How to render core components in custom components?

Hi,i got a piece of jsf code like this:
<h:panelGrid columns="1">
                //show1 part
                  <h:dataTable value="#{temp.nameFile}" var = "myL" rendered="#{temp.show1}">
                    <h:commandLink action="#{temp.createBean}" value="#{}" immediate="true">
                  <f:param name="name" value="#{}"/>
                  <f:param name="path" value="#{myL.path}"/>
          </h:panelGrid> and it may generates html code like this:
                              <td><a href="#"
                                                         document.forms['_id0'].submit(); return false;">ISO-3166</a></td>
                              <td><a href="#"
                                                          document.forms['_id0'].submit(); return false;">NAICS</a></td>
                              <td><a href="#"
                                                         document.forms['_id0'].submit(); return false;">UNSPSC</a></td>
               </table>now i want to write my own custom component and use a very simple tag to get the same output,and the tag may look like this:
<robin:category scheme="iso3166"> </robin:category>  It is very easy to render the tables out,and the f:param tags are rendered to hidden field,But you see,there is a command link component,and there is an "action" attribute whose value is bound to an action method.
I am not sure which part in the html code is rendered for the "action" attribute, and my question is how to directly render the html code for the command link's "action" attribute in the renderer of the component associated with the <robin:category> tag.
And it is very kind of you to give me some details about how jsf renders the method bindings to html and how to collect the information in the request to know which action method the clicked commandLink corresponds to if the "action" or "actionListener" attribute is specified!
maybe it is not good to include everything in a single tag, any suggestions are very welcome!
Best Regards:)

Hi Roosvelt,
Unfortunately, interactive components can only be created internally, and you cannot modify existing interactive components. We have heard this request before, and I hope to see this in a future release, but we have time frame for when this might be possible.
Senior Software Developer
National Instruments
Circuit Design Community and Blog
If someone helped you, let them know. Mark as solved or give a kudo.

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    hi "18a5907a-dc24-4e16-bea6-51d7905449e8"
    18a5907a-dc24-4e16-bea6-51d7905449e8 wrote:
    ... when ever I minimizing the window ...
    Should a minimized browser window really still display something? Do you mean a re-sized browser window?
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    ... Can any one please give me the answer?
    So, please provide more information if you expect a useful answer.
    (tip : You can use "Edit profile & privacy" to make your name visible in forum posts.)
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    [1]. main Program:
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JSplitPane;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    public class ListPanelMain implements{
         private JFrame frame;
         * Launch the application
         * @param args
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              try {
                   ListPanelMain window = new ListPanelMain();
              } catch (Exception e) {
         * Create the application
         public ListPanelMain() {
         * Initialize the contents of the frame
         private void initialize() {
              frame = new JFrame("FileTreePanelMain");
              frame.setBounds(100, 100, 900, 675);
         //     FieTreePanelComm      ftreecomm                = new      FieTreePanelComm();
              ListPanel                ftree                     = new      ListPanel("C:\\");
    //          ListAllFile           ftree                     = new      ListAllFile("C:\\");
         //     FileTreePanelText      fileTreePanelText      = new      FileTreePanelText(ftreecomm);
              final JPanel panel = new JPanel();
              panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 2));
              frame.getContentPane().add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         //     final JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane();
         //     frame.getContentPane().add(splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         //     splitPane.setLeftComponent(ftree);
              final ListRightPanel listRightPanel = new ListRightPanel(ftree);
         frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
         public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    [2]. Program 2:
    //File System Tree
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JSplitPane;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JTree;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeModelEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener;
    import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel;
    import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
    public class ListPanel extends JPanel implements Serializable{
    protected JTree fileTree;
    private FileSystemModel fileSystemModel;
    private JTextArea ltextArea = new JTextArea();
    protected JTextArea fileDetailsTextArea = new JTextArea();
    private String str = "";
         public String getlTextArea() {
                   return str;
         public String setlTextArea(String ta) {
                   str = ta;
                   return str;
    public ListPanel(String directory) {
    //super("JTree FileSystem Viewer");
                   setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                   final JPanel panel = new JPanel();
                   panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    fileSystemModel = new FileSystemModel(new File(directory));
    fileTree = new JTree(fileSystemModel);
    fileTree.addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener() {
    public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent event) {
    System.out.println("1. What we save is: getlTextArea() =" + getlTextArea() );
    File file = (File) fileTree.getLastSelectedPathComponent();
    final ListRightPanel lrp = new ListRightPanel(this);
    System.out.println("2. What we save is: getlTextArea() =" + getlTextArea() );
              final JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane();
              panel.add(splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              final JPanel panel_1 = new JPanel();
              panel_1.add(new JScrollPane(fileTree));
              final JPanel panel_2 = new JPanel();
              panel_2.add(new JScrollPane(fileDetailsTextArea));
    private String getFileDetails(File file) {
    if (file == null)
    return "";
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    if (file.listFiles()!=null){
         for (int i=0; i< file.listFiles().length; i++){
         buffer.append(((file.listFiles())) + "\n");
         System.out.println("List all files");
    return buffer.toString();
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    new ListPanel("c:\\");
    class FileSystemModel implements TreeModel {
    private File root;
    private Vector listeners = new Vector();
    public FileSystemModel(File rootDirectory) {
    root = rootDirectory;
    public Object getRoot() {
    return root;
    public Object getChild(Object parent, int index) {
    File directory = (File) parent;
    String[] children = directory.list();
    return new TreeFile(directory, children[index]);
    public int getChildCount(Object parent) {
    File file = (File) parent;
    if (file.isDirectory()) {
    String[] fileList = file.list();
    if (fileList != null)
    return file.list().length;
    return 0;
    public boolean isLeaf(Object node) {
    File file = (File) node;
    return file.isFile();
    public int getIndexOfChild(Object parent, Object child) {
    File directory = (File) parent;
    File file = (File) child;
    String[] children = directory.list();
    for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
    if (file.getName().equals(children[i])) {
    return i;
    return -1;
    public void valueForPathChanged(TreePath path, Object value) {
    File oldFile = (File) path.getLastPathComponent();
    String fileParentPath = oldFile.getParent();
    String newFileName = (String) value;
    File targetFile = new File(fileParentPath, newFileName);
    File parent = new File(fileParentPath);
    int[] changedChildrenIndices = { getIndexOfChild(parent, targetFile) };
    Object[] changedChildren = { targetFile };
    fireTreeNodesChanged(path.getParentPath(), changedChildrenIndices, changedChildren);
    private void fireTreeNodesChanged(TreePath parentPath, int[] indices, Object[] children) {
    TreeModelEvent event = new TreeModelEvent(this, parentPath, indices, children);
    Iterator iterator = listeners.iterator();
    TreeModelListener listener = null;
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    listener = (TreeModelListener);
    public void addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener listener) {
    public void removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener listener) {
    private class TreeFile extends File {
    public TreeFile(File parent, String child) {
    super(parent, child);
    public String toString() {
    return getName();
    [3]. Program 3:
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JTree;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeModelEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener;
    import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel;
    import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
    public class ListRightPanel extends JPanel implements TreeSelectionListener, Serializable{
         protected JTextArea textArea;
    //     protected ListAllFile laf;
    private String str = "";
              public String getlTextArea() {
                        return str;
              public String setlTextArea(String ta) {
                        str = ta;
                        return str;
         * Create the panel
         public ListRightPanel(ListPanel laff) {
              setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              final JPanel panel = new JPanel();
              panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              textArea = new JTextArea();
    final String st = laff.getlTextArea();
    System.out.println("st=" + st);
         laff.fileTree.addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener() {
         public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent event) {
         System.out.println("ListRightPanel Was Invoked from ListPanel!!getlTextArea() =" + getlTextArea() );
         System.out.println("st=" + st);
              panel.add(textArea, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e){};
    It is runnable program, just compile and run it in Console is ok,

    Thnaks, code post again, see
    [1]. package;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JSplitPane;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    public class ListPanelMain implements{
         private JFrame frame;
          * Launch the application
          * @param args
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              try {
                   ListPanelMain window = new ListPanelMain();
              } catch (Exception e) {
          * Create the application
         public ListPanelMain() {
          * Initialize the contents of the frame
         private void initialize() {
              frame = new JFrame("FileTreePanelMain");
              frame.setBounds(100, 100, 900, 675);
         //     FieTreePanelComm      ftreecomm                = new       FieTreePanelComm();
              ListPanel                 ftree                     = new      ListPanel("C:\\");
    //          ListAllFile            ftree                     = new      ListAllFile("C:\\");
         //     FileTreePanelText      fileTreePanelText      = new      FileTreePanelText(ftreecomm);
              final JPanel panel = new JPanel();
              panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 2));
              frame.getContentPane().add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         //     final JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane();
         //     frame.getContentPane().add(splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         //     splitPane.setLeftComponent(ftree);
              final ListRightPanel listRightPanel = new ListRightPanel(ftree);
                frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    }[2] Program 2
    //File System Tree
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JSplitPane;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JTree;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeModelEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener;
    import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel;
    import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
    public class ListPanel extends JPanel implements Serializable{
      protected JTree fileTree;
      private FileSystemModel fileSystemModel;
      private JTextArea ltextArea = new JTextArea();
      protected JTextArea fileDetailsTextArea = new JTextArea();
      private String str = "";
         public  String getlTextArea()  {
                      return str;
         public  String setlTextArea(String ta)  {
                   str = ta;
                      return str;
      public ListPanel(String directory) {
        //super("JTree FileSystem Viewer");
                   setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                   final JPanel panel = new JPanel();
                   panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                  add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        fileSystemModel = new FileSystemModel(new File(directory));
        fileTree = new JTree(fileSystemModel);
        fileTree.addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener() {
          public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent event) {
            System.out.println("1. What we save is: getlTextArea() =" + getlTextArea() );
            File file = (File) fileTree.getLastSelectedPathComponent();
            final ListRightPanel lrp = new ListRightPanel(this);
            System.out.println("2. What we save is: getlTextArea() =" + getlTextArea() );
              final JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane();
              panel.add(splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              final JPanel panel_1 = new JPanel();
              panel_1.add(new JScrollPane(fileTree));
              final JPanel panel_2 = new JPanel();
              panel_2.add(new JScrollPane(fileDetailsTextArea));
      private String getFileDetails(File file) {
        if (file == null)
          return "";
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
        if (file.listFiles()!=null){
             for (int i=0; i< file.listFiles().length; i++){
             buffer.append(((file.listFiles())) + "\n");
         System.out.println("List all files");
    return buffer.toString();
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    new ListPanel("c:\\");
    class FileSystemModel implements TreeModel {
    private File root;
    private Vector listeners = new Vector();
    public FileSystemModel(File rootDirectory) {
    root = rootDirectory;
    public Object getRoot() {
    return root;
    public Object getChild(Object parent, int index) {
    File directory = (File) parent;
    String[] children = directory.list();
    return new TreeFile(directory, children[index]);
    public int getChildCount(Object parent) {
    File file = (File) parent;
    if (file.isDirectory()) {
    String[] fileList = file.list();
    if (fileList != null)
    return file.list().length;
    return 0;
    public boolean isLeaf(Object node) {
    File file = (File) node;
    return file.isFile();
    public int getIndexOfChild(Object parent, Object child) {
    File directory = (File) parent;
    File file = (File) child;
    String[] children = directory.list();
    for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
    if (file.getName().equals(children[i])) {
    return i;
    return -1;
    public void valueForPathChanged(TreePath path, Object value) {
    File oldFile = (File) path.getLastPathComponent();
    String fileParentPath = oldFile.getParent();
    String newFileName = (String) value;
    File targetFile = new File(fileParentPath, newFileName);
    File parent = new File(fileParentPath);
    int[] changedChildrenIndices = { getIndexOfChild(parent, targetFile) };
    Object[] changedChildren = { targetFile };
    fireTreeNodesChanged(path.getParentPath(), changedChildrenIndices, changedChildren);
    private void fireTreeNodesChanged(TreePath parentPath, int[] indices, Object[] children) {
    TreeModelEvent event = new TreeModelEvent(this, parentPath, indices, children);
    Iterator iterator = listeners.iterator();
    TreeModelListener listener = null;
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    listener = (TreeModelListener);
    public void addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener listener) {
    public void removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener listener) {
    private class TreeFile extends File {
    public TreeFile(File parent, String child) {
    super(parent, child);
    public String toString() {
    return getName();
    [3] Program 3:
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JTree;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeModelEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener;
    import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel;
    import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
    public class ListRightPanel extends JPanel implements TreeSelectionListener, Serializable{
         protected JTextArea textArea;
    //     protected ListAllFile  laf;
        private String str = "";
              public  String getlTextArea()  {
                           return str;
              public  String setlTextArea(String ta)  {
                        str = ta;
                           return str;
          * Create the panel
         public ListRightPanel(ListPanel  laff) {
              setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              final JPanel panel = new JPanel();
              panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              textArea = new JTextArea();
            final String st = laff.getlTextArea();
            System.out.println("st=" + st);
             laff.fileTree.addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener() {
                 public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent event) {
                     System.out.println("ListRightPanel Was Invoked from ListPanel!!getlTextArea() =" + getlTextArea() );
                     System.out.println("st=" + st);
              panel.add(textArea, BorderLayout.CENTER);
           public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e){};
    }You can try this one, thanks again

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    After adding/removing components to/from a panel try:
    panel.repaint() // sometimes this is also needed, I'm
    not sure whyI'm not certain, but I think that panel.revalidate() implicitly calls repaint() only if something actually changed in the layout. If nothing changed, it sees no reason to repaint; hence, if something changed in appearance but not in layout, you have to repaint it yourself.
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    and Link between them. foe different adapters.
    Ponts will be awarded..
    Jayasimha Jangam.

    Steps to create software component,
    1. Goto SLD --> Software catalog new product
    3.Fill the Vendor, Name , version and choose create go back to the SLD main page and then choose software type as sofware component
    5. select new component and in the next page select your product which you have created in the previous step
    6.then give your vendor, name and version and choose create
    7. now the sofware component is created, you can import the same in you integration repository for your scenario
    Go through the following link which gives you a clear idea about technical, business systems,

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    You can't reuse components; the only solution would be to copy a script and to remove all components not needed.

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    Thank you for your time and interest.
    Best regards
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    ejp wrote:
    Maybe it's time for you to learn to type with two fingers? It doubles your productivity you know ... Math not myth. You know I'm right.Hell, I'd learn to touch-type with my toes as well if I thought it'd help. But when you're spending 12% of the time giving input and 88% of the time waiting for your IDE to catch up, I don't feel I need to really work too hard to go from 90/100 wpm to 140. But I can't complain too much. The 88% means I get to spend 10% of my time on the forums.

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    Cast the Graphics instance passed to the paintComponent() method of your board to a Graphics2D.
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    I'm down to a couple of possible solutions and have some questions:
    1) I looked at writing a plug-in to support another ASFileSys interface which would be used to read from memory instead of from disk. But I don't see a way to invoke my plug-in through an API.  Is this possible?
    2) I looked at the OLE interfaces, but didn't see a nice way to pass a document in through memory.  Is there an interface that accomplishes this task?
    3) I did see that I could create a compound document in memory and then call the OLE interfaces.  Has anyone done this and is it maintainable ? 
    4) The OLE format also lends itself to placing the PDF inside of an RTF to display. Seems like a lot of work to put a wrapper around the PDF, but I do think that also alleviates the need to register any components in SharePoint.  Again, has anyone seen this done?
    In the end, none of these seem very straight forward. So I have to ask, am I missing something obvious here? 
    Thanks for your help,
    Chris Andrews

    Infopath has a fat client interface and a browser version where the server is a sharepoint server.  So the web service executes on the local desktop or in the Sharepoint server depending upon which interface is used.  The best way to work on InfoPath solutions is to focus on the fat client solution with a couple of caveats.  Asume that you can't create temp files, and assume that you can't invoke a new application, and that you aren't in an HTTP request/response environment (since Sharepoint is a wrapper around the back end browser interface).  You can invoke code that is in DLLs, OCX, TLB, etc... (typical Active X, or library code).

  • How to link existing PG with custom VO at design time

    I want to customzie counter group seach page of Counters modules. Here instead of searching thorugh apps schema i want to search groups through my custom schema 'XYZ'. To achieve this, i did following task:
    (i) exported GroupSearchPG from apps server to jdeveloper/myprojects directory.
    (ii) Created workspace and project in jdeveloper and imported PG to this project.
    (ii) downloaded GroupingSearchAM , GroupSearchVO and GroupSearchCO from $JAVA_TOP to Jdev myclasses directory, its working fine for apps schema from jdeveloper
    (iii) Created BC4J package with existing name oracle.apps.csi.counter.grouping.schema
    (iv) created custom VO (GroupSearchVO) with custom schema 'XYZ' (Since this is expert VO, I need not to extend base EO/VO)
    Now, While trying to substitute my custom VO with existing VO. I could not see existing VO to replace with.
    My question is how do we link components with exported page? I mean how does the linking happens with GroupSearchPG with its CO/EO/VO or AM.
    Can you please let me know which step did i miss?
    Thanks in advance

    For your situation,
    VO needs to be substituted,
    CO needs to be substituted and
    AM needs to be extended.
    To make your custom VO available in substitution process, add them to the extended AM. Custom CO can be attached through personalization.

  • URGENT!!! how to render af:table af:column as checkbox in ADF faces

    How i can render table column as checkbox.
    I used <af:selectBooleanCheckbox id="my CheckBox"
    value="#{row.CheckBox}" />
    and it is visualizied az checkbox in table but value is not set.
    I mean that when i make setAttribute("CheckBox", "Y") checkbox is not checked.
    My attribute CheckBox is transient String attribute with default value "N".
    i will appreciate if you give ideas how to render colomn or some links to read about it, because i didn't find anything in internet.

    Hi Timo,
    Thanks for info, But I am not using any Business components in my case, Also this article explains about re-Querying , Is there any way without re-querying we can apply the filter with '>& < ' operators on date columns?

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