In Reply to : How to validate org.jdom.Document object using xsd: dvohra09

Hi All
I am creating org.jdom.Document object using constructor Document() and adding children using setRootElement(), setChildren() and addContent() methods. The children are objects of org.jdom.Element. If i want to validate the org.jdom.Document using xsd what i have to do. Thanks in anticipation.

I tried the below code and it is always giving the
Parsing fatal error : The markup in the document preceding the root element must be well-formed.
But it is possible to validate the same Document object as right document after writing it onto xml file using XMLOutputter and parsing it using DOMParser
Thanks in anticipation
org.jdom.Document document;
String documentString=document.toString();
StringReader stringReader=new
SAXBuilder saxBuilder =new
ation",  true);
lidation/schema",  true);
lidation/schema-full-checking", true);
//Set a error handler with
setErrorHandler(org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler errorHandler);

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         at org.apache.xerces.dom.DOMConfigurationImpl.setParameter(Unknown Source)
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    Thank you for your help!

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    a). You should use the [url]OA Framework Forum for this question.
    b). Entity objects always correspond to a single table. I think you want to create a View object instead.
    c). Really, you want to be using the OA Framework forum.

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    It sounds like you want to look into a Vision technique called Pattern Matching.  Using our Vision tools, you can look for a image, called a template, within another image.  Vision will scan over the entire image of interest trying to see if there are any matches with the template.  It will return the number of matches and their coordinates within the image of interest.  You would take a picture of the object and use it as the template to search for.  Then, take a picture of the entire room and use pattern matching to determine at what coordinates that template is found in the picture.  Doing this multiple times, you can track the movement of the object as it moves throughout the room.  If you have a motion system that will have to move the camera for you, it will complicate matters very much, but would still be possible to do.  You would have to have a feedback loop that, depending on where the object is located, adjusts the angle of the camera appropriately.
    There are a number of different examples a that perform pattern matching.  There are three available in the example finder.  In LabVIEW, navigate to "Help » Find Examples".  On the "Browse" tab, browse according to "Directory Structure".  Navigate to "Vision » 2. Functions".  There are examples for "Pattern Matching", "Color Pattern Matching", and "Geometric Matching".  There are also dozens of pattern matching documents and example programs on our website.  From the homepage at, you can search in the top-right corner the entire site for the keywords, "pattern matching". 
    If you have Vision Assistant, you can use this to set up the pattern matching sequence.  When it is complete and customized to your liking, you can convert that into LabVIEW code by navigating to "Tools » Create LabVIEW VI..."  This is probably the easiest way to customize any type of vision application in general.
    I hope this helps you get started.  Take care and good luck!
    Regards,Aaron B.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

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    URL xmlurl = new URL("file:\\test.xml");
    XSDBuilder builder = new XSDBuilder();
    URL xsdurl = new URL("file:\\test.xsd");
    XMLSchema schemadoc = (XMLSchema);
    dp.setErrorStream (System.out);
    System.out.println("Parsing "+xmlurl);
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    Any idea how it can be done? I am using jdeveloper 10.1.2

    Thanks for the reply. I get the following error.
    Exception in thread main
    oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDOMException: cannot add a node belonging to a different document
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNSNode.checkNodePermissions(
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNSNode.appendChild(
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument.appendChild(
    at test.parser.ParseTest.parse1(
    at test.parser.ParseTest.main(
    Process exited with exit code 1.
    This is my code
    public void parse1(Element elem) {
    //Element docElement;
    //Node elemNode=(Node)docElement;
    DOMParser dp1 = new DOMParser();
    XMLDocument xmlDocument=new XMLDocument();
    ByteArrayOutputStream docOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ByteArrayInputStream docInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(docOutputStream.toByteArray());
    InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(docInputStream);
    catch (IOException e){e.printStackTrace();}
    catch (XMLParseException e){e.printStackTrace();}
    catch (SAXException e){e.printStackTrace();}

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