How to trap ENTER Key ????

I am doing setup wizard in my project. I trapped Enter key, if i press enter key to go to next screen, The behaviour of my wizard is unpredictable.

The same goes if you have a text field(s):
final JTextField tname = new JTextField(30);
final JButton ok = new JButton("OK");
tname.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(50,10));
tname.setSize(new Dimension(70,10));
tname.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {  //action on JTextField - pressing Enter
ok.doClick(); //or whatever you like

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    Perform the following steps and tell us if it  resolve this issue:
    1. In Internet Explorer, click Tools, and then click Internet Options.
    2. Click the Security tab.
    3. There are four security zones listed:
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    * Local intranet
    * Trusted sites
    * Restricted sites
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    4. Under Security level for this zone, click Custom Level.
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    6. The browser will need to be restarted for the change to take effect.
    Refer to the following Microsoft Knowledge base article for additional file download and active x controls which should also be enabled:

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    I believe Alt-Space is a keyboard shortcut in Windows XP to bring up the window menu for any it's not just a LabVIEW thing. Further, it appears that Windows grabs that key combination before a LabVIEW event structure can get it.  I don't know any way around this behavior, since Windows appears to be taking matters into its own hands with certain key combinations.  My advice would be to use a different key combination for your app.
    Darren Nattinger, CLA
    LabVIEW Artisan and Nugget Penman

  • Trap enter key? please help

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    example: jTextField1 has the focus or insertion point, if the user presses the enter key from the keyboard the next focus or insertion point will be on jTextField2.
    thank you in advance.

    Swing related questions should be posted in the Swing forum.
    By default a "Tab" key is used as the "focus traversal key". You can also add the "Enter" key as a focus traversal key to any given component.
    I'll let you read the Swing tutorial for information on how to do this.

  • How to handle 'ENTER' Key on ALV Editable Grid on sub screen (Tabstrips)

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    please help me if you have answers.
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    Please suggest me..
    Edited by: Ravindranath Arusam on May 13, 2010 2:42 PM

    In DATA_CHANGED event, you will get the modified row into the attribute MP_MOD_ROWS of the impoerting object ER_DATA_CHANGED. Since this MP_MOD_ROWS is the Object reference to Data, you need to have the field symbol to get the value.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS:  <lft_mod_output>  TYPE t_t_output.
      ASSIGN  er_data_changed->mp_mod_rows->* TO <lft_mod_output>.
    You can get the Value of the Cell by using the method GET_CELL_VALUE of the same ER_DATA_CHANGED object and use the method MODIFY_CELL To update the value back to ALV.
    To Restrict the row deletion:
    When the row is deleted it is being added to Attribute mt_deleted_rows of the object ER_DATA_CHANGED. You can put the data back to the table in the DATA_CHANGE_FINISHED event. Visit this post for more information.
    Naimesh Patel

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    Don't want the user to press the Enter key... who
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  • How to change enter key behavior in data grid view?

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    Does anyone know if there’s any way to suppress this behavior?
    Thanks in advance

    Greetings community
    I have a simple problem. I have a table of several columns, and I want it to be editable without using a mouse. I want user to enter value in the first column, press enter key on keyboard, enter value in second column, press enter key,
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    I traced the execution of code, and counted CurrentCellChanged events to see what happens.
    Does anyone know if there’s any way to suppress this behavior?
    Thanks in advance
    It perhaps be better using Tab key which is exactly used for switch focus to the next cell instead of dealing with enter key.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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  • How to catch enter key code

    Hi all,
    we are developed small application in swing, in that
    we extends Window class , we want catch the enter key code in window.

    Enter is caught just like any other key
    public class Gadget implements KeyListener
       public Gadget()
       public keyPressed(Keyevent e)
          if (e.getSource() == VK_ENTER)
          System.out.println("You're in");
       //Add those other two keyThing functions as well

  • Who can tell me how replace a enter key!Thanks

    Because i can't let the enter key into the database!
    Thanks u!

    public String replaceEnter(String oldStr)
        String newStr = "";
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(oldStr,"\r\n");
        //or StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(oldStr,"\n");
        if(st.countTokens()==0) return oldStr;
        while(st.hasMoreTokens()) newStr+=st.nextToken()+" ";
        return newStr.trim();
    }You can use this method.

  • How to reattach enter key?

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    That should work if none of the pieces got lost or flew off somewhere. I have not attached a key to a MBP keyboard, yet. I have had a few popped off on the regular Mac keyboard and a few laptops. There are a few very small hinge like plastic pieces that have to fit together then you can push down on the key to snap it into place. If it will not work just drop by an Apple Store if there is one close by and they should be able to help you without sending it off. Good Luck!

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    During this process after executing the command "MenuitemExecute(DIGSIG:CompareDocuments )" adobe is displaying "Compare Documents" dialog box where the user need to click OK on it in order to continue with the comparison.
    My requirement is to suppress the dialog box and automate the process. Our application is developed in Visual basic.
    Could you please let me know how to suppress the dialog box using Visual basic. Is it possible using VB or any alternatives for this. Because we need to compare many PDF documents so clicking OK every time requires user intervention.
    Thanks for your help in advance.

    I did not say that AVCommand simulates pressing enter - it is used to automated methods by pre-filling options and not showing the dialogs. Please read the documentation on the AVCommand methods.
    You should also note that I said AVCommand is only available to plug-ins, which means it will not work with a VB.NET application.
    SendKeys is a basic VB.NET command, it is not part of the Acrobat SDK in any way. Here is Microsoft's documentation on SendKeys. Again I will state that using this method is NOT a good idea for a production environment.

  • How to prevent Enter key from closing form?

    I have a page with a single text entry field on it. When I press enter the page closes, not saving the data (it is as if I clicked cancel). How can I change this behavior?

    Hi Daveio,
    Can you please let me know whether the Text Field that you have created is of type:
    Text Field (always submit page when entered pressed)?
    Secondly, does your page have any branches associated with it?

  • How to use enter key instead of save button in tabular form?

    is there a way to save data entered into a tabular form by clicken enter instead of "submit/save" button?
    We got it working for normal forms but not for tab. forms

    Hi Friedrich,
    try to enter
    onkeypress="return submitEnter(this,event)"into "Element Attributes" of your tabular form column.
    If you hit enter, the page will be submitted with request set to the id of the tabular form column.
    My Blog:
    APEX 4.0 Plug-Ins:

  • How to define 'Enter' key in the input filed?

    Hi experts,
    I used the 'split string_a at '##' into internal table', in my program,
    when I use it like this :split 'aa.##bb' at '##' into table_a.
    it's successed and the value in the table is like this:
    line    value
    1        aa.
    2        bb
    but when the value of the string is not hard code but got in the input field, like I typed a sentence :aa.(press ''Enter'' in the keybord)bb
    in the program I catch the value of my input is shows like this: aa.##bb
    so I pass the value to string_a and used split again but the value of the internal table is:
    line    value
    1        aa.##bb
    so the split is not successful.
    would you please help me with this?
    Thank you for your time.

    Hi, nana.
    I have written a sample code like this:
    types: begin of typ_tab,
             str type c length 10,
           end of typ_tab.
    data: tab_tab type standard table of typ_tab,
          wa_tab  type typ_tab.
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame.
      parameters p_str type c length 10.
    selection-screen end of block b1.
      split p_str at '##' into table tab_tab.
      loop at tab_tab into wa_tab.
        write / wa_tab-str.
    You said that like I typed a sentence :aa.(press ''Enter'' in the keybord)bb in the program I catch the value of my input is shows like this: aa.##bb. But I found that the value is AA.BB.
    Maybe I was wrong, please reply me.

  • Enable enter key

    How to enable enter key in adobe flex builder 2

    An easy way to enable the enter key for all buttons (when
    they have the focus)
    is to
    - on each button add a click event handler that does what
    the button needs to do
    - Just add a keyDown Handler to the component that contains
    the buttons
    - In the key down handler check for the enter key, and if the
    target is a button.
    If so then dispatch a button click event.
    In the code below if the user tabs to a button and presses
    the button will be clicked.
    See below
    private function handleKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void
    var char:uint = event.keyCode;
    var enterChar:uint = 13;
    var tabChar:uint = 9;
    var pgUp:uint = 33;
    var pgDown:uint = 34;
    if(char == enterChar)
    if( is Button)
    var bt:Button = as Button;
    if(bt.enabled == false || bt.visible == false)
    var c:MouseEvent = new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK,true);

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