How to specify warehouse in item object using set GL Method by Warehouse

Hi all,
I have a sdk to import item master from excel using item object. In general setting, the default warehouse was not set. Therefore, when the program creates the item master, it will first set GL Method by Item Level in order to take in the warehouse code from the excel file and after the item master created, sdk will change the set GL Method from item level to warehouse using object cos customer wants item to manage by warehouse. This sdk was working fine until recently it upgraded to 2007 whereby the change of set GL Method is no longer available using object except thru B1 interface. 
Does anyone know any workaround?
The below is my sample coding.
            Dim RetVal As Long
            Dim errCode As Long
            Dim errMsg As String
            Dim dr As System.Data.DataRow
            Dim objRows As DataRow() = dtHeader.Select
            If objRows.GetUpperBound(0) >= 0 Then
                For Each objDataRow In objRows
                    oITM = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oItems)
                    oITM.ItemCode = objDataRow("Item")
                    oITM.ItemName = objDataRow("Descr")
                    oITM.ItemType = SAPbobsCOM.ItemTypeEnum.itItems
                    oITM.ItemsGroupCode = objDataRow("ItmGrp")
                    oITM.IssueMethod = objDataRow("IssMthd")
                    oITM.SalesItem = objDataRow("SlsItem")
                    oITM.InventoryItem = objDataRow("InvItem")
                    oITM.PurchaseItem = objDataRow("PurItem")
                    oITM.ManageSerialNumbers = objDataRow("ManageSerial")
                    oITM.ManageBatchNumbers = objDataRow("ManageBatch")
                    oITM.CostAccountingMethod = SAPbobsCOM.BoInventorySystem.bis_FIFO
                    oITM.ManageStockByWarehouse = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    oITM.InventoryUOM = objDataRow("InvUom")
                    oITM.PurchaseUnit = objDataRow("PurUom")
                    oITM.PurchaseItemsPerUnit = objDataRow("PerPurUnit")
                    oITM.SalesUnit = objDataRow("SlsUom")
                    oITM.SalesItemsPerUnit = objDataRow("PerSlsUnit")
                    oITM.ShipType = objDataRow("ShipTyp")
                    oITM.Properties(1) = objDataRow("StdPart")
                    oITM.Properties(2) = objDataRow("FabPart")
                    oITM.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_Materials").Value = objDataRow("Material")
                    oITM.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_Treatment").Value = objDataRow("Treatment")
                    oITM.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_ProdType").Value = objDataRow("PrdTyp")
                    If objDataRow("Manufacturer") <> String.Empty Then
                        oITM.Manufacturer = objDataRow("Manufacturer")
                    End If
                    oITM.GLMethod = SAPbobsCOM.BoGLMethods.glm_ItemLevel
                    'Get detail
                    Dim oRows As DataRow() = dtDetail.Select("LineNo = " & objDataRow("LineNo") & "")
                    If oRows.GetUpperBound(0) >= 0 Then
                        For Each dr In oRows
                            With oITM.WhsInfo
                                .WarehouseCode = dr("Whs")
                                .RevenuesAccount = "_SYS00000000209"
                                .ExpensesAccount = "_SYS00000000003"
                                .SalesCreditAcc = "_SYS00000000209"
                                .PurchaseCreditAcc = "_SYS00000000003"
                            End With
                    End If 'oRows
                    RetVal = oITM.Add()
                    'Check for error
                    If RetVal <> 0 Then
                        oCompany.GetLastError(errCode, errMsg)
                        Throw New Exception("[Import Item Master]: " & errCode & "-" & errMsg)
                    End If
                    'Change GLMethods from ItemLevel to Warehouse
                    If oITM.GetByKey(objDataRow("Item")) = True Then
                        oITM.GLMethod = SAPbobsCOM.BoGLMethods.glm_WH
                        If oITM.Update() <> 0 Then
                            oCompany.GetLastError(errCode, errMsg)
                            Throw New Exception("[Update Item Master]: " & errCode & "-" & errMsg)
                        End If
                    End If
            End If 'objRows</pre>

This code is working on 2007. What is the error message you get when you change the G/L method by WH?
Try it to change in SAP B1 GUI  an item G/L Method tp WH which has been added via your code , I think settings of G/L Account is missing.....
And check that the Addd all warehouse is not checked in the System Settings.

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    case DBTransaction.LOCK_OPTIMISTIC:
    System.out.println("Locking mode: LOCK_OPTIMISTIC");
    case DBTransaction.LOCK_PESSIMISTIC:
    System.out.println("Locking mode: LOCK_PESSIMISTIC");
    // TODO: Override this oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl method
    super.prepareForDML(p0, p1);
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    switch (this.getEntityState())
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    System.out.println("Entity State: STATUS_DEAD");
    case EntityImpl.STATUS_DELETED:
    System.out.println("Entity State: STATUS_DELETED");
    case EntityImpl.STATUS_INITIALIZED:
    System.out.println("Entity State: STATUS_INITIALIZED");
    case EntityImpl.STATUS_MODIFIED:
    System.out.println("Entity State: STATUS_MODIFIED");
    case EntityImpl.STATUS_NEW:
    System.out.println("Entity State: STATUS_NEW");
    case EntityImpl.STATUS_UNMODIFIED:
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    System.out.println("Entity State: STATUS_DEAD - " + state);
    case EntityImpl.STATUS_DELETED:
    System.out.println("Entity State: STATUS_DELETED - " + state);
    case EntityImpl.STATUS_INITIALIZED:
    System.out.println("Entity State: STATUS_INITIALIZED - " + state);
    case EntityImpl.STATUS_MODIFIED:
    System.out.println("Entity State: STATUS_MODIFIED - " + state);
    case EntityImpl.STATUS_NEW:
    System.out.println("Entity State: STATUS_NEW - " + state);
    case EntityImpl.STATUS_UNMODIFIED:
    System.out.println("Entity State: STATUS_UNMODIFIED - " + state);
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    // TODO: Override this oracle.jbo.server.EntityDefImpl method
    return super.createBlankInstance(p0);
    Output - Test 1
    Locking mode: LOCK_OPTIMISTIC
    Entity Class: testapp.TestEoImpl
    Entity State: STATUS_NEW
    Entity Class: testapp.OtherEoImpl
    Entity State: STATUS_UNMODIFIED - 1
    Output - Test 2
    Locking mode: LOCK_PESSIMISTIC
    Entity Class: testapp.TestEoImpl
    Entity State: STATUS_NEW
    Entity Class: testapp.OtherEoImpl
    Entity State: STATUS_UNMODIFIED - 1

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    a). You should use the [url]OA Framework Forum for this question.
    b). Entity objects always correspond to a single table. I think you want to create a View object instead.
    c). Really, you want to be using the OA Framework forum.

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    It sounds like you want to look into a Vision technique called Pattern Matching.  Using our Vision tools, you can look for a image, called a template, within another image.  Vision will scan over the entire image of interest trying to see if there are any matches with the template.  It will return the number of matches and their coordinates within the image of interest.  You would take a picture of the object and use it as the template to search for.  Then, take a picture of the entire room and use pattern matching to determine at what coordinates that template is found in the picture.  Doing this multiple times, you can track the movement of the object as it moves throughout the room.  If you have a motion system that will have to move the camera for you, it will complicate matters very much, but would still be possible to do.  You would have to have a feedback loop that, depending on where the object is located, adjusts the angle of the camera appropriately.
    There are a number of different examples a that perform pattern matching.  There are three available in the example finder.  In LabVIEW, navigate to "Help » Find Examples".  On the "Browse" tab, browse according to "Directory Structure".  Navigate to "Vision » 2. Functions".  There are examples for "Pattern Matching", "Color Pattern Matching", and "Geometric Matching".  There are also dozens of pattern matching documents and example programs on our website.  From the homepage at, you can search in the top-right corner the entire site for the keywords, "pattern matching". 
    If you have Vision Assistant, you can use this to set up the pattern matching sequence.  When it is complete and customized to your liking, you can convert that into LabVIEW code by navigating to "Tools » Create LabVIEW VI..."  This is probably the easiest way to customize any type of vision application in general.
    I hope this helps you get started.  Take care and good luck!
    Regards,Aaron B.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

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    The best way to do this is environment analysis. Follow the steps:
    1. Open se38, type in the program name (don't click on on display/change or create button, stay on first screen only)
    2. Click on environment analysis button (hot key SHIFT+F4)
    3. It will throw a pop-up, which will ask for type of object you want to see, which are linked /used by this program. select all (or may be if you are only interested in Tables, then select table only)
    4. Hit 'Enter'
    You will get the full list of all objects used in this report program. Just note down the one which starts with Z or Y and that's it.

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    String documentString=document.toString();
    StringReader stringReader=new
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    lidation/schema-full-checking", true);
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    Thanks for all the replies. My question is whether there is any way to specify metadata WHEN adding content using iTunes U Web service. Specifying metadata AFTER adding content can be achieved by MergeTrack (weird naming) and it does work.
    As for setting track level meta-data in the media file and then upload it, there're several reasons against that, among which are:
    1. Some track metadata are context-dependent. A video about buildings on Michigan Ave in Chicago can be track #2 in a history course and described as "historic view of the Magnificent Mile", but the same media can also be track #5 in a landscape design course and described as something like "contemporary architecture". Setting these metadata in the media file itself is not the preferred way to do it since it implies maintaining a version of the same media for any course/group it gets uploaded to.
    2. Setting metadata in a location separate from the media file helps track the metadata change and search for media without digging into the media itself.
    3. If MergeTrack "updates" metadata, there got to be some other method that "creates" metadata - that's what a well-designed API should look like. And setting metadata in the media file is not an equivalent to a "create metadata" method call. In rickwolf's term, that implicit AddTrack should actually be made explicit so the party uploading content can explicitly specify metadata instead of having iTunes U extract metadata from the media.
    It is still not clear what "AddTrack" does exactly, maybe rickwolf is right - it's only relevant to tracks created through RSS.
    So it seems to me there is no other way to specify metadata WHEN adding content using iTunes U Web service than setting metadata in the media file. To me it is more like a design flaw.
    Message was edited by: Stone Xiang
    Message was edited by: Stone Xiang
    Message was edited by: Stone Xiang

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    Excuse me for imperfect english.
    I'd like to perform the famous face wrao effect that I've seen in a tutorial for ADOBE AE.
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    (I want to distort an eye in a face that moves it)

    Specialcase gives an excellent tutorial here:

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    suck as 100 GB
    without using disk utility method ??

    Click the partioned disk > Hit Erase Tab  >
    Under "Format" Select "MAC OS Extended Journaled, Encrypted
    Click "Erase"
    Set Password ..

  • Collaboration Services: How does specify a specific language to use?

    Does anyone know how to administer the Leopard server in English, but have the collaboration services (wiki, blog, calendar, etc) run under another language, perhaps even specific to the User and/or Group?
    (formerly posted in the wrong forum)

    I just stumbled upon the solution.
    Checking the collaborative services pages (wiki, blog, etc.) on an English system will show the pages in English. If you use a computer with another system language, that the pages render according to the primary system language. So if you're using a Japanese system, Safari will bring up the collaborative services in Japanese.

  • How do I display an item that used to be on my tool bar?

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    open Safari to get online, instead of using the @ symbol that I used to have on my
    tool bar. Does anyone know how to get this back??
    Message was edited by: rjperson

    First decide what page you want to have open when you use the symbol to get on the net. It doesn't have to be your home page. It can be any page. Once you are on that page drag the symbol next to the address , such as the little apple, to the dock beside the trash can. It must be on the side of the little line towards the trash can in the dock. You will see the little @ springy thing appear. I have my web page set there so I can click it to get on the web from there.

Maybe you are looking for