How to throw exception in run() method of Runnable?

Hi, everyone:
I want to know how to throw exception in run() method of interface Runnable. Since there is no throwable exception declared in run() method of interface Runnable in Java API specification.
Thanks in advance,

Thanks, jfbriere.
I must add though that if your run() methodis
executed after a call to Thread.start(), then
it is not a good choice to throw anyRuntimeException
from the run() method.
The reason is that the thrown exception won't be
handled appropriately by a try-catch block.Why do you say that "the thrown exception won't be
handled appropriately by a try-catch block"? Can you
explain it in more detail?
Because the other thread runs concurrently with and independently of the parent thread, there's no way you can write a try/catch that will handle the new thread's exception: try {
catch (TheExceptionYouWantToThrowFromRun exc) {
    handle it
do the next thing This won't work because the parent thread just continues on after myThread.start(). Start() doesn't throw the exception--run() does. And our parent thread here has lost touch with the child thread--it just moves on to "do the next thing."
Now, you can do some exception handling with ThreadGroup and uncaughtException(), but make sure you understand why the above won't work, in case that was what you were planning to do.

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    empID = dentry.Properties["physicalDeliveryOfficeName"][0].ToString();
    if (empID.Contains("QA-"))
    return true;
    return false;
    catch (Exception e)
    throw e;

    Hi Zakir,
    I am not sure but it would be nice if you can do following
    Try search ULS log with correlation id and find exact error and share here. If not able to find do following
    Or in catch block write
    and check what exception its giving.

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    (a) in JDK 1.4+, wrap your exception in RuntimeException:
    catch (Exception e)
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
    [this exception will be caught by ThreadGroup.uncaughtException() of this thread's parent thread group]
    In earlier JDKs, use your own wrapping unchecked exception class.
    (b) if you know what you are doing, you can make any Java method throw any exception using Thread.stop(Throwable) regardless of what it declares in its "throws" declaration.

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    JSalonen is totally correct. I would only add that this topic, generally, exposes the differences between checked and unchecked exceptions. Unchecked exceptions extend RuntimeException or Error. Checked exceptions extend Throwable or Exception. There are important differences.
    Checked exceptions must specifically be caught or declared in a throws clause of a caller. Unchecked exceptions do not have this restriction. This means you can always 'wrap' (or throw without wrapping) an unchecked exception. Unchecked exceptions are very useful. You can use an existing unchecked exception, or create your own by extending RuntimeException or Error.
    To illustrate the difference, let's say we are creating a new user account and storing it in the database. For a checked exception, I might define DuplicateUserRegistration in case a user registers with an existing user name (a non-fatal error case that can be anticipated in system design). However, if the database was down, I would not throw SQLException (which is checked) but rather something like ResourceUnavailableError. This would be unchecked. A calling class (normally) will not be able to realistically handle a situation where the database is down, so why force that caller to either declare throws SQLException or catch SQLException for this instance?
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    throw e;
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      new A().execute();
    catch(Exception e)
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    Most exceptions are throw with a throw statement, but a few kinds are throw directly by the JVM, zero divide or NullPointerExceptions being examples.
    If you need to throw an exception you typically create an exception class of your own, by extending the Exception class. That way you can have a catch clause that catches just that one kind of exception and your program can act accordingly.

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    The only to throw an exception from a sub process is by leveraging the Exception event (from the event view).
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    Hi Nick
    You need to define the exception 9021 for the method and then you use the macro EXIT_RETURN as below
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    May I know how to throw Exception from a thread back to calling program ?
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    From what I can see in the javadoc, you can create a subclass of ThreadGroup and override its uncaughtException method, then you'd have to create a Thread that belongs to an instance of your ThreadGroup subclass and have its overridden method set some variable in your main thread. However you should recognize that whatever started your thread may not even exist when it throws that exception, and it may not be sitting around waiting for your thread to throw an exception. You should reconsider that requirement carefully before actually trying to implement it.

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    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class RasterToolbar extends JFrame implements ActionListener{
         JButton open;
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
              new RasterToolbar();
         //method to make display panel with buttons
         public RasterToolbar()throws Exception{
                   super("Raster Viewer 1.0 beta");
                   Container contentPane = getContentPane();
                   JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
                   p1.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
                   open = new JButton("Open Viewer");
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev){
         if(ev.getSource()== open){
              System.out.println("Open pressed");
              RasterDisplay viewer = new RasterDisplay(); // HERE IS THE PROBLEM LINE!

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev){
         if(ev.getSource()== open){
              System.out.println("Open pressed");
              try {
                   RasterDisplay viewer = new RasterDisplay(); // HERE IS THE PROBLEM LINE!
              } catch(Exception e) {
                   // do what ever you want here!

  • Java_Tool to find throwed Exceptions

    Hi all,
    this is an example code:
    public class SuperException extends Exception {...}
    public class SubException1 extends SuperException {...}
    public class SubException2 extends SuperException {...}
    public void method1() throws SuperException {
    try {
    //an invocation
    catch (Exeption e){
    throw new SubException1();
    public void method2() throws SuperException {
    try {
    catch (Exeption e){
    throw new SubException2();
    I'm looking for a tool, which lists all throwed Exceptions in a method and possible in all invocation methods of this method.
    In this case, the result of tool for method1 should be a list of Exceptions (SuperException, SubException1 and SubException2). And for method2 are only SuperException and SubException2 issued.
    Thanks for help,
    Cuong. a lot. It seems to be a tool, which I looked for. But I cannot launch it. I tried to do the example. But it failed by generating the stubs with the following error:
    Generating stubs...Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: Prohibited package name: java.lang
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at$100(Unknown Source)
    at$ Source)
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
    at ca.ubc.cs.jex.stubs.BasicExtractor.getClasses(Unknown Source)
    at ca.ubc.cs.jex.stubs.BasicExtractor.generateJexFiles(Unknown Source)
    at at.dms.kjc.Main.generateStubs(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at at.dms.kjc.Main.main(Unknown Source)
    at ca.ubc.cs.jex.Jex.main(Unknown Source)
    Can you tell me why?
    Otherwise, I received jex-files, in which no exception is appeared. When should exceptions be returned in jex file?

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    How can I get the variable with the value?
    This is sample code:
    public class SampleSynchronisation
    public static void main(String df[])
    sampleThread sathr= new sampleThread();
    System.out.println("This is the value from the run method "+sathr.x);
    /* I should get Inside the run method::: But I get only Inside */
    class sampleThread extends Thread
         public String x="Inside";
         public void run()
              x+="the run method";

    I think this is what you're looking for. I hold up main(), waiting for the results to be concatenated to the String.
    public class sampsynch
        class SampleThread extends Thread
         String x = "Inside";
         public void run() {
             x+="the run method";
             synchronized(this) {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
         SampleThread t = new sampsynch().new SampleThread();
         synchronized(t) {

  • Error on /SafeMode: error while trying to run project uncaught exception thrown by method called

    i try run VS 2012 with /SafeMode. I create new empty Winform. When I start debug, I got:
    "error while trying to run project uncaught exception thrown by method called through reflection"

    Hi Matanya Zac,
    Did you restart your machine? How about installing the VS2012 update 4?
    >>error while trying to run project uncaught exception thrown by method
    Did you install the VS update in your VS IDE? I met this issue before which was related to the VS update:
    If still no help, I suggest you repair your VS, and then restart your machine, test the result.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to Throw/Catch Exceptions in BPM

    Hi All,
    I've seen a couple articles that talk about how to Throw/Catch an execption in a BPM. My question has two parts:
    1) RFC Call: I was able to catch an Fault Message in an exception step when calling an RFC (Synchronous Interface). What I wanted to do is use the fault message (exception) and store it in a DB for later review.
    2) IDOC: I'm sending an IDOC to R3 from a BPM. The send step is enclosed in a block w/ an exception. The send step is throwing an error (IDOC adpater system error), but the exception is never thrown. My question is: when the error occurrs at the adapter level does it still throw an exception in a BPM?
    Thanks for any tip/advice/anything!

    Hi Fernando,
    1) Define a send step in the exception branch.
    2) If u send a IDoc from R/3 to XI and the IDoc adapter is running to an error of course there cant be an exception in ur business process. Usually the IDoc adapter sends back status back up via ALEAUD. In case of success IDoc should have then '03', if the adapter cannot send anything the IDoc should remain at '39'. U should send a ALEAUD in case of exception of BPM switching to status '40', in case of success to '41'.
    Regards, Udo

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    Hi Experts
        how to handle exception thrown from standard bo method in the workflow design. For example, bo BUS2032, METHOD confirm. If the user cancel it, it will throw exception. In the workflow, how to catch this exception and add corresponding steps in the workflow.

    @jrockman li
    Try to implement the logic that what ever you are performing in the BO mehtod in a FM and in the FM you have tab with name EXECPTIONS define the execption in that tab.Now in the BO method you call this FM  and if the exception occurs by using RAISE you can raise the exception in the FM and based on the number of exceptions your sy-subrc value will be set
    so when sys-subrc is not eq 0 then pass a value back t the workflow container., I think this will work.
    a sample Snippet for understanding purpose
        filename         = <path>
        filetype         = 'ASC'
        filelength       = lv_len
        data_tab         = l_txt_tab
        file_write_error = 1          " If this Exception occurs
        invalid_type     = 2
        no_authority     = 3
        unknown_error    = 4
        OTHERS           = 10.
    CASE sy-subrc.
      WHEN 1. " SY-SUBRC value will be 1 then,
          " Pass or set the value back to the workflow conatiner element

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