How to suppress pop ups in BDC

We have a requirement wherein we need to do a recording for the tcode COR2. But during recording, I get some information pop ups in the screen. These are standard pop ups and cant be disabled by any configuration. Since BDC recording doesn't capture these pop ups, we cant use the BDC generated code for posting the document as this would result in error. I tried by giving the ok code for ENTER, but it doesnt seem to work. During recording these pop ups needs to be separately handled by pressing enter. But these wont be captured in the BDC recording.
Can anyone help me out with the solution for this?

Try running the bdc in mode N or try with populating X to no_binput.
                                       OPTIONS FROM LA_PARAMS
                                       MESSAGES INTO I_MESSTAB.

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    Hi Ashok,
    I checked transaction PA40, but I am not getting any pop up message. Have you done the recording for PA40 in SHDB? I think in recording, you just need to press enter if any pop up comes. One more suggestion, instead of BDC, a function module ''HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION' can be used for HR infotype update. I have used the same FM forinfotype 0017( travel privileges) update.

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    One of the best tools available is to go to Thomas Reed's site, then the link to AdwareMedic and get his little program AdwareMedic.  That will block adware popups and remove adware that may be resident.

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    In Firefox add-on=> Add Block plus
    In FF-->preferences-->Content:  Block pop-up windoes

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    This is either a hack of that site, if the problem occurs only with that site, or you are on a compromised network, most likely a hacked wireless router. See:
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    Note that this topic is about a year and a half old, and much has changed in that time.
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    Hi scarestar,
    Thank you for your question. In order to change the pop up blocker setting on Firefox for Android, it is possible to navigate to the about:config page and search for "Popup". There will be a few features:
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    If it is ads, download this program which was written by Thomas Reed, a long time poster.
    Malware Guide – AdwareMedic – 10.7 and higher
    Malware – Adware removal – Apple Support

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    If needed, click here and follow the instructions, or if there’s a type of adware not covered by them on the computer, these ones. If you're willing to use a tool to remove it(you don't need to, but may find it easier), you can instead run Adware Medic; this link is a direct download.

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    All browser offer this add-on

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