How to store multiline string literal in to java bean shell variable

Hello Experts
How to store multiline string literals in java bean shell like we use triple quote for jython variable
Using Jython
str=""" helllo
welcome to my world"""
above syntax is working but not for java bean shell like below
String str=""" hello
welcome to my world""";
So how to do this in java bean shell. I came to this scenario while storing logs to a variable. I believe there is no solution for storing multiline strings to java bean shell variable.
String str="<%=odiRef.getPrevStepLog("MESSAGE")%>";
Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
Thank You.

maddythehunk wrote:
Im trying this but its not working...
while(billingQueryParamsItr.hasNext()) {
     billingQueryParam = (BillingQueryParam);
     System.out.println("****** Param Name-->"+billingQueryParam.getParamName());
     String[0] name = billingQueryParam.getParamName(); // giving error ; expected
Declare the array outside of the loop. Fill the array as you iterate. And stop putting your error messages inside of comments in the code.

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              return username;
    // get password method
         public String getPassword(){
              return password;
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    <%@ page errorPage="Error.jsp" %>
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    <jsp:setProperty name="register" property="*" />
    User name : <%=register.getUsername()%><br>
    Password : <%=register.getPassword()%><br>
         int i = register.setMember();
    Thanks a lot

    Correct the spelling of Values
    sql = "INSERT INTO USERS(user_name, password) VALUES ('aaa', 'aaa')";

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    warnerja wrote:
    But what if the text file contains "Trolls are annoying"? Then your solution fails.No warnerjav - this is not so.
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    if your code compose the sql programmatically without bind variables i.e.:
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    Ok I wait for you.
    I guess the following covert a string to base 8
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    byte[] strBytes = userName.getBytes("UTF-8");
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    Any help here.
    Thanks in advance.
    Attachments: ‏15 KB ‏31 KB ‏5 KB

    You could add an independent while loop in the main VI that reads the global every second (or so) and displays it in the indicator.
    (Still, there are probably better ways to do all this ...)
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • How Insert the input parameter to database through Java Bean

    Hello To All..
    I want to store the input parameter through Standard Action <jsp:useBean>.
    jsp:useBean call a property IssueData. this property exist in
    SimpleBean which create a connection from DB and insert the data.
    At run time when I click on submit button servlet and server also show that loggging are saved in DB.
    But when I open the table in Access. Its empty.
    Ms-Access have two fields- User, Pass both are text type.
    Please review these code:
    <title>A simple JSP application</title>
    <script language=javascript>
    function f(k)
    <form method="get" action="tmp" name="frm">
    Name: <input type="text" name="User">
    Password: <input type="password" name="Pass">
    <input type=hidden name="mykey" value="">
    <input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="f('submit.jsp')">
    <input type="button" value="Issue" onclick="f('issue.jsp')">
    </html> javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet{
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException{
    String User=request.getParameter("User");
    String Pass=request.getParameter("Pass");
    co.SimpleBean st = new co.SimpleBean();
    RequestDispatcher dispatcher1 =request.getRequestDispatcher("/"+request.getParameter("mykey"));
    catch(Exception e)
    } co;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class SimpleBean
    private String User="";
    private String Pass="";
    private String s="";
    public SimpleBean(){}
    public String getUser() {
    return User;
    public void setUser(String User) {
    this.User = User;
    public String getPass() {
    return Pass;
    public void setPass(String Pass) {
    this.Pass = Pass;
    public String getissueData() //method that create connection with database
    Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:simple");
    PreparedStatement st=con.prepareStatement("insert into Table1 values(?,?)");
    String User=getUser();
    String Pass=getPass();
    int y= st.executeUpdate();
    System.out.println("Query Executed");
    s=  "Your logging is saved in DB ";
    System.out.println("Your logging is saved in DB *****************");
    return this.s;
    catch(Exception e)
    return "failed";
    This is Submit page
    Student Name: <%= ((co.SimpleBean)request.getAttribute("User")).getUser() %>
    Password: <%= ((co.SimpleBean)request.getAttribute("Pass")).getPass() %>
    <jsp:useBean id="st" class="co.SimpleBean" scope="request"/>
    <jsp:setProperty name="st" property="User" value="request.getParamaeter("Pass")"/>
            <jsp:setProperty name="st" property="Pass" value="request.getParamaeter("Pass")"/>
       <jsp:getProperty name="st" property="issueData"/>
    <% st.getissueData(); %>
    </web-app>Please Help me..

    Dear Sir,
    Accordingly your suggestion I check the SimpleBean class putting the constant values in this bean class.That is Sucessfully Inserted constant values in database.
    Like for example..
    package myfirstjava;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class myfirstjavabean
    private String firstMsg="Hello world";
    private String s="";
    public myfirstjavabean()
    public String getfirstMsg()
    return firstMsg;
    public void setfirstMsg(String firstMsg)
    public String getissueData() //method that create connection with database
    Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:sampleMsg");
    PreparedStatement st=con.prepareStatement("insert into Table1 values(?)");
    String Msg=getfirstMsg();
    int y= st.executeUpdate();
    System.out.println("Query Executed");
    s=  "Your logging is saved in DB ";
    System.out.println("Your logging is saved in DB *****************");
    return this.s;
    catch(Exception e)
    return "failed";
    <jsp:useBean id="st" class="myfirstjava.myfirstjavabean" scope="request" />
    <jsp:getProperty name="st" property="firstMsg" />
    <jsp:getProperty name="st" property="issueData" />
    </html>These above example sucessfully inserted the Hello World message in database.
    But which value I put user input at run time Its not inserted in database.
    Which is my previous problem that is persist.
    Please Help..

  • How to read the current value of hyperlink java bean in multiple record,

    I have used a java bean for a multi-record block item. On When-new form-instance I m using fbean package as follows
    FBean.Invoke(hHyperlink,1,'setLabel','Abc Document');
    You can see that I am using the number 1 which is hardcoded,for which I will replace with a incremental loop and remove it. Now when I m using the When-Custom-Item-Event, I want to read the URL for the current instance.
    I m using
    vcEventData := Fbean.Invoke_Char('CONTROL.HYPERLINK',2,'getURL');
    to get the second record value , where in I want to avoid the hardcoded 2 or 1
    Thank you

    I recommend you these forums for your question:
    Forums Home » Oracle Technology Network (OTN) » Products » Database » JVM
    Java in the Oracle Database
    Forums Home » Oracle Technology Network (OTN) » Technologies » Java » Java Server Pages (JSP)
    Java Server Pages (JSP)
    Forums Home » Oracle Technology Network (OTN) » Technologies » Java
    Joel Pérez

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