How to Store Encrypted String into OracleDatabase Column(vacrchar2)

I encountered an error while inserting a Encryted String into oracle column.. Error "Quoted String Doesn't terminated properly"
But i wrote Query string correctly and using Datatypes as String and vacharchar2(2000) in java and oracle respectively..
what i need to do?

if your code compose the sql programmatically without bind variables i.e.:
String sqlInsert="insert into table A(encrypted_column) values ('" + encryptedValue+ ')");
then if the string encryptedValue contains a ' character you end up with a wrong sql statement
if you encryped values is something like AAABB#??£££'AAA the corresponding sql is
insert into table A(encrypted_column) values ('AAABB#??£££'AAA')
which is not correct becaus of the ' in the middle of the string.

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    Hi i need to write the data from an XML file to a Microsoft SQL SErver database!
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    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
    import org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser;
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    public class MySaxParser extends DefaultHandler
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    private static String attList = "";
    public static void main(String[] argv)
    if (argv.length != 1)
    System.out.println("Usage: java MySaxParser [URI]");
    String uri = argv[0];
    XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser");
    MySaxParser MySaxParserInstance = new MySaxParser();
    catch(IOException ioe)
    catch(SAXException saxe)
    private int idx = 0;
    public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
    throws SAXException
    String s = new String(ch, start, length);
    if (ch[0] == '\n')
    System.out.println(getIndent() + " Value: " + s);
    public void endDocument() throws SAXException
    idx -= INDENT;
    public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException
    if (!attList.equals(""))
    System.out.println(getIndent() + " Attributes: " + attList);
    attList = "";
    System.out.println(getIndent() + "end document");
    idx -= INDENT;
    public void startDocument() throws SAXException
    idx += INDENT;
    public void startElement(String uri,
    String localName,
    String qName,
    Attributes attributes) throws SAXException
    idx += INDENT;
    System.out.println('\n' + getIndent() + "start element: " + localName);
    if (localName.compareTo("Machine") == 0)
    if (attributes.getLength() > 0)
    idx += INDENT;
    for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++)
    attList = attList + attributes.getLocalName(i) + " = " + attributes.getValue(i);
    if (i < (attributes.getLength() - 1))
    attList = attList + ", ";
    idx-= INDENT;
    private String getIndent()
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++)
    sb.append(" ");
    return sb.toString();
    }// END PRGM
    Now , am not a very good Java DEv. and i need to find a soln. to this prob within 1 week.
    The next step is to write the data to the DB.
    Am sending an example of my file:
    <Hostname> IPCServer </Hostname>
    <HostID> 80c04499 </HostID>
    <MachineType> sun4u [ID 466748] Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 360MHz) </MachineType>
    <CPU> UltraSPARC-IIi at 360 MHz </CPU>
    <Memory> RAM : 512 MB </Memory>
    <HA>] </HA>
    <HD1> c0t0d0 ctrl] target 0 lun 0 </HD1>
    <HD2> ST38420A 8.2 GB </HD2>
    <GraphicCard> m64B : PCI PGX 8-bit +Accel. </GraphicCard>
    <NetworkType> hme0 : Fast-Ethernet </NetworkType>
    <EthernetAddress> 09:00:30:C1:34:90 </EthernetAddress>
    <IPAddress> </IPAddress>
    Note that i can have more than 1 machines (meaning that i have to loop thru the file to be able to write to the DB)
    Cal u tellme what to do!
    Even better- do u have a piece of code that will help me understand and implement the database writing portion?
    I badly need help here.

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    Im trying this but its not working...
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         billingQueryParam = (BillingQueryParam);
         System.out.println("****** Param Name-->"+billingQueryParam.getParamName());
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    Declare the array outside of the loop. Fill the array as you iterate. And stop putting your error messages inside of comments in the code.

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    INSTR ('XXXXXX.0001.09011.0001.00002.03.0004.0005.0006.00007', '.', 1) + 1,
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    - INSTR ('XXXXXX.0001.09011.0001.00002.03.0004.0005.0006.00007', '.', 1)
    - 1
    ) col2,
    SUBSTR ('XXXXXX.0001.09011.0001.00002.03.0004.0005.0006.00007',
    INSTR ('XXXXXX.0001.09011.0001.00002.03.0004.0005.0006.00007', '.', -1, 2) + 1,
    INSTR ('XXXXXX.0001.09011.0001.00002.03.0004.0005.0006.00007', '.', -1, 1)
    - INSTR ('XXXXXX.0001.09011.0001.00002.03.0004.0005.0006.00007', '.', -1, 2)
    - 1
    ) col3
    from dual
    It is very urgent.
    Thanks in advance.

    npejavar wrote:
    It is very urgent.
    It doesn't look urgent, you could simply read the manuals for instr and substr or describe any issues or errors you are having, or post sample data so people could help you more easily, or format your code so it is more readable, but you don't bother to do any of those things so if it isn't important to you to extend any effort, why would it be important to us?
    If it was really urgent it would be a violation of the conditions of use of these forums.
    4. Use of Community Services
    Community Services are provided as a convenience to users and Oracle is not obligated to provide any technical support for, or participate in, Community Services. While Community Services may include information regarding Oracle products and services, including information from Oracle employees, they are not an official customer support channel for Oracle.
    You may use Community Services subject to the following: (a) Community Services may be used solely for your personal, informational, noncommercial purposes; (b) Content provided on or through Community Services may not be redistributed; and (c) personal data about other users may not be stored or collected except where expressly authorized by Oracle

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    May be this thread will help you in your requirement.
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    If you are creating your XML "by hand" then just make sure your hands know that you have to do that. It isn't difficult to write a Java method to do it, if "by hand" means "in Java code". Otherwise your XML is not well-formed. And as far as I know there is no package that takes ill-formed XML and fixes it up.

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    I am using Flash Builder 4.6, BlazeDS, and Hibernate. How to store a webcam snapshot into the MySql Database. I stored Form Items by using RemoteObject into the database. But I failed to store webcam snapshot. I captured that image on Panel component.I converted that image to ByteArray. Now I want to save that image into the database. Please help me in this regard.
    thanks in advance.
    Here the Code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
              title="Visitor Entry Form" xmlns:text="flash.text.*">
              <mx:RemoteObject id="saveService" destination="visitorService" result="handleSaveResult(event)" fault="handleFault(event)" showBusyCursor="true" />
              <vo:Visitor id="visitor"
                        import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
                        import com.visitor.vo.WebCam;
                        import com.visitor.vo.Base64;
                        import mx.core.UIComponent;
                        import mx.controls.Alert;
                        import mx.containers.Canvas;
                        import mx.validators.Validator;
                                  private var webCam: com.visitor.vo.WebCam;
                                  private var message:String;
                                  private var formIsValid:Boolean = false;
                                  public var formIsEmpty:Boolean;
                                  private var focussedFormControl:DisplayObject;
                                  private function handleSaveResult(ev:ResultEvent):void {
                                  "Visitor successfully created/updated.", "Information", Alert.OK, null, null, null, Alert.OK);
                                            // Reload the list.
                                  private function handleFault(ev:FaultEvent):void {
                                            message = "Error: " + ev.fault.faultCode + " \n "
                                                      + "Detail: " + ev.fault.faultDetail + " \n "
                                                      + "Message: " + ev.fault.faultString;
                                  public function saveVisitor():void {
                                  private function creationCompleteHandler():void {
                                  private function resetFocus():void {
                                  public function validateForm(event:Event):void  {
                                            focussedFormControl = as DisplayObject;   
                                            formIsValid = true;
                                            // Check if form is empty
                                            formIsEmpty = (vTypeField.text == "" && vPurposeField.text == "" && vNameField.text == "" && vAddressField.text == "" && cPersonField.text == "" && cAddressField.text == "");
                                  private function validate(validator:Validator):Boolean {
                                            var validatorSource:DisplayObject = validator.source as DisplayObject;
                                            var suppressEvents:Boolean = (validatorSource != focussedFormControl);
                                            var event:ValidationResultEvent = validator.validate(null, suppressEvents);
                                            var currentControlIsValid:Boolean = (event.type == ValidationResultEvent.VALID);
                                            formIsValid = formIsValid && currentControlIsValid;
                                            return currentControlIsValid;
                                  private function clearFormHandler():void {
                                            // Clear all input fields.
                                            vTypeField.text = "";
                                            vPurposeField.text = "";
                                            vNameField.text = "";
                                            vAddressField.text = "";
                                            cPersonField.text = "";
                                            cAddressField.text = "";
                                            message = "";
                                            // Clear validation error messages.
                                            vTypeField.errorString = "";
                                            vPurposeField.errorString = "";
                                            vNameField.errorString = "";
                                            vAddressField.errorString = "";
                                            cPersonField.errorString = "";
                                            cAddressField.errorString = "";
                                            formIsEmpty = true;
                                            formIsValid = false;
                                  private function init():void {
                                  webCam = new WebCam(97,97);
                                  var ref:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
                                  private function takeSnapshot():void {
                                  imageViewer.visible = true;
                                  imageViewer.width = preview.width;
                                  imageViewer.height = preview.height;
                                  var uiComponent : UIComponent = new UIComponent();
                                  uiComponent.width = webCam.width;
                                  uiComponent.height = webCam.height;
                                  var photoData:Bitmap = webCam.getSnapshot();
                                  var photoBitmap:BitmapData = photoData.bitmapData;
                                  private function uploadSnapshot():void
                                            if (imageViewer.getChildren().length > 0)
                                                      var uic:UIComponent = imageViewer.getChildAt(0) as UIComponent;
                                                      var bitmap:Bitmap = uic.getChildAt(0) as Bitmap;
                                                      var jpgEncoder:JPEGEncoder = new JPEGEncoder(75);
                                                      var jpgBytes:ByteArray = jpgEncoder.encode(bitmap.bitmapData);
                                  private function deleteSnapshot():void
              <mx:StringValidator id="vTypeValidator"          source="{vTypeField}"          property="text" minLength="2" required="true" />
              <mx:StringValidator id="vPurposeValidator" source="{vPurposeField}"          property="text" minLength="2" required="true" />
              <mx:StringValidator id="vNameValidator"          source="{vNameField}"          property="text" minLength="2" required="true" />
              <mx:StringValidator id="vAddressValidator"          source="{vAddressField}"          property="text" minLength="5" required="true" />
              <mx:StringValidator id="cPersonValidator" source="{cPersonField}"          property="text" minLength="2" required="true" />
              <mx:StringValidator id="cAddressValidator"          source="{cAddressField}"          property="text" minLength="5" required="true" />
              <mx:Grid width="575" height="211">
                        <mx:GridRow width="575" height="211">
                                  <mx:GridItem width="301" height="235">
                                            <mx:Form width="301" height="208">
                                                      <mx:FormItem label="Visitor's Type">
                                                                <mx:ComboBox id="vTypeField" text="{visitor.vType}" change="validateForm(event);" editable="true">
                                                      <mx:FormItem label="Visit Purpose">
                                                                <mx:ComboBox id="vPurposeField" text="{visitor.vPurpose}" change="validateForm(event);" editable="true">
                                                      <mx:FormItem label="Visitor's Name">
                                                                <mx:TextInput id="vNameField"  text="{visitor.vName}" change="validateForm(event);"/>
                                                      <mx:FormItem label="Address">
                                                                <mx:TextInput id="vAddressField"   text="{visitor.vAddress}" change="validateForm(event);"/>
                                                      <mx:FormItem label="Contact Person">
                                                                <mx:TextInput id="cPersonField"  text="{visitor.cPerson}" change="validateForm(event);"/>
                                                      <mx:FormItem label="Address">
                                                                <mx:TextInput id="cAddressField"  text="{visitor.cAddress}" change="validateForm(event);"/>
                                  <mx:GridItem width="264" height="193">
                                            <mx:Grid width="241" height="206">
                                                      <mx:GridRow width="100%" height="100%">
                                                                <mx:GridItem width="100%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle">
                                                                          <mx:Panel width="100" height="132" title="Snap" id="preview" layout="absolute"/>
                                                                <mx:GridItem width="100%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle">
                                                                          <mx:Panel width="100" height="132" title="Preview" id="imageViewer"  layout="absolute"/>
                                                      <mx:GridRow width="100%" height="27" >
                                                                <mx:GridItem width="100%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="center">
                                                                          <mx:Button id="snapshot" x="2" width="106" height="27" label="Snap"
                                                                <mx:GridItem width="100%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="center">
                                                                          <mx:Button id="deleteButton" x="1" width="106" height="27" label="Delete"
              <mx:ControlBar height="40" horizontalAlign="center">
                        <mx:Button label="Save Visitor"          id="submitButton" enabled="{formIsValid}" click="saveVisitor();" />
                        <mx:Button label="Clear form" enabled="{!formIsEmpty}"          click="clearFormHandler();" />
                        <mx:Button label="Cancel" click="PopUpManager.removePopUp(this);"/>
                        <mx:Label width="211" id="state"/>
              <mx:Text text="{message}" fontWeight="bold" width="300"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
              title="Visitor Management System - Found {visitorRecords} visitors."
              <mx:RemoteObject id="loaderService" destination="visitorService" result="handleLoadResult(event)"          fault="handleFault(event)" showBusyCursor="true" />
              <mx:RemoteObject id="deleteService" destination="visitorService" result="handleDeleteResult(event)"          fault="handleFault(event)" showBusyCursor="true" />
                                  import com.visitor.vo.Visitor;
                                  import mx.controls.Alert;
                                  import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
                                  import mx.containers.TitleWindow;
                                  import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                                  private var message:String;
                                  private var visitors:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
                                  private var visitorRecords:int = 0;
                                  public function loadVisitors():void {
                                  private function deleteVisitor():void {
                                            if(dataGrid.selectedItem != null) {
                                                      var selectedItem:Visitor = dataGrid.selectedItem as Visitor;
                                  private function createVisitor():void {
                                            var titleWindow:VisitorEntryForm = VisitorEntryForm(PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, VisitorEntryForm, true));
                                            titleWindow.setStyle("borderAlpha", 0.9);
                                            titleWindow.formIsEmpty = true;
                                  private function updateVisitor():void {
                                            var titleWindow:VisitorEntryForm = VisitorEntryForm(PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, VisitorEntryForm, true));
                                            titleWindow.setStyle("borderAlpha", 0.9);
                                            titleWindow.visitor = dataGrid.selectedItem as Visitor;
                                            titleWindow.formIsEmpty = false;
                                  private function handleLoadResult(ev:ResultEvent):void {
                                            visitors = ev.result as ArrayCollection;
                                            visitorRecords = visitors.length;
                                  private function handleDeleteResult(ev:ResultEvent):void {
                                  "The visitor has been deleted.", "Information", Alert.OK, null, null, null, Alert.OK);
                                  private function handleFault(ev:FaultEvent):void {
                                            message = "Error: "
                                                      + ev.fault.faultCode + " - "
                                                      + ev.fault.faultDetail + " - "
                                                      + ev.fault.faultString;
              <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%">
                        <mx:Label text="{message}" fontWeight="bold" includeInLayout="false" />
                                  doubleClick="updateVisitor()" >
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="visitorId"          headerText="Visitor ID" width="100"/>
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="vType"                    headerText="Visitor's Type" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="vPurpose"           headerText="Visit Purpose" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="vName"                     headerText="Visitor's Name" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="vAddress"                    headerText="Visitor's Address" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="cPerson"                     headerText="Contact Person" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="cAddress"                    headerText="Contact Address" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="timeIn"                     headerText="Time-In" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="timeOut"                     headerText="Time-Out" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="vPhoto"                     headerText="Visitor's Photo" />
                        <mx:ControlBar horizontalAlign="center">
                                  <mx:Button label="Create Visitor"          click="createVisitor()"          toolTip="Create a new visitor and store it in the database." />
                                  <mx:Button label="Update Visitor"          click="updateVisitor()"           enabled="{dataGrid.selectedItem}" toolTip="Update an existing database visitor." />
                                  <mx:Button label="Delete Visitor"          click="deleteVisitor()"          enabled="{dataGrid.selectedItem}" toolTip="Delete the visitor from the database." />
                                  <mx:Button label="Reload Data"                    click="loadVisitors()"           toolTip="Reload the visitor list from the database." />
    package com.visitor.vo
              import mx.controls.Image;
              import spark.primitives.BitmapImage;
              public class Visitor
                        public function Visitor()
                        public var visitorId:Number;
                        public var vType:String;
                        public var vPurpose:String;
                        public var vName:String;
                        public var vAddress:String;
                        public var cPerson:String;
                        public var cAddress:String;
                        public var timeIn:Date;
                        public var timeOut:Date;
                       public var vPhoto: Image;
    package com.visitor;
    import java.sql.Blob;
    import java.sql.Timestamp;
    import javax.persistence.Basic;
    import javax.persistence.Column;
    import javax.persistence.Entity;
    import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
    import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
    import javax.persistence.Id;
    import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;
    import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
    import javax.persistence.Table;
    import org.hibernate.annotations.Index;
    @Table(name = "visitors")
    @NamedQueries( {
                        @NamedQuery(name = "visitors.findAll", query = "from Visitor"),
                        @NamedQuery(name = "visitors.byId", query = "select v from Visitor v where v.visitorId= :visitorId") })
    public class Visitor {
              @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
              @Column(name = "visitorId", nullable = false)
              private Long visitorId;
              @Index(name = "vType_idx_1")
              @Column(name = "vType", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private String vType;
              @Column(name = "vPurpose", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private String vPurpose;
              @Column(name = "vName", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private String vName;
              @Column(name = "vAddress", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private String vAddress;
              @Column(name = "cPerson", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private String cPerson;
              @Column(name = "cAddress", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private String cAddress;
              @Column(name = "timeIn", nullable = false, unique = false)
              private Timestamp timeIn;
              @Column(name = "timeOut", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private Timestamp timeOut;
              @Column(name = "vPhoto", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private Blob vPhoto;
              public Visitor() {
              public Long getVisitorId() {
                        return visitorId;
              public void setVisitorId(Long visitorId) {
                        this.visitorId = visitorId;
              public String getvType() {
                        return vType;
              public void setvType(String vType) {
                        this.vType = vType;
              public String getvPurpose() {
                        return vPurpose;
              public void setvPurpose(String vPurpose) {
                        this.vPurpose = vPurpose;
              public String getvName() {
                        return vName;
              public void setvName(String vName) {
                        this.vName = vName;
              public String getvAddress() {
                        return vAddress;
              public void setvAddress(String vAddress) {
                        this.vAddress = vAddress;
              public String getcPerson() {
                        return cPerson;
              public void setcPerson(String cPerson) {
                        this.cPerson = cPerson;
              public String getcAddress() {
                        return cAddress;
              public void setcAddress(String cAddress) {
                        this.cAddress = cAddress;
              public Timestamp getTimeIn() {
                        return timeIn;
              public void setTimeIn(Timestamp timeIn) {
                        this.timeIn = timeIn;
              public Timestamp getTimeOut() {
                        return timeOut;
              public void setTimeOut(Timestamp timeOut) {
                        this.timeOut = timeOut;
              public Blob getvPhoto() {
                        return vPhoto;
              public void setvPhoto(Blob vPhoto) {
                        this.vPhoto = vPhoto;
    package com.visitor;
    import java.sql.Timestamp;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
    import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
    import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction;
    import javax.persistence.Persistence;
    import javax.persistence.Query;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    public class VisitorService {
              private static final String PERSISTENCE_UNIT = "visitor_db";
              private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(VisitorService.class);
              public VisitorService() {
              public List<Visitor> getvisitors() {
                        logger.debug("** getVisitors called...");
                        EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory = Persistence
                        EntityManager em = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
                        Query findAllQuery = em.createNamedQuery("visitors.findAll");
                        List<Visitor> visitors = findAllQuery.getResultList();
                        if (visitors != null)
                                  logger.debug("** Found " + visitors.size() + " records:");
                        return visitors;
              public void addUpdateVisitor(Visitor visitor) throws Exception {
                        logger.debug("** addUpdateVisitor called...");
                        EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence
                        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
                        // When passing Boolean and Number values from the Flash client to a
                        // Java object, Java interprets null values as the default values for
                        // primitive types; for example, 0 for double, float, long, int, short,
                        // byte.
                        if (visitor.getVisitorId() == null          || visitor.getVisitorId() == 0) {
                                  // New consultant is created
                                  visitor.setTimeIn(new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()));
                        } else {
                                  visitor.setTimeOut(new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()));
                                  // Existing consultant is updated - do nothing.
                        EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction();
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                                  logger.error("** Error: " + e.getMessage());
                                  throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
                        } finally {
                        "** Closing Entity Manager.");
              public void deleteVisitor(Long visitorId) {
                        logger.debug("** deleteVisitor called...");
                        EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence
                        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
                        Query q = em.createNamedQuery("visitors.byId");
                        q.setParameter("visitorId", visitorId);
                        Visitor visitor = (Visitor) q.getSingleResult();
                        if (visitor != null) {
                                  EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction();
                                  try {
                                  } catch (Exception e) {
                                            logger.error("** Error: " + e.getMessage());
                                  } finally {
                                  "** Closing Entity Manager.");
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <service id="remoting-service" class="">
                        <adapter-definition id="java-object"
                                  default="true" />
                        <channel ref="my-amf" />
              <!-- ADC Demo application -->
              <destination id="visitorService">

    I am using Flash Builder 4.6, BlazeDS, and Hibernate. How to store a webcam snapshot into the MySql Database. I stored Form Items by using RemoteObject into the database. But I failed to store webcam snapshot. I captured that image on Panel component.I converted that image to ByteArray. Now I want to save that image into the database. Please help me in this regard.
    thanks in advance.
    Here the Code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
              title="Visitor Entry Form" xmlns:text="flash.text.*">
              <mx:RemoteObject id="saveService" destination="visitorService" result="handleSaveResult(event)" fault="handleFault(event)" showBusyCursor="true" />
              <vo:Visitor id="visitor"
                        import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
                        import com.visitor.vo.WebCam;
                        import com.visitor.vo.Base64;
                        import mx.core.UIComponent;
                        import mx.controls.Alert;
                        import mx.containers.Canvas;
                        import mx.validators.Validator;
                                  private var webCam: com.visitor.vo.WebCam;
                                  private var message:String;
                                  private var formIsValid:Boolean = false;
                                  public var formIsEmpty:Boolean;
                                  private var focussedFormControl:DisplayObject;
                                  private function handleSaveResult(ev:ResultEvent):void {
                                  "Visitor successfully created/updated.", "Information", Alert.OK, null, null, null, Alert.OK);
                                            // Reload the list.
                                  private function handleFault(ev:FaultEvent):void {
                                            message = "Error: " + ev.fault.faultCode + " \n "
                                                      + "Detail: " + ev.fault.faultDetail + " \n "
                                                      + "Message: " + ev.fault.faultString;
                                  public function saveVisitor():void {
                                  private function creationCompleteHandler():void {
                                  private function resetFocus():void {
                                  public function validateForm(event:Event):void  {
                                            focussedFormControl = as DisplayObject;   
                                            formIsValid = true;
                                            // Check if form is empty
                                            formIsEmpty = (vTypeField.text == "" && vPurposeField.text == "" && vNameField.text == "" && vAddressField.text == "" && cPersonField.text == "" && cAddressField.text == "");
                                  private function validate(validator:Validator):Boolean {
                                            var validatorSource:DisplayObject = validator.source as DisplayObject;
                                            var suppressEvents:Boolean = (validatorSource != focussedFormControl);
                                            var event:ValidationResultEvent = validator.validate(null, suppressEvents);
                                            var currentControlIsValid:Boolean = (event.type == ValidationResultEvent.VALID);
                                            formIsValid = formIsValid && currentControlIsValid;
                                            return currentControlIsValid;
                                  private function clearFormHandler():void {
                                            // Clear all input fields.
                                            vTypeField.text = "";
                                            vPurposeField.text = "";
                                            vNameField.text = "";
                                            vAddressField.text = "";
                                            cPersonField.text = "";
                                            cAddressField.text = "";
                                            message = "";
                                            // Clear validation error messages.
                                            vTypeField.errorString = "";
                                            vPurposeField.errorString = "";
                                            vNameField.errorString = "";
                                            vAddressField.errorString = "";
                                            cPersonField.errorString = "";
                                            cAddressField.errorString = "";
                                            formIsEmpty = true;
                                            formIsValid = false;
                                  private function init():void {
                                  webCam = new WebCam(97,97);
                                  var ref:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
                                  private function takeSnapshot():void {
                                  imageViewer.visible = true;
                                  imageViewer.width = preview.width;
                                  imageViewer.height = preview.height;
                                  var uiComponent : UIComponent = new UIComponent();
                                  uiComponent.width = webCam.width;
                                  uiComponent.height = webCam.height;
                                  var photoData:Bitmap = webCam.getSnapshot();
                                  var photoBitmap:BitmapData = photoData.bitmapData;
                                  private function uploadSnapshot():void
                                            if (imageViewer.getChildren().length > 0)
                                                      var uic:UIComponent = imageViewer.getChildAt(0) as UIComponent;
                                                      var bitmap:Bitmap = uic.getChildAt(0) as Bitmap;
                                                      var jpgEncoder:JPEGEncoder = new JPEGEncoder(75);
                                                      var jpgBytes:ByteArray = jpgEncoder.encode(bitmap.bitmapData);
                                  private function deleteSnapshot():void
              <mx:StringValidator id="vTypeValidator"          source="{vTypeField}"          property="text" minLength="2" required="true" />
              <mx:StringValidator id="vPurposeValidator" source="{vPurposeField}"          property="text" minLength="2" required="true" />
              <mx:StringValidator id="vNameValidator"          source="{vNameField}"          property="text" minLength="2" required="true" />
              <mx:StringValidator id="vAddressValidator"          source="{vAddressField}"          property="text" minLength="5" required="true" />
              <mx:StringValidator id="cPersonValidator" source="{cPersonField}"          property="text" minLength="2" required="true" />
              <mx:StringValidator id="cAddressValidator"          source="{cAddressField}"          property="text" minLength="5" required="true" />
              <mx:Grid width="575" height="211">
                        <mx:GridRow width="575" height="211">
                                  <mx:GridItem width="301" height="235">
                                            <mx:Form width="301" height="208">
                                                      <mx:FormItem label="Visitor's Type">
                                                                <mx:ComboBox id="vTypeField" text="{visitor.vType}" change="validateForm(event);" editable="true">
                                                      <mx:FormItem label="Visit Purpose">
                                                                <mx:ComboBox id="vPurposeField" text="{visitor.vPurpose}" change="validateForm(event);" editable="true">
                                                      <mx:FormItem label="Visitor's Name">
                                                                <mx:TextInput id="vNameField"  text="{visitor.vName}" change="validateForm(event);"/>
                                                      <mx:FormItem label="Address">
                                                                <mx:TextInput id="vAddressField"   text="{visitor.vAddress}" change="validateForm(event);"/>
                                                      <mx:FormItem label="Contact Person">
                                                                <mx:TextInput id="cPersonField"  text="{visitor.cPerson}" change="validateForm(event);"/>
                                                      <mx:FormItem label="Address">
                                                                <mx:TextInput id="cAddressField"  text="{visitor.cAddress}" change="validateForm(event);"/>
                                  <mx:GridItem width="264" height="193">
                                            <mx:Grid width="241" height="206">
                                                      <mx:GridRow width="100%" height="100%">
                                                                <mx:GridItem width="100%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle">
                                                                          <mx:Panel width="100" height="132" title="Snap" id="preview" layout="absolute"/>
                                                                <mx:GridItem width="100%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle">
                                                                          <mx:Panel width="100" height="132" title="Preview" id="imageViewer"  layout="absolute"/>
                                                      <mx:GridRow width="100%" height="27" >
                                                                <mx:GridItem width="100%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="center">
                                                                          <mx:Button id="snapshot" x="2" width="106" height="27" label="Snap"
                                                                <mx:GridItem width="100%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="center">
                                                                          <mx:Button id="deleteButton" x="1" width="106" height="27" label="Delete"
              <mx:ControlBar height="40" horizontalAlign="center">
                        <mx:Button label="Save Visitor"          id="submitButton" enabled="{formIsValid}" click="saveVisitor();" />
                        <mx:Button label="Clear form" enabled="{!formIsEmpty}"          click="clearFormHandler();" />
                        <mx:Button label="Cancel" click="PopUpManager.removePopUp(this);"/>
                        <mx:Label width="211" id="state"/>
              <mx:Text text="{message}" fontWeight="bold" width="300"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
              title="Visitor Management System - Found {visitorRecords} visitors."
              <mx:RemoteObject id="loaderService" destination="visitorService" result="handleLoadResult(event)"          fault="handleFault(event)" showBusyCursor="true" />
              <mx:RemoteObject id="deleteService" destination="visitorService" result="handleDeleteResult(event)"          fault="handleFault(event)" showBusyCursor="true" />
                                  import com.visitor.vo.Visitor;
                                  import mx.controls.Alert;
                                  import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
                                  import mx.containers.TitleWindow;
                                  import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                                  private var message:String;
                                  private var visitors:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
                                  private var visitorRecords:int = 0;
                                  public function loadVisitors():void {
                                  private function deleteVisitor():void {
                                            if(dataGrid.selectedItem != null) {
                                                      var selectedItem:Visitor = dataGrid.selectedItem as Visitor;
                                  private function createVisitor():void {
                                            var titleWindow:VisitorEntryForm = VisitorEntryForm(PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, VisitorEntryForm, true));
                                            titleWindow.setStyle("borderAlpha", 0.9);
                                            titleWindow.formIsEmpty = true;
                                  private function updateVisitor():void {
                                            var titleWindow:VisitorEntryForm = VisitorEntryForm(PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, VisitorEntryForm, true));
                                            titleWindow.setStyle("borderAlpha", 0.9);
                                            titleWindow.visitor = dataGrid.selectedItem as Visitor;
                                            titleWindow.formIsEmpty = false;
                                  private function handleLoadResult(ev:ResultEvent):void {
                                            visitors = ev.result as ArrayCollection;
                                            visitorRecords = visitors.length;
                                  private function handleDeleteResult(ev:ResultEvent):void {
                                  "The visitor has been deleted.", "Information", Alert.OK, null, null, null, Alert.OK);
                                  private function handleFault(ev:FaultEvent):void {
                                            message = "Error: "
                                                      + ev.fault.faultCode + " - "
                                                      + ev.fault.faultDetail + " - "
                                                      + ev.fault.faultString;
              <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%">
                        <mx:Label text="{message}" fontWeight="bold" includeInLayout="false" />
                                  doubleClick="updateVisitor()" >
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="visitorId"          headerText="Visitor ID" width="100"/>
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="vType"                    headerText="Visitor's Type" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="vPurpose"           headerText="Visit Purpose" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="vName"                     headerText="Visitor's Name" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="vAddress"                    headerText="Visitor's Address" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="cPerson"                     headerText="Contact Person" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="cAddress"                    headerText="Contact Address" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="timeIn"                     headerText="Time-In" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="timeOut"                     headerText="Time-Out" />
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="vPhoto"                     headerText="Visitor's Photo" />
                        <mx:ControlBar horizontalAlign="center">
                                  <mx:Button label="Create Visitor"          click="createVisitor()"          toolTip="Create a new visitor and store it in the database." />
                                  <mx:Button label="Update Visitor"          click="updateVisitor()"           enabled="{dataGrid.selectedItem}" toolTip="Update an existing database visitor." />
                                  <mx:Button label="Delete Visitor"          click="deleteVisitor()"          enabled="{dataGrid.selectedItem}" toolTip="Delete the visitor from the database." />
                                  <mx:Button label="Reload Data"                    click="loadVisitors()"           toolTip="Reload the visitor list from the database." />
    package com.visitor.vo
              import mx.controls.Image;
              import spark.primitives.BitmapImage;
              public class Visitor
                        public function Visitor()
                        public var visitorId:Number;
                        public var vType:String;
                        public var vPurpose:String;
                        public var vName:String;
                        public var vAddress:String;
                        public var cPerson:String;
                        public var cAddress:String;
                        public var timeIn:Date;
                        public var timeOut:Date;
                       public var vPhoto: Image;
    package com.visitor;
    import java.sql.Blob;
    import java.sql.Timestamp;
    import javax.persistence.Basic;
    import javax.persistence.Column;
    import javax.persistence.Entity;
    import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
    import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
    import javax.persistence.Id;
    import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;
    import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
    import javax.persistence.Table;
    import org.hibernate.annotations.Index;
    @Table(name = "visitors")
    @NamedQueries( {
                        @NamedQuery(name = "visitors.findAll", query = "from Visitor"),
                        @NamedQuery(name = "visitors.byId", query = "select v from Visitor v where v.visitorId= :visitorId") })
    public class Visitor {
              @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
              @Column(name = "visitorId", nullable = false)
              private Long visitorId;
              @Index(name = "vType_idx_1")
              @Column(name = "vType", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private String vType;
              @Column(name = "vPurpose", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private String vPurpose;
              @Column(name = "vName", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private String vName;
              @Column(name = "vAddress", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private String vAddress;
              @Column(name = "cPerson", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private String cPerson;
              @Column(name = "cAddress", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private String cAddress;
              @Column(name = "timeIn", nullable = false, unique = false)
              private Timestamp timeIn;
              @Column(name = "timeOut", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private Timestamp timeOut;
              @Column(name = "vPhoto", nullable = true, unique = false)
              private Blob vPhoto;
              public Visitor() {
              public Long getVisitorId() {
                        return visitorId;
              public void setVisitorId(Long visitorId) {
                        this.visitorId = visitorId;
              public String getvType() {
                        return vType;
              public void setvType(String vType) {
                        this.vType = vType;
              public String getvPurpose() {
                        return vPurpose;
              public void setvPurpose(String vPurpose) {
                        this.vPurpose = vPurpose;
              public String getvName() {
                        return vName;
              public void setvName(String vName) {
                        this.vName = vName;
              public String getvAddress() {
                        return vAddress;
              public void setvAddress(String vAddress) {
                        this.vAddress = vAddress;
              public String getcPerson() {
                        return cPerson;
              public void setcPerson(String cPerson) {
                        this.cPerson = cPerson;
              public String getcAddress() {
                        return cAddress;
              public void setcAddress(String cAddress) {
                        this.cAddress = cAddress;
              public Timestamp getTimeIn() {
                        return timeIn;
              public void setTimeIn(Timestamp timeIn) {
                        this.timeIn = timeIn;
              public Timestamp getTimeOut() {
                        return timeOut;
              public void setTimeOut(Timestamp timeOut) {
                        this.timeOut = timeOut;
              public Blob getvPhoto() {
                        return vPhoto;
              public void setvPhoto(Blob vPhoto) {
                        this.vPhoto = vPhoto;
    package com.visitor;
    import java.sql.Timestamp;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
    import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
    import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction;
    import javax.persistence.Persistence;
    import javax.persistence.Query;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    public class VisitorService {
              private static final String PERSISTENCE_UNIT = "visitor_db";
              private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(VisitorService.class);
              public VisitorService() {
              public List<Visitor> getvisitors() {
                        logger.debug("** getVisitors called...");
                        EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory = Persistence
                        EntityManager em = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
                        Query findAllQuery = em.createNamedQuery("visitors.findAll");
                        List<Visitor> visitors = findAllQuery.getResultList();
                        if (visitors != null)
                                  logger.debug("** Found " + visitors.size() + " records:");
                        return visitors;
              public void addUpdateVisitor(Visitor visitor) throws Exception {
                        logger.debug("** addUpdateVisitor called...");
                        EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence
                        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
                        // When passing Boolean and Number values from the Flash client to a
                        // Java object, Java interprets null values as the default values for
                        // primitive types; for example, 0 for double, float, long, int, short,
                        // byte.
                        if (visitor.getVisitorId() == null          || visitor.getVisitorId() == 0) {
                                  // New consultant is created
                                  visitor.setTimeIn(new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()));
                        } else {
                                  visitor.setTimeOut(new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()));
                                  // Existing consultant is updated - do nothing.
                        EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction();
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                                  logger.error("** Error: " + e.getMessage());
                                  throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
                        } finally {
                        "** Closing Entity Manager.");
              public void deleteVisitor(Long visitorId) {
                        logger.debug("** deleteVisitor called...");
                        EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence
                        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
                        Query q = em.createNamedQuery("visitors.byId");
                        q.setParameter("visitorId", visitorId);
                        Visitor visitor = (Visitor) q.getSingleResult();
                        if (visitor != null) {
                                  EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction();
                                  try {
                                  } catch (Exception e) {
                                            logger.error("** Error: " + e.getMessage());
                                  } finally {
                                  "** Closing Entity Manager.");
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <service id="remoting-service" class="">
                        <adapter-definition id="java-object"
                                  default="true" />
                        <channel ref="my-amf" />
              <!-- ADC Demo application -->
              <destination id="visitorService">

  • How to load rm file into ordAudio column?

    Hello everybody,
    I made many attempts trying to insert aa.mp3(3.63Mb) and bb.rm(3.58Mb) file into ORDSYS.ordAudio column respectively with the same way.
    the result is: aa.mp3 was inserted successfully, but the bb.rm was not. It showed the error message: "java.sql.SQLException:ORA-01401:inserted value too large for column"
    Why? How can I insert *.rm into the ordAudio column?
    main code are grateful.

    1.tonight, I made another trying to insert aa.mp3(3.63Mb) and bb.rm(3.58Mb) file into ORDSYS.ordAudio column respectively with the same way.
    the result is: aa.mp3 was inserted successfully, but the bb.rm was not. It showed the error message: "java.sql.SQLException:ORA-01401:inserted value too large for column"
    And the main code is as following:
    private final static String EMPTY_AUDIO = "ordsys.ordaudio.init()"; //declare the EMPTY_AUDIO
    stmt = (OraclePreparedStatement)conn.prepareStatement( //
    " values (?,?,?,?," + EMPTY_AUDIO +")" );
    stmt.setString( 1, id );
    stmt.setString( 2, filetype );
    stmt.setString( 3, new String(keyword.getBytes("ISO8859-1")) );
    stmt.setString( 4, new String(filename.getBytes("ISO8859-1")) );
    // System.out.println("after 4th set..()!!");
    //load the audio media file into table
         "select NOAU_AU_MEDIA from TAB_NOAUDIT_AUDIO where NOAU_AU_SERIALNUMBER = ? for update" );
    stmt.setString( 1, id );
    rset = (OracleResultSet)stmt.executeQuery();
    while( {
    media = (OrdAudio)rset.getCustomDatum( 1, OrdAudio.getFactory());
    File file = new File(filepath);
    FileInputStream fStream = new FileInputStream(file);
    // System.out.println("after aumedia.loadDataFromInputStream()!!");
    I don't know why the error occured?
    Whether the rm file format is not recognized by ORDSYS.ordAudio or not?
    How can i do next?
    The error you get has nothing to do with the size of the media data. The error you are getting has to do with another field somewhere I think. The error you say has nothing to do with media data, but regular SQL.
    It all depends on where the error is... Do you get the error on the media.loadDataFromInputStream(fStream);? I suspect, you are getting the error on the insert. and that id or filetype are too big for the column.
    Could you tell me where the problem occurs? On the first insert? on the update?? I really can't debug with the amount of information here.
    In general, for debugging problems, you need to break it down smaller to find the errror.
    Pleas break down your insert to find the problem.
    2.Would you mind telling me more detail step or code for copying ordAudio data from table
    to another table with the same ORDSYS.ordAudio column property?
    One media column to another would simply be
    select sound into soundvar from oldtable where .....
    insert into newtable(newsound) values (soundvar) where ...;
    If from a lob....
    select lob into lobvar from....
    soundvar.source.localdata := lob;

  • How to store XML data into Oracle Table

    I had trouble to store XML data into Oracle Table with XDK (Oracle 8.1.7 ). The error is:
    C:\XDK_Java_9_2\xdk\demo\java\Test>java testInsert Dept.xml
    <Line 1, Column 1>: XML-0108: (Fatal Error) Start of root element expected.
    Exception in thread "main" oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: Start of root element expected.
    at oracle.xml.sql.dml.OracleXMLSave.saveXML(
    at oracle.xml.sql.dml.OracleXMLSave.insertXML(
    at testInsert.main(
    Here is my xml file:
    <?xml version = '1.0'?>
    <ROW num="1">
    <ROW num="2">
    <ROW num="3">
    <ROW num="4">
    and here is structure of table:
    Name Null? Type
    LOC VARCHAR2(13)
    and here is my Java Code:
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.xml.sql.dml.OracleXMLSave;
    public class testInsert{
         public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException{
              Connection conn = getConnection();
              OracleXMLSave sav = new OracleXMLSave(conn,"scott.tmp_dept");
         private static Connection getConnection()throws SQLException{
              DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
              Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@amt-ebdev01:1521:mydept","scott","tiger");
              return conn;
    Could you help me ? Thanks !

    The problem is that you need to pass avalid URL , Document...
    Please try this code instead:
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.xml.sql.dml.OracleXMLSave;
    public class testInsert
    public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException{
    Connection conn = getConnection();
    OracleXMLSave sav = new OracleXMLSave(conn,"scott.temp_dept");
    URL url = createURL(args[0]);
    private static Connection getConnection()throws SQLException{
    DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@dlsun1982:1521:jwxdk9i","scott","tiger");
    return conn;
    // Helper method to create a URL from a file name
    static URL createURL(String fileName)
    URL url = null;
    url = new URL(fileName);
    catch (MalformedURLException ex)
    File f = new File(fileName);
    String path = f.getAbsolutePath();
    // This is a bunch of weird code that is required to
    // make a valid URL on the Windows platform, due
    // to inconsistencies in what getAbsolutePath returns.
    String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");
    if (fs.length() == 1)
    char sep = fs.charAt(0);
    if (sep != '/')
    path = path.replace(sep, '/');
    if (path.charAt(0) != '/')
    path = '/' + path;
    path = "file://" + path;
    url = new URL(path);
    catch (MalformedURLException e)
    System.out.println("Cannot create url for: " + fileName);
    return url;

  • How to store forms fields into the session ?

    Hi All,
    I have to store forms fields into the session.
    I have four forms (htm forms) in four jsps and there are total 25 fields.
    I am inserting all the fields into the database at once while user submit the last form.
    I want to use session to store forms fields.
    So please anybody tell me how to do that.
    Is the following code correct to store the forms fields into
    the sesstion........
    // creating a session
    HttpSession session=request.getSession(true);
    // retrieving form fields
    String name=request.getParameter("customer_name");
    String business=request.getParameter("business");
    String address=request.getParameter("address");
    and so on....
    // store form fields into the session
    and so on....
    and later on get the value as:
    and so on....
    is there another way to store form fields into the session.
    Please guide and reply with coding.....
    Please answer and help.

    I don't mean to be an *** but I have no desire to help someone so unwilling to think >>and do. Go through some of these tutorial, do the examples in each and you will be far >>better equipped to ask questions: >>tnG=Google+Search&meta=
    I was just asking that if I use the following
    <jsp:useBean id="cart" scope="session" class="session.Carts" />
    <jsp:setProperty name="cart" property="address" value="myaddress" />
    </jsp:useBean>then will I be able to acheive my aim as I have to store form fields into the session and later retreive while user submit the last form.
    Please read my question that I have posted.
    Am I using the right way................or which is the best way to store form fields into the session and later retrieve them.
    please reply

  • How to split this string into 4 sections to a max 35 characters

    Does anyone have an idea how I can acheive this please.
    I have this string
    Expense_Inv_8- ExpenseInv_7- Exp001- Expense_Inv_6- Expense_Inv_5- Expense_Inv_4- Expense_Inv_3- Expense_Inv_2- Expense_inv1
    and I need to display them in sections seperated by ';' as explained below
    Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4
    Expense_Inv_8- ExpenseInv_7- Exp001;Expense_Inv_6- Expense_Inv_5;Expense_Inv_4- Expense_Inv_3;Expense_Inv_2;
    need to split this string into 4 sections seperated by ';' and each section should be of no more than 35 characters, if null should end ;;;
    Section 1, 35 Character ended by;
    Section 2, broken off after Expense_Inv_5 because Expense_Inv_4 will take it over 35 chracters)
    Section 3, should only take Expense_Inv_4- Expense_Inv_3, because adding Expense_Inv_2 will take it over 35
    characters, each record in the string is seperated by '-'
    Section 4, dispays the reminder of the string

    Welcome to the forum!
    Whenever you ask a question, it helps if you post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) and the results you want from that data.
    I think I understand the problemk well enough to attempt a solution, but if the query below isn't right, please post that information.
    WITH     cntr     AS
         SELECT     LEVEL     AS n
         FROM     dual
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= ( SELECT  MAX (LENGTH (txt))
                             FROM    table_x
    ,     got_best_path     AS
         SELECT     id
         ,     txt
         ,     MAX ( SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH ( TO_CHAR (c.n, '99')
                      ) AS best_path
         FROM     cntr     c
         JOIN     table_x     x     ON     c.n <= LENGTH (x.txt)
         START WITH     c.n     = 1
         CONNECT BY     c.n - PRIOR c.n     BETWEEN  1
                                 AND      :section_length
              AND          = PRIOR
              AND     SUBSTR ( x.txt
                                 , c.n
                                 , 1
                                 )     = '-'
         AND     LEVEL          <= :section_cnt
         GROUP BY  id
         ,            txt
    ,     got_pos     AS
         SELECT     id
         ,     REPLACE ( txt
                   ) || ';'                         AS txt
         ,     best_path
         ,     TO_NUMBER (REGEXP_SUBSTR (best_path, '[0-9]+', 1, 2))     AS pos_2
         ,     TO_NUMBER (REGEXP_SUBSTR (best_path, '[0-9]+', 1, 3))     AS pos_3
         ,     TO_NUMBER (REGEXP_SUBSTR (best_path, '[0-9]+', 1, 4))     AS pos_4
         FROM     got_best_path
    SELECT  id
    ,     SUBSTR (txt,     1    , NVL ( pos_2         , :section_length))     AS section_1
    ,     SUBSTR (txt, pos_2 + 1, NVL ((pos_3 - pos_2), :section_length))     AS section_2
    ,     SUBSTR (txt, pos_3 + 1, NVL ((pos_4 - pos_3), :section_length))     AS section_3
    ,     SUBSTR (txt, pos_4 + 1,                        :section_length )     AS section_4
    FROM     got_pos
    ;As written, this requires SQL*Plus 9 (or higher). You can have multiple versions or SQL*Plus on the same client, if you really need to keep the older version.
    :section_length is the maximum length of each section (35, as you stated the problem).
    :section_cnt is the number of sections. In the query above, this is 4. If you change it, you not only have to change the bind variable, but you have to change the hard-coded SELECT clauses of the main query and the last sub-query (that is, got_pos).
    MODEL or PL/SQL would probably be better ways to solve this problem.

  • Insert string into date column

    I'm writing a bash script that is supposed to insert a series of strings into a table. Problem is I may not know which column the date is in, so I don't want to hard code a to_date function in there.
    For instance this row may come in to be inserted:
    "06-APR-10 08:51:12","data","data","data","data","data","data","data","data"
    Assuming the data is in the proper order, I'm just going to sub out the "," for ',' which will let me insert everything just fine, except obviously it borks on the date.
    How do I insert the date this way as a string using the default internal call to to_date?? I know I can do it with '06-APR-10' and it works, but I need to get a little more specific with hour minute and second.

    user12947249 wrote:
    I'm writing a bash script that is supposed to insert a series of strings into a table. Problem is I may not know which column the date is in, so I don't want to hard code a to_date function in there.If you don't know which string maps to which column, how do you expect to have any data reliability? Even if you manage to load the data without error, how can an application make any sense of it?
    I'm curious because if you have a method to map the columns, that could be used to help you (maybe) and if you don't have a method ... then i don't see this post as being your number one problem :)

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