How xome #4 slows my computer down?

After Installed #4, thinking I was getting an improved version, my computer has slowed down. It takes longer to change programs.
I'm truly disappointed .I would like to get #3 back.
Also I don't like the way FF seems subordinate to Google.

Choose Force Quit from the Apple menu, select that application, and press the Force Quit button. If that doesn't work, save and close everything you can and use the Activity Monitor in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder to force quit the loginwindow process.

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    Some updates are better handled by Internet Explorer or the built-in updater, such as any updates from Microsoft's Windows Update or Office Update systems. (These systems are not compatible with other browsers.)
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    In the course of your troubleshooting to date, have you worked through the following document?
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    Quit Safari.
    Open Keychain Access   /Applications/Utilities
    Select Passwords on the left.
    Delete all the keychains for the sites you have trouble logging into.
    Relaunch Safari then go to Safari / Preferences, seleect the Autofill tab. Make sure: User names and passwords is selected.
    Now select the Security tab. Click: Show Cookies. Delete all cookies or just the ones for the sites you mentioned.
    Navigate to a site. After entering your user name and password, you should be prompted to save that data, click Yes. That will create a new keychain for you.
    if you still have problems, open Keychain Access again. From the menu bar click Keychain Acces / Keychain FirstAid. Enter your admin password then click Verify. If necessary, click Repair.

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    There are no viruses.  There is a trojan you would have to download and run from strange websites.  What makes you think the slowdown is due to a virus?  Maybe you could provide some specific evidence.
    Trojan War
    If you discover a trojan program is running on your computer then look to the following information for assistance:
    1. A recent discussion on the Apple Support Communities: MacDefender Trojan.
    2. An excellent site devoted to Mac Malware: Macintosh Virus Guide
    3. Another site for removing MacDefende, MAC Defender Rogue Anti-Virus analysis and Removal
    4. A new removal utility - MacDefenderKiller
    5. And to protect against a recent variant, MacGuard.
    Before you delete anything, we need your help. Some AV folks in our community need to analyze these files in order to protect others. Before you delete anything please consider doing the following:   Upload either the original .zip file or the MacGuard application to  If either is not detected by ClamXAV, then also upload it to   If you are uncomfortable doing this for any reason and can determine the URL of the site where you got it please send the link to [email protected].
    Removing strange software can be a task.  The following outlines various ways of uninstalling software:
    Uninstalling Software: The Basics
    Most OS X applications are completely self-contained "packages" that can be uninstalled by simply dragging the application to the Trash.  Applications may create preference files that are stored in the /Home/Library/Preferences/ folder.  Although they do nothing once you delete the associated application, they do take up some disk space.  If you want you can look for them in the above location and delete them, too.
    Some applications may install an uninstaller program that can be used to remove the application.  In some cases the uninstaller may be part of the application's installer, and is invoked by clicking on a Customize button that will appear during the install process.
    Some applications may install components in the /Home/Library/Applications Support/ folder.  You can also check there to see if the application has created a folder.  You can also delete the folder that's in the Applications Support folder.  Again, they don't do anything but take up disk space once the application is trashed.
    Some applications may install a Startup item or a Log In item.  Startup items are usually installed in the /Library/StartupItems/ folder and less often in the /Home/Library/StartupItems/ folder.  Log In Items are set in the Accounts preferences.  Open System Preferences, click on the Accounts icon, then click on the LogIn Items tab.  Locate the item in the list for the application you want to remove and click on the Delete [-] button to delete it from the list.
    Some software use startup daemons or agents that are a new feature of the OS.  Look for them in /Library/LaunchAgents/ and /Library/LaunchDaemons/ or in /Home/Library/LaunchAgents/.
    If an application installs any other files the best way to track them down is to do a Finder search using the application name or the developer name as the search term.  Unfortunately Spotlight will not look in certain folders by default.  You can modify Spotlight's behavior or use a third-party search utility, Easy Find, instead.  Download Easy Find at VersionTracker or MacUpdate.
    Some applications install a receipt in the /Library/Receipts/ folder.  Usually with the same name as the program or the developer.  The item generally has a ".pkg" extension.  Be sure you also delete this item as some programs use it to determine if it's already installed.
    There are many utilities that can uninstall applications.  Note that you must have this software installed before you install software you may need to uninstall.  Uninstallers won't work if you install them after the fact.  Here is a selection:
    Spring Cleaning
    Look for them and others at VersionTracker or MacUpdate.
    For more information visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQs on removing software and dealing with spyware and malware.
    After removing all the components of the software you may have to restart the computer to fully disable the software.  This will be the case when removing software that has installed a daemon.  After the daemon has been removed you need to restart the computer to stop the daemon.  Alternatively, you can kill the daemon process using the Terminal application or Activity Monitor.

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    It is possible, but extremely unlikely you have a virus. It is more likely to be related to corrupt preference files for the offending (lagging) apps. These preference files can be found by opening a Finder window, select the hard disc > Library > Preferences. The file will be ' name).plist' without the inverted commas and including the app name, safari, skype, etc. You can delete these files. Delete them, empty the trash and restart your computer.
    You should also run a disc maintenance app like, Onyx. Install it, open it and select 'Automation'. This will clear all your caches, run maintenance scripts and repair permissions in one click. It is a free app. NB: When you open Onyx you are prompted to run some disc checks. You can cancel these. You are also given a warning about backing up your data, which you should be doing anyway.
    Onyx -

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    How would i know if there running
    Whether there is a blue light below them; any running application will have a blue light below them in the Dock. Processes which don't have an user interface won't appear in the Dock.
    can i set them to idle
    Quit an application if you think it's consuming too much resources and don't need it open. Launch the Activity Monitor in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder to find out how much processing power and RAM a process uses; don't quit the loginwindow process or anything owned by root unless otherwise noted.

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    Please, upgrade your system RAM. I guess you must be using 512mb RAM, 1GB RAM or more is highly recommended to get the desired performance.

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    Does having 3 folders full of files on my desktop slow down my computer?   I have attached a screenshot for reference.
    Thank You

    If these are actual files and not just aliases, then yes if you are still running Leopard.
    Performance tip: Keep the Desktop clutter-free (empty, if possible)
    Mac OS X's Desktop is the de facto location for downloaded files, and for many users, in-progress works that will either be organized later or deleted altogether. The desktop can also be gluttonous, however, becoming a catch-all for files that linger indefinitely.
    Unfortunately - aside from the effect of disarray it creates - keeping dozens or hundreds of files on the Desktop can significantly degrade performance. Not necessarily because the system is sluggish with regard to rendering the icons on the desktop and storing them in memory persistently (which may be true in some cases), but more likely because keeping an excessive number of items on the Desktop can cause the windowserver process to generate reams of logfiles, which obviously draws resources away from other system tasks. Each of your icons on your desktop is stored as a window in the window server, not as an alias. The more you have stored, the more strain it puts on the window server. Check your desktop for unnecessary icons and clear them out.
    Keeping as few items as possible on the Desktop can prove a surprisingly effective performance boon. Even creating a single folder on your Desktop and placing all current and future clutter inside, then logging out and back in can provide an immediately noticeable speed boost, particularly for the Finder.
    And it is why Apple invented 'Stacks'.

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    My music collection is currently around 50GB, if i put ALL this music onto my new computer will it affect the running speed while im working in Photoshop and InDesign etc?
    Would it be best to buy and external hard-drive and run all my music off that? Or will it make no difference.
    Any help much appreciated.
    Sorry if this question is silly, just dont want a massive music folder to bug down the speed.

    a.s.h.NZ wrote:
    My music collection is currently around 50GB, if i put ALL this music onto my new computer will it affect the running speed while im working in Photoshop and InDesign etc?
    not if there is enough space left on your startup disk. see this
    Your Mac needs adequate hard drive space to operate normally. How full can a drive be before it's too full? There is no hard and fast rule that says “X” amount or “%” of free drive space is needed. A low amount of RAM requires more drive space for Virtual Memory’s swap files.
    Problems from insufficient RAM and free hard disk space are discussed in this link
    Here’s some general guidelines for minimum hard drive free space:
    1. As a general rule, your available space should be 5GB as an absolute minimum as it generally requires that much free space to perform an Archive and Install of Mac OS X and still preserve some free space for VM swap files.
    2. Some say that your hard drive should have at least 5% of it's capacity available for use. Still others say 10% to 15%. If you routinely process complex graphics and videos, even more space is required.
    Would it be best to buy and external hard-drive and run all my music off that?
    personally, i prefer that option. my 1.4 TB library lives on a 2 TB firewire 800 drive hanging off my mini. i couldn't be happier with speed and performance.

  • What is this and why is it slowing my computer down?

    My Macbook has been running really slow today, so I went to Activity Monitor to see what's hogging the memory and it seems that "AddressBookShari" is the culprit. I assume it's some sort of address book sharing, but I don't know. It's taking 570+ MB of real memory! If I kill it, it still comes back.
    What exactly is this, and how can I make it stop hogging my resources?

    OK, then the sharing is done from your other computer. When you subscribe to it that causes a "shared" connection between each computer. That is why the process is running. I wouldn't worry too much about it, though. When you aren't using Address Book the process will become idle and any memory it uses that's no longer needed will move to the Inactive RAM pool and become available to other applications.
    If you don't use the Address Book you can always "unsubscribe" from the office computer.
    Why reward points?(Quoted from Discussions Terms of Use.)
    The reward system helps to increase community participation. When a community member gives you (or another member) a reward for providing helpful advice or a solution to their question, your accumulated points will increase your status level within the community.
    Members may reward you with 5 points if they deem that your reply is helpful and 10 points if you post a solution to their issue. Likewise, when you mark a reply as Helpful or Solved in your own created topic, you will be awarding the respondent with the same point values.

  • Does a high number of user accounts (e.g. 7) slow the computer down?

    Mavericks 10.9.5, 3.5 GHz Intel Core i7, 16GB 1600 MHz DDR3

    What was stated isn't completely accurate.
    If you have seven users sharing one computer and all of them are filling up the Mac's hard drive with data, once the hard drive is nearing full (15 GBs OR less), then all of the users of this Mac will start seeing slow downs when they are using it.
    If you are using that many users on one Mac, it would be best if you purchase a high capacity storage, (say 3 TBs or even larger, if you can afford it) fast transfer protocol (USB 3.0, Thunderbolt or FIreWire 800 connections) externally connected hard drive and partition it and have every user setup to store their data the external hard drive, instead. This leaves the hard drive inside the Mac relatively free of everyone's data and will keep it running much faster for a longer period of time as you won't run out of internal hard drive storage space as quickly.

  • PC Boots then writes giant datastore.edb file slowing the computer down

    The system that I'm looking at is Windows 7, 32bit.
    When the system boots up it spends a ton of time reading and writing to the DataStore.edb file which is located in Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore directory. This makes the system run
    really slow for several minutes, probably about 10 if I'm honest. If you stop the Windows Update service, within a minute the system will stop reading and writing from the file and everything runs smoothly.
    Things I've tried:
    I've stopped Windows Update, deleted the file, rebooted, but when I do that Windows rebuilds the file until it's a few hundred MB in size. Once Windows is happy with whatever it's doing, it stops and my disk usage and cue drop down to normal levels and the
    system does whatever you want with plenty of speed.
    I've booted into SafeMode and run several virus scans and Kaspersky's RootKit killer tool and nobody finds anything offensive.
    What should I try next?

    Hello Lawrence,
    I've found a couple of your technet answers to similar questions about this topic (through google searching) and thought that even though it's been years I might as well fill you in on these basic questions because I'm having identical issues and this is
    developing into a pattern of folks finding this then never getting back to you. 
    Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Service Pack 1
    It does happens on every single power-on.
    Last successful system updates were 2/20/2015. (This has been happening for much longer.)
    SoftwareDistrobution\Downloads and DataStore.edb are both >700MB.
    I have only my machine with this issue. (Maybe useful background; I'm a contractor in IT systems and I have taken this system into two other domains, which were joined for a while >month, one of these domains I was asked to review WSUS and GPO, a bug
    in which is my prime suspect for how this started. )
    Further I wanted to let you know that I have followed the advice you gave on checking the C:\Windows\SoftwareDistrobution\Downloads folder for old updates and there are many from a period two years ago. I have deleted these and the problem has gotten much
    better but not completely fixed.  DataStore.edb is still 700MB.
    What do you think?
    P.S. I considered creating a new thread but I found these threads that you had never resolved through Google (searching 'DataStore.edb' and 'SoftwareDistrobution disk usage',) so I'm posting here.

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