How to replace this code!!!!????? please Help!!!!!!!!!!!

How I can replace following code as getServlet method is deprecated.

this is
package trap.content;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import trap.*;
import trap.publishing.*;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Hashtable;
public class Authenticator
    extends TRAPServletBase{
    Default constructor
    public Authenticator() {
    public final void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
       throws ServletException, IOException
    Overrides the default doGet() to perform login function.
    @param req HttpServletRequest that encapsulates the request to the servlet.
    @param res HttpServletResponse that encapsulates the response from the servlet.
    @exception javax.servlet.ServletException
               If the request could not be handled.
               If there is an error writing to the output stream.
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
     public final void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
        try {
            PrintWriter out = getServletPrintWriter(res);
            System.out.println("getting properties now");
       //  Properties properties = getTRAPEnvironment().getProperties();
           Properties properties =   (Properties) getServletConfig().getServletContext().getAttribute("TRAPProperties");
            System.out.println("got properties now");
            String loginTemplate = properties.getProperty("TRAP.template.login");
            String expiredTemplate = properties.getProperty("TRAP.template.expired");
            String mainTemplate = properties.getProperty("TRAP.template.mainFrameSet");
            String userid = req.getParameter("userid");
            String passwd = req.getParameter("passwd");
            if(userid == null) {
                userid = "";
            if(passwd == null) {
                passwd = "";
            // Overall properties are passed through to HttpTRAPConnection
            // to initialize ORB...
            Properties connectionProperties = getProperties();
            HttpTRAPConnection conn = new HttpTRAPConnection(
                connectionProperties, req.getSession(true)
            TRAPSession session = conn.login(userid, passwd);
            if(session.isPasswordExpired()) {
                Hashtable table = new Hashtable();
                table.put("MESSAGE","Your password has expired.<BR>" + "Please enter a new password now.");
  //              printTemplate(expiredTemplate, out, table);
            } else {
                Hashtable myData = new Hashtable();
   //             printTemplate(mainTemplate, out,myData);
        } catch(AccessViolation access) {
            HTMLElement element = HTMLElementFactory.getHTMLElement(
            element.printHTML(getServletPrintWriter(res), access);
        } catch(Exception error) {
            printError(getServletPrintWriter(res), getClass().getName(), error);
}this is TRAPServletBase
package trap.publishing;
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import aif.persist.DbError;
import trap.*;
public class TRAPServletBase
    extends HttpServlet {
     private CachedFileTemplateManager templateMgr = null;
    Default constructor, calls default HttpServlet constructor.
    public TRAPServletBase() {
    Returns the TRAPSession object for this session, or throws
    an AccessViolation if the session has not logged in.
    @param req The HttpServletRequest for this servlet thread.
    @return TRAPSession for the servlet thread.
    @exception trap.AccessViolation
               If the user has not yet logged in.
    @exception aif.persist.DbError
     if a database error occurs
    public TRAPSession getTRAPSession(HttpServletRequest req)
        throws AccessViolation, DbError {
        HttpTRAPConnection conn = HttpTRAPConnection.getInstance(req);
        if(conn == null) {
            throw new AccessViolation(AccessViolationType.Authentication);
        } else {
            return conn.getTRAPSession();
    Returns the TrapEnvironmentServlet.
    @return The TrapEnvironmentServlet.
    @exception javax.servlet.ServletException
               If there is an error retrieving the environment.
     public TRAPEnvironmentServlet getTRAPEnvironment()
        throws ServletException {
          System.out.println("getting TRAPEnvironmentServlet");
        return (TRAPEnvironmentServlet)
     //     getServletContext().getServlet("trapenv");
      //       getServletContext().getNamedDispatcher("trapenv");
   //  getServletContext().getAttribute ("trapenv") ;
    Prints a template as if getTemplateManager().getTemplate().printHTML()
    were called with null data.
    @param templateName The name of the template to retrieve.
    @param out          The output stream to print to.
    @exception javax.servlet.ServletException
               If there is an error printing the template.
    public void printTemplate(String templateName, PrintWriter out)
        throws ServletException {
        try {
            HTMLElement element = null;
            element = getTRAPEnvironment().getTemplateElement(templateName);
            element.printHTML(out, null);
        } catch(TemplateNotFoundException tnfe) {
            throw new ServletException(tnfe.getMessage());
    Prints a template as if getTemplateManager().getTemplate().printHTML()
    were called.
    @param templateName The name of the template to retrieve.
    @param out          The output stream to print to.
    @param data         The data object for the template.
    @exception javax.servlet.ServletException
               If there is an error printing the template.
    public void printTemplate(String templateName, PrintWriter out, Object data)
        throws ServletException {
        try {
            HTMLElement element = null;
            element = getTRAPEnvironment().getTemplateElement(templateName);
            element.printHTML(out, data);
        } catch(TemplateNotFoundException tnfe) {
            throw new ServletException(tnfe.getMessage());
    Logs the error message to the servlet logging mechanism and
    prints a standard error page to the output stream specified.
    @param out   The print writer to render the page to.
    @param where The class/location where the error occurred.
    @param error The exception which caused the error.
    public void printError(PrintWriter out, String where, Exception error)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
        log(error, where);
        HTMLElement element = HTMLElementFactory.getHTMLElement(
        element.printHTML(out, error);
    Utility method that takes the HttpServletResponse, retrieves the output
    stream, and creates a new PrintWriter to write to it.
    @param res The HttpServletResponse to retrieve the output stream from.
    @return The PrintWriter that writes to the response's output stream.
               If the output stream cannot be obtained from the
    public PrintWriter getServletPrintWriter(HttpServletResponse res)
        throws IOException {
        return new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(res.getOutputStream()));
    Returns the value of the specified property from the properties file
    that was loaded on initialization.
    @param propertyName The name of the property to retrieve.
    @return The value of the specified property.
    @exception javax.servlet.ServletException
               If the TRAPEnvironment cannot be found.
    @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
               If the property is not found.
    public String getProperty(String propertyName)
        throws ServletException {
        return getTRAPEnvironment().getProperty(propertyName);
    Returns the value of the specified property from the properties file
    that was loaded on initialization.
    @param propertyName The name of the property to retrieve.
    @param required     <code>true</code> if the property must exist.
    @return The value of the specified property.
    @exception javax.servlet.ServletException
               If the TRAPEnvironment cannot be found.
    @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
               If the property is not found, and it was required.
    public String getProperty(String propertyName, boolean required)
        throws ServletException {
        return getTRAPEnvironment().getProperty(propertyName, required);
    Returns the properties object loaded at initialization.
    @return The properties object.
    @exception javax.servlet.ServletException
               If the TRAPEnvironment cannot be found.
    public Properties getProperties()
        throws ServletException {
          TRAPEnvironmentServlet t = new TRAPEnvironmentServlet();
        return t.getProperties();
    public void log(String reason) {
        try {
        } catch(Exception error) {
            System.err.println("Unable to use servlet logging for:");
    public void log(Exception why, String reason) {
        try {
        } catch(Exception error) {
            System.err.println("Unable to use servlet logging for:");
and this is TRAPEnvironmentServlet
package trap.publishing;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class TRAPEnvironmentServlet
    extends TRAPServletBase
    implements TemplateManager {
    The system configuration information.
    private Properties properties  = null;
    The template manager that loads templates.
    private CachedFileTemplateManager templateMgr = null;
    private boolean initialized = false;
    private final static String TOKEN_NAME        = "MESSAGE";
    private final static String TOKEN_DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT =
        "Enter your user id and password to log into TRAP";
    Construct the servlet.
    public TRAPEnvironmentServlet() {
    Initialize the servlet.
    @param config The servlet config object, containing the init parameter
    @exception javax.servlet.ServletException
               If there is an error initializing the servlet.
    public void init(ServletConfig config)
        throws ServletException {
       System.out.println("in the init of TRAPEnvironmentServlet");
         if(initialized) {
            System.err.println("attempt made to reinitialize servlet.");
        try {
            if(config == null) {
                throw new ServletException(
                    "ServletConfig is not available for initialization."
         // String propertiesPath = config.getInitParameter("");
            InputStream is = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("config/trap.ini");
          //  properties.load(is);
       /*     if(propertiesPath == null || propertiesPath.equals("")) {
                throw new ServletException(
                    "No initialize parameters specified for TRAPEnvironmentServlet."
            properties = new Properties();
            try {
                 //properties.load(new FileInputStream(propertiesPath));
                 String templateRoot = properties.getProperty("TRAP.templateRoot");
                String loadAllStr   = properties.getProperty("TRAP.loadAllTemplates");
                boolean loadAll     = false;
                if(loadAllStr != null) {
                    loadAll = new Boolean(loadAllStr).booleanValue();
                templateMgr = new CachedFileTemplateManager(templateRoot, loadAll);
                config.getServletContext().setAttribute("TRAPProperties", properties);
            } catch( ioe) {
                log(ioe, "Unable to load properties file.");
            } catch(TemplateNotFoundException tnfe) {
                log(tnfe, "Unable to load one or more templates.");
        } catch(Exception error) {
            log(error, "An error occurred while initializing the servlet.");
    //    config.getServletContext().setAttribute("TRAPProperties", properties);
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
        Hashtable<String, String> table = new Hashtable<String, String>();
        String why = req.getParameter("why");
        if(why == null) {
        } else {
            table.put(TOKEN_NAME, why);
        Properties properties = this.getProperties();
        String loginTemplate = properties.getProperty("TRAP.template.login");   
        this.printTemplate(loginTemplate, getServletPrintWriter(res), table);
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(res.getOutputStream()));
        out.println("  <BODY>");
        out.println("    <CENTER>");
        out.println("      <H1>");
        out.println("        This servlet should not be reference by a browser.");
        out.println("      </H1>");
        out.println("    </CENTER>");
        out.println("  </BODY>");
    Returns the value of the specified property from the properties file
    that was loaded on initialization.
    @param propertyName The name of the property to retrieve.
    @return The value of the specified property.
    @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
               If the property name is not found.
    public String getProperty(String propertyName) {
        return getProperty(propertyName, true);
    Returns the value of the specified property from the properties file
    that was loaded on initialization.
    @param propertyName The name of the property to retrieve.
    @param required     <code>true</code> if the property must exist.
    @return The value of the specified property.
    @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
               If the property name is not found, but was required.
    public String getProperty(String propertyName, boolean required) {
        String property = properties.getProperty(propertyName);
        if(required && property == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                propertyName + " was not found in the properties object."
        return property;
    Returns the properties object loaded at initialization.
    @return The properties object.
    public Properties getProperties() {
         System.out.println("getting properties now");
        return properties;
    Wraps access to the template manager, returning the template root.
    @return The template root.
    public String getTemplateRoot() {
        return templateMgr.getTemplateRoot();
    Wraps access to the template manager, sets the new template root.
    @param root The new template root.
    public void setTemplateRoot(String root) {
    Wraps access to the template manager, returns the
    template associated with the specified name.
    @param name The name of the template to return.
    @return The HTMLElement representing the loaded template.
    @exception trap.publishing.TemplateNotFoundException
               If the template cannot be successfully loaded.
    public HTMLElement getTemplateElement(String name)
        throws TemplateNotFoundException {
        return templateMgr.getTemplateElement(name);
}this is my code
thanks for help

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    Dear Srikanth,
    I am not sure, if my answer will satisfy you, but anyway I will try:
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    Message was edited by:

    Not sure if I see the use of strArray & arrayHolder (I've not looked at your code - you might use code tags next time (check the "code" button above the message textarea), but may I suggest using a Map of some sort instead of a Vector? It will prevent duplicates for you.
    Good Luck

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    decy95 wrote:
    When I clicked 'check for update' it just says that 2.2.1 is the current version
    It will - until you purchase iOS 3.
    Follow the link that stedman provided, and on that page, instead of choosing the link to iOS4, choose Purchase the iOS 3.1 Software Update directly from the iTunes Store. When you choose it, iTunes will open to the store and page for buying (purchasing) the update. It doesn't cost much (a few dollars although I cannot recall precisely) and it is the only way to update from you current iOS version. Once you do that, a further update to iOS 4.2.1 is free. That particular update may occur straight away, I don't know.
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    I've just read the another discussion (to which you contributed), in which Illaass suggests that you may have a 1st generation Touch. If that is so, then your iPod will only be able to update to iOS 3.1.3. This will still need to be purchased, but be aware that many Apps require iOS 4 or higher, so your options would be more limited. So follow the link Illaass provided to confirm which model you have.
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    You may have installed a variant of the "VSearch" ad-injection malware. Follow Apple Support's instructions to remove it.
    If you have trouble following those instructions, see below.
    Malware is always changing to get around the defenses against it. This procedure works as of now, as far as I know. It may not work in the future. Anyone finding this comment a few days or more after it was posted should look for a more recent discussion, or start a new one.
    The VSearch malware tries to hide itself by varying the names of the files it installs. To remove it, you must first identify the naming pattern.
    Triple-click the line below on this page to select it, then copy the text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C:
    In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.
    A folder named "LaunchDaemons" may open. Look inside it for two files with names of the form
    Here something is a variable string of characters, which can be different in each case. So far it has always been a string of letters without punctuation, such as "cloud," "dot," "highway," "submarine," or "trusteddownloads." Sometimes it's a meaningless string such as "e8dec5ae7fc75c28" rather than a word. Sometimes the string is "apple," and then you must be especially careful not to delete the wrong files, because many built-in OS X files have similar names.
    If you find these files, leave the LaunchDaemons folder open, and open the following folder in the same way:
    In this folder, there may be a file named
    where the string something is the same as before.
    If you feel confident that you've identified the above files, back up all data, then drag just those three files—nothing else—to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator login password. Close the Finder windows and restart the computer.
    Don't delete the "LaunchAgents" or "LaunchDaemons" folder or anything else inside either one.
    The malware is now permanently inactivated, as long as you never reinstall it. You can stop here if you like, or you can remove two remaining components for the sake of completeness.
    Open this folder:
    /Library/Application Support
    If it has a subfolder named just
    where something is the same string you saw before, drag that subfolder to the Trash and close the window.
    Don't delete the "Application Support" folder or anything else inside it.
    Finally, in this folder:
    there may an item named exactly
    It's actually a folder, though it has a different icon than usual. This item always has the above name; it doesn't vary. Drag it to the Trash and close the window.
    Don't delete the "Frameworks" folder or anything else inside it.
    If you didn't find the files or you're not sure about the identification, post what you found.
    If in doubt, or if you have no backups, change nothing at all.
    The trouble may have started when you downloaded and ran an application called "MPlayerX." That's the name of a legitimate free movie player, but the name is also used fraudulently to distribute VSearch. If there is an item with that name in the Applications folder, delete it, and if you wish, replace it with the genuine article from
    This trojan is often found on illegal websites that traffic in pirated content such as movies. If you, or anyone else who uses the computer, visit such sites and follow prompts to install software, you can expect more of the same, and worse, to follow. Never install any software that you downloaded from a bittorrent, or that was downloaded by someone else from an unknown source.
    In the Security & Privacy pane of System Preferences, select the General tab. The radio button marked Anywhere  should not be selected. If it is, click the lock icon to unlock the settings, then select one of the other buttons. After that, don't ignore a warning that you are about to run or install an application from an unknown developer.
    Then, still in System Preferences, open the App Store or Software Update pane and check the box marked
              Install system data files and security updates (OS X 10.10 or later)
              Download updates automatically (OS X 10.9 or earlier)
    if it's not already checked.

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    Hi Prerna
    Please refer the this doc might help you
    and kindly update the status if it works or not

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    Let's first try the following document, only be sure that none of the boxes in the compatibility mode tab are checked (not just the compatibility mode box itself):
    iTunes for Windows: How to turn off Compatibility Mode

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    Accidental damage is not covered under Apple warranty.  And it seems there is much accidental damage.  Only a Genius Bar tech looking at it can tell how much it will cost to repair.
    Cost to repair will be high, I suspect (though Genius Bar will confirm/deny.
    There is no gentle way to say this sir/ma'am ... someone will need to pay for your friend's MBA repairs.

  • I downloaded Itunes to my computer today to update my ipod's ios (4.2.1 yes i know im way behind) but when i click check for updates it tells me my ios is the current one. How can i fix this? please help!

    I downloaded Itunes to my computer today to update my ipod's ios (4.2.1 yes i know im way behind) but when i click check for updates it tells me my ios is the current one. How can i fix this? please help!

    and at the same time....
    I guess you can be glad that you at least aren't "way behind"!

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