How to show the text, instead of number

Hi Buddies;
I'm creating a form, using oracle forms 10g. In this form I'm showing the equipment information. We sell services, and for some services, we provide the equipment, but we have a lot of a equipment, so we need to keep an inventory of these equipment. So for each equipment we have several status, example; Available, Returned ok, Assigned, Stolen, Returned by Damage .
These status resides in other table, but in the where I'm getting the info to show thru the screen, just have a code.
What I want, is to change this code, for the description of that code, example, 01 = Available. So, if the record for status has code 01, instead of 01, I want to show the word Avalaible.     
Can somebody explain me, how to do this.

oooppss i missed one this there is you code mistake also...
     Select status_name into :EQP.status_code -- Here use description field name not the same code field
     from eqp_status
     where status_code = :EQP.status_code ;
End;Also increase the size of datatype of description item so it can hold description.
I like to use LIST ITEM in these type of cases ;) Its easy and not required any POST-QUERY and POST-CHANGE code. As craig said you will have to keep on POST-QUERY and any performance issue etc.
So, i would prefer to use this method...
1. For that code field set the item type property to LIST ITEM.
2. Create one record group of your this query like...
Select status_code, status_name
from eqp_status3. Populate that record group into that list item. like
Trigger = WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE form-level
  vGrp NUMBER;
END;Now at the time of query it will automatically show you saved status.
Edited by: Ammad Ahmed on Apr 29, 2010 10:02 PM

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    The text dependency property is called LabelFor.
    It's this bit.
    public string LabelFor
    get { return (string)GetValue(LabelForProperty); }
    set { SetValue(LabelForProperty, value); }
    public static readonly DependencyProperty LabelForProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
    You would substitute the name of your usercontrol for EditRow when you cut and paste that into it.
    There is a style which defines what EditRow looks like by giving it a template.
    <Style TargetType="{x:Type local:EditRow}">
    <Setter Property="Template">
    <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:EditRow}">
    <ColumnDefinition Width="{Binding RelativeSource={
    RelativeSource FindAncestor,
    Path=LabelWidth, TargetNullValue=2*}"/>
    <ColumnDefinition Width="{Binding RelativeSource={
    RelativeSource FindAncestor,
    Path=PropertyWidth, TargetNullValue=3*}"/>
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    RelativeSource FindAncestor,
    <Border Margin="6,2,6,2" Padding="0,2,0,2" Grid.Column="1" >
    <ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>
    That uses binding to give the textblock text property the value of LabelFor.
    You could instead put your markup directly in your usercontrol and bind it like that.
    This bit would then pretty much cut and paste in
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding RelativeSource={
    RelativeSource FindAncestor,
    You would need two of course if you have two textblocks.
    People have suggested dependency property to you because this is how properties on wpf controls work.  
    If you instead chose to use properties then you lose the ability to set value by style, animation, binding etc Your usercontrol will not behave like a wpf control.  This might not really concern you if you're just working on your own on an app.
    It would if you were working in a team though.
    Personally, I would reject code which exposed regular properties from a usercontrol at walk through.
    Hope that helps.
    Recent Technet articles:
    Property List Editing;  
    Dynamic XAML

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    HI ,
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    If you try to insert the record by calling the ins procedure of the Table API, you will see that it will result in an ORA-20998 message, which means that the error message details reside in the CG$ERRORS plsql message table. These messages can be extracted e.g. with the messages.sql script, shipped with headstart.
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    of Rule Violations Reported in Front End, in this chapter.</I>
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    Regards, Marc

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    Hello Madhavi
    The simple report ZUS_SDN_TEXTEDIT_CONTROL shows how to switch the texteditor contents when changing the language.
    *& Thread: how to clear the text in the Text Editor
    *& <a class="jive_macro jive_macro_thread" href="" __jive_macro_name="thread" modifiedtitle="true" __default_attr="1145272"></a>
    *& By default the itab GT_OUTTAB contains texts in DE and EN.
    *& To switch the language directly enter into the command window:
    REPORT  zus_sdn_textedit_control.
    TYPE-POOLS: abap.
    TYPES: ty_t_text     TYPE TABLE OF as4text
                         WITH DEFAULT KEY.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_s_outtab.
    TYPES: language TYPE spras.
    TYPES: text     TYPE ty_t_text.
    TYPES: END OF ty_s_outtab.
    TYPES: ty_t_outtab    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_outtab
                          WITH DEFAULT KEY.
    DATA: gt_outtab       TYPE ty_t_outtab,
          gs_outtab       TYPE ty_s_outtab.
    DATA: gd_language     TYPE spras.
    DATA: go_docking      TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container,
          go_textedit     TYPE REF TO cl_gui_textedit.
    DATA: gd_okcode       TYPE ui_func,
          gd_repid        TYPE syst-repid.
      PERFORM fill_texts.
      gd_language = syst-langu.
      PERFORM init_controls.
    * Link the docking container to the target dynpro
      gd_repid  = syst-repid.
      CALL METHOD go_docking->link
          repid                       = gd_repid
          dynnr                       = '0100'
    *      CONTAINER                   =
          OTHERS                      = 4.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
      PERFORM set_text_editor.
    * NOTE: dynpro does not contain any elements
      "       ok-code => GD_OKCODE
      CALL SCREEN '0100'.
    * Flow logic of dynpro (does not contain any dynpro elements):
    *  MODULE STATUS_0100.
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *       text
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
      SET PF-STATUS 'STATUS_0100'.  " contains push button "DETAIL"
    *  SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *       text
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
      TRANSLATE gd_okcode TO UPPER CASE.
      CASE gd_okcode.
        WHEN 'BACK'  OR
             'EXIT'  OR
        WHEN 'LANGU=DE' OR
             'LANGU=EN' OR
          PERFORM get_text_editor.
          SPLIT gd_okcode AT '=' INTO gd_okcode gd_language.
          PERFORM set_text_editor.
        WHEN OTHERS.
      CLEAR: gd_okcode.
    ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *&      Form  FILL_TEXTS
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM fill_texts .
    * define local data
      DATA: ld_string   TYPE string.
      gs_outtab-language = 'EN'. REFRESH: gs_outtab-text.
      ld_string = 'Good morning'.
      APPEND ld_string TO gs_outtab-text.
      APPEND gs_outtab TO gt_outtab.
      gs_outtab-language = 'DE'. REFRESH: gs_outtab-text.
      ld_string = 'Guten Morgen'.
      APPEND ld_string TO gs_outtab-text.
      APPEND gs_outtab TO gt_outtab.
      gs_outtab-language = 'FR'. REFRESH: gs_outtab-text.
      ld_string = space.
      APPEND ld_string TO gs_outtab-text.
      APPEND gs_outtab TO gt_outtab.
    ENDFORM.                    " FILL_TEXTS
    *&      Form  INIT_CONTROLS
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM init_controls .
      CREATE OBJECT go_docking
          parent                      = cl_gui_container=>screen0
    *      repid                       =
    *      dynnr                       =
    *      side                        = dock_at_left
    *      extension                   = 50
    *      style                       =
    *      lifetime                    = lifetime_default
    *      caption                     =
    *      metric                      = 0
          ratio                       = 90
    *      no_autodef_progid_dynnr     =
    *      name                        =
          cntl_error                  = 1
          cntl_system_error           = 2
          create_error                = 3
          lifetime_error              = 4
          lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5
          OTHERS                      = 6.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
      CREATE OBJECT go_textedit
    *      max_number_chars       =
    *      style                  = 0
    *      wordwrap_mode          = wordwrap_at_windowborder
    *      wordwrap_position      = -1
    *      wordwrap_to_linebreak_mode = false
    *      filedrop_mode          = dropfile_event_off
          parent                 = go_docking
    *      lifetime               =
    *      name                   =
          error_cntl_create      = 1
          error_cntl_init        = 2
          error_cntl_link        = 3
          error_dp_create        = 4
          gui_type_not_supported = 5
          OTHERS                 = 6.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    ENDFORM.                    " INIT_CONTROLS
    *&      Form  SET_TEXT_EDITOR
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM set_text_editor .
      CLEAR: gs_outtab.
      READ TABLE gt_outtab INTO gs_outtab
           WITH KEY language = gd_language.
      CALL METHOD go_textedit->set_text_as_stream
          text            = gs_outtab-text
          error_dp        = 1
          error_dp_create = 2
          OTHERS          = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    ENDFORM.                    " SET_TEXT_EDITOR
    *&      Form  GET_TEXT_EDITOR
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM get_text_editor .
      CLEAR: gs_outtab.
      CALL METHOD go_textedit->get_text_as_stream
          only_when_modified     = cl_gui_textedit=>true
          text                   = gs_outtab-text
    *      is_modified            =
          error_dp               = 1
          error_cntl_call_method = 2
          OTHERS                 = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
      MODIFY gt_outtab FROM gs_outtab
        TRANSPORTING text
        WHERE ( language = gd_language ).
    ENDFORM.                    " GET_TEXT_EDITOR

  • How to wrap the text in column headers?

    Hi Friends,
    Can anyone please suggest how to wrap the text in column headers of a Java WebDynpro table?
    I believe that caption is the only UI element that a column header can have and it does not allow wrapping of the text.
    My original requirement is as follows,
    In a table I need to dynamically set the width of the columns according to the width configured by the user in some other view. All the columns of the table are dynamically rendered.
    Now what happens is when the user sets the width of the column to a rather low value, say 15 pixels, then the column is displayed like
    Supplier Catalog Name
    As you can see it looks rather odd.
    Supplier Catalog Name is the header of the column and I use IWDCaption for header.
    Sheila Catalog Name Dropdown is the value of a particular row at the specified column. I am using a TextView as the TableCellEditor.
    I think what is happening here is that the framework wraps the text in the TextView according to the width specified (15px) and then the column width is extended because it can not accommodate the text (Supplier Catalog Name ) of the column header.
    We are using SAP NetWeaver Development Studio 7.0.12 as the IDE.
    I searched some forums and many people have suggested using scrollable columns but I don't understand how it will help in wrapping the text in a column header.
    Any help would be of great advantage.

    Hi Deepti,
    Thanks a lot for the answer but the option that you have specified does not wrap the text. Instead it truncates the text being displayed and only the substring of the text which could be displayed in the given pixels is displayed.
    I need to show the whole text wrapped (Meaning if the width of the column is not sufficient then the text goes into the next line).
    Thanks to you too for an helpful answer. It seems that the Netweaver has finally come up with a way to wrap the text in the column headers but as Manoj pointed out, I do not see the property headerTextWrapping  for a table column, Can you please specify which version of netweaver supports it?
    We are using SAP NetWeaver Development Studio 7.0.12 as the IDE.
    Amit Kapoor

  • How to maintained the Text  language for CKF keyfigure

    Dear All,
    Please let me know how to maintained the text language for CKF I am using only keyfigures in CKF.
    Issue is text is not showing in Spain language when user exeuted the report (longin Spain) for CKF keyfigures .
    As per report design there are formuals and direct keyfigures and CKF has defined and we keep it under in Row struture in the report.
    After exeuted the report (Login Spain)Text has converted in all languages along with spain except for CKF keyfigures.
    Issue in text CKF's:
    There is a main  CKF (Cost) under this again we defined two sub CKF's those are total cost and average cost. We able to see the text in Spain language for Main CKF(cost) and also cheked in RSZELTTXT(Texts of reporting component elements) for the same.
    We can able to see the text in all languages for main CKF(cost) and enteries are there in RSZELTTXT table.
    We can see only  the text in english for  total cost and average cost and also enteris are there only in EN in RSZELTTXT table.
    It would help to me if any one can answer my question.
    Thanks in advance .

    U can fetch the texts for the items using
        g_f_tdname = xvttp-vbeln.
        g_f_obj = p_obj.
        g_f_langu = 'DE'.
        REFRESH g_t_lines.
        CLEAR g_t_lines.
                  id                      = p_var
                  language                = g_f_langu
                  name                    = g_f_tdname
                  object                  = g_f_obj
                  lines                   = g_t_lines
                  id                      = 1
                  language                = 2
                  name                    = 3
                  not_found               = 4
                  object                  = 5
                  reference_check         = 6
                  wrong_access_to_archive = 7
                  OTHERS                  = 8.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                 WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    The Required fields are,
    Text-id ,language,name,object.
    Let me know if you further require help.

  • Show blank texts instead of key or 'not assigned' in query-result

    is there a way / workaround to
    1. suppress # / 'not assigned' in query results?
    2. show blank texts (if maintained) instead of the key
        (when showing texts for a characteristic in a query all characteristics with blank texts - none or ' ' -
         will show the key instead of the blan text) ?

    Hi Christoph,
    there have been several posts concerning this topic. As Saad told there is no direct way within SAP standard to reach this aim.
    Depending on the Front-End Tools you are using these posts may help:
    Not assigned and # in BEX 7.0 WAD
    how to set field to blank if the data is # or unassigned

  • How to transport the  text elements

    hi guru's,
      i need answer to this question.
      how to transport the text elements in the sap script?

    U mean Standard Text?
    Standard Text can create using SO10.
    Use RSTXTRAN Standard Program..
    Do Like this..
    Goto se38 and enter program name as RSTXTRAN
    and press F8..
    and give Text-key Name as Standard Text Name
    then Press F8..
    And select Select check box.. and enter
    and press on trsfr to corr button..
    it asks transfee textxs to a correction..
    press on yes button..
    it will show request number or create your own request...
    and after goto SE10 tcode and Transport it...

  • How to show long text in TextView control in formatted form?

    I have requirement to show long text from backend text edit control to WD application. I am using READ_TEXT Fm to read the long text and passing it to text view UI element.
    The text is shown in simply one long line but I want it to show in the same format as stored in backend textedit control.
    If I take textedit UI control then it shows the text in formatted form.
    Could you please let me know how to achieve these for TextView control? My requirement is that I have to use only TextView control.

    The Problem solved to some extend but still the exact formatting is not happening though i am using cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline.
    for eg. if the long text is as below.
    "To display the external component, you can now embed an interface view of any window of this component in a window of your current embedding a view of oneu2019s own component. By setting up navigation from one outbound plug of a view of your inbound plug of the inter external component, you enable the external component to be displayed. New line ."
    and if in backend the Last line " New line ." is on next line, on WD it is not displayed on next line.

  • How to get the Text name to pass in the  parameter header in save_text

      I am trying to change the long text of operation for historical order by using the flat file.I am using the save_text to do this.I would like to know how  to get the text name in order to pass the parameter header in save_text.
      I went to the tcode iw62 to get the header information of the long text.300100000009200000001
    i would like to know what this 1000000092 indicates and where is this value updated in the table so that i can link it thru the order no  to get the link and pass it in the text_name.
      can anyone help me out?

    Your query is.
    I went to the tcode iw62 to get the header information of the long text.300100000009200000001
    i would like to know what this 1000000092 indicates
    In above number
    300 - Client
    1000000092 - AUFPL - Routing number of operations in the order (You can fetch this from table HIVG)
    00000001 - APLZL - General counter for order ( You can fetch this from table HIVG).

  • How to enlarge the text or characters on web pages permanently

    I need to know how to enlarge the text or characters permanently. I have difficulty reading the characters of each new page. Every time I zoom in to enlarge characters, the new page automatically returns to small characters. Please help.
    Cheng Lin
    [email protected]

    Try one of these extensions:
    *Default FullZoom Level:
    **More NoSquint info:
    <br />
    '''Other issues needing your attention'''
    The information submitted with your question indicates that you have out of date plugins with known security and stability issues that should be updated. To see the plugins submitted with your question, click "More system details..." to the right of your original question post.
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape
    **New Adobe Reader X (version 10) with Protected Mode just released 2010-11-19
    *Shockwave Flash 10.0 r42
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_22 for Mozilla browsers
    **No security issues corrected in version 1.6.0_23, but, according to Oracle/Java, some stability issues resolved.
    #'''Check your plugin versions''':
    #*'''Note: plugin check page does not have information on all plugin versions'''
    #'''Update Adobe Reader (PDF plugin):'''
    #*From within your existing Adobe Reader ('''<u>if you have it already installed</u>'''):
    #**Open the Adobe Reader program from your Programs list
    #**Click Help > Check for Updates
    #**Follow the prompts for updating
    #**If this method works for you, skip the "Download complete installer" section below and proceed to "After the installation" below
    #*Download complete installer ('''if you do <u>NOT</u> have Adobe Reader installed'''):
    #**Use the links below to avoid getting the troublesome "getplus" Adobe Download Manager and other "extras" you may not want
    #**Use Firefox to download and SAVE the installer to your hard drive from the appropriate link below
    #**Click "Save to File"; save to your Desktop (so you can find it)
    #**After download completes, close Firefox
    #**Click the installer you just downloaded and allow the install to continue
    #***Note: Vista and Win7 users may need to right-click the installer and choose "Run as Administrator"
    #**'''<u>Download link</u>''':
    #***Choose your OS
    #***Choose the latest #.x version (example 9.x, for version 9)
    #***Choose the highest number version listed
    #****NOTE: 10.x is the new Adobe Reader X (Windows and Mac only as of this posting)
    #***Choose your language
    #***Download the file
    #***Windows: choose the .exe file; Mac: choose the .dmg file
    #*Using either of the links below will force you to install the "getPlus" Adobe Download Manager. Also be sure to uncheck the McAfee Scanner if you do not want the link forcibly installed on your desktop
    #**''<u>Also see Download link</u>''':
    #**Also see: (do not use the link on this page for downloading; you may get the troublesome "getplus" Adobe Download Manager (Adobe DLM) and other "extras")
    #*After the installation, start Firefox and check your version again.
    #'''Update the [[Managing the Flash plugin|Flash]] plugin''' to the latest version.
    #*Download and SAVE to your Desktop so you can find the installer later
    #*If you do not have the current version, click on the "Player Download Center" link on the "'''Download and information'''" or "'''Download Manual installers'''" below
    #*After download is complete, exit Firefox
    #*Click on the installer you just downloaded and install
    #**Windows 7 and Vista: may need to right-click the installer and choose "Run as Administrator"
    #*Start Firefox and check your version again or test the installation by going back to the download link below
    #*'''Download and information''':
    #**Use Firefox to go to the above site to update the Firefox plugin (will also install plugin for most other browsers; except IE)
    #**Use IE to go to the above site to update the IE ActiveX
    #*'''Download Manual installers'''. Note separate links for:
    #**Plugin for Firefox and most other browsers
    #**ActiveX for IE
    #'''Update the [[Java]] plugin''' to the latest version.
    #*Download site: (Java Platform: Download JRE)
    #*Also see "Manual Update" in this article:
    #* Removing old versions (if needed):
    #* Remove multiple Java Console extensions (if needed):
    #*Java Test:

  • How to change the text of a user defined field in dynamic selections?

    Logical Database PSJ is used by t code CJI3 - we added a couple of user fields into the dynamic selections of CJI3.
    Now - how to change the text of this user filed (USR01 of structure PRSP_R in logical database PSJ)?
    Found an OSS note - 86980 - that tells that this is not possible.
    But when we read the documentation on the user field (CJI3 - dynamic selections  - double click on user field - F1), it shows the following text:
    User-defined field in which you can enter general information with a length of up to 20 characters.
    The names (key words) for  user-defined fields depend on the field key.
    Now the question is where to change the field key..

    Madhu - you did not get the question I think.
    Anyways - I found an OSS note 1266643 - this code change should take care of the issue - it will then reflect the details maintained in custoizng at transaction code OPS1..

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