How to setting sessions on XE

Hi, i need I need to know how to configure my server Oracle XE to be able to connect from 3 to 10 concurrent users. (value of SESSIONS and PROCESS)
My application is a document management and for 8 hours a day Monday through Friday, users will access the database in order to generate Word documents.
Additionally, the limit of 1GB of RAM, which is the number of users who can connect to Oracle XE?

user584812 wrote:
Thank you, very good. But, Oracle Database XE support up 300 conected users?
Roberto.Hi Roberto,
what do you mean by 300 connected users? Will all them have a persistent connection via JDBC, OCI or .Net? Or will they be served as a web application via APEX, perl, php or J2EE?
In the web scenario it should only result in a few concurrent sessions anyway. In the client/server scenario you could also configure XE to use MTS (multi threaded server, now called Shared Server).
This will cut down your number of processes on the server side. If not many users are active at the same time this could be a viable option:
Aside from that the Oracle development team did load and performance testing for XE with 50 concurrent active users which went fine.

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    Here a simple bean that stores something in the session and retrieves something from it.
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        } else {
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        return value;
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    %>If your bean only lives during one request, you can pass the session to the constructor, which stores it in a private variable. This saves passing the session each time.
    Hope this helps,

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    Sorry to say that we can't help here. WS4.1 is obsolete a long time ago.
    As you mentioned that you should use WS6.1SPx or WS7.0 for your production and get support.

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    Did you read this:
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    Dashboard prompt on Month Name but report filter on month ID:
    Re: Dashboard prompt on Month Name but report filter on month ID needed
    If you have dashboard prompt (name) then you may have only one report that is filtered by name but show id or not show id but use id in the function. Or two reports like in the solution in the second link above and the second report has id in the function and filter by id from the first report. You don't need to set this ID in session variable for this example.
    Please close your previous threads if they are answered.

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    Check those links might help you.
    Integrating Oracle OBIEE Content using GO URL
    How to set session variables using url variables | OBIEE Blog
    OBIEE 10G - How to set a request/session variable using the Saw Url (Go/Dashboard) | (BI, OBIEE, O…

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    Try this:
    WDScopeUtil.put(WDScopeType.CLIENTSESSION_SCOPE, key, value)
    WDScopeUtil.get(WDScopeType.CLIENTSESSION_SCOPE, key)
    String value1=WDScopeUtil.get(WDScopeType.CLIENTSESSION_SCOPE,"Key1").toString();

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    I write a class JavaScriptHelper to convert the object value to variable of the JavaScript;
    1.get the data to a javabean from database;
    2.convert the data to variable of the JavaScript as a String ; the object in a HttpSession or Httprequest ;
    4.use in Jsp get the String (variable of the JavaScript )
    YourBean bean = (YourBean) request.getAttribute("model");
         if (bean != null) out.println(bean .getJsCode())
    convert function,(this is only for the matrix):
    public static String formatJsCode(Vector vector) {
    String sJsCode = "";
    //get js head
    sJsCode = getJsHeader();
    //define js array;
    sJsCode += "var data=new Array();\n";
    Vector v = null;
    String sTemp = "", sLine = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++) {
    v = (Vector) vector.get(i);
    sLine = "";
    for (int j = 0; j < v.size(); j++) {
    sTemp = (String) v.get(j);
    //replace " to \"
    sTemp = sTemp.replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\\\"");
    //escape Html Tag
    //sTemp = StringUtil.escapeHTMLTags(sTemp);
    //replace \r\n to <br>
    sTemp = sTemp.replaceAll("\r\n", "<br>");
    if (j != 0)
    sLine += ",";
    sLine += "\"" + sTemp + "\"";
    sJsCode += "data[" + i + "]=new Array(" + sLine + ");\n";
    //get js foot
    sJsCode += getJsFooter();
    return sJsCode;
    public static String getJsHeader(){
    return "<script language=\"JavaScript\">";
    public static String getJsFooter(){
    return "</script>";

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    With session.setAttribute("name",object) you can store a Attribute in the session object.
    with session.getAttribute("name") you can get it.
    That's it.

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    Can anybody say how to set a new session variable in istore?

    you can use either
    pageContext.getAttribute(VAR, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
    <%@page session="true" %>
    Hope this will help.

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    At the top of my application I have a "Welcome <username>" I'd like it instead to have "Welcome <firstname> <lastname>".
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    Hi Scott,
    I realize that I can set items etc in pages. The case I'm referring to is a reference in a template. My template has a "Welcome <user name>" ... so the code looks like "Welcome &APP_USER." Anyway to make it say "Welcome first_name last_name" in the template? Note I'll have to get the first/last names from a query

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    See API for details

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    Hello gurus,
          I want to know how to set the time to terminate idle SAP session. What is the parameter and what is the T-code to access that parameter?
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Udvadia
    Maximum work process runtime parameter
    rdisp/max_wprun_time                        600
    If its a portal or something else it might differ, above parameter is for a regular work process in a SAP Netweaver installation.
    This can be set in the startup profile of your system using transaction RZ10.
    *Indeed dynamic parameters do not require stop/start
    Reward points if useful.
    Kind regards
    Message was edited by:

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    I have a link, which once the user click on it, I want to set the session.
    <a href="link.jsp" > Link </a>How to set the session? Where should I put <%session1.setAttribute ("test", "1234"); %>?
    Any idea?

    when u click on Link
    the control goes to link.jsp/.
    and in this page u can write the session related code.

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    OS : Unix (HP-UX 11.0)
    Oracle DB : Ver 8.0.5
    Developer : Ver 1.6 ( Client only Installation)
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    home directories.
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    To run the application I am using TWO_TASK to connect to the database. In our application we have to take care of time zones. For that in previous versions(NO TWO_TASK used) I used TZ unix environment variable, to get time zone dependent time wherever sysdate is used.
    Now because I am using TWO_TASK, oracle is no more using users TZ settings.
    Question : Is there any way I can make oracle to use the TZ environment setting

    Thanks for replying Johnny!
    What you are referring to is adding a city. I need to know how to set the time zone in settings -> Date & Time -> Timezone. Unless & untill this is set properly the iPod will never show me the right time. Please help me with it.
    I will definately use your advice on the second query.
    Thanks once again!
    Windows XP Pro

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