How to return ResultSet from one function to another?

Hi friends,
How do we pass the query Results from one function to another function?
Actually i have a database in the server and i am the client.
Client sends the id to the server as an argument. From HTML file this goes to the JSP file(which i am using as a link between HTML and EJB) and then this goes to the RemoteInterface and then to the Bean itself. The functions are written in the bean. Bean connects to the database using jdbc:odbc driver and then a query is written and executed as follows:
In the Stateless Session Bean, there is one function with the following query.
public ResultSet check(String id)
//other code
ResultSet rs = Statement.("select * from table1 where id=123");
// print no such id exists. other ids are
rs=Statement.("select * from table1");
return rs;
I have written it approximately only because the problem is not with the query :(
Now, in rs there's a resultset. Now how do i display it in a tabular format in HTML? This should obviously be done using JSP. How can we do it?
In JSP file if i write
ResultSet rs1=Remote.check(12);
i get NullPointerException
Thank you in anticipation to your reply!

Crossposted over all places:
Stop crossposting. It's very rude.

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    rampalli_aravind wrote:
    Thanks a ton for the reply!
    how do i pass the query Results?
    Actually i have a database in the server and i am the client.
    Client sends the id to the server. Server processes. finds the id and returns the name and other details using SQL statement:
    select * from table1 where id="abc";Server should return these details back to the client.
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    select * from table1;How can i do it using jdbc odbc driver?
    Thank you in anticipation to your reply!
    Regardssee my reply to your other post.
    write a server side component that opens the connection to the database, loads the ResultSet into a data structure, closes the ResultSet, and returns the data structure to the client.
    the client should not be dealing directly with the database.

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    var Subject1timeLeftMin;
    var Subject1timeLeftSec;
    Subject1start_btn._visible = true;
    Subject1pause_btn._visible = false;
    Subject1rotor_mc._visible = false;
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    if (SubjectxdurationHr_txt.length == 1)
    function SubjectdurationMin(SubjectxdurationMin_txt, SubjectxdurationSec_txt)
    if (SubjectxdurationMin_txt.length == 2)
    function SubjectdurationSec(SubjectxdurationSec_txt, SubjectxdurationHr_txt)
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    Subject1durationHr_txt.onChanged = function()
    Subject1durationMin_txt.onChanged = function()
    Subject1durationSec_txt.onChanged = function()
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    delete SubjectxdurationLeft;
    delete SubjectxdurationHr;
    delete SubjectxdurationMin;
    delete SubjectxdurationSec;
    delete Subjectxduration;
    delete SubjectxdurationHr_txt.text;
    delete SubjectxdurationMin_txt.text;
    delete SubjectxdurationSec_txt.text;
    SubjectxstartTime = getTimer();
    Subjectxtimer_mc.onEnterFrame = function()
    if (SubjectxdurationHr_txt.text == Nan || SubjectxdurationMin_txt.text == Nan || SubjectxdurationSec_txt.text == Nan)
    SubjectxdurationHr = 60 * 60 * 1000 * Number(SubjectxdurationHr_txt.text);
    SubjectxdurationMin = 60 * 1000 * Number(SubjectxdurationMin_txt.text);
    SubjectxdurationSec = 1000 * Number(SubjectxdurationSec_txt.text);
    Subjectxduration = SubjectxdurationHr + SubjectxdurationMin + SubjectxdurationSec;
    SubjectxendTime = SubjectxstartTime + Subjectxduration;
    SubjectxdurationLeft = SubjectxendTime - getTimer();
    if (SubjectxdurationLeft > 0)
    SubjectxdurationHr_txt._visible = false;
    SubjectxdurationMin_txt._visible = false;
    SubjectxdurationSec_txt._visible = false;
    Subjectxpause_btn._visible = true;
    Subjectxstart_btn._visible = false;
    Subjectxrotor_mc._visible = true;;
    SubjectxtimeLeft = SubjectxdurationLeft / (1000 * 60 * 60);
    SubjectxtimeLeftHr = Math.floor(SubjectxtimeLeft);
    SubjectxtimeLeftMin = Math.floor((SubjectxtimeLeft - SubjectxtimeLeftHr) * 60);
    SubjectxtimeLeftSec = Math.floor(((SubjectxtimeLeft - SubjectxtimeLeftHr) * 60 - SubjectxtimeLeftMin) * 60);
    SubjectxtimeLeftHr_txt.text = String(SubjectxtimeLeftHr);
    if (SubjectxtimeLeftHr_txt.length < 1)
    SubjectxtimeLeftHr_txt.text = "0" + SubjectxtimeLeftHr_txt.text;
    SubjectxtimeLeftMin_txt.text = String(SubjectxtimeLeftMin);
    if (SubjectxtimeLeftMin_txt.length < 2)
    SubjectxtimeLeftMin_txt.text = "0" + SubjectxtimeLeftMin_txt.text;
    SubjectxtimeLeftSec_txt.text = String(SubjectxtimeLeftSec);
    if (SubjectxtimeLeftSec_txt.length < 2)
    SubjectxtimeLeftSec_txt.text = "0" + SubjectxtimeLeftSec_txt.text;
    delete Subjectxtimer_mc.onEnterFrame;
    SubjectxtimeLeftHr_txt.text = "";
    SubjectxtimeLeftMin_txt.text = "";
    SubjectxtimeLeftSec_txt.text = "";
    SubjectxdurationHr_txt._visible = true;
    SubjectxdurationMin_txt._visible = true;
    SubjectxdurationSec_txt._visible = true;
    Subjectxrotor_mc._visible = false;
    SubjectxdurationHr_txt.text = "0";
    SubjectxdurationMin_txt.text = "00";
    SubjectxdurationSec_txt.text = "00";
    Subjectxpause_btn._visible = false;
    Subjectxstart_btn._visible = true;
    function pausecountdown(SubjectxdurationHr_txt, SubjectxtimeLeftHr, SubjectxdurationMin_txt, SubjectxtimeLeftMin, SubjectxdurationSec_txt, SubjectxtimeLeftSec, Subjectxstart_btn, Subjectxpause_btn, Subjectxrotor_mc)
    delete Subjectxtimer_mc.onEnterFrame;
    SubjectxdurationHr_txt.text = String(SubjectxtimeLeftHr);
    SubjectxdurationMin_txt.text = String(SubjectxtimeLeftMin);
    SubjectxdurationSec_txt.text = String(SubjectxtimeLeftSec);
    Subjectxstart_btn._visible = true;
    Subjectxpause_btn._visible = false;
    Subject1pause_btn.onRelease = function()
    pausecountdown(Subject1durationHr_txt,Subject1timeLeftHr,Subject1durationMin_txt,Subject1t imeLeftMin,Subject1durationSec_txt,Subject1timeLeftSec,Subject1start_btn,Subject1pause_btn ,Subject1rotor_mc);
    Subject1start_btn.onRelease = function()
    startcountdown(Subject1durationLeft,Subject1durationHr,Subject1durationHr_txt,Subject1dura tionMin,Subject1durationMin_txt,Subject1durationSec,Subject1durationSec_txt,Subject1durati on,Subject1startTime,Subject1endTime,Subject1timer_mc,Subject1pause_btn,Subject1start_btn, Subject1rotor_mc,Subject1timeLeft,Subject1timeLeftHr,Subject1timeLeftMin,Subject1timeLeftS ec,Subject1timeLeftHr_txt,Subject1timeLeftMin_txt,Subject1timeLeftSec_txt);
    Subject1cancel_btn.onRelease = function()
    Subject1timeLeftHr_txt.text = "";
    Subject1timeLeftMin_txt.text = "";
    Subject1timeLeftSec_txt.text = "";
    Subject1durationHr_txt._visible = true;
    Subject1durationMin_txt._visible = true;
    Subject1durationSec_txt._visible = true;
    Subject1durationHr_txt.text = "0";
    Subject1durationMin_txt.text = "00";
    Subject1durationSec_txt.text = "00";
    Subject1timeLeftHr_txt._visible = true;
    Subject1timeLeftMin_txt._visible = true;
    Subject1timeLeftSec_txt._visible = true;
    Subject1pause_btn._visible = false;
    Subject1start_btn._visible = true;
    Subject1rotor_mc._visible = false;
    delete Subject1timer_mc.onEnterFrame;
    delete Subject1durationLeft;
    delete Subject1duration;
    delete Subject1durationHr_txt.text;
    delete Subject1durationMin_txt.text;
    delete Subject1durationSec_txt.text;

    I think you need to spend some time reducing your code to practical levels.  You seem to be passing everything in the book to every function and I would guess that probably none of it is necessary.  If you declared those variables at the beginning, then you don't need to pass them into any function because they are gobally available to any of the code/functions that follows them.  Similarly, if you have textfields on the stage, you do not need to pass those into any functions for the same reason.
    I see you making overuse of "delete" (and possibly errant use as well).  Probably the only thing you might want/need to use is...
    delete Subjectxtimer_mc.onEnterFrame;
    Which stops the enterframe activity from firing off, which I will guess is being used to update the textfields that indicate the time.
    And that conditional that uses == Nan isn't likely to do anything except wonder what an Nan is.  Textfields hold strings, which are quoted.  SO unless you have a variable named Nan somewhere that has a String value assigned to it, that conditional won't be doing anything for you.  You probably won't need it at all if you get this working properly.

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    "MyComponent").init() />
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    "KeyB", "ValueB") />
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    2 KeyA
    3 ValueA
    4 KeyB
    5 ValueB
    TYPE TypeName
    create() arguments
    2 [undefined struct element]
    3 TypeName
    4 KeyB
    5 ValueA
    TYPE TypeName

    rampalli_aravind wrote:
    Thanks a ton for the reply!
    how do i pass the query Results?
    Actually i have a database in the server and i am the client.
    Client sends the id to the server. Server processes. finds the id and returns the name and other details using SQL statement:
    select * from table1 where id="abc";Server should return these details back to the client.
    IF no such id exists then server should send the client the following result:
    //print that the given id does not exist and these are the ids and names in table1
    select * from table1;How can i do it using jdbc odbc driver?
    Thank you in anticipation to your reply!
    Regardssee my reply to your other post.
    write a server side component that opens the connection to the database, loads the ResultSet into a data structure, closes the ResultSet, and returns the data structure to the client.
    the client should not be dealing directly with the database.

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    I can give you a few ways to so:
    First (and my favorite way) is the one said above.  First, on the computer with the photos on it, you have to do is turn on file sharing (go to system preferences, sharing, file sharing) and have both computers on the same network.  Second, have the computers you want the photos on, and launch finder.  On the sidebar, there should be a "sharing" category, and below it should be the computer with the photos on it.  Click on it, and you will be prompted for the computer username and password.  It will then show all of the files on your computer.  Then, just find the files, copy them (command-C) and paste them to where you want them! (If this confuses you, I can upload a video step-by-step on how to do this).
    My second way is to use air drop. To start, Both computers must be on the same network.  Then, on the computer with the photos on it select all of the photos you want to send to the other computer (you can select many photos by holding the command key and clicking on photos), right-click (control-click) on the selected photos, find the button share, and click air drop.  On the computer you want the photos on, go to air drop on the side bar.  You should see the name of the computer on the radar-looking screen.  Click your computer.  The photos should begin to download to the downloads folder. (This feature is only compatible with certain computers)

  • How to transfer photos from one computer to another

    How to transfer photos from one computer to another fast from iMac to MacBook both on lion
    help. Tried airdrop to slow

    Hi roseabe
    Please give us more details. What kind of computer (model, speed) are you trying to transfer from and to?
    Besides, you don't hold down cmd/apple+"T" on the target computer - just the "T" key.

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    You can't without a third party app. If you didn't purchase the Music with your Apple ID or if the music was imported from CD's on your friends iTunes library, syncing will not work ....nor will transferring purchases.
    Look at this app .... TouchCopy

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    How do I move from one website to another using Safari, while still allowing Pandora to provide music in the background? It seems that when ever I open a new URL, I lose Pandora.

    Try running Pandora in its own tab and leaving that tab open (Safari 7.1.5, OS 10.9.5).  I don't have Pandora to try this, but it works for me otherwise.
    Good luck

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    Date prompt values (Account_date, Operation_date)
    Note:values are coming from dim_date table.  
    Now the task is When user select First
    Prompt value  “Accounting” Then in the
    second prompt should display only Accounting_dates , if user select “operational”
    and it should display only operation_dates in second prompt.
    In order to solve this issue I made the
    first prompt “Reporttype” values(Accounting, Operational) as presentation
    values (custom specific values) and default presentation value is accounting.
    In second prompt Date are coming from
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    SELECT case when '@{Reporttype}'='Accounting'
    then "Dates (Receipts)"."Acct Year"
    else "Dates (Receipts)"."Ops
    Year"  End  FROM "Receipts"
    Issue: Presentation variable value is not
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    acct year in second prompt.
    For testing pupose I kept this presentation
    variable in text object of dashboard and values are changing there, but not in
    second prompt sql.
    Please suggest the solution.

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    Please check this.
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    /thread/370447 [original link is broken]

Maybe you are looking for

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