How To Set Excel Column Format Latebinding

private void WriteToExcel(ref System.Data.DataTable dtExcel)
//Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application oXL = null;
//Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook oWB;s
//Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet oSheet;
//SaveFileDialog SFD = new SaveFileDialog();
//SFD.Filter = "Excel 97-2003 Workbook(*.xls)|*.xls|Excel Workbook(*.xlsx)|*.xlsx|Excel Binary Workbook(*.xlsb)|*.xlsb|" +
//"Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook(*.xlsm)|*.xlsm";
/*Cell Format Text,
Format Excel cells to store values as text
Formating Excel cells to text format will solve the problem of losing leading zeo values when you export data from other data sources to excel.
Excel.Range formatRange;
formatRange = xlWorkSheet.get_Range("a1", "b1");
formatRange.NumberFormat = "@";
xlWorkSheet.Cells[1, 1] = "098";
if (dgvData.RowCount == 0)
MessageBox.Show("GridView is Empty.");
tlsStatus.Text = "Export To Excel Strats.... ";
tlsStatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.DeepPink;
prbExcelGen.Value = 0;
prbExcelGen.Minimum = 0;
prbExcelGen.Maximum = dgvData.RowCount;
prbExcelGen.Step = 1;
object objApp_Late;
object objBook_Late;
object objBooks_Late;
object objSheets_Late;
object objSheet_Late;
object objRange_Late;
object[] Parameters;
string[] headers = new string[dgvData .ColumnCount];
string[] columns = new string[dgvData.ColumnCount];
int i = 0;
int c = 0;
for (c = 0; c <= dgvData.ColumnCount - 1; c++)
headers[c] = dgvData.Rows[0].Cells[c].OwningColumn.Name.ToString();
//Convert Cell Names To A,B,C...Z , 65+C=CHR(C)=>A WHEN C=0
i = c + 65;
columns[c] = Convert.ToString((char)i);
// Get the class type and instantiate Excel.
Type objClassType;
objClassType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Excel.Application");
objApp_Late = Activator.CreateInstance(objClassType);
//Get the workbooks collection.
objBooks_Late = objApp_Late.GetType().InvokeMember("Workbooks",BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, objApp_Late, null);
//Add a new workbook.
objBook_Late = objBooks_Late.GetType().InvokeMember("Add",BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, objBooks_Late, null);
//Get the worksheets collection.
objSheets_Late = objBook_Late.GetType().InvokeMember("Worksheets",BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, objBook_Late, null);
//Get the first worksheet.
Parameters = new Object[1];
Parameters[0] = 1;
objSheet_Late = objSheets_Late.GetType().InvokeMember("Item",
BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, objSheets_Late, Parameters);
//if (true)
// Create the headers in the first row of the sheet
for (c = 0; c <= dgvData.ColumnCount - 1; c++)
//Get a range object that contains cell.
Parameters = new Object[2];
Parameters[0] = columns[c] + "1";
Parameters[1] = Missing.Value;
objRange_Late = objSheet_Late.GetType().InvokeMember("Range",
BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, objSheet_Late, Parameters);
//Write Headers in cell.
Parameters = new Object[1];
Parameters[0] = headers[c];
objRange_Late.GetType().InvokeMember("Value", BindingFlags.SetProperty,
null, objRange_Late, Parameters);
// Now add the data from the grid to the sheet starting in row 2
for (i = 0; i < dgvData.RowCount - 1; i++)
for (c = 0; c <= dgvData.ColumnCount - 1; c++)
//Get a range object that contains cell.
Parameters = new Object[2];
Parameters[0] = columns[c] + Convert.ToString(i + 2);
Parameters[1] = Missing.Value;
objRange_Late = objSheet_Late.GetType().InvokeMember("Range",
BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, objSheet_Late, Parameters);
//Write Headers in cell.
Parameters = new Object[1];
Parameters[0] = dgvData.Rows[i].Cells[headers[c]].Value.ToString();
objRange_Late.GetType().InvokeMember("Value", BindingFlags.SetProperty,
null, objRange_Late, Parameters);
//if (i == 0)
// BoldRow(i, c, (EXL._Worksheet)objSheet_Late);
tlsStatus.Text = "Exporting Records...." + i;
//Return control of Excel to the user.
Parameters = new Object[1];
Parameters[0] = true;
tlsStatus.Text = "Exporting Completed.";
objApp_Late.GetType().InvokeMember("Visible", BindingFlags.SetProperty,
null, objApp_Late, Parameters);
objApp_Late.GetType().InvokeMember("UserControl", BindingFlags.SetProperty,
null, objApp_Late, Parameters);
* oWB.SaveAs(fileName, Excel.XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbook,
missing, missing, missing, missing,
missing, missing, missing, missing, missing);
//oWB = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook)objBook_Late;
//oWB.SaveAs("file", EXL.XlFileFormat.xlXMLSpreadsheet, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, EXL.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
catch (Exception theException)
String errorMessage;
errorMessage = "Error: ";
errorMessage = String.Concat(errorMessage, theException.Message);
errorMessage = String.Concat(errorMessage, " Line: ");
errorMessage = String.Concat(errorMessage, theException.Source);
using the above code i am writing to excel sheet can some one help me to tell how can i set a column type as text 

Thanks Forum,
i got the answer here

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    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to set the column order of a sealed column in a custom Content Type for the new item form NewDocSet.aspx.
    Per my knowledge, if you have Content Type management enabled for the list or library (if you see a list of content type with the option to add more), the display order of columns is set for each content type.
    Drill down into one of them and you'll see the option under the list of columns for that content type.
    To apply the column order in the NewDocSet.aspx page, you need to:
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    Run two timer jobs(Content Type Hub, Content Type Subscriber) in central admin(Central Administration--> Monitoring--> Review timer jobs).
    More information:
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    As to #1, you should study the iOS HIG - doing what you have in mind might be a good way to risk rejection and not have your app make it into the store.
    On devices running iOS v4.1 and greater  you can use the following:
    myTextField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad;
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    If you just need to reformat a correct date to show up as dd/mm/yyyy, just use the "Format Cells" command and set a custom format string to exactly that. If, on the other hand, you are finding that Excel just doesn't get that the first value is a DAY, not a month, such as trying to graph a temperature data logger that records data in dd/mm/yyyy:
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    Hallo !
    I tried to set page header and  footer in Excel sheet with abap ole
    DATA : BEGIN OF enter,
             x(1) TYPE x VALUE '0D',
            END OF enter.
    DATA : format(255) TYPE c.
    FORM set_page_sheet.
      CALL METHOD OF excel 'ActiveSheet' = sheet.
      CALL METHOD OF sheet 'PageSetup' = pagesetup.
      SET PROPERTY OF pagesetup 'Orientation' = xllandscape.
      SET PROPERTY OF pagesetup 'PrintTitleRows' = '$9:$12'.
      CLEAR format.
      CONCATENATE 'PAGESHEET' enter-x 'PAGE &P/&N' INTO format.
      SET PROPERTY OF pagesetup 'RightHeader' = format.
      CLEAR format.
      CONCATENATE ' Text 1 ' enter-x 'Text 2'
    enter-x 'Text 3 ' INTO format.
      SET PROPERTY OF pagesetup 'RightFooter' = format.
      FREE OBJECT pagesetup.
    ENDFORM.                    " set_page_sheet
    Activate report -
    ERROR - The enter-x must by data type c or another then data type x
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    Got the answer. How I wish this can be define declaratively.
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    OATableBean table01 = (OATableBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("table01RN");
    table01.queryData(pageContext, true);
    DataObjectList aColFormat01 = table01.getColumnFormats() ; ColFormat01 =(, "ColLabel"));
    //Column Width
    ColFormat01.put(WIDTH_KEY, "30%");
    //Column Format - Right-aligned varchar
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    Regards ,

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    hi all , i have same problem like i want only 1 report to be generated like for ex:only PDF should be generated n all others has to be disabled. my jsp is as follows:
    <%@page import=",
         // This sample code calls methods from the JRCHelperSample class, which
         // contains examples of how to use the BusinessObjects APIs. You are free to
         // modify and distribute the source code contained in the JRCHelperSample class.
         try {
              ResourceBundle messageBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("resources.ApplicationResources");
              String reportName = messageBundle.getString("report.path");
              ReportClientDocument clientDoc = (ReportClientDocument) session.getAttribute(reportName);
              if (clientDoc == null) {
                   // Report can be opened from the relative location specified in the CRConfig.xml, or the report location
                   // tag can be removed to open the reports as Java resources or using an absolute path
                   // (absolute path not recommended for Web applications).
                   clientDoc = new ReportClientDocument();
                   // Open report
         , OpenReportOptions._openAsReadOnly);
                   // ****** BEGIN CHANGE DATASOURCE SNIPPET **************** 
                        String connectString = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@****:db;
                        String driverName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
                        String JNDIName = "";
                        String userName = "root";               // TODO: Fill in database user
                        String password = "root";          // TODO: Fill in password
                        // Switch all tables on the main report and sub reports
                        JRCHelper.changeDataSource(clientDoc, userName, password, connectString, driverName, JNDIName);
                   // ****** END CHANGE DATASOURCE SNIPPET ****************      
                   // Store the report document in session
                   session.setAttribute(reportName, clientDoc);
                   // ****** BEGIN CONNECT CRYSTALREPORTPAGEVIEWER SNIPPET **************** 
                        // Create the CrystalReportViewer object
                        CrystalReportViewer crystalReportPageViewer = new CrystalReportViewer();
                        ReportExportControl exporter = new ReportExportControl();
                        //     set the reportsource property of the viewer
                        JPEReportSourceFactory rptSrcFactory = new JPEReportSourceFactory();
                        IReportSource reportSource = (IReportSource)rptSrcFactory.createReportSource(reportName,request.getLocale());
                        Boolean b1 = new Boolean(messageBundle.getString("Toggle.Group.TreeButton"));
                        Boolean b2 = new Boolean(messageBundle.getString("Has.ExportButton"));
                        Boolean b3 = new Boolean(messageBundle.getString("Has.SearchButton"));
                        Boolean b4 = new Boolean(messageBundle.getString("Display.GroupTree"));
                        Boolean b5 = new Boolean(messageBundle.getString("Has.Logo"));
                        Boolean b6 = new Boolean(messageBundle.getString("Display.Toolbar"));
                        crystalReportPageViewer.processHttpRequest(request, response, application, null);
                        IReportSource reportSource = (IReportSource)rptSrcFactory.createReportSource(reportName,request.getLocale());
                        //CharacterSeparatedValuesExportFormatOptions csvOptions = new CharacterSeparatedValuesExportFormatOptions();
                        ExportOptions exportOptions = new ExportOptions();
                        exporter.processHttpRequest(request, response, application, null);
                   // ****** END CONNECT CRYSTALREPORTPAGEVIEWER SNIPPET ****************          
         } catch (ReportSDKExceptionBase e) {
    if i want to add custom button where to add

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    When Viewing Crystal Reports in InfoView, the top left button can choose export file format, how to set it default to Excel?

    Hi Jennie Xiang,
    You can set the default export format in Crystal designer before publishing in infoview.
    Open the report in Crystal designer and go to file>export>export options--> select the export option to xls and check the options that you want and click on OK.
    Now try exporting the report by clicking on export button then you can see the first option as xls with all format options that you have selected before by default.
    By saving this report at server (infoview) you can get the same options while exporting from viewer.

  • How to set a column size in sqldeveloper?

    Like in subject.. I want to set standard output in sqldeveloper, but this command doesn't work:
    column object_name Heading 'name' format a40
    Someone know where it should be set?
    I think about "Script output" of course!! Not any graphical one ;)
    Message was edited by:

    The statement column is not supported in SQL Developer.
    See Help > SQL Developer Concepts and Usage > Using the SQL Worksheet > SQL*Plus Statements Supported and Not Supported in SQL Worksheet.
    But you can use substr in the select statement to set the column width.
    For example:
    select substr(object_name,1,40) "Object", object_name
    from user_objects
    Run the statement as a script and see the difference between both columns.

  • How to set JTable column's color?

    How can I set JTable Columns' color? I only found this class DefaultTableCellRenderer
    which can set cell's color.

    rmalina wrote:
    You are going to need to derive a renderer class for your Column from DefaultTableCellRenderer and override the following function with something like this:
         public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable jTable, Object oValue, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int nRow, int nColumn) {
    }That would set your column to green.
    Edited by: rmalina on Jul 28, 2008 8:47 AMHow can I know I only change the columns' color instead of other cells?

Maybe you are looking for