How to set JComboBox index

How can I set the JComboBox index if just know the value of it?
combo.addItem("gray");Then I want the combo shows (selects when loaded the values) the value "green", assuming I dont know the index of if.
How to do that?

Sorry, I did not make myself clear here.
Let's say I have this:
combo.addItem("green - 1");
combo.addItem("red - 2");
combo.addItem("yellow  - 3");
combo.addItem("black - 4");
combo.addItem("blue - 5");
combo.addItem("pink  - 6");Then I have SELECT returning some code, let's say code 5 (which is blue in the list).
Now I want to select the color blue.

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    1st Problem
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    2nd Problem
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    All help is very much appreciated!

    Oh No! But its worked perfectly in the past.  Had no idea about fireworks not being able to used.... whoops! 
    The code is:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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    <map name="m_index_r8_c1_s1" id="m_index_r8_c1_s1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="22,0,137,19" href="" alt="" />
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    <area shape="rect" coords="18,0,136,15" href="" alt="" />
    <map name="m_index_r12_c2_s1" id="m_index_r12_c2_s1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,129,18" href="Publications/JPSS_FeteNewsletter_Issue01.pdf" alt="" />
    <map name="m_index_r14_c2_s1" id="m_index_r14_c2_s1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,129,17" href="Publications/JPSS_Newsletter_Issue02.pdf" alt="" />
    <map name="m_index_r16_c19_s1" id="m_index_r16_c19_s1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,162,17" href="mailto: [email protected]" alt="" />
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    <area shape="rect" coords="0,-16,162,1" href="mailto: [email protected]" alt="" />
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    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,164,16" href="mailto: [email protected]" alt="" />
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    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,38,20" href="javascript:;" alt="" />

  • How to set selectedChild/Index of TileList ViewStack item

    Hello, I currently have a TileList that has 6 items. I am currently rendering each item as a ViewStack (as shown below), but when I try to set the selectedIndex attribute of the object, it doesnt work...the content1 content shows up for each item instead of object w/ id = N showing content N. Any ideas how I can get this to work?
    <mx:TileList >
                            <mx:HBox  id="content"1>
                                  <mx:Label text="card 1  Content" />
                            <mx:HBox id="content2">
                                    <mx:Label text="card 2 Content" />
                               <mx:HBox id="content6">
                                    <mx:Label text="card 6 Content" />
                <mx:Object id="obj1" selectedIndex="0"/>
                <mx:Object id="obj2" selectedIndex="1"/>
                <mx:Object id="obj6" selectedIndex="5"  />

    try this
    <mx:TileList >
                        <mx:ViewStack selectedIndex="{data.selectedIndex}">

  • How to set item #2 in a JCombobox as selected default ?

    JCombobox always set item #1 as default.
    How to set item #2 or #3 or another # (except #1) as selected default ?

    there is a method called setSelectedIndex(int index)
    pass the index which u want to get selected by default.
    Call this method after loading the data to the comboBox
    for ex cbo.setSelectedIndex(1);
    Hope this helps

  • How to set and retrive the index log path stored by parameter LOG_DIRECTORY

    how to set and retrive the index log path stored by parameter LOG_DIRECTORY.

  • How to set the option Bit-mapped indexes to true ?

    I a not a an Oracle Administrator. Usually, I just use Oracle as developper. I have got a Oracle 10g database. I can not import data in my database because the Bit-mapped options is not set.
    When I type
    select banner from v$version
    I get this result :
    Oracle Database 10g Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    I run the import and I get this error :
    IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 439:
    IMP-00003: ORACLE error 439 encountered
    ORA-00439: feature not enabled: Bit-mapped indexes
    I typed the command :
    I get the result :
    Bit-mapped indexes
    How to set this parameter to true ?
    Best regards,

    I beleiev that you are on Standard Edition.Bitmap indexes can be used only when you are working with Enterprise edition.
    SQL> select  * from V$option where parameter like '%Bit%';
    Bit-mapped indexes
    SQL> select * from V$version;
    Oracle Database 11g *Enterprise Edition* Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    SQL>I guess you see the entry coming of Enterprise Edition in my banner.This is missing in your V$version, so you are using Standard Edition install.
    You need to move to Enterprise edition to use Bitmap Indexes.
    Edited by: Aman.... on Dec 11, 2008 3:09 PM
    added a little more.

  • How can i reuse same variables that i create using c:set var="index" /

    hi all,
    please some one helpme!!!!!!
    how can i reuse same variable that i create using
    <c:set var="index" value="${0}"/>
    cause later in the program i use index to do some condition and based on that i increment ...
    so for example if i say...
    <c:if test="${index==0}">
    <c:set var="index" value="${index+1}"/>
    will it be like
    can i do like i did be4. if not what do i need to do to reuse. cause i use the variable atleast 5 time and its keep changing on diff condition level.

    Have you tried it?
    It should work, provided you are on the same page.
    The c:set tag creates the variable in pageScope by default.
    If you forward to another JSP you need to set the scope to be "request" so that it is still available.

  • How to set index to tables?

    My database is having more than 50000 tables, I would like to set index to all my tables, please suggest me how to set index to 50000 tables...?

    user10737570 wrote:
    My DB version running on IBM-AIX....Thanks for it
    As is said earlier my DB consist of 50k tables.
    Each table consist of millions of rows.
    So, while I try to access some rows, It takes more time (especially while running long query)
    Now I decided to set index to the tables by giving
    create index fbind on fdtab(owner);
    so that an index has been created with taking nearly 5 hours.
    so there are thousands of tables left to set the index.....Its an utterly bad idea to create indexes assuming that their presence will make the queries faster. The data selection, predicates, conditions, statistics of the tables, good/bad sql and lastly, optimizer issues, they all play a very important role in the performance. Just assuming that with index creation , your queries will be faster, I don't think its a reasonable thought to have. You have got a lot of tables as per your saying , it would take huge resource and time to create indexes on all of the tables. In addition to this issue, not all the tables would be requiring the similar type of indexes as well. Some may require B-tree while others may rquire Bitmap. Also , you must note that indexes will make dmls more slower. So Ishall again suggest that you benchmark the creation of indexes with a little more care.

  • How do I set cursor.index to anywhere in the graph array?

    I am using LV 8.5.1 and feeding an XY graph with an X-Y array of data. Only a section of the array is displayed on the graph. I have a cursor (single-plot).
    I would like to set Cursor.Index property node of the cursor associated with the plot to the maximum index value of the graphed array regardless of the XScale range. I don't seem to be able to do it. I cannot set it beyond a certain number. When I rescale the graph I have a new maximum number. Is this what should happen?
    To get around this, I am momentarily setting the XScale.ScaleFit property to 1, which then allows me to set Cursor.Index to maximum (I then immediately reduce my scale range appropriately). I am having to do this before every occurrence of setting the Cursor.Index in case the new setting exceeds the currently allowed maximum value. Just seems a bit clunky.
    Thanks for any help.

    This is no longer a problem. My data is too big to feasibly be fed into a graph so am having to chop it up and use my own index pointer.

  • How we set up multiple websites on OSX Server

    After fiddling and futzing around for weeks (actually since last year) I've finally figured out how to set up multiple websites (virtual sites) using one port and one IP address. While there seems to be lots of discussion on this topic, it seems that the basic assumption is that one knows everything about websites, DNS and all that stuff, which I do not.
    When our network was originally established the engineer set up a wiki and also configured webmail, so we had two sites, one secured for mail and the other open for Calendar and the wiki. We were not hosting any websites locally because our school website is hosted by a company in New England.
    This year I wanted to set up websites for teachers and students. As great as the wiki is, there are some things it just can't do as well as a website. So I figured if I set up the sites teachers could link back and forth from one to the other. In addition kids could now start to use a real website instead of the cobbled together file mess I had when we ran a Windows network. Also iWeb is a much more accessible tool than FrontPage.
    Snow Leopard Server - 10.6.4
    There are two - actually three pieces if you want your iWeb clients to connect to the server: Server Side Web Services, DNS and, in my case, FTP.
    ================================================ SERVER SIDE - WEB SERVICES
    If you haven't turned on Web services, you'll need to open Server Admin and do that. If you don't know how to set up web services - just reply and I'll step you through that as well.
    Once web services are set up and turned on, you'll see it listed under your server’s name in the Server Admin sidebar. Click on "Web" and then click on the "Sites" tab at the top of page. This is where you list all your sites.
    Click the plus button and enter the fully qualified name of your site, for example: "". Don't use the defaults here (no name) - that's what got me in trouble before. BE SPECIFIC!
    You'll be looking at the "General" tab (the other tabs, "Options", "Realms", etc. we'll deal with in a second).
    On the "General Tab", the default IP address ("any") and port (80) is just fine. We'll run everything over port 80. (Apache figures all the virtual site stuff out - you don't need your rocket science degree for that.)
    "Web Folder:" is important because this is how you'll "segment" your websites. While I would NEVER do this again, we have a solid state hard drive for the OS and a RAID array for our data files. IF you have that, make sure you do NOT use the default "Web Folder" because it will store all your files on your solid state drive. There may not be enough room, over time, on that drive. I've not experienced it yet, but it's my understanding that if the drive fills up, the server shuts down.
    I store my web sites on a folder on the RAID array.
    Everything else on that tab can be left as the default. (Just make sure that you have an "index.html" or "index.php" file in your web folder root, but iWeb will take care of that for you.)
    I would put in your email address in the "Administrator Email:" field.
    Under "Options" you really don't have to put anything. I've tested making websites with iWeb and it doesn't appear that anything needs to be checked.
    Nothing needs to be entered in "Realms" as well from what I see working w/ iWeb.
    The defaults in "Logging" are fine.
    You can leave "Security" alone, but we do have a (self-issued) certificate listed for our webmail site.
    "Aliases" is important. Under "Web Server Aliases" you enter how you want the site to respond to when users type in a URL in their web browsers.
    When our web server was initially set up the engineer set up "" on port 80 and "" on port 443. In the aliases section was nothing but a "*" (the wildcard character). That means, from what I can figure out, that the webserver will respond to these sites regardless of what is typed in the URL. (Well, something like that - point is, if you create OTHER websites, you'll NEVER get to them because the wildcard character in the "Aliases" section, in effect, grabs those web requests and redirects them to the sites that are already there.
    In my case I deleted both of those wild card characters. For my "" site, I entered "". That means if you type EITHER "wiki." or "mail.", go to the site that’s stored in the “Web Folder” we set up when those sites were created.
    For "" I just DELETED the wildcard character. I wanted that site (since it was secured) only to respond to "mail." - nothing else. (You're not going to that secured site for any other reason than to get your mail.)
    "Proxy" can be left blank. Have no idea what that does. As time permits I'll do some research and figure out what it's used for.
    "Web Services" is if you want to provide any MORE services to this particular site. Most likely you'll want to uncheck all the boxes. For our "wiki." site, we have checked "Wikis", "Blogs", and "Calendar". For our "mail." site we have those checked PLUS "Mail".
    I would create a separate "Web Folder" for each of your sites. I don't know if that's a requirement but for housekeeping purposes, I would keep the sites separated. And I SUSPECT that it's "best practice" to separate your wiki from your other websites.
    SERVER SIDE - DNS you have to make your site reachable and the only way to do that is to set up DNS so that folks don't need to type in the IP address of your web server. You need to set up DNS inside your network and, if you want folks in the outside world to reach your website, you'll need to set up an external DNS as well. I'm going to cover INTERNAL DNS - if you don't know how to set up EXTERNAL DNS - reply or email me and I'll post those instructions.
    Most likely you have already created Zones for you network...all you really need to do is create "Aliases" so that when you type "" your web browser will know that site resides on IP address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.
    If you've set up Zones then you already have a "Machine" setting that translates your server’s name to an IP address and vice versa.
    All you need to do is create an "Alias" (CNAME) record for, in this case, "students". You’ll see the choices for types of records when you click the "Add Record" button.
    There are only two fields to configure for a record: "Alias Name" - in this case "students" and "Destination" - in this case "". (You've already entered a machine record that says "servername" = 192.168.1.x.)
    That's it for Internal DNS.
    Now you have to get iWeb to communicate with the webserver.
    There are only three ways iWeb will communicate with webservers: MobileMe, Local Folder and FTP Server.
    Local Folder is really only practical if you want to host a website on a laptop (I was blown away initially when I found out that all Macs had a built-in web server - how neat is that?). I think there are some very cool things teachers could do with configuration, and, of course, you wouldn't need to set up any web services on the web server, but that's for another discussion. You need to set up FTP services on the web server.
    Turn on and enable FTP on your webserver.
    You can leave the defaults for "General", "Messages" and "Logging". "Advanced" is the only thing you want to set. I set "Authenticated Users See:" to "Home Folder Only". I set the "FTP Root" to the same root folder in which I plan to store my web sites (/VOLUMES/RAID Array/WebServer/Documents). This setting sets that folder only to be accessible via FTP.
    I would suggest returning to your DNS settings and adding one more "Alias". Set "ftp." to point to your webserver. Why? So folks can edit their sites from home (see below).
    CAVEAT: If you are running FTP on other servers, make sure that the settings here do not conflict with the settings on the other servers. For example, I'm running FTP on my file server so that my scanners can communicate with it. However, I configure my FTP settings by machine name and NOT "".
    Now you have to configure iWeb so that it will communicate with your server.
    Click on the "Site" icon so that "Site Publishing Settings" appears.
    "Publish to:" = "FTP Server"
    You can set the "Site name:" and "Contact email:" to whatever you want. But see below!
    FTP Server Settings:
    "Server address" (you could also enter in or the IP address. However, if you want folks to be able to work on the site from home, you will need to configure external DNS for that. If you use the IP address, you're out of luck for remote access to the site. (You can do it but it's beyond the scope of this discussion.)
    "Username" & "Password" should be your user's network login credentials.
    "Directory/Path" - this is important. Remember, you set your "FTP Root" to be "/VOLUMES/RAID Array/WebServer/Documents". If you leave this field blank then the website will be dumped into this folder. If you are only setting up one site, that may be OK. However I wanted to set up a "students" site folder, a "faculty" site folder and a separate site for our literary magazine.
    THEREFORE: I have, in my ..../Documents folder (on the server), a "students" folder, a "faculty" folder, and a "litmag" folder. my "Directory/Path:" field, I have "/faculty". That means the full path to this website is "ftp root/faculty" or "/VOLUMES/RAID Array/WebServer/Documents/faculty" (You don't need a trailing "/" character. iWeb will automatically append the folder for you user depending on what you entered in "Site Name:" in the "Publishing" area.
    Website URL:
    This is the root website depending on whether it is "students" or "faculty". Since iWeb will append the site name to this root website, I accomplished what I hoped to accomplish in this post (
    Faculty sites will be @ Students @ PERFECT!
    iWeb is such a GREAT tool - NOW the kids can start using it!
    I want to reiterate that this works for our school but it should work for you as well. There may be better ways to do this but it works for us.
    Hope this has been helpful and you won't have to spend weeks trying to figure this all out by yourself!'s how we did it.
    To get access to the website you created from outside your network there are a couple of steps.
    First, you have to have a STATIC IP address from your ISP. If you have a T1 circuit, no usually get a couple of static IPs you can use. However, if you have a cable modem circuit, most likely you have a dynamic IP address which changes when you connect to the internet. Usually a static IP will cost a bit more because the ISP has to go through a couple of steps to set it up for you. But once you have the address, you now have a way for folks outside your network to connect with you.
    (I’m also assuming that you use a router of some sort through which traffic flows out to the internet and that you aren’t using connection sharing or something like that.)
    The next thing you need to do is have your new static IP address associated with the server on which you are hosting your website. You've probably already done that if your website works inside your network. However, you've associated a private ip (192.168.x.x, etc.) to your web server. That doesn't mean anything to folks on the outside because private IP addresses are just that - private - folks can't access them. (I won't get into VPN because that's a whole other topic.)
    The way you associate your new static IP address to your web server is through some sort of dns application from your ISP. For example, we use TierraNet to manage our external DNS information. They have a web interface control panel that is very similar to the DNS interface for XServer. You can create CNAME records (aliases - other ways that folks can access your servers).
    Basically you create an "A" (CNAME) record with a fully qualified domain name (e.g. and point it to your public IP address (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) which you just got from your ISP. It's going to take a while (24-48 hours) for this change to take effect. BTW, you can create as many “A” records as you want. For example and could point to the same place.
    You want to make sure that the fully qualified domain name you enter in the external dns utility matches the name you used when you created your internal dns records on your XServer. now folks can get to your domain - but, remember, you have a private network IP scheme between them and you. You now have to tell your router that when web traffic arrives, allow it inside the network and direct it to your web server.
    Let's say your public IP address is and your web server is
    You have to create, in your router’s "Security Zone" (router companies call them different things) a couple of rules. Usually the first rule is: "Let everything inside the network get out to the web." You've probably already done that if folks inside the network can reach the internet.
    You then have to tell the router to allow web traffic (port 80) into your network AND redirect that traffic to
    We use AdTran routers and they have a web interface which allows you to write "rules" affecting public and private traffic. Public is folks outside the network, private is folks inside.
    AdTran calls them "Security Zones" and you modify those zones with policies.
    So my "Policy" would say, in the above example, redirect traffic from my public IP ( -> to my web server -> (
    THEN you have to modify this policy with what AdTran calls "Traffic Selectors". You've said, OK, you can get in, but WHAT can get in?
    The "Traffic Selector" is written to say: "Permit" "TCP" traffic from only through Port 80. (That's the port that web traffic goes over. If you wanted a secure website, you'd add another traffic selector that opens port 443, for example.)
    I'll tell you I'm no genius when it comes to this. I called AdTran and had them configure my router for me. I told them what I wanted done, they remoted into the router and configured it. But then I could go to the web interface and see what they did and then added rules later on when I wanted, for example, to get access to the network via Apple Remote Desktop or VPN into the network on my iPad.
    I'd bet that your router has a maintenance agreement that includes this service and if it doesn't it should have.
    I did find that I still had issues when I tried to set this up originally and it had to do with the ORDER of the policies. I can’t remember exactly what the issue was, but, effectively one of the policies highjacked traffic before the policy that I wanted got triggered. Simply moving them around in the list fixed that issue. So if you have this set up but still can’t access the site, check the order of your rules.
    I don’t know if that helps or not, but I try to think about this stuff conceptually and then get someone to help me with the details. I work with this stuff so infrequently that I forgot how I did something 6 months or a year ago. I’m in the process of creating a wiki for the school which documents all this stuff, but that’s a major undertaking.

  • How to get all INDEXes from a database

    How to get all INDEXes in a database? I need to store them in script file (.SQL). My database version is
    Edited by: Iniyavan on Sep 18, 2009 1:39 PM

    --Thanks, Koppelaars. The second query works. But I'm unable to store in spool file. May be it's due to CLOBs in the output. I did the following:
    set head off
    set feedback off
    set linesize 32727
    set pagesize 50000
    spool c:\indexes.sql
    select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('INDEX',INDEX_NAME,'MYSCHEMA')
    from user_indexes;
    spool off
    --In the spool file, I find only this
    --How to get all the DMLs in one SQL file?
    --Nagappan, I'm using WIN.

  • How to set up a FTP and web server and integrate with DMM 5.2

    Hi All ...
    I need to set up a external server only for content publishing to reduce the overhead of the DMM server .
    can anyone guide me on how to set up the external server and intergrate it with the DMM 5.2

    Notes from the Release Notes:
    Compatibility Limitations with Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
    DMPs that use firmware release 5.2 are compatible with only one version of Microsoft Internet Information Server.
    That supported version is IIS 6.0 for Windows 2003 Enterprise. If you do not have the supported IIS version but
    want your DMPs to retrieve assets from a webserver, we recommend that you use Apache instead of IIS.
    I would suggest using Apache instead of IIS for the webserver service. IIS can be used as FTP if needed.
    There are plenty of Documents on the Web about setting up Apache and FTP for servers.
    Using Apache with Microsoft Windows
    Quick HOWTO : Ch20 : The Apache Web Server
    Once the Webserver is setup and operational. You simply store your media content on the Webserver
    and then have your DMS assets in the media library use an external URL address for its location.
    If you want to use external server for other features in the DMM, you can can see how to configure
    Goto the section right below ACNS & WAAS..
    If this answers your question, Please take time to mark this
    discussion answered & rate the response.
    Thank You!

  • How to set the background for all components?

    Does anybody know how to set the DEFAULT background color in an application.. I need it because in jdk 1.3 the default bgcolor is grey and in 1.5 it is white.. and I wish white as well.. so to make it also white in jdk 1.3 I need to use the (a bit annoying) anyContainer.setBackground( Color.white ); and these are lots in my app.. So my question is: is there such an overall class with a function (say UIManager.setComponentsBackground( Color color ) ) for such a purpose?
    any tip or link would be greatly appreciated

    Does anybody know how to set the DEFAULT background color in an applicationthis might get you close
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    class ApplicationColor extends JFrame
      public ApplicationColor()
        JPanel jp = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        jp.add(new JTextField("I'm a textfield"),BorderLayout.NORTH);
        jp.add(new JComboBox(new String[]{"abc","123"}),BorderLayout.CENTER);
        jp.add(new JButton("I'm a button"),BorderLayout.SOUTH);
      public void setApplicationColor(Color color)
        Enumeration enum = UIManager.getDefaults().keys();
          Object key = enum.nextElement();
          Object value = UIManager.get(key);
          if (value instanceof Color)
            if(((String)key).indexOf("background") > -1)
              UIManager.put(key, color);
      public static void main(String[] args){new ApplicationColor().setVisible(true);}

  • How to make an index in InDesign CC 2014.1 using a topics list?

    Hi all,
    I have read the long help document on how to make an index in InDesign CC 2014.1 using a topics list, and still can't work out what to do.
    I have done a 548 page book, using a document for each chapter, and a book file to put them all together in the right order.
    I now need to make an index at the back, as the author has many quotes throughout the book at the start of each chapter and section.
    I have a list of those people quoted and want to upload this list and get the index feature in InDesign to find all instances of the name occurring in the entire book.
    After reading the help document I still cannot work out how to do this.
    My questions are:
    1. Do you have to use an InDesign document as a source for the list of topics? If so, should the document be added to the book file or outside it?
    It seems a bit recursive to have the list of topics in an ID document that is in the book file.
    2. Once you have uploaded the topics into the Index feature, how do you get it to look for all instances of that 'topic' througout the entire book? I can't figure that out from the help documents. What do I select? Do I do it from the Index panel? Do I highlight the text in the source document? Not sure how to do this...
    3. I need the names to list surname first of the quoted authors in the index. This command seems to be different between various editions of ID. For ID CC 2014.1 is it ctrl+alt+shift+]
    4. To make the surname show first, what do I highlight? The topic? and then do ctrl+alt+shift+] and select find all as well? Or do I have to just go through the text and manually do this and ditch the idea of uploading topics first?
    I am confused as you can see and any help with this is appreciated.

    Sorry 007, I really thought you were posting a trick question as on the OCP tests.
    Anyway, as Justin mentioned, if you have an index on ename, it may be used when doing a comparison predicate statement with the ename value.
    What it depends on are several other things: stats, how many rows in the table, use of an index hint, etc.
    Rather than questioning the group on this, why not just turn on autotrace and run the query for the different scenarios.
    The output will show you if it used the index, number of rows returned, blocks read, etc.
    SQL> create table emp (ename  varchar2(40));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into emp select username from sys.dba_users;
    25 rows created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> set autotrace on
    SQL> select * from emp where ename != 'SYSTEM';
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 2951343571
    | Id  | Operation        | Name      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |           |    24 |   528 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  1 |  INDEX FULL SCAN | ENAME_IDX |    24 |   528 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       1 - filter("ENAME"<>'SYSTEM')As you can see, the above used an index, even though there were only 25 rows in the table.
    You can test each of your scenarios, one by one, including use of a hint.

  • How to search the indexes in 11g Enterprise Manager Console

    After setting the Indexes using Java Embedding for a process, can you please tell me how to search the indexes in 11g Enterprise Manager Console for the particular process.In 10g BPEL Console we have the option of searching the Instances based on Indexes we already set at process level which is inbuilt in 10g. I need the same in 11g .

    Hi Sagar,
    You can define composite sensors in your composite.
    Then you will get fields in enterprise manager of that composite instance.(the sensors you have defined will be displayed here)
    You can enter the values based on what you want to search the instance. :)

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