How to send Mp4 file on Mail

Please could some friendly person tell me how to send a recorded Mp4 track by email? I can drag it off the desktop (from iTunes) into a new message, but cannot play it back.

Why do you need to play it back? You already know what it is, so you just need to send it. Mail can't play these files; it has to use QuickTime to play them, so it's not unusual or unexpected that you can't play it in Mail.

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    Hi Sandeep,
    I think you can setup the type of email in Shared office Settings in transaction S016.
    There is an option called <Preset document classes>
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    Just  give this a shot.
    In the file adapter.
    Set  Additional File(s) .
    and follow this document how to send additional file, rules and naming conventions and  parameters.
    Itz simple.

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    Check this sample code.
    CLASS cl_abap_char_utilities DEFINITION LOAD.
    gf_etb = cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. "For horrizontal tab
    gf_cr = cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf. "For enter
    gf_lf = cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline. "For new line
      DATA:    lwa_hd_change TYPE sood1,
               lt_objcont    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF soli,
               lwa_objcont   TYPE soli,
               lt_receivers  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF soos1,
               lwa_receivers TYPE soos1 ,
               lt_att_cont   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF soli,
               lwa_att_cont  TYPE soli,
               lt_packing    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF soxpl,
               lwa_packing   TYPE soxpl,
               lf_sent       TYPE sonv-flag,
               lf_size       TYPE i.
      CONSTANTS: lc_obj(11)  TYPE c VALUE 'BOMSouthco',
                 lc_desc(20) TYPE c VALUE 'BOM Download',
                 lc_lang(1)  TYPE c VALUE 'E',
                 lc_raw(3)   TYPE c VALUE 'RAW',
                 lc_net(1)   TYPE c VALUE 'U',
                 lc_mail(4)  TYPE c VALUE 'MAIL',
                 lc_xls(3)   TYPE c VALUE 'XLS',
                 lc_ext(3)   TYPE c VALUE 'EXT'.
    Passing values to the strutures used in SO_OBJECT_SEND function module
      lwa_hd_change-objla      = lc_lang.
      lwa_hd_change-objnam     = lc_obj.
      lwa_hd_change-objdes     = lc_desc.
      lwa_hd_change-objlen     = 255.
      lwa_objcont-line = text-t29.
      APPEND lwa_objcont TO lt_objcont.
      CLEAR lwa_objcont.
      lwa_receivers-recextnam  = text-t31.
      lwa_receivers-recesc     = lc_net.
      lwa_receivers-sndart     = lc_mail.
      lwa_receivers-sndex      = 'X'.
      lwa_receivers-sndpri     = 1.
      lwa_receivers-mailstatus = 'E'.
      APPEND lwa_receivers TO lt_receivers.
      CLEAR lwa_receivers.
      lwa_receivers-recextnam  = text-t30.
      lwa_receivers-recesc     = lc_net.
      lwa_receivers-sndart     = lc_mail.
      lwa_receivers-sndex      = 'X'.
      lwa_receivers-sndpri     = 1.
      lwa_receivers-mailstatus = 'E'.
      APPEND lwa_receivers TO lt_receivers.
      CLEAR lwa_receivers.
    Passing values for the attachment file
      LOOP AT gt_output INTO gwa_output.
        CONCATENATE gf_lf  gwa_output-matnr  gf_etb  gwa_output-idnrk  gf_etb
                    gwa_output-type   gf_etb  gwa_output-menge   gf_etb
                    gwa_output-meins  gf_etb  gwa_output-comp    gf_etb
          INTO lwa_att_cont-line.
        APPEND lwa_att_cont TO lt_att_cont.
        CLEAR lwa_att_cont.
      CHECK lt_att_cont IS NOT INITIAL.
      DESCRIBE TABLE lt_att_cont LINES lf_size.
      lwa_packing-transf_bin = ' '.
      lwa_packing-head_start = 1.
      lwa_packing-head_num   = 0.
      lwa_packing-body_start = 1.
      lwa_packing-body_num   = lf_size.
      lwa_packing-file_ext   = lc_xls.
      lwa_packing-objlen     = lf_size * 255.
      lwa_packing-objtp      = lc_ext.
      lwa_packing-objdes     = lc_desc.
      lwa_packing-objnam     = lc_obj.
      APPEND lwa_packing TO lt_packing.
      CLEAR lwa_packing.
      CHECK gf_error IS NOT INITIAL. "Check if unix file is written
    FM to send email to the intended recipients
          object_hd_change           = lwa_hd_change
          object_type                = lc_raw
          sent_to_all                = lf_sent
          objcont                    = lt_objcont
          receivers                  = lt_receivers
          packing_list               = lt_packing
          att_cont                   = lt_att_cont
          active_user_not_exist      = 1
          communication_failure      = 2
          component_not_available    = 3
          folder_not_exist           = 4
          folder_no_authorization    = 5
          forwarder_not_exist        = 6
          note_not_exist             = 7
          object_not_exist           = 8
          object_not_sent            = 9
          object_no_authorization    = 10
          object_type_not_exist      = 11
          operation_no_authorization = 12
          owner_not_exist            = 13
          parameter_error            = 14
          substitute_not_active      = 15
          substitute_not_defined     = 16
          system_failure             = 17
          too_much_receivers         = 18
          user_not_exist             = 19
          originator_not_exist       = 20
          x_error                    = 21
          OTHERS                     = 22.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        MESSAGE s004 WITH text-t34.
    Reward if helpful.

  • How to send sapmails to external mail systems

    how to send sapmails to external mail systems....
    like if we want to mail a purchase order from SAP System to * or

    hi manish,
    u can do it.
    chk this .
    chk this code
    DATA: objpack LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 2 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: objhead LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: objbin LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: objtxt LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: reclist LIKE somlreci1 OCCURS 5 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: doc_chng LIKE sodocchgi1.
    *& Form f_send_mail
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM f_send_mail .
    *store the vendor name, vendor email id , employee name and employee
    *email id in the internal table int_crb
    Creation of the document to be sent
    CLEAR doc_chng.
    REFRESH objpack.
    REFRESH objhead.
    REFRESH reclist.
    REFRESH objtxt.
    File Name
    doc_chng-obj_name = 'SHIPMENT'.
    Mail Subject
    CONCATENATE 'Shipment Document No.' int_crb_mail-shipdocnum
    INTO doc_chng-obj_descr SEPARATED BY ' '.
    Mail Contents
    objtxt-line = 'Hi,'.
    APPEND objtxt.
    objtxt-line = ' '.
    APPEND objtxt.
    CONCATENATE 'Shipment Document Number ' int_crb_mail-shipdocnum
    ' cleared for move.' INTO objtxt-line SEPARATED BY ' '.
    APPEND objtxt.
    objtxt-line = ' '.
    APPEND objtxt.
    CLEAR objtxt.
    objtxt-line = 'Regards '.
    APPEND objtxt.
    objtxt-line = ' '.
    APPEND objtxt.
    objtxt-line = 'SAP '.
    APPEND objtxt.
    CLEAR objtxt.
    APPEND objtxt.
    DESCRIBE TABLE objtxt LINES tab_lines.
    READ TABLE objtxt INDEX tab_lines.
    doc_chng-doc_size = ( tab_lines - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN(
    objtxt ).
    Creation of the entry for the compressed document
    CLEAR objpack-transf_bin.
    objpack-head_start = 1.
    objpack-head_num = 0.
    objpack-body_start = 1.
    objpack-body_num = tab_lines.
    objpack-doc_type = 'RAW'.
    APPEND objpack.
    Completing the recipient list
    target recipent
    CLEAR reclist.
    reclist-receiver = int_crb_mail-empperid. "employee email ID
    reclist-express = 'X'.
    reclist-rec_type = 'U'.
    APPEND reclist.
    copy recipents
    CLEAR reclist.
    reclist-receiver = int_crb_mail-smtp_addr."vendor email id
    reclist-express = 'X'.
    reclist-rec_type = 'U'.
    reclist-copy = 'X'.
    APPEND reclist.
    Sending the document
    document_data = doc_chng
    packing_list = objpack
    object_header = objhead
    contents_bin = objbin
    contents_txt = objtxt
    receivers = reclist
    too_many_receivers = 1
    document_not_sent = 2
    operation_no_authorization = 4
    OTHERS = 99.
    SUBMIT rsconn01
    WITH mode = 'INT'
    WITH output = ' '
    ENDFORM. " f_send_mail
    for any clarifiaction pls mail me.
    pls reward points, if this helped u.
    [email protected]

  • How to send a file from FTP to external server

    My requirement is to send a file from FTP to D3(External) server.
    Now I am able to store the file in Appln server.
    I want to send the file created by the program thru FTP to D3 server.
    I know the username,Password,HostID,RFC destination details.
    How to send the file from FTP to D3.
    If u have any program,Plz send it...
    I dont want the function modules name...I want the example code ....
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sumi,
    You could do it so that you create a .bat or .cmd script to your server which does your ftp transfer.
    To do this you must use sm69 to create a external operating system command which you can call from FM SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE. To SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE you the file you need to transfer as a parameter.
    What happens is that your abap program passes the file to windows batch script (.bat .cmd) which will then do the transfer for you.
    Here's a sample of ftp-script for windows:
    echo open IP_ADDRESS_TO_YOUR_SERVER > c:zftp_transfer.ftp
    echo USERNAME>> c:zftp_transfer.ftp
    echo PASSWORD>> c:zftp_transfer.ftp
    echo put YOUR_FILE>> c:zftp_transfer.ftp
    echo quit>> c:zftp_transfer.ftp
    ftp -s:c:zftp_transfer.ftp
    also take a look here for more details:
    Ok, this might be a bit trivial but if your server is unix/aix etc.. Instead of using batch script you must do a shell script.

  • HELP!!! - How to send a file to a server?

    How to send a file(as it is) to the server i'm connected to, if i have access to the output-stream?

    Ummm read the APIs of anything you don't understand. Documentation is your friend, I hope you are not being lazy. But I'm in a good mood so here:
    // Make sure you try to catch any IOExceptions
    // Code expanded for clarity;
    OutputStream yourOutputStream = getYourOutputStream; // You said you can get the outputstream to the server/socket. I assume you made a connection.
    BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(
    yourOutputStream ); // Always a good idea to use buffers
    // Your object is your file
    File yourObject = new File("blabla.jpg");
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(yourObject);
    byte[] b = new byte[1024]; // A good size read
    while( != -1){// read 1024 bytes into array at a time, returns -1 at end of file
       bos.write(); //write to the server
    fis.close(); // close the inputstream
    yourObject = null; // help the gc
    bos.flush(); // flush the buffer, close does this, but it is good form
    bos.close(); // close the output to the server--Thunder
    PS - The Duketer is in!

  • How to send a file to a web service

    I am developing a web service application which needs to accept a CAD model as input. Would any one tell me how to send a file from a client application to service provider.
    thanks in advance

    You can use mime encoding inside your SOAP request, something like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    </soap:Envelope>This can even be accomplished from within Pl/Sql. Otherwise you can use the WS-Attachment feature which is (I think) not yet supported by Oracle.

  • How to send a file as an attachment using mailx

    Can any one tel me how to send a file as an attachment using mailx command in shell script.

    Wrong forum where to ask such questions.
    Check this one link:

  • How to send JPG images in MAIL?

    I'm having a problem in sending JPG files in MAIL. Nobody can open de files i send. Need Help.

    Makes sure extensions are fully apparent, checks the form of preview that may have been created on the Mac for its use. Two support documents are linked below, and the one for earlier version of Mail is still useful:
    If you were sending to someone using a really old version Mac OS, it might be a hinderance, btw.
    The issues that can arise from use of Rich Text Format are separate issues, and relate to MS and AOL not processing RTF from other systems.
    Message was edited by: Ernie Stamper

  • How to send XML file to https server using POST

    Hi, I am having an requirement, that I have to connect to https server and I have to pass an input XML file as a response server will give me output XML file.
    The certificate validation part is over, I am using FileInputStream to read the XML file and attaching this to connection.getOutputStream(); but server is throwing me DTD does n't match.
    Can any body tell me how to send XML file, I have to use any DOM parser to send the XML file, suggest me and give me sample code.

    Can anybody give me the solution

  • How to edit xml file particular value. and how to send xml file over ip address using ftp

    how to edit xml file particular value. and how to send xml file over ip address device using ftp through Ethernet

    For using FTP function in LabVIEW, I recommend you to check this document: FTP Basics
    Also, take a look at FTP, which is available at the Example Finder.
    To edit a XML file, try to use VIs in XML palette. Maybe Write to helps you.
    Post your current VI if possible.

  • How to send txt file  as attachement in email

    Hi Experts ,
    How to send  txt file  as attachement in email .
    which function module i use

    Try to use this one
    Hope it can solve your problem!
    Good luck!

  • Very urjent how to send report output in mail

    hi experts,
    how to send report output in mail which function module should i use wht parameters should i pass.
    thanks in addavnce,
    points to be awarded.

                destination    = '026c'
                copies         = count
                list_name      = 'VATS_ASBUILT'
                list_text      = v_list
                immediately    = 'X'
                release        = 'X'
                new_list_id    = 'X'
                expiration     = days
                line_size      = 132
                line_count     = 65
                layout         = 'X_65_132'
    *            sap_cover_page = 'X'
    *            cover_page     = 'X'
                receiver       = 'SAP*'
                department     = 'VATS'
                no_dialog      = 'X'
                out_parameters = params
                valid          = valid.
      SUBMIT zppr_vats_asbuilt  WITH p_aufnr EQ v_aufnr
                      SPOOL PARAMETERS params
                         AND RETURN.
      SELECT SINGLE rqident FROM tsp01 INTO l_spoolno
                         WHERE rqtitle = v_list .
    * convert report to PDF format
                src_spoolid              = l_spoolno
                no_dialog                = 'X'
                pdf                      = l_ipdf
                err_no_abap_spooljob     = 1
                err_no_spooljob          = 2
                err_no_permission        = 3
                err_conv_not_possible    = 4
                err_bad_destdevice       = 5
                user_cancelled           = 6
                err_spoolerror           = 7
                err_temseerror           = 8
                err_btcjob_open_failed   = 9
                err_btcjob_submit_failed = 10
                err_btcjob_close_failed  = 11
                OTHERS                   = 12.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        EXIT .
    Now comes the part to send the mail
    * -------- create persistent send request ------------------------
          send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
          clear document.
    * -------- create and set document with attachment ---------------
    * create document from internal table with text
          document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
          i_type = 'RAW'
          i_text = text
          i_length = '12'
          i_subject = '' ).
    *changing the content of the attachment
          binary_content[] = l_iobjbin[].
    *change the name of the PDF attachment
          concatenate 'Build ID' s_buildid_i 'Rev' v_buildid_rev
                              into i_att_sub separated by space.
    * add attachment to document
          call method document->add_attachment
              i_attachment_type    = 'PDF'
              i_attachment_subject = i_att_sub
              i_att_content_hex    = binary_content.
    *setting the option to send an e-mail more than 50 characters
          call method send_request->set_message_subject
              ip_subject = t_sub.
    * add document to send request
          call method send_request->set_document
              i_document = document.
    * --------- set sender -------------------------------------------
    * note: this is necessary only if you want to set the sender
    * different from actual user (SY-UNAME). Otherwise sender is
    * set automatically with actual user.
          sender = cl_sapuser_bcs=>create( 'VATSUPPORT' ).
          call method send_request->set_sender
              i_sender = sender.
    *Send the list based on receivers list obtained
          loop at l_ireclist.
            AD_SMTPADR = l_ireclist-receiver.
    * --------- add recipient (e-mail address) -----------------------
    * create recipient - please replace e-mail address !!!
          recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address(
          AD_SMTPADR ).
    * add recipient with its respective attributes to send request
          call method send_request->add_recipient
              i_recipient = recipient
              i_express   = 'X'.
          call method send_request->set_status_attributes
              i_requested_status = 'E'
              i_status_mail      = 'E'.
    * To send the mail immediately
          call method send_request->set_send_immediately( 'X' ).
    * ---------- send document ---------------------------------------
          call method send_request->send( ).
          commit work.

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