this only affects the data on local drive only and if I try
    to delete anything from network the confirmation dialog appears even though "Display delete confirmation dialog"is unmarked. Are there any ways to alter this behavior?

    No, it does not. This only works on my local drives. If I tried to delete anything on my network share (mapped drive etc..) It always gives me the prompt whether the checkbox is marked or not. This seems to be a problem only on Windows 8 as I have no problem
    with Windows 7
    BTW, my file servers are running Win 2012 and 2008R2

  • "Graph Prompt" align center in OBIEE 11g

    Hi All,
    I have got a requirement to align the "Graph Prompt" center in OBIEE 11g ( BP1). I could remove the boarder around the prompt using the following CSS.
    .PTPageControl { border:0px; padding:0px; }
    .PTPageEmbedded { border:0px;}
    Can someone please let me know how to algin "graph prompt" center? Thanks in advance.

    Basically, IE9 breaks flash ExternalInterface calls if your flash component is embedded with an object tag with an embed tag fallback, and the object id and embed name is the same.
    The easiest workaround is to tell ie9 to render your page in IE8 Standards mode. To do this, insert this in the element:
    <!-- Enable IE8 Standards mode --> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" >
    Otherwise, you might just want to use the object tag only or embed tag only.

  • Uplayermediaplayer-setup.exe keeps prompting me to download and install. It is a virus according to Google. How do you remove these prompts?

    My question says it all. In addition, this started to happen yesterday. Initially all I did is download the file. However, before I installed it, I checked with Google about it. When I discovered the file is a virus or malicious malware. So, I never installed it. I have run PC Tuneup Maestro several times now and fixed issues. However, this prompting from uplayermediaplayer-setup.exe keeps coming up on my computer screen. I do not install it. I want to rid my computer of this prompting from this file. I have Norton 360 Internet Security. I have checked my status with N360 too. I do believe via Internet Options on Internet Explorer 8 that I have cleared my computer cache ( I'm not sure if this is the correct procedure for doing clearing the computer cache?). This is a very annoying problem. I've wasted a lot of time trying to rid my computer of this supposed prompting to download and install this file. Earlier this morning, I tried to call in to N360 support, but the representative did not give me direct answers, wasted much time, and really did not give me a feeling of knowledge of this file or how to remove the prompting to download and install it.

    Oh, just one more thing, I have the VLC media player on my computer. I am happy with it. It has also been updated to the most recent version 2.1.1 This is also why I questioned why uplayermediaplayer-setup.exe was even coming up on my computer screen in the first place.

  • Question: How to remove prompt in recording using MMAPI

    we have been developing a softphone using j2me. Our goal is to record voice (using j2me) into a byte array and deliver that as a packet either through bluetooth or wifi. We need to capture voice at a certain interval, stop the capture, deliver, and then capture the voice again.
    The problem is this. Everytime i call on record, the phone prompts if i indeed want to record using the MMAPI. I think that this is a security feature but is there any way to bypass it?

    private bool RemoveBlankPage()
            Word.Application wordapp
    = null;
            Word.Document doc
    = null;
            Word.Paragraphs paragraphs=null;
                // Start Word APllication and set it be invisible
    = new Word.Application();
    = false;
                doc = wordapp.Documents.Open(wordPath);
    = doc.Paragraphs;
    (Word.Paragraph paragraph
    in paragraphs)
    if (paragraph.Range.Text.Trim()
    == string.Empty)
                // Save the document and close document
                // Quit the word application
            catch(Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Exception Occur, error message is: "+ex.Message);
                // Clean up the unmanaged Word COM resources by explicitly
                // call Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject on all accessor objects
    (paragraphs != null)
    = null;
    (doc != null)
    = null;
    (wordapp != null)
    = null;
     This link helped me complete my project

  • How to remove minor grids on waveform graph

    how to remove minor grids on waveform graph

    Right-click on the graph and choose X Scale >> Format. In the Grid Options area, click on the left icon and choose the middle icon the pops-up. This shows only the major grid lines. The left choice shows no grid lines and the right choice shows both sets of grid lines. Now, do the same for the Y Scale.
    Randy Hoskin
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • How to show one prompt that works for both Graph and Table views?

    Have an analysis with a graph and a table. The information in the table and graph are different so cannot use a pivot table w/graph.
    Each view has a view prompt for Year and Month (tried both separately and also as one combined column ‘201001’) so user can easily change months.
    Too much data to use the slider because it will not graph.
    Page prompt does not allow user to switch dates easily.
    Since this will be a link from a dashboard, do not think making this a dashboard from a dashboard would be good so not a dashboard prompt.
    Saw something about Master Detail linking, but does not appear to work with graph prompts.
    How would the analysis be configured to show one prompt that works for both the Table and the Graph?
    One prompt would change both the table and the graph.

    Master Detail Linking almost works.
    Table view can show all the results without error.
    Graph view needs to be limited or errs with "Exceeded configured maximum number of allowed input records."
    Is there a way to set the initial Master Detail Linking value to the top sorted value?

  • How to remove calender button beside date prompt in infoview

    Post Author: Durga
    CA Forum: Desktop Intelligence Reporting
    Hi ,
    We have developed one deski report which will run through infoview.
    while opening in the infoview in the beside the date prompt calender button is appearing.
    But we dont need the calender button beside the date prompt.we want to select from LOV's only.
    Please advice how to remove the calender button in infoview which is developed in Deski.

    Changing the data of the date to char will get ride of the calendar control.

  • How to remove black borders from picture?
    Is there a Photoshop tool that can easily remove the black borders from pictures like this? Anyway to extract the image from the black background?

    You may be able to use the Image - Trim feature, though it requires exact pixel color matches, which may not be true with lossy compression (e.g., JPEGs).
    Another way is to use the Magic Wand Selection Tool with some tolerance (e.g., 24), select the borders, invert the selection, then use Image - Crop.  It will cut off all fully selected rectangles of pixels.
    Watch your copyright issues if modifying copyrighted works

  • Graph Data Labels in OBIEE 11g - Customizing

    Hi folks!
    Would somebody know how to select what is shown in graph data labels in OBIEE 11g?
    For example in a scatter graph data label I'd like to show the Group only (not the combination of Series, Group, X and Y, as by default). For a pie chart one can select the data shown in data labels to some extent (name / value), however couldn't find this option for scatter graph.
    After searching I could only find instructions for 10g - such as John's instructions at
    However, my understanding is that the graph engine in OBIEE 11g is now different, and the 10g instructions are not valid for 11g anymore.
    I was also having a look on the .cxml files in OBIEE 11g but those seem to relate to colors only?
    Any help appreciated, best regards,

    i'm facing the same situation here,did you find a solution for your problem?

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi All, Yesterday i had level 1 incremental backup. Backup completed successfully but its size was as equal as Full Backup. What could me the possible reason for that ? Environmnt is Oracle 10g R2 2 Node RAC on windows.

  • Consuming messages using Java

    Hi, I am using BlazeDS running in Tomcat 6.0.16. The Flex client components are written using Flex 3. I have a messaging destination set up and the Flex producers and consumers are working fine. I am able to push messages from the server top the clie

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    I baught 3 apps wich total was 5.97 dollars. Now my bank have deducted 7..96 dollars. why is that?