How to wirte condition

  Plz advice me how to write a simple  if condition here.
when source element A = 1...then  I need to send 10 into target element
when source element A = 4 ... then I need to send 4 into same traget element.

Hi Ansar,
     IF A = 1 then 10
     IF A = 4 then 4.
Use two If functions, first check A = 1 if it is true assign u r desired value, in Else part of first IF fucntion assign an IF condition which is checking for A=4 , it's true then the output of second IF mapped to Else part of First IF function.The Output of First IF function mapped to u r target element.u will able to fullfill this condition by this way.
>>>Reward Points,If it is needful.

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    That works. Follow the below steps.
    1. Create a key on the selection screen: click on the selection screen>properties>keys>Add a key,ex. "value".
    2. MenuItem>In the properties of menu item>Parameter mappings>map the key with the key created in last "value" instead of the key of the choice box.
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      if(screenKey === "Selection")
      var form = document.forms[screenKey + "Form"];
      SelectionValue = form.ChoiceboxKey.value;
    //ChoiceboxKey is the key of choicebox.
    //Declare a global value "SelectionValue "
    3. Map PK from program:
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      if(screenKey =="Selection" && actionName=="GoToChart" ){
      var myNewValue2 = new MessageValue();
      myNewValue2.setKey("Value");// Key created in the screen "Selection"
      myNewValue2.setValue(""+SelectionValue );
      var mvc = dataMessageToSend.getValues();
      if( mvc ) {
      mvc.add( myNewValue1.getKey(), myNewValue1 );
    // So in the above way the data from choice box is send to online request.
    To do the conditional navigation you have to use the global value created,ex.
    hwc.customConditionalNavigation = function(currentScreenKey, actionKeyName, defaultNextScreen, conditionName, incomingDataMessage) {
      if( conditionName === 'Data'&& SelectionValue == "PieChart") {
             return false;
        return true;
    Hope you understand how I did this.
    Midhun VP

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    Moderator message: please (re)search yourself before asking.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Jul 13, 2010 12:00 PM

    L_INTERN : internal table with your fields .
    make sure that the fields in the Excel should be formatted (as numeric , characher ) depending upon the data types .
            IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
              MOVE WA_LINTERN-VALUE TO <FS>.
            AT END OF  ROW .                                    "#EC *
              APPEND WA_INREC TO IT_DATA.  "
              CLEAR WA_INREC.

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    You cant create a conditional update trigger. Once you create an update trigger it will get called for every update action. However you could write logic inside it to make it do your activity based on your condition using IF condition statement
    Say for example if you've table with 6 columns and you want some logic to be implemented on update trigger only if col3 and col5 are participating in update operation you can write trigger like this
    CREATE TRIGGER Trg_TableName_Upd
    ON TableName
    IF UPDATE(Col3) OR UPDATE (Col5)
    ....your actual logic here
    UPDATE() function will check if column was involved in update operation and returns a boolean result
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

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    Take the Material Document No (MBLNR) and pass to MSEG table and take the EBELN field and from EKKO table take EKKO-KNUMV field and pass to KONV
    see the table T685 for different condition types.
    <b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>

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    Hi Suman.
    Refer the following
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    I would like to ask if you could help me with the problem how to integrate conditional COLORS to the Report. I need to display Severity field in RED but how to include the multiple "quotation marks" and 'apostrophs' to the query below?
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    Original Query:
    q varchar2(4000);
    q := ' select ';
    q := q || ' i."ID" "ID", ';
    q := q || ' i."Task_ID" "Task ID", ';
    q := q || ' i."Severity" "Severity", ';
    q := q || ' i."Priority" "Priority", ';
    q := q || ' i."Task" "Task Name", ';
    q := q || ' p."Project_Name" "Project" ';
    q := q || ' from ';
    q := q || ' "IDEAS" i, ';
    q := q || ' "PROJECT_LOOKUP" p ';
    q := q || ' where ';
    q := q || ' p."Project_ID" = i."Project_ID" ';
    if :P1_Show != 'ALL' then
    q := q || ' and i."Project_ID" = :P1_Show';
    end if;
    RETURN q;
    I have tried many variants but still have problem with the " " and ' ' included in the DECODE command together with the q-variable.
    Thank you for any tips and
    Happy New Year!

    Hi user487406,
    What about a select like this:
           case i.severity
             when 1 then '&#60;span style="color:red;font-weight:bold"&#62;' || i.severity || '&#60;/span&#62;'
           end severity,
      from ideas i,
           project_lookup p
    where p.project_id = i.project_id;
    And PL/SQL like this:
    q :=
    ' select, ' ||
    '        i.task_id, ' ||
    '        case i.severity ' ||
    '          when 1 then ''&#60;span style="color:red;font-weight:bold"&#62;'' || i.severity || ''&#60;/span&#62;'' ' ||
    '          else ' ||
    '            to_char(i.severity) ' ||
    '        end severity, ' ||
    '        i.priority, ' ||
    '        i.task, ' ||
    '        p.project_name ' ||
    '   from ideas i, ' ||
    '        project_lookup p ' ||
    '  where p.project_id = i.project_id; '; Regards Pete

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    to date.
    when we enter the date range in the data base , new date range means from date and to date should not interfear.
    can  anybody help me.
    thanks &Regards,
    Edited by: rk.kolisetty on Jul 1, 2010 7:18 PM

    Do it the SAP way....
    First entry...from is today, to is 99991231.
    New dates entered, now we have two rows...:
        from is original date  to becomes yesterday.
        From is today          to is 99991231

  • How to build conditional text from a data merge

    Hi there
    I'm hoping this is not a long shot but I do have a rather large ask (I think). 
    I cannot figure out how to create conditions on values.
    We have two areas that require conditional text. See these areas on the attached image. 
    Features offered - up to 6.  These are identified by defining each feature with a letter, eg 'n' stands for tent site and 'L' stands for seasonal work,  and
    Room type offered - four colour codes with this. These range from "not made up", "made up", "ensuite/madeup" and "ensuite".
    The tab delimited file contains numerous columns for each room type - single, double, twin, share and dorm rooms that offer the 4 room type categories - see point 2 above. 
    I cannot figure out how to clarify the conditions I require for the conditional text.
    Do I start with making 4 conditions for each room type colour and so-on for the rest of the room types ie single not madeup, single madeup, single madeup ensuite and single ensuite? 
    And if so, how do I create these using the correct conditional code?   Does GREP have anything to do with this and do I need to use its metacharacters like \?
    Can someone perhaps start me off?
    The same goes for the features.  The features are displayed in the spreadsheet per column with either a 'yes' or a 'no' displayed.
    I hope I have provided enough information to get some assistance.
    Thanks so much.

    Tag Design wrote:
    Hi there
    I'm hoping this is not a long shot but I do have a rather large ask (I think). 
    I cannot figure out how to create conditions on values.
    We have two areas that require conditional text. See these areas on the attached image. 
    Features offered - up to 6.  These are identified by defining each feature with a letter, eg 'n' stands for tent site and 'L' stands for seasonal work,  and
    Room type offered - four colour codes with this. These range from "not made up", "made up", "ensuite/madeup" and "ensuite".
    The tab delimited file contains numerous columns for each room type - single, double, twin, share and dorm rooms that offer the 4 room type categories - see point 2 above. 
    I cannot figure out how to clarify the conditions I require for the conditional text.
    Do I start with making 4 conditions for each room type colour and so-on for the rest of the room types ie single not madeup, single madeup, single madeup ensuite and single ensuite? 
    And if so, how do I create these using the correct conditional code?   Does GREP have anything to do with this and do I need to use its metacharacters like \?
    Can someone perhaps start me off?
    The same goes for the features.  The features are displayed in the spreadsheet per column with either a 'yes' or a 'no' displayed.
    I hope I have provided enough information to get some assistance.
    Thanks so much.
    Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't see why you need conditional text. I can see that you may want to color each property in each category differently, to stand out for quick visual communication.
    If each feature (attribute) of each property or venue is represented in one spreadsheet row (record,) you can use data merge to create the whole entry for each property. For example, a property may offer two types of rooms - single and double, and the single may be available as "not made up" only, while the double is available as "ensuite/madeup" and "ensuite."
    In the spreadsheet, in the row for the Acme Inn property, which only offers single not-made-up and single ensuite/madeup rooms, and for the Ajax Hotel property which offers single made-up, single ensuite/madeup, and single ensuite rooms, the cells that contain the data for the merge fields would look like this:
    Property ID
    single not-made-up
    single made-up
    single ensuite/madeup
    single ensuite
    Acme Inn
    empty cell
    empty cell
    Ajax Hotel
    empty cell
    On the data-merge layout, each room type's label would be followed by all four data-merge field placeholders, with colors applied, so the single would look like:
    Sgle: <<single not-made-up>> (red) <<made-up>> (yellow) <<ensuite/madeup>> (green) <<ensuite>> (blue)
    NOTE: The colors are applied with named character styles to the data-merge layout in InDesign.
    [EDIT] BAH! I applied colors to the text when composing this post, but they were removed when I posted. [/EDIT]
    When you set up the merge with Remove Blank Lines for Empty Fields enabled (checked) so the empty cells are ignored, the result resembles this:
    For the Acme Inn:      Sgl: $50 (red) $75 (green) $85 (blue)
    For the Ajax Hotel:    Sgl: $65 (yellow) $75 (green) $85 (blue)
    The separator character between the prices in your example is a special issue. It could be solved in the spreadsheet by creating calculated columns between the price columns, with "IF" formulas that test for values or empty cells and display the separator or nothing. If you choose this method, you'd need to insert fields between the placeholder fields, to hold the calculated fields' contents.
    Another approach here would be to follow the data-merge process with a GREP script that inserts separators where they're needed.
    Search Google for terms like "InDesign data-merge tutorial," "InDesign data-merge remove blank lines," "InDesign multiple records per page," and similar phrases without quotes.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices
    Message was edited by: peter at knowhowpro

  • How do invoice condition values hit accounting?

    I am picking up the billing item condition values from KWERT and the corresponding GL Account SAKN1 from the KONV tabke. KWERT gets stored with the sign. I need to know how this condition amount will hit accounting. Would it be a debit or a credit entry on the accounting side. How can I do this? I cannot use the debit/credit indicator BSEG-SHKZG as we have a summarization on the material and we are trying to re-determine in a custom code what amounts should have posted to BSEG by material. While I am getting the amounts correctly from KONV, I am not able to figure out how these amounts should be treated on the accoutning side - as a debit or a credit?
    Example, on a regular invoice if the value is positive for a G/L account, on the accounting side the value is reverse in sign. However, this cannot be generalized as we can have many different types of invoices and different combinations.

    The values from billing for different condtions pick accouting documents for the GL's that are assigned as per the required combinations set in VKOA transaction. We do the revenue account det here. Now the values on invoice with + ve are the ones we are going to receive from the customer, so the customer account is debited and you see a negative sign. A discount is in negative on invoice which goes positive to the customer and hence positive sign. Freight goes to a Freght revenue GL since it cannot really be accouted as revenue as we end up paying the transporter though we collect from customer.
    you may need a functional consultant if you are already not one.
    sadhu kishore

  • How to change condition type data on header of a sales order

    Hi Guys,
        I have a requirement, where i want to change the value of particular condition type at header lever of sales order.
    How to do it.If i am not wrong , this can be achived by CRM ORDER MAINATAIN .But how to do it i dont know.
    So please help me for this requirement

    Hi PG,
    Can you please let me know if you were able to do this. I have a similar requirement where in I need to change the value of a condition type.
    I am new to CRM , so it will be great if you can please explain me the steps.
    Thanks in advance.

  • How to change condition control from C to E

    Hi all guys, need you hope on below question:
    I 've created a new condition type, which is a fix amount/accrual, and going to be used in billing plan sales order. but, when I issue the first invoice (30% of sales order), this accrual condition type is supposed to post 30% as well. but it posted full amount. I have checked all condition type, pricing procedure and copy control config. nothing is wrong. only one thing is condition control XKOMV-KSTEU = C when I check my invoice. but I think it's supposed to be E.
    Would any guy tell me how to make XKOMV-KSTEU=E, or any other solution can be provided.
    (by the way, I have read below link, but still dont know where to do that change? it belongs to config or coding change?
    Thanks in advance.

    As per the standard,
    Billing plan will divide entire billing amount as per the  refernce  billing plan (Billing dates/milestones and %values).  All the condition values in the pricing procedure, including taxes, will be divided  proportionately as per billing plan only.

  • How to schedule condition in crm 3.0

    we are on CRM 3.0. We need to create a start condition for mail reminder for system date = planned date. This we have to attach to an Activity.
    When we go into action conditions=> edit condition , then we have to specify the expressions as mentioned above. But as in CRM 4.0, we can directly make use of operands, here in CRM 3.0 we do not see any operand in the action conditions!. Then how do we write the above condition?
    pls help.
    points will be granted.
    thanks in advance.
    Regards Sucheta

    You select the part you want to highlight with the mouse(cursor), then you can either press Ctrl+M or click on the button in the top part. You can also write a note on the highlight part.
    Thats the bad part about DE, you can not apropriate edit your book. Thats terrible for study books, where different colors for highlight and underlines would be great. Hey Adobe team, remember that for the next versions.

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    I am using sql loader to load a flat file to the table. I am using control file for this purpose as show below:
    INTO TABLE store_shrink
    SITE_ID char,
    ST_SHRINK char,
    ST_REVENUE char,
    My question is this. If in the flat file the value of 'ST_REVENUE' is '0', then I want 'SHRINK_PR' to be '0' as well, and skip the calculation (:st_shrink/:st_revenue).
    How to achieve this with the conditional statement or using any Oracle function?
    Any help or suggestion is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

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    I tried the following in my above query and it doesn't work somehow. Anyone has an idea? I have been on internet throughout but to no avail. Please help:
    INTO TABLE store_shrink
    SITE_ID char,
    ST_SHRINK char,
    ST_REVENUE char,
    SHRINK_PR char "case (when :st_revenue<>'0.00' then :SHRINK_PR=:ST_SHRINK/:ST_REVENUE else :SHRINK_PR='0.00') end"

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