How to return two XML result sets using the function

Hi Experts,

So that I want to return two XML result sets if the query returns more than 50,000 records.
One XML result set with 50,000 and another XML result set with remaining records.
How to incorporate this in my function.
Have the function return a collection of CLOB then.
DBMS_XMLGEN can handle pagination so it's easy to adapt your existing code.
Here's an example fetching data in batches of max. 3 rows each, using a pipelined function :
SQL> create or replace type clob_array is table of clob;
  2  /
Type created
SQL> create or replace function genXmlRowset (p_deptno in number) return clob_array pipelined
  2  is
  3    ctx    dbms_xmlgen.ctxHandle;
  4    doc    clob;
  5  begin
  7    ctx := dbms_xmlgen.newContext('SELECT empno, ename FROM scott.emp WHERE deptno = :1');
  8    dbms_xmlgen.setBindValue(ctx, '1', p_deptno);
  9    dbms_xmlgen.setMaxRows(ctx, 3);
11    loop
13      doc := dbms_xmlgen.getXML(ctx);
14      exit when dbms_xmlgen.getNumRowsProcessed(ctx) = 0;
15      pipe row (doc);
17    end loop;
19    dbms_xmlgen.closeContext(ctx);
21    return;
23  end;
24  /
Function created
SQL> set long 5000
SQL> select * from table(genXmlRowset(30));
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
(and don't forget to use bind variables in your query)

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        DEPTNO DNAME                          LOC
            10 ACCOUNTING                     NEW YORK
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      2  is
      3     name    varchar2(50);
      4  begin
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      6     from dept
      7     where deptno=deptnum;
      8     return name;
      9  exception
    10     when no_data_found then
    11             return('Not existent deptno');
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      <email>[email protected]</email>
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <city> abccounty</city>
    <state> abcstate</state>
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      <email>[email protected]</email>
    <city> abccounty</city>
    <state> abcstate</state>
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    import org.jdom.Document;
    import org.jdom.Element;
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    import org.jdom.output.Format;
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                  SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
                  Document books ="D:/in.xml");
                  Document onebook ="D:/out.xml");
                  Element root = books.getRootElement();
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                      Element row = (Element) rows.get(i);
                  new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()).output(onebook, System.out);
              }catch(Exception e){

    The above code only add's the first node.
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                  SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
                  Document books ="D:/in.xml");
                  Document onebook ="D:/out.xml");
                 //trying to add second xml into the first
                  new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()).output(books, System.out);
    here is the exception from the above code:
    org.jdom.IllegalAddException: The Content already has an existing parent "address"
         at org.jdom.ContentList.add(
         at org.jdom.ContentList.add(

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    Hi Nik,
    so far the only "flagged as spam" reason I know of is, that ADDT curreently misses to insert the current date/time -- please try the fix mentioned in the thread and see if it helps
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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class WordAnalyser extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    private JMenuItem jmiAc, jmiSil, jmiCikis, jmiAnaliz, jmiHakkinda, jmiKullanim;
    private JTextArea jta1, jta2;
    private JFileChooser jFileChooser = new JFileChooser();
    File hafizada;
    File aktarilan = new File("Sonuc.txt");
    // Main method
    public static void main(String[] args)
    WordAnalyser frame = new WordAnalyser(); /* Ana ekran olusturulur */
    frame.setSize(400, 300); /* Degerleri belirlenir */
    frame.setVisible(true); /* Gorunebilirligi ayarlanir */
    public WordAnalyser()
    setTitle("Serkan Ozgen Dosya Inceleme Programina Hos Geldiniz");
    JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar();
    JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("Dosya");
    JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu("Degerlendirme");
    JMenu kullanimMenu = new JMenu("Kullanim Kilavuzu");
    fileMenu.add(jmiAc = new JMenuItem("Ac", 'A'));
    fileMenu.add(jmiSil = new JMenuItem("Sil", 'S'));
    fileMenu.add(jmiCikis = new JMenuItem("Cikis", 'C'));
    helpMenu.add(jmiAnaliz = new JMenuItem("Analiz", 'D'));
    helpMenu.add(jmiHakkinda = new JMenuItem("Hakkinda", 'H'));
    kullanimMenu.add(jmiKullanim = new JMenuItem("Kullanim"));     
    getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(jta1 = new JTextArea()), BorderLayout.CENTER);
    getContentPane().add(jta2 = new JTextArea(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    String actionCommand = e.getActionCommand();
    if (e.getSource() instanceof JMenuItem)
    if ("Ac".equals(actionCommand))
    else if ("Sil".equals(actionCommand))
    else if ("Cikis".equals(actionCommand))
    else if ("Analiz".equals(actionCommand))
    else if ("Hakkinda".equals(actionCommand))
    "!!!! Bu program text analizi gerceklestirir. Her hakki saklidir SERKAN OZGEN!!!!",
    "Bu program hakkinda",
    else if ("Kullanim".equals(actionCommand))
         " Ilk once dosya menusunden Ac i tiklayarak analiz etmek istediginiz Dosyayi seciniz (Lutfen uzantisi *.txt \nveya *.log olsun). Daha sonra Degerlendirme menusunden analizi tiklarsaniz dosyanizda kac adet rakam, harf, \ncumle ve kelime oldugunu gorebilirsiniz. Simdiden kolay gelsin",
         "Programin kullanim detaylari",
    private void Ac()
    if (jFileChooser.showOpenDialog(this) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
    hafizada = jFileChooser.getSelectedFile();
    // Acilan Dosyayi ana ekranda gostermeye yariyan bir method
    private void Ac(File file)
    // Acilan dosyayi okuma ve ana ekranda gosterme
    BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
    byte[] b = new byte[in.available()];, 0, b.length);
    jta1.append(new String(b, 0, b.length));
    catch (IOException ex)
    // Temizle tusunun hangi ekranlara etki edecegini secme
    private void Sil()
    private void sayim()
    int buff;
    int sayac = 0;
    int Cumleler = 0;
    int Kelimeler = 0;
    int Karakterler = 0;
    int Satirlar = 0;
    int Rakamlar = 0;     
    boolean start = true;
    int linenum = 0;     
    FileInputStream instream = new FileInputStream(hafizada);
    FileOutputStream outstream = new FileOutputStream(aktarilan);
         BufferedReader infile = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(hafizada)));
    PrintStream out = new PrintStream(outstream);
         out.println("---Kelime Avcisinin Sonuclari---");
         String line = infile.readLine();
         while (line != null){
         int len = line.length();
         line = infile.readLine();
         out.println("Line Length :"     + linenum + "\t" +len);
    while (( != -1)
    case '?': case '.': case '!': /* Eger "?", "." veya "!" gorurse program cumleleri ve kelimeleri arttirir*/
    if (start == false)
    start = true;
    case ' ': case '\t': case ',': case ';': case ':': case'\"': case'\'': /* Eger /t,;:\ ve \" bu isarteleri goruruse program kelimeleri arttirir */
    if (start == false)
    start = true;
              case 'n': case '\n': /* Eger \n gorurse satirlari arttirir */
              if (start == false)
                   start = true;
    if (((char)buff >= 'a' && (char)buff<='z')|| /*a-z, A-Z veya - degerlerini gorurse karakterler arttirilir */
    ((char)buff >= 'A' && (char)buff<='Z')||
    ((char)buff == '-'))
    if ((Kelimeler % 50) == 49)
    if (start == true)
    out.print((Kelimeler+1) + " ");
    start = false;
              if ((char)buff >='0' && (char)buff <='9') {  /* 0-9 gorurse rakamlari arttiri */
                   Rakamlar++; }
    }// switch
    out.println("Karakter sayisi: " + Karakterler);
         out.println("Kelime sayisi: " + Kelimeler);
    out.println("Cumle sayisi: " + Cumleler);
         out.println("Satir sayisi: "+ Satirlar);
         out.println("Rakam sayisi: "+ Rakamlar);
    BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(aktarilan));
    byte[] b = new byte[in.available()];, 0, b.length);
    jta2.append(new String(b, 0, b.length));
    catch (IOException ex)
    catch (Exception e)

    Why is it that you're not interested in IOExceptions?
    catch (IOException ex)
    } Empty catch blocks is a hallmark of foolish Java code. At least print out the stack trace.

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    Any pointers please?

    Result set is of RowType and is not supported as a Stored Procedure as far as I know.

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    I am keep receiving this message in central administration running server in event viewer
    DiscoverSQL2005DBEngineDiscovery.vbs : The Query 'select * from __NAMESPACE where Name ='ComputerManagement'' returned an invalid result set.  Please check to see if this is a valid WMI Query.. Object required

    Hi adil,
    It seems to be not related to SharePoint issue, I find a similar error post from Operations Manager forum you can take a look
    Also another below article of basic troubleshooting of discovery scripts for your reference.
    And for the further better assistance regarding this issue, you may want to post Operations Manager forum here.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Reading multiple result sets using executeQuery

    Hi - We have a database Proc that returns multiple result sets as the out params.
    Following is the line that does the DB call.
    rows = DynamicSQL.executeQuery(sentence : query, implname : "Sql Server");
    The 'rows' param above is able to get only the first result set after. It ignores the rest of the Out params.
    Do we have any way other than changing the proc to send one out param to handle this?

    This worked:
    rows = myDynamic.executeQuery(sentence : SaveQueryForMAPS, implname : "MAPS");
    foreach (row in rows) {
    //status = 0;
    status = row[1];
    display("status" +status);
    Thank you so much for your idea Andrea!

  • How to compare two xml schemas

    Hello guys,
    How to compare two xml schemas? is there any tool for that?

    XML Files may be compared with the oracle.xml.differ.XMLDiff class.
    A file consisting of the differences in the xml files gets generated. An XSLT to convert one file to the other also gets generated.

  • It is required to get the result set from the last query.

    I need this SP to return the result set from the last query.
    alter        proc spQ_GetASCBillingRateIDs2
    @ScheduleID CHAR(15),
    @startdate smalldatetime,
    @enddate smalldatetime
    set nocount on
    truncate table tbltmpgroup
    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tbltmptbltest]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
    drop table [dbo].[tbltmptbltest]
    exec sp_CreateTblTmpGroup
    insert into tbltmpgroup
    case when pd.billparent = 'N' then org.eligibleorgid
    else isnull(af.parentid, org.eligibleorgid) end as billorgid,
    pd.individualbill , pd.cobrabill, pd.billparent,
    org.eligibleorgid, org.polid, org.orgpolicyid,
    pp.planid,  pp.rateid,
    case when ps.ascclaimfromdate > @startdate then ps.ascclaimfromdate
    else @startdate end as premiumrundayFrom,
    case when ps.ascclaimtodate < @enddate then ps.ascclaimtodate
    else @enddate end as premiumrundayTo,
    fts.effdate, fts.termdate,
    case when fts.effdate > @startdate then fts.EffDate
    else @startdate end as ascStartDate,
    case when fts.termdate < @enddate then fts.termdate
    else @enddate end as ascEndDate
    FROM premiumschedule ps (nolock)
    inner join orgpolicy org (nolock)
    on org.ascinvoicerungroup between ps.premiumrundayfrom and ps.premiumrundayto
    inner join FundingTypeStatus fts
    on fts.orgpolicyid = org.orgpolicyid
    and fts.fundtype = 'ASC'
    and ((fts.effdate between @startdate and @enddate)
    or (fts.termdate between @startdate and @enddate)
    or (fts.effdate < @startdate and fts.termdate > @enddate))
    inner join eligibilityorg o (nolock)
    on org.eligibleorgid = o.eligibleorgid
    inner join policydef pd (nolock)
    on pd.polid = org.polid
    inner join policyplans pp (nolock)
    on pp.polid = org.polid
    inner join program p (nolock)
    on pd.programid = p.programid
    left join orgaffiliation af with (nolock)
    on org.eligibleorgid = af.childid
    WHERE ps.premiumscheduleid = @ScheduleID
    AND org.orgpolicyid <> ''
    SELECT DISTINCT z.rateid, e.enrollid, z.ascstartdate, z.ascenddate
    into tbltmptbltest FROM enrollment E (nolock)
    inner join tbltmpgroup z
    on e.rateid = z.rateid
    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IDXTempTable  ON tbltmptbltest(enrollid)
    create index IDXTemptableDates on tbltmptbltest(ascstartdate,ascenddate)
    select distinct t.*
    from tbltmpgroup t
    where rateid in (
    select distinct t.rateid from VW_ASC_Billing)
    order by billorgid
    set nocount off

    Please post DDL, so that people do not have to guess what the keys, constraints, Declarative Referential Integrity, data types, etc. in your schema are. Learn how to follow ISO-11179 data element naming conventions and formatting rules (you have no idea).
    Temporal data should use ISO-8601 formats. Code should be in Standard SQL as much as possible and not local dialect. 
    What you did post is bad SQL. 
    The prefix “tbl-” is a design flaw called tibbling and we do not do it. We seldom use temp tables in RDBMS; it is how magnetic tape file programmers fake scratch tapes. 
    If the schema is correct, then SELECT DISTINCT is almost never used. 
    Your “bill_parent” looks like a assembly language bit flag; we never use those flags in SQL. 
    “Funding_Type_Status” is an absurd name for a table. A status is a state of being, not an entity. A type is an attribute property. So this table ought to be column that is either a “funding_type” or “funding_status” (with the time period for the state of being
    shown in other columns). But this hybrid is not possible in a valid data model. 
    Want to try again, with DDL and some specs? 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

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    I believe because you migrated from a Nokia to an iPhone you need to register the Bn phone number with your Apple ID so it can be used for iMessage. The Pn number seems to be the only one registered
    Go here >
    Manage your Apple ID and see if that does the trick
    Hope that helps

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