How to save itunes password?

hello, is there a way to save the itunes password so that i don't have to enter it everytime i want to buy an app, write a review etc.?

Not on your iPod. It's a security feature.

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    == URL of affected sites ==

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    Hello ,
    I think your problem is saving the state of a listbox.
    The thread at
    [1] can be helpful.
    You can save the needed objects in the app's roamingSettings.
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    Bo Liu
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    The iTunes folder that keeps re-appearing is due to the fact that iTunes requires an "iTunes" folder to exist in its default location, which is still your ~/Music folder. That newly-spawned folder, however, is (or at least should be) empty.
    What you need to do is tell iTunes that your new default is now the Time Capsule. To do this, launch iTunes while holding down the "Option" key on your keyboard, select "Choose Library..." on the prompt, and browse for the library that you copied to the Time Capsule. Hope this helps!    

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    From the manual:
    Your purchase is charged to your iTunes Store account. For additional purchases made
    within the next fifteen minutes, you don’t have to enter your password again.

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    KingDude wrote:
    Any alternatives?
    click here for tips/instructions.
    Do the following:
    1. Quit iTunes
    2. Drag the iTunes folder from your internal hd - located in ~/Music folder - to your external hd. DO NOT delete the original one from your internal hd... yet!
    3. When the transfer is complete, press and hold the Option(alt) key and fire up iTunes.
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    That's it. iTunes will now display all your playlists, songs, movies, podcasts etc. At this point, should you wish, you can delete the iTunes folder from the internal hd to free up space.
    adjust these instructions to fit your situation.
    for the future, see _*The Complete Guide to Backing Up your iTunes Library*_.

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    Chris CA wrote:
    But that's not what he should do since he is having a problem with the current system.
    just testing, Chris ...
    so, here's the walkthrough for restoring selected items:

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    Do a Time Machine backup to an external drive. It backs up everything.
    Instead of restoring from time machine backup, go into time machine and drag out the things you want to restore.
    Good luck

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    Since that password is tied to his Apple ID, you will need to contact Apple; as far as I know, it will be a somewhat lengthy procedure and you will  need to furnish necessary paperwork (including a death certificate as far as I know). Best to either stop at an Apple store or call them to find out exactly what it is you need to do.

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