How to skip a few seconds via keyboard?

I play audio using a laptop and itunes (windows) in my car, and I am used to a feature in winamp that allowed me to press my left/right arrow keys on the keyboard to move through the audio 10 seconds at a time -- is there a way to do this in itunes? I found an applescript for mac to do this, but of course this is windows...

Ok, I came up with a solution myself - I used a program called 'autoit' , and created a script that runs in the background looking for the arrow keys on the keyboard to be pressed - if up is pressed, it plays, if down is pressed it pauses, if right is pressed it fast forwards about 5-7 seconds, if left is pressed it rewinds 5-7 seconds -- it is not a perfect solution, but it works for me... the autoit script uses wscript (built into windows xp) to run a vbs that I found here:
So create a folder, put all the .vbs scripts in it from that url, then create a .au3 file (autoit script) with a text editor such as notepad, in the folder, and put in the script below, and save. If autoit is installed properly you can right click the .au3 file you created/saved and choose compile. Now you have an exe that you can double click, and your arrow keys should work!:
Global $Paused
HotKeySet("{RIGHT}", "DoFastForward")
HotKeySet("{LEFT}", "DoRewind")
HotKeySet("{UP}", "DoPlay")
HotKeySet("{DOWN}", "DoPause")
While 1
Func DoPlay()
Run("wscript.exe Play.vbs")
Func DoPause()
Run("wscript.exe Pause.vbs")
Func DoFastForward()
Run("wscript.exe FastForward.vbs")
Run("wscript.exe Play.vbs")
Func DoRewind()
Run("wscript.exe Rewind.vbs")
Run("wscript.exe Play.vbs")

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    - John

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    Cheers mate,
    - john

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    I don't think we understand your situation yet.
    When you say "encoding," are you talking about ripping from CD, or about converting the format?
    Are you trying to get AAC files (M4A as you refer to) or MP3 (as you also refer to)?
    In the "few seconds" it is adding, do you hear silence, or is it repeating a section of the song?

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    I looked at the logs and it does look like there was switching going on when this issue occured.
    Could you expand a bit more on what you mean by "switching issue" and "exact same timelines" ?
    Also, how could I go about verifying that the different bitrate streams have the same "timelines"?

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    Hey Sally,
    We have an article that outlines a few troubleshooting steps if your Mac is running a bit slowly.
    OS X Lion: If your Mac runs slowly
    If you find your Mac is running slowly, check any open applications to make sure they’re compatible with your computer. Or you may need to increase your hard disk space or repair your hard disk.
    An application you’re using may require more memory than your computer has. To see how much memory your computer has, choose Apple menu > About This Mac. See the documentation that came with the application to find out what it requires. To find out how to increase your computer’s memory, see the documentation that came with it.
    Quit any application that isn’t compatible with your computer. For example, an application may require a different processor or graphics card. See the documentation that came with the application to find out what it requires.
    To see what processor your computer has, choose Apple menu > About This Mac.
    To see what graphics card your computer has, choose Apple menu > About This Mac, click More Info, and then click Displays.
    There might not be enough free disk space on your computer’s startup disk. To make disk space available, you can move files to another disk and then delete files you no longer need on the startup disk.Increase disk space
    Quit any applications you’re not using.
    If none of these suggestions work, you may need to repair your computer’s disk in Disk Utility.Repair a disk
    Hope this helps,

  • Songs skip after few seconds

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    For some unknown reason every once and a while a song will not "encode" properly when being converted into digital format (.mp3). This is the cause of the glitches that make the song skip past. This can be fixed by re-encoding the song at a different speed (The standard is 128kbps but can also be done at 160kbps and 192kbps in iTunes).
    Now to re-encoding the glitched songs:
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    Hopefully this helps, good luck re-encoding =)

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    iMac in reality, MacBook Pro in fantasy!   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   I graduated high school! U of Michigan, here I come!

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    Any help would be appreciated!!
    [email protected]

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    Depending upon what country that you are in (music can't be re-downloaded in all countries) then try deleting that track from your iTunes library and redownload it via the Purchased link under Quicklinks on the right-hand side of the iTunes store home page on your computer's iTunes
    If you aren't in a country where you can re-download music or if it re-downloads with the same problem then try the 'report a problem' page to contact iTunes Support :
    If the 'report a problem' link doesn't work then you can try contacting iTunes support via this page : click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

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    Hello nowrunning,
    Is the "Shake to Shuffle" option turned on in your iPod's settings?  To check, head to Settings -> Music -> Shake to Shuffle and make sure it is set to Off.

  • When I turn on or restart my Macbook Pro Retina 15", my entire screen flashes completely bright yellow for a few seconds and then it goes to the normal Welcome screen.  How do I fix this??

    Hi Everyone,
    This problem just started today.  When I turn on or restart my Macbook Pro Retina 15" (Mid 2012 version), my screen is light gray like normal, and then after a few seconds my entire screen flashes completely bright yellow for a few seconds, and then it goes to the normal Welcome screen (where I choose to login as myself or a guest user).  This suddenly started today and has not stopped since.  This keeps happening every single time I turn on or restart my computer.
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    -Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update (Version 5.05) installed May 15, 2014
    -OS X Update (Version 10.9.3) installed May 15, 2014
    -iTunes (Version 11.2) installed May 15, 2014
    -OS X Update (Version 10.9.3) installed May 15, 2014
    -iTunes (Version 11.2) installed May 15, 2014
    -Security Update 2014-002 (Version 1.0) installed April 22, 2014
    I'm wondering if this flashing bright yellow screen upon bootup is related to the fact that my laptop installed the OS X Update and the iTunes Update two times each?  Or is this new problem totally unrelated?  It's just that this problem started a day after these 2 updates were installed twice.
    My Macbook Pro Retina 15" (Mid 2012 version) is otherwise working fine at least as of now.  The only issue so far is this flashing bright yellow screen every time I turn on or restart my computer.
    If anyone could please help me fix this so that my bootup screen doesn't flash completely bright yellow anymore, I would be forever grateful! 
    Thank you so much for reading this and for any help you can provide. 
    hope everyone is well,

    Hey everyone in Apple world!
    I figured out how to fix the flashing yellow screen problem that I've been having on my MBP!  Yessssss!!!
    I found this super handy website with the golden answer:
    I followed the instructions on this page and here's what I did:
    Resetting NVRAM / PRAM
    Shut down your Mac.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command (⌘), Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
    Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys before the gray screen appears.
    Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.
    I went through the 6 steps above twice, just to make sure I got rid of whatever stuff was holding up my bootup process.  Since I did that, my MBP boots up just like normal.  No flashing yellow screen anymore!!   
    (Note that I arrived at this solution when I first saw this page:
    Let me know if this works for you!

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    I have tried to use the apple support page. I went through each step. I made all of my USB drives not shut down, I had my computer on all night to try and charge the shuffle. All I see is a red light that appears on the shuffle for a few seconds when I first connect the USB charger to the computer. Then, nothing. Since this was working a bit ago, I don't think that I have a defective shuffle. The USB charger is brand new, I just picked it up yesterday from the apple store. I have the short one, and the longer cable as well.
    Any help that you might be able to give to me would be much appreciated. My daughter is missing listening to her music. Thanks!

    Instead of "charger," you should call it the "USB cable" to avoid confusion.  When started reading your post, I was thinking, how can your son break a USB power adapter (the "charger" that plugs into a wall socket) by biting it...
    Since you got the product with the two USB cables at the Apple Store, you have the right replacement (some third-party replacements are for the 2nd gen shuffle and do not work with the 4th gen shuffle).  Make sure you are completely inserting the plug into the headphones jack.  The fit may be tighter than expected, since the connectors are new.
    If you tried both of those cables, it would be unlikely that you got two faulty cables in one package.  If a new USB device has been added to the computer between the time it worked with the old cable and now, there could be a problem on the USB bus (such as not enough power or a device conflict). 
    As a test, you should shut down (power off) the computer and disconnect all USB devices (including any hub), except for standard keyboard and mouse (if used).  Do this to reset the shuffle
    Start up computer, run iTunes, and connect the shuffle by itself to a direct USB port on the computer.

  • My iPhone 3G phone button no longer works. If I push it I get a black screen for a few seconds then back to the home screen. Everything else is ok. Any ideas how to fix this?

    The phone button on my iPhone 3G no longer works. Everything else on the iPhone works fine. I can receive incoming calls. I can make calls directly from Contacts. But if I press the phone button I get a blank white screen for a few seconds then it goes back to the home screen. I've tried the hard reset and also restoring orignall settings via iTunes but keep getting the same problem. Does anyone know how to fix this?
    Thank you, Neil.

    Thanks for the advice but I've tried resetting network settings and also the reset by pressing home and sleep buttons until getting the Apple logo. Still have the same problem. To be clear (because I mistakenly typed black instead of blank in the title to this thread): If I press the phone button I get a BLANK WHITE screen for a few seconds then it goes back to the home screen. I doubt it's the SIM card as I can receive calls and make them directly from contacts. What I can't do is view my favourite numbers or missed calls or access my voicemail, i.e. all the things you get to via pressing the phone button.

  • ITunes plays a few seconds and skips

    My daughter's PC crashed and I had to rebuild it, but I was able to get her music off of the drive before I rebuilt.
    An odd thing is happening now. She has several songs that she purchased from the iTunes store that will play a few seconds, then skip to the next song. They do it on her PC and mine (where I copied the music before I rebuilt her PC). Both are Windows XP Pro.
    The files appear to be full size. I have burned them to a CD through iTunes, but they do the same thing on a CD player. If I open them in QuickTime, they play all the way through, but have periodic "skips" in the song, the first occurring where it completely stops in iTunes. They also only play a few seconds on the iPod before skipping to the next song.
    It isn't all of her music and it's not all of her purchased music. It is just selected songs.
    I found a thread on another message board somewhere of someone with the same problem, but as is usually the case, there was not resolution given.
    Does anyone have any ideas what caused it and how we can correct the problem? Will Apple do anything about it?

    If the song was corrupted during the import into iTunes, it needs deleting from there (and your iPod) and re-importing.

  • Some of my songs quit working after just a few seconds on my i pod nano but on my i pad 3 they play perfectly , how do i fix this ?

    some of my songs quit after just a few seconds on my i pod nano but the same songs play fine on my i pad 3 - how do i fix this ?

    Assuming you are in a region where you are allowed to redownload your past music purchases, delete the broken tracks from your iTunes library, close and then reopen iTunes, go to the iTunes Store home page, click the Purchased link from the Quick Links section in the right-hand column, then select Music and Not on this computer. You should find download links for your tracks there.
    While downloading select Downloads in the left-hand column and make sure Allow Simultaneous Downloads is unticked.
    If the problem persists, or that facility is not yet available in your region, contact the iTunes Store support staff through the report a problem links in your account history, or via Contact Support.
    See also: HT2519 - Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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