How transaction EXPD & AXPD?

Hi Experts,
i want to track the status of import of PO till GRN,.
the statuses like PO acknowleded by vendor, shipping documents delivered etc.
I made settings in IMG > MM>Purchasing >PO> Progress tracking & set the events with
offset days. but the days set are not visible in EXPD (front end t-code) also AXPD..
i want to know How t-code EXPD & AXPD works? i want to monitor the status of PO till GRN.
thanks in advance

A good way to retrieve your most used transactions is to add them as favorite to start menu :
- enter "/n" as transaction code to return to Sap Easy Access
- right click on Favorite folder, then on "Insert transaction" and enter the transaction code you want to remind (or use ctrlshiftF4).
- in window top menu, go to Extras > Settings and tick the "Display technical name" box.
You should then have something like :
ME23N - Display Purchase Order
VA01 - Create Sales Order
You can also use Sap menu tree (or transaction SPRO) to go to the application you want, but this means you have quite a clear view of what you are dealing with.
Let say you want to create a billing document:
from Sap Easy Access, browse through : Sap menu > Logistics > Sales and Distribution > Billing > Billing Document > Create, or launch VF01 directly
For some, this way is clearer :"launch transaction S_ALR_87012028, thats S, A, L ..." or  " Accounting > financial accounting > fixed asset >...."
take the easier for you  =)

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    Xin Zhuang wrote:
    I'm using BEA Webloigc8.1 Stateless Session Bean/DAO/Oracle stored proc.
    but I'm not quite clear how Transaction Manager work with Resource Manager, like Connection pool.
    my understanding is that, in a weblogic transaction, a stateless session bean interact with several DAOs, and for each method of DAO a connection is acquired from connection pool. I've heard that the connection will not return to pool until the transaction commits.
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    any help appreciated!Hi. If you configure your WLS DataSource to use keep a connection for
    the duration of a tx, it will do that, and in any case there can be
    no deadlock however many connections operate for a given XA transaction.
    Here is the best coding form for DAOs or any other user-written code
    for using WebLogic DataSources. This is important for two reasons:
    1 - Thread-safety is maintained as long as the connection is a
    method-level object.
    2 - It is crucial to notify WebLogic that you are done with a connection
    ASAP, by your calling close() on it. We will then put it back in the
    pool, or keep it under the covers for your next request if it's in a
    transaction etc. The pool is optimized for quick get-use-close scenarios.
    public void one_of_my_main_JDBC_Methods()
    Connection con=null; // Must be a method level object for thread-safety
    // It will be closed by the end of the method.
    try {
    con = myDataSource.getConnection(); // Get the connection in the try
    // block, directly from the WebLogic
    // datasource
    // do all the JDBC within this try block. You can pass the
    // connection to subordinate methods, but not to anywhere
    // that thinks it can use the connection later.
    rs.close(); // close any result set asap
    stmt.close(); // then close any statement asap
    // When you're done with JDBC
    con.close(); // close the connection asap
    con = null; // nullify it so the finally knows it's done
    catch (Exception e) {
    // do whatever catch stuff you want. You don't
    // need a catch block if you don't want one...
    finally {
    // It is important to close a JDBC connection ASAP when it's not needed.
    // without fail, and regardless of exit path. Do everything in your
    // finally block in it's own try-catch-ignore so everything is done.
    try { if (con != null) con.close();} catch (Exception ignore){}
    return ret;

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    Hi Gurus,
    Please I need information with regards to Progress Tracking report in MM as follows:
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    Edited by: Victor 007 on May 11, 2009 4:40 PM

    Hi Phillip,
    You can find this profile in config SPRO:MM->Purchasing->Purchase Order->Progress Tracking-> Define Progress Tracking profile.
    you can also find the same at different place, SPRO:Prject system->Progress Tracking-> Define Progress Tracking profile.

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    Catch(Exception e){}
    Catch(Exception e){}
    Catch(Exception e){}
    Catch(Exception e){}
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    From your description I can model your problem like this:
    You have one method executing one particular task involving four session EJBs like this:
    public void performTask(){
    }catch(Exception e){}
    Catch(Exception e){}
    Catch(Exception e){}
    Catch(Exception e){}
    Now I will introduce another concept: Session Facade. And our performTask() method belongs to Session Facade. Session Facade is nothing but another session bean which the client talk to.
    Now your problem is:
    "CManager.add() creates some problems, then want to rollback the whole transaction-- specifically you want to rollback whatever done through AManager.add() and BManager.add() methods."
    Solution Steps:
    1. Set the transaction-attribute of performTask() method to
    RequiresNew. It means whenever client(any java application or
    other EJB) invokes the performTask() method, this method starts
    execution in a new transaction context.
    2. Now set the transaction attribute of Session A, Session B, Session
    C, Session D, EJB A, EJB B, EJB C, and EJB D in such a way that
    transaction context of performTask() method should be propagated
    to these Enterprise beans. It means when you are calling
    AManager.add() method from performTask() method, the
    AManager.add() method should be executed under the same
    transaction context as of parformTask(). Also true for other manager.
    3. Throw System Exception when you will get some error inside
    CManager.add() method. This will automatically rollback the
    transaction. You don't need to worry.
    Does it solve your problem? For further information you should go through the following book:
    Enterprise Java Beans, Orielly Publication

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    Moderator: You are kindly requested to respect SDN rules and avoid asking basic questions without doing a little research by yourself first

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    Error Message
    2008-02-12 13:06:57.765 Status: 4, code: 22043, text: 'The Log Reader Agent is scanning the transaction log for commands to be replicated. Approximately 24500000 log records have been scanned in pass # 1, 68847 of which were marked for replication, elapsed time 66018 (ms).'.
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    2008-02-12 13:06:57.843 Status: 0, code: 18805, text: 'The Log Reader Agent failed to construct a replicated command from log sequence number (LSN) {00065e22:0002e3d0:0006}. Back up the publication database and contact Customer Support Services.'.
    2008-02-12 13:06:57.843 Status: 0, code: 22037, text: 'The process could not execute 'sp_replcmds' on 'ServerName'.'.
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    SELECT * FROM dbo.MSrepl_transactions -- 1162
    SELECT * FROM dbo.MSrepl_commands -- 821922
    The following steps were taken to further investigate the problem. They further confirmed how transactions were in queue waiting to be delivered to distribution database
    -- Returns the commands for transactions marked for replication
    EXEC sp_replcmds
    -- Returns a result set of all the transactions in the publication database transaction log that are marked for replication but have not been marked as distributed.
    EXEC sp_repltrans
    -- Returns the commands for transactions marked for replication in readable format
    EXEC sp_replshowcmds
    Taking a backup as suggested in message wouldn't resolve the issue. None of the commands retrieved from sp_browserreplcmds with mentioned LSN in message had no syntactic problems either.
    exec sp_browsereplcmds @xact_seqno_start = '0x00065e220002e3d00006'
    In a desperate attempt to resolve the problem, I decided to drop all subscriptions. To my surprise Log Reader kept failing with same error again. I thought having no subscription for publications log reader agent would have no reason to scan publisher's transaction log. But obviously I was wrong. Even adding new log reader using sp_addLogreader_agent after deleting the old one would not be any help. Restart of server couldn't do much good either.
    EXEC sp_addlogreader_agent
    @job_login = 'LoginName',
    @job_password = 'Password',
    @publisher_security_mode = 1;
    When nothing else worked for me, I decided to give it a try to the following procedures reserved for troubleshooting replication
    --Updates the record that identifies the last distributed transaction of the server
    EXEC sp_repldone @xactid = NULL, @xact_segno = NULL, @numtrans = 0, @time = 0, @reset = 1
    -- Flushes the article cache
    EXEC sp_replflush
    Bingo !
    Log reader agent managed to start successfully this time. I wish if I could have used both commands before I decided to drop subscriptions. It would have saved me considerable effort and time spent re-doing subscriptions.
    Even though I managed to resolve the error and have replication funtioning again but I think there might have been some better solution and I would appreciate if you could provide me some feedback and propose your approach to resolve the problem.

    Hi Hilary,
    Will the below truncate the log file marked for replication, is there any data loss, when we execute this command, can you please help me understand, the internal working of this command.
    EXEC sp_repldone @xactid = NULL, @xact_segno = NULL, @numtrans = 0, @time = 0, @reset = 1

  • Transactional RFC Monitoring

    hi all,
       Can anyone explain to me how transactional RFC works? As what i've understand it, the first transaction to get in is the first to be executed right?
       Here's my scenario. I always monitors the transactional RFC,and from time to time, I observe irregularities. For example, at arround 9:00 am, bunch of transactions are displayed and the status are "status recorded". By 11:00 am, transactions are added again but this time one of the status of transactions timed 11:00am is "status executing" even if there are still remaining transactions that are recorded by 9:00 am. The way i understand it, the "first in" "first out" here was not applied.
       Could anyone clear this? am i right about the "first-in first-out" scenario? if yes, how can i correct tmy problem? If not, can you explain??
    Your response is highly appreciated.

    Hi Jay,
    As given in the RFC adapter help
    Transactional RFC calls (tRFCs) in messages with quality of service Exactly Once (EO)
    The tRFC in SAP sense means:
    This scenario is suitable if the data being sent is not interrelated. A calling application (or client) in system 1 uses a tRFC connection to a called application (or server) in system 2. In this scenario, the data is transferred using tRFC. This means that each function module sent to the target system is guaranteed to be processed once. The order in which the function modules are executed, and the time they are executed, cannot be determined. If a transfer error occurs, a background job is scheduled that resends the function module after a defined period of time.
    What you are talking abt is EOIO. As per the RFc adapter help, it supports:
    Transactional RFC calls (tRFCs) in messages with quality of service Exactly Once (EO)
    The receiver RFC adapter can also process messages with quality of service Exactly Once In Order (EOIO). They are mapped to transactional RFC calls (tRFC).
    Hope this is of some help.

  • Year End Transactions

    As per To Be in BBP, How transactions to be done in SAP? Automatically or Manually?

    It depends on the Business and Config in SAP.

  • Transaction line item

    How transaction line items be maintained under sub asset. We want to maintain a hierarchy in assets as follows:
    Account determination-Asset Class-Group asset-Main asset-Sub asset-Transaction line item.
    It will help us in reporting.
    Please suggest.
    SAP FI

    Please go through the following detail:
    A.Determination : P/M
    A.class : P/M
    Group asset : Rig
    Main asset : Pumping & Higher Pressure (Part of rig)
    Sub asset : Mud pump (Part of pumping & higher pressure)
    Transaction Line Item : Blower & Motor (Part of Mud pump)
    Now Please suggest how transaction line item be maintained in SAP.
    SAP FI

  • Load transaction data from ECC to BPC 10.1 using US GAAP starter kit SP3

    I need to understand a bit more the process to load transactional data into BPC 10.1. We have US GAAP Starter Kit SP 3. Below is an screenshot from the config guide:
    It explains how transactional data can be extracted from ECC system to the SAP Netweaver BW data source 0FI_GL_10 and then transform it
    to get it loaded into BPC. The Objects /PKG/FC_C01 and PKG/FC_DS01 are just mentioned here as reference because they come in the RDS for Financial Close and Disclosure Management, which not all companies have.
    I believe the upwards data flow should be from Data Source 0FI_GL_10 to Data Store Object 0FIGL_O10 and then to InfoCube 0FIGL_R10. There is also a data flow that goes from 0FI_FL_10 to InfoCube 0FIGL_R10. Can anyone with experience with US GAAP starter kit answer this?
    Thank you.

    Hello, we were able to load actuals to our environment with the US GAAP Starter Kit, SP03. I followed the Operating Guide document up to section 5.2 and ran the Consolidation Data Manager Package with no issue. We are using the A20 Input  and A20 Consolidation process flows based on flows F00, F10, F20, F30, F99,  etc... According to the documentation, the Statemnet of Cash Flow and Changes  in Equity should be automatically calculated and available from the changes
    in Balance Sheet accounts once Consolidation is completed . However, when I  ran the corresponding reports, they bring no data.
    We loaded actual  data for the whole 2013 and Jan 2014. Our intention is
    to run the first  consolidation for Jan 2014. The closing balance for period 12.2013 in flow 99  was copied to flow 00 2014 (opening balance). Flows 20 and 30 were updated with the corresponding balance sheet movements (increase/decrease), according to the delivered controls in the starter kit. However, cash flow is still showing no results.
    I found the following text in the operating guide,  but I am not clear if I am missing a step. Can you please clarify? This is  telling me that I need to copy my 01.2014 opening balance (F00) to 12.2013  closing balance (F99, which is done by the copy opening data manager package, but in the opposite direction, from Y-1 F00 to Y F99) and in addition to also copy that balance to 12.2013 F00 (previous year  opening balance)??
    "5.2.2 First Consolidation
    When operating the  consolidation for a given Scope for the first time in the application, it is  necessary to populate and process the prior year-end time period for this Scope, in addition to the first required consolidation period. This is because the flows dedicated to the scope change analysis are properly populated by the consolidation engine provided that at least one automatic journal entry has been detected in the consolidation used as opening consolidation, which by default is the prior year end (December, Y-1). To accomplish this, it is recommended that you copy all input-level opening data of the first required consolidation (flow “F00”) into the closing data  (“F99”) and opening data (“F00”) of the prior year-end time period, including intercompany breakdowns.
    This breakdown by intercompany in the balance  sheet triggers automatic eliminations, which are carried over to the closing position. After the consolidation process, the closing data of the prior year
    end time period will contain the appropriate source data for the opening data of the following consolidation, notably the opening automatic journal entries.

  • Load-balancing with transactions

    I have a question about how transactions are handled in EJBs running in
              a cluster. Consider the following scenario where a client starts a
              transaction and then calls multiple methods on a stateless session
              bean. Since the stateless session bean is replica-aware, it's possible
              for the stub to contact any server for each request. It would be
              possible for the first method call to the stateless session bean running
              on server A to update an attribute of an entity bean also running on
              server A. The next call by the client might contact the session bean
              instance running on server B which also updates an attribute on an
              entity bean running on server B. At this point you have brought 2
              entity beans instances possibly representing the same row into a
              transaction. When you commit the transaction I guess both entity beans
              will store themselves? and last updater wins?
              Am I describing a possible scenario? I guess I would like to see the
              stateless session bean pinned to a single server during a transaction.
              Am I missing something? Also, does EJB transactions spanning weblogic
              instances only work between instances running in cluster? Thanks.
              Kirk Everett

    Hi .
              I was looking for some documentation about clustering and transactions when I
              read your answer.
              Sorry but I didn't fully understand it. Is it possible that transaction span
              across server (process) boundary. If server A use a JDBC connection and server
              B use another JDBC connection in the same transaction isn't it a 2 phase commit
              As much as I know WLS doesn't support it yet.
              Prasad Peddada wrote:
              > Kirk Everett wrote:
              > > I have a question about how transactions are handled in EJBs running in
              > > a cluster. Consider the following scenario where a client starts a
              > > transaction and then calls multiple methods on a stateless session
              > > bean. Since the stateless session bean is replica-aware, it's possible
              > > for the stub to contact any server for each request. It would be
              > > possible for the first method call to the stateless session bean running
              > > on server A to update an attribute of an entity bean also running on
              > > server A. The next call by the client might contact the session bean
              > > instance running on server B which also updates an attribute on an
              > > entity bean running on server B. At this point you have brought 2
              > > entity beans instances possibly representing the same row into a
              > > transaction. When you commit the transaction I guess both entity beans
              > > will store themselves? and last updater wins?
              > >
              > > Am I describing a possible scenario? I guess I would like to see the
              > > stateless session bean pinned to a single server during a transaction.
              > > Am I missing something?
              > Yes for the scenario you explained everything will be done on the same
              > server.
              > > Also, does EJB transactions spanning weblogic instances only work between
              > > instances running in cluster? Thanks.
              > The instances have to be in a cluster.
              > >
              > > Kirk Everett

  • DML,Transactions and index updates

    Its known adding indexes slows down the DML on the table. i.e. every time table data changes, the index has to be recalculated. What i am trying to understand is whether the index is recalculated as soon as oracle sees the change?
    To elaborate, lets say i have a table abc with 4 columns, column1, column2, column3 and column4. I have two indexes; one unique on column1 and another non unique index on column2.
    So when i am trying to update column4, which is not indexed, will there be any transactional data generated for this operation? Will it be generated if i am updating column2 ( with non-unique index) ?
    What i am interested to know is how transactions boundaries impact the calculation of index. Will oracle always generate transactional entries and recalculate affected indexes even before the transaction is committed and the data change is made permanent ?

    user9356129 wrote:
    Its known adding indexes slows down the DML on the table. i.e. every time table data changes, the index has to be recalculated. Yes, but only when involved (i.e. indexed) columns are changed.
    And, indexes are not "recalculated". Assuming the index is of type B-tree (by farout the most commonly used type), then the "B-tree is maintained". How that's done can be found in elementary computer science materials which you can probably find using Google.
    What i am trying to understand is whether the index is recalculated as soon as oracle sees the change?
    To elaborate, lets say i have a table abc with 4 columns, column1, column2, column3 and column4. I have two indexes; one unique on column1 and another non unique index on column2.
    So when i am trying to update column4, which is not indexed, will there be any transactional data generated for this operation?You'll need to clarify what you mean by "transactional data". But in this case the block(s) that hold(s) the table row(s) of which you have updated column4, will be changed, in memory, to reflect your update. And as column4 is not involved in any index, no index blocks will be changed.
    Will it be generated if i am updating column2 ( with non-unique index) ?In this case not only table-blocks will be changed to reflect your update, but also index-blocks (that hold B-tree information) will be changed (in memory).
    What i am interested to know is how transactions boundaries impact the calculation of index. Will oracle always generate transactional entries and recalculate affected indexes even before the transaction is committed and the data change is made permanent ?Yes (to the part following 'and' of the latter sentence. I don't know what you mean by "transactional entries").

  • Distributed Transaction with EJB 3.0 / JPA

    I did some testing here and it proved to work. I would like someone to tell me if this is really true.
    I have many Stateless Session Bean and Entity Beans, using EJB 3.0 with JPA. The Persistence Unit is configured using JTA transaction type. Some of them are deployed in different app server instances.
    Consider an EJB "A" executing EJBs "B" and "C", both in different containers (remote).
    Both B and C use EntityManager to save data into the database.
    Let�s say "A"�s method doit() first execute "B" succesfully and when executing "C", it fails. Will the whole transaction be rolledback?
    The scenarios I tried it proved to work. But I want a second opinion.
    ps: I was using OracelAS/OC4J

    yes, that is how transactions are supposed to work across app servers. granted, that is assuming that the secondary methods are all using the "REQUIRED" (the default if unspecified) or "SUPPORTS" transaction types. you can change this by using some of the other transaction types, depending on what relationship you want between the various methods.

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