How to trace back my apps?

I bought some apps recently. However, I have not backed up ever since.
I just updated my iPad to iOS4. It crashed during the updating and I have to reset it to the original form.
All my apps were lost. The apps I bought before can be recovered from iTunes on my desktop (they were backed up). On contrary, The apps which I purchased lately are totally lost. How can I trace them back?

If you already purchased them, then just repurchase them in iTunes. You will not be charge for the apps again.

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    Basics of File Recovery
    Files in Trash
    If you simply put files in the Trash you can restore them by opening the Trash (left-click on the Trash icon) and drag the files from the Trash to your Desktop or other desired location.  OS X also provides a short-cut to undo the last item moved to the Trash -press COMMAND-Z.
    If you empty the Trash the files are gone. If a program does an immediate delete rather than moving files to the Trash, then the files are gone.  Recovery is possible but you must not allow any additional writes to the hard drive - shut it down. When files are deleted only the directory entries, not the files themselves, is modified. The space occupied by the files has been returned to the system as available for storage, but the files are still on the drive. Writing to the drive will then eventually overwrite the space once occupied by the deleted files in which case the files are lost permanently. Also if you save a file over an existing file of the same name, then the old file is overwritten and cannot be recovered.
    General File Recovery
    If you stop using the drive it's possible to recover deleted files that have not been overwritten by using recovery software such as Data Rescue II, File Salvage or TechTool Pro.  Each of the preceding come on bootable CDs to enable usage without risk of writing more data to the hard drive.  Two free alternatives are Disk Drill and TestDisk.  Look for them and demos at MacUpdate or CNET Downloads.
    The longer the hard drive remains in use and data are written to it, the greater the risk your deleted files will be overwritten.
    Also visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on Data Recovery.

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    vadim123 wrote:
    The problem is that I've updated my blackberry os from 7.0 to 7.1 !
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    Hi vadim123
    If you updated your device Software then first be sure that you are login with your BlackBerry ID , Homescreen > Options > Device > BlackBerry ID = xxxxxxx
    Then perform those steps :
    On your BlackBerry Open BlackBerry World  >  Go to My World > 
    For Keyboard based  BlackBerry  >  Press and Hold down the ALT key and then press R,  then S , then T
    KB24714 How to clear the BlackBerry App World cache
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    Click " Like " if you want to Thank someone.
    If Problem Resolves mark the post(s) as " Solution ", so that other can make use of it.

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    Have you tried this:
    To restore the software on your iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad:
    Connect your iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad to your computer.
    When the device appears in the iTunes window, select it.
    Click the Summary tab, click Restore, and then follow the onscreen instructions.
    If you back up your iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad, you can restore your settings from the backup at the end of the restore process.
    Good luck.

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    Immediately after downloading the app, if you reopen the app store it should take you back to the page for that app. At the top left of the screen will be a button that returns you the the last search results page.

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    See these 2 User Tips...
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    Good evening !
    Oh sorry I didn't get it was just a title ...
    So, as i said, my iphone got stolen like a month ago, and i purchased a new one.
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    Thank you very much
    PS : it is the same account that I use.

    actually I found the solution :
    it's in french, but the images and google translate will be enough
    hope that helps for the others having the same kinda problem

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    Apps can be re-downloaded, and you won't be charged again for a purchsased app as long as you use the same iTunes account to re-download the app that was used to purchase the app originally.
    All apps - all paid and free apps include DRM protection which is tied to the iTunes account that was used to download the apps. Apps cannot be transferred to or combined with another iTunes account.

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    Connect the phone to your computer and select it on the left-hand sidebar of your computer's iTunes (on iTunes 11 on a PC you can enable the sidebar via control-S), and then on the right-hand side of iTunes select the Books tab and you should then be able to select and sync the audiobook to your phone - when you have audiobooks on your phone you should get an Audiobooks section in the Music app

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