How to scale image in report

I have creat a report, with own cretaed template and there i have a blob image from costume table.
How can i size the image to a fix size?
Example of displayed image at:
aplication "49667" page "1"
Thank's in advance

I believe you can use the following to format the image size:
You can get more information from here:
Re: Defining and Viewing BLOB Data Apex 3.1
- Christina

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    You could do something like this:
    <languageVersion : 1.0;>
    kernel constrained_scale
        namespace: "com.moc";
           vendor: "foo";
          version: 1;
        parameter float scale
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            dst = sampleNearest(src, scaledCoordinate);

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    Thanks for your reply and desire to help. I realize that but found that you can only adjust width or height and not even scale to get this to work,and other problems with this method.
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    Strip out your table code with F&R.  You could greatly reduce your code & page load by using CSS instead of image swap behaviors.  Same size images would produce a nicer appearance, too.
    Below, I used floated <p> tags as containers for pictures.  Copy & paste this into a new, blank document and SaveAs test.html.  Preview in browsers with various viewport widths to see the effect.
    <!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>HTML5 document</title>
    body { background: #222 }
    /**BEGIN PICS**/
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    #pics {
    width: 100%;
    margin: 55px auto;
    border: 1px solid silver;
    #pics p {
    float: left;
    width: 24%;
    text-align: center;
    /**space between**/
    margin: 0 0.25%;
    border: 1px solid #222;
    #pics img {
    max-width: 100%;
    border: 5px solid #333;
    /**opacity on linked pics**/
    #pics a img {
    /**for pre-IE8**/
    filter: alpha(opacity=90);
    /**for other browsers**/
    opacity: .90;
    /**on mouseover**/
    #pics a img:hover, #pics a img:active, #pics a img:focus {
    filter: alpha(opacity=100);
    opacity: 1.0;
    border-color: #09C;
    /* Special Rules for Mobiles */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
    #pics p{    height:110px;}
    /* Special Rules for Tablets */
    @media only screen and (min-width: 481px) {
    #pics p{    height:175px;}
    /* Special Rules for Desktops */
    @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) {
    #pics p{    height:255px;}
    /**end PICS**/
    <div id="pics">
    <p><a href="howwemet/mb3.html">
    <img src="">
    <p><a href="ww3.html">
    <img src="">
    <p><a href="bs3.html">
    <img src="">
    <p><a href="rr3.html">
    <img src="">
    <p><a href="howwemet/mb3.html">
    <img src="">
    <p><a href="ww3.html">
    <img src="">
    <p><a href="bs3.html">
    <img src="">
    <p><a href="rr3.html">
    <img src="">
    <p><a href="howwemet/mb3.html">
    <img src="">
    <p><a href="ww3.html">
    <img src="">
    <p><a href="bs3.html">
    <img src="">
    <p><a href="rr3.html">
    <img src="">
    <p><a href="wk3.html">
    <img src="">
    <p><a href="ss3.html">
    <img src="">
    <!--end #pics-->
    Nancy O.

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    You simply embed the logo in your report however It does not gets exported when the report in exported in Excel but works in PDF.
    You can fine complete details and workaround for image in excel at below link.

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    I have used four different ways to display images in my applications depending on which method is the fastest to refresh.
    1. Under Application Attributes > Edit Standard Attributes > Substitutions enter your substitution string (MY_IMAGE_URL) and substitution value(http://somewhere/img)
    and then in the region or template use the following syntax &MY_IMAGE_URL. in your html tags eg. img src="&MY_IMAGE_URL./banner.png" width="x" height="x">)
    I have found this the best for image refresh speed, especially if the image is already cached.
    2. Load your image up into Apex and don't associate it with any application and use the following tag img src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#banner.png" width="x" height="x" alt="">
    Good for development as all images not associated to an application are available.
    3. Load your image up into Apex and associate it with an application and use the following tag img src="#APP_IMAGES#banner.png" width="x" height="x" alt="">
    This can be a pain during development when your application numbers continually change.
    4. Use standard http address <img src="http://somewhere/banner.png" width="x" height="x">
    Message was edited by:

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    FLIR_IR_Monitor.jpg - a screen capture of a FLIR IR monitor utility that shows temperatures measured at a number of points and areas (showing it can be done)
    NI_VBAI.jpg - part of my VBAI 2010 project which shows the image I've acquired from the FLIR A315 IR Camera
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    Kind regards,
    Go to Solution.
    iPhone_Photo.jpg ‏239 KB
    FLIR_IR_Monitor.jpg ‏113 KB
    NI_VBAI.jpg ‏205 KB

    Image provided by FLIR camera are unsigned 16bit.
    Depending on the FLIR temperature scale you selected (10mK or 100mK), you will have to divide by a 10 or 100 factor to get K values. Don't select radiometric output.
    So if your object is cold, the population of the histogram of your image will be on the left part of it and if the object is hot, the population of the histogram will be on the right part.
    If you want your temperature values in Celcius, just add 273,15 to the Kelvin Value.
    Then you can add a color palette in VBAI (FLIR iron is available)
    Hope this helps

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    thank you for your reply, but I do not uderstand your advice clearly: If the chain link is not broken, I just resize the frame containing photo and keep that bad proportions which I want to get rid of.
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    Thank you...

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    Software & Hardware
    NI-IMAQ Vision 6.0
    NI-IMAQ for 1394 2.0.0
    Hamamatsu C4742-95
    I acqured the 12-bits gray scale image (Format7 , 640X512 size , 12bits) successfully.
    And CWIMAQViewer display the correct image of which the range is from 0(black) to 4096(white).
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    Always, CWIMAQVision object save this image to 8-bit format.
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    2. I dont't know the way to read the 12bits gray scale image that saved correctly.
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    I would recommend taking a look at the "ReadImage" Visual Basic project for more information on setting the image type and saving the image to file.  When you run the program, make sure you select 16 bit for your image.  You can also add another button to this example for saving the image.  Within the click subroutine for the button, you can add the line:
    CWIMAQVision1.WritePNGFile CWIMAQViewer1.Image, "C://image.png"
    This method will save the image in the viewer as a png file.  As long as it was loaded as a 16 bit image, it should save all of the 12 bit information into the file.  You could then test the new image by loading it using the example (you can see the pixel values by right-clicking on the viewer and selecting Settings>>Show Image Info.  The pixel value displayed in the info bar corresponds to the mouse position.
    Best Regards,
    Jesse D.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

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    I acquired a 2D array and want to transfer it into a gray scale image (12 bits) and save it into my hard disk but I don't know how to do it.
    I can use Intensity graph to show the 2Darray into gray scale image, but the intensity can not save the image in real time.
    Thank you.
    Go to Solution.

    The 24-bit is a color image with 8-bits per color channel per pixel (interleaved, if I remember correctly).  It is not a 24-bit gray-level, so I don't think it will work for you.  I believe the IMAQ library (a LabVIEW add-on) will handle 16-bit gray-scale, if you can get a copy.
    As a native LabVIEW workaround, you could also split your image into two 8-bit images, with one image representing the high bytes, the other the low.  You could then combine them when you do the analysis, if your analysis program is capable of this.
    This account is no longer active. Contact ShadesOfGray for current posts and information.

  • How to fetch images stored in database  to reports

    i have stored images in bfile type.i need to access the image.pls do inform me urgently.

    Follow the steps to access images using Reports.
    1. create the sql query in datamodel editor.
    2. Open property inspector for Bfile column
    3. Set file format property to Image.
    4. Goto Report's layout editor
    5. Create field and required frames, set field's source to BFILE column name.
    6. Now run the report
    Oracle Reports Team.

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