Howto combine TWO WRT610N's on my Network?

I know this has gotta be possible SOMEHOW, but I can't seem to figure it out. Below is a picture of my setup that I am running at my house. I basically have two of everything. Two internet connections going into dual WRT610N's and then one going to my web server and the other going to my Desktop. What I want to know is HOW can I bridge the two networks so that I can access files locally between each computer? Obviously if I had the web server and the desktop hooked into just ONE WRT610N then I would be able to locally access files between the two computers on the LAN connection. But right now since they are on seprate connections, I am unable to do this. Any ideas?

You need a third router which routes between both WRTs and you have to run wires from both WRTs to this router. Then you have to use different subnets on both WRTs, e.g. and The third router will transfer traffic between those subnets. You have to setup static routes on the web server and desktop to send traffic for the other LAN subnet through the third router and not through the WRT.

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    I agree with richard - I didn't mention this in my last post
      Unless you are in dire need of some other piece of equipment and can exchange the 2nd router for it - I would keep them both -- especially since Santa brought them and you have no actual cost ($$) in them 
       I maintain two different home networks and help 2 different business keep their small networks running -- I have a spare/extra router for 'each' of my home networks - and the two business' always has a spare router on hand - in case of an emergency 
       I'm not sure about your chipset question -- but I beieve you may be able to tell the version # by the S/N - google around to check on the S/N--Version question --- or ask Liknsys Chat -- it's faster than a phone call -

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    Here are two overlapping audio clips, by clicking on the second clip the Audio Adjustments are revealed.
    To answer the first part of your question: I don't know of any method in Aperture to insert one Slideshow as a Slideshow into the other.
    You will have either to
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    Well you need to assign the static DNS to the pc in the range of the new lan ip & you will be able to go online wired & wirelessly.

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    Thanks for your help!
    Kind regards

    thanks for your replys.
    I am talking about ONE switched Network with two WGB on each end.
    So, Eduard, you think one WGB will be blocked out of the network automaticly by Spanning Tree is this right? And if only one WGB has a connection this one will be not blocked?
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                         wired client
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    b) <?for-each:ssTest2?>
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    Edited by: user8633002 on Oct 21, 2010 4:05 PM

    Hi sajid
    There was nothing more description about your issue in this site and I found an issue below is mostly like yours
    In the issue above, if you want to show the two other tables in the report, I think you could combine the tables into one datatable joining on key. The link below show an example of a DataSet Helper from Microsoft about combine DataSets. Take note of
    the related content for other DataSet Helper examples. And then you could use the datatable in your RDLC.
    # HOW TO: Implement a DataSet JOIN helper class in Visual C# .NET
    In an alternative way, I think you could create a view in the database which combine your tables and use it in your rdlc.
    In addition, your issue is about and you could get more support in the forum whose link as below.
    Best Regards
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place. <br/> Click <a
    href=""> HERE</a> to participate the survey.

  • Combine two resultset sidebyside in coulmn using mdx

    hi i am new to mdx,
    i want to combine two select statement resultset (side by side like union) using mdx query,please any body help me to solve this query
    first query:
    { [Last Year] }
     { {[Location].[Location].&[7], [Location].[Location].&[12], [Location].[Location].&[11],
    [Location].[Location].&[19], [Location].[Location].&[17], [Location].[Location].&[16],
    [Location].[Location].&[9], [Location].[Location].&[18] },{[Location].[Location].[All]}}
    FROM [Cube1]
    WHERE ( [Measures].[Labour %] )
    here [Last Year] is a calculated set
    {STRTOMEMBER("[Date].[Month].&["+ cstr(year(now())-2) +"-11-01T00:00:00]"):
            (STRTOMEMBER("[Date].[Month].&["+ cstr(year(now())-1) +"-10-01T00:00:00]"))}
    2nd query:
    WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Budget ] AS IIF(avg([Last Year],IIF(([Measures].[Budget]>0),[Measures].[Budget],null)),
                                            avg([Last Year],IIF(([Measures].[Budget]>0),[Measures].[Budget],null)),0.00),
    MEMBER [Measures].[YTD] AS IIF(avg([Last Year], IIF(([Measures].[Labour %]>0),[Measures].[Labour %],null))<>null,
                                  avg([Last Year], IIF(([Measures].[Labour %]>0),[Measures].[Labour %],null)),0.00),
    FORMAT_STRING = "Standard",
    BACK_COLOR = CASE WHEN [YTD] = 0  THEN /*White*/16777215 /*White*/  
    WHEN [YTD] <= [Measures].[Budget ] THEN 65408
         WHEN [YTD]<= [Measures].[Budget ] +5 THEN 65535
         WHEN [YTD]> [Measures].[Budget ] +5 THEN 255
    VISIBLE = 1
    {  [Measures].[YTD], [Measures].[Budget ] }
    { { [Location].[Location].&[7], [Location].[Location].&[12], [Location].[Location].&[11], [Location].[Location].&[19], [Location].[Location].&[17], [Location].[Location].&[16], [Location].[Location].&[9], [Location].[Location].&[18]
    },{[Location].[Location].[All]} }
    FROM [Cube1]
    here   ==> [Measures].[YTD], [Measures].[Budget ] are calculated member
    i want result like in
    coulmns===> ytd,budget,nov,dec,jan,feb.,,,,,,,,,,out
    rows ====> are only locations and total(average of all locations)
    please guide me to get solution like mdx query

    Hi Vsp,
    According to your description, you want to create a calculated member to combine two members, and then set it as Default member, right?
    In SQL Server Analysis Services, we can use the script below to create a calculated members.
    create member currentcube.[Date].[Day of Week].[weekend]
    {[Date].[Day of Week].&[6],[Date].[Day of Week].&[7]
    Every attribute in a dimension in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services has a default member, which you can specify by using the
    DefaultMember property for an attribute. This setting is used to evaluate expressions if an attribute is not included in a query. Please refer to the link below to see the detail information about specify a default member.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to combine +two fields without submitting page (via AJAX/HTMLDB_Get)?

    Hi all,
    After my last contribution "Request for Scott Spendolini" I was able to create the scripts to update fields in forms without having to refresh the page. Thanks again to Scott, Carl and the others who helped me solving my problem.
    I have another question regarding this however. How do I combine two (or more) values on a form to fill a field with the values, for instance to create a unique Primary-key field?
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    Here are the scripts I created to far:
    in the region source of the page I have the following Javascript:
    <script language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript">
    function f_P52_getAdrescode ()
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,&APP_ID.,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=P52_getAdrescode',0);
    gReturn = get.get();
    {  html_GetElement('P52_ADRESCODE').value = gReturn  }
    {  html_GetElement('P52_ADRESCODE').value = 'null'  }
    get = null;
    and in the shared components of the application I have created an process P52_getAdrescode as follows:
      l_adrescode varchar2(16);
        l_adrescode := :P52_POSTCODE || :P52_HUISNR ;
        if :P52_HUISNRTOEVOEGING is null then
              NULL ;
              l_adrescode := l_adrescode ||':'||:P52_HUISNRTOEVOEGING ;
        end if ;
    -- dbms_output.put_line(l_adrescode);
    I ran this PL/SQL in the SQL-section of HTMLDB and it does what a expect: combine the values in a new string.
    In my page however, it only gets the value of postcode and puts this into the adrescode field.
    So my question is: how do I modify the Javascript (I Guess) so that also the fields 'huisnummer' and 'huisnummertoevoeging' end up in the adrescode field?
    Thanks for your help,

    Carl, Scott,
    I have two pages with exact the same fields and codings (as described before in this Post.
    I now have two different named functions and application processes, a javascript an process for each page. They both do the same thing, use the same code except for the page-number (:P52_ and :P92). I tried to make one process to replace both, but ran into problems when I changed the name in the get.add statement.
    Changing the get.add from: get.add('P52_POSTCODE',html_GetElement('P52_POSTCODE').value) to: get.add('POSTCODE',html_GetElement('P52_POSTCODE').value) always ends up in what looks like a complete html-(source)dump of the page in the field that has to be updated. Even when I replace the :P52_POSTCODE in the application process as well Changing back the application process and the javascript to so that both javascript and process use the :P52_ again and the function returns the correct value again. What am I doing wrong?
    I requested an online-workspace to post the application to it, but have no answer to my request yet, so I can't provide a working example at the moment....
    Thanks for your help again,

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    When we originally set-up our iMac, I set-up two accounts for my wife and I. Since then it has been a royal pain with music and applications sharing. How do I merge the two accounts into one?

    I found an answer to this by searching on "merging two accounts" rather than "combining two accounts." BTW, it's a little mini-nightmare if you only use "combine" on both Google and Apple support. At least this post might help others avoid the same fate.
    Here's where to go to find the answer:

  • Can I combine two pdf files by using command lines?

    I always need to combine two pdf files into one in my regular work
    Currently, I open one of them, press ctrl+shift+I,
    find another file and double click it.
    It works but not so efficient since I need to do
    this procedure many times everyday
    So I'm looking for a better solution
    Something like command lines,
    for example:
    acrobat.exe "combine" "doc1.pdf" "doc2.pdf"
    Does acrobat have these functions or not?
    Thx &
    Best Regards

    File > Combine

  • How can I combine two itunes accounts into one?

    How can I combine two itunes accounts into one?

    Items purchased from the iTunes Store are permanently associated with the account from which they were originally purchased.  Apple provides no way to change this.
    However, if you wish to put content from two accounts into a single iTunes library, you can easily do so.  Use the command File > Add File (or Folder) to Library.

  • Is it possible to combine two existing iTune accounts and then cancelling one? Many thanks.

    I am trying to combine two accounts that I have on iTunes (created separately over the years) so as to then delete/cancel one to only have one active account (with all of my combined purchases, etc. on this combined account).
    Is this possible, or is there another way of transfering purchases to one of the accounts and then just deleting the then "empty" one?
    Thanks for any advice / input

    method one from the following support article should do the trick: How to use multiple iPods, iPads, or iPhones with one computer.

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    First create an iMovie project. Then drag the clips (or portions of clips) that you need into the project.
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    Welcome to the  Discussion Forums.
    Yes you can do all that without needing to keep plugging things in and out. You will still need to manually turn on the receiver and turn down the volume from the tv though.

Maybe you are looking for

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