HowTo: Compilie JavaFX with Ant (without netbeans build-impl.xml)?

Howdy, see subject :)

Here's a cleaner solution....
1. Download and install the SDK on your machine
2. Copy the SDK installation files into your project (I copied c:\Program Files\JavaFX\javafx-sdk-1.0 to ./Resources/JavaFX/. in my project) - this is used for compilation only and not packaged with distro.
You might want to now uninstall the SDK for accurate testing
3. Configure Ant (as below).....
Since I put my JavaFX SDK in my project under ./Resources/JavaFX/javafx-sdk1.0 you will see this occur in the config below.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="MyJavaFXProject" default="compile" basedir=".">
  <path id="javafx.classpath">
        <fileset dir="./Resources/JavaFX/javafx-sdk1.0/lib">
            <include name="**/*.jar" />
  <taskdef classname="" name="javafxc">
        <classpath refid="javafx.classpath" />
  <target name="compile" depends="prepare" description="compile java and fx source">
        <javac srcdir="./Source/Java" destdir="./build/classes" includes="**/*.java"/>
        <javafxc srcdir="./Source/Java" destdir="./build/classes" includes="**/*.fx" executable="./Resources/JavaFX/javafx-sdk1.0/bin/javafxc.exe">
            <classpath refid="javafx.classpath" />
  <target name="prepare" description="create build directory for compiler output">
    <mkdir dir="./build"/>
    <mkdir dir="./build/classes"/>
  <target name="clean">
    <delete includeemptydirs="true">
      <fileset dir="build" includes="**/*"/>
</project>Hope this helps someone, and p.s.... if you are a maven user.. perhaps you can repackage the JavaFX SDK and install it in a Maven repository.

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    You'll need to add jaxrpc-impl.jar to your
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    If you haven't got JWSDP then try
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    The <servlet-class> tag should contain the fully qualified name of the Servlet eg "com.something.Servlet1"
    If they are in the default package you may want to move them to avoid any unexpected behaviour - link explains:

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    He Peter,
    Thanks for your reply. I've made some steps, but still no perfect solution. I've managed to compile a swf with ant using only the AIR SDK.
    But, check these results
    - Compiled using Flash Builder release : 455 kb
    - Compiled with ant using mxmlc : 104 kb
    - Compiled with ant using compc : 139 kb
    Can you provide us an example, how to compile a swf using ant. For example, with an AIR mobile project.
    Thanks Peter.

  • HOWTO: Use BC4J With or Without DB Triggers

    This HowTo describes how to use BC4J, database sequences and triggers
    and what are the ramifications.
    BC4J has the ability to work with database sequences in order to obtain a
    unique value when inserting records. BC4J also has the ability to
    work either with a 'before insert' trigger which automatically creates
    a new unique value for the primary key or without a trigger. When not using
    a database trigger, BC4J also has the ability to obtain the sequence value
    and set the primary key value.
    Before discussing the ramifications of using one approach or the other, let's
    show examples of how to use both approaches:
    BC4J & sequences WITH a database trigger
    BC4J & sequences WITHOUT a database trigger
    To illustrate both scenarios a simple database setup script is provided which
    creates two tables:
    CUSTOMER_NT which DOES NOT have a before insert trigger and
    CUSTOMER_WT which DOES have a trigger.
    Database Install Script:
    drop trigger customer_insert_trigger;
    drop table customer_wt;
    drop table customer_nt;
    drop sequence customer_wt_seq;
    drop sequence customer_nt_seq;
    create sequence customer_wt_seq start with 1;
    create sequence customer_nt_seq start with 101;
    create table customer_wt(
    id number,
    name varchar2(30),
    primary key (id)
    create table customer_nt(
    id number,
    name varchar2(30),
    primary key (id)
    prompt Inserting data...
    insert into customer_wt (id, name)
    values (customer_wt_seq.nextval, 'Mickey');
    insert into customer_wt (id, name)
    values (customer_wt_seq.nextval, 'Goofy');
    insert into customer_nt (id, name)
    values (customer_nt_seq.nextval, 'Daffy');
    insert into customer_nt (id, name)
    values (customer_nt_seq.nextval, 'Porky');
    prompt Creating trigger
    create trigger customer_insert_trigger
    before insert on customer_wt for each row
    select customer_wt_seq.nextval into from dual ;
    The next step is to create the DEFAULT Entity Objects and View Objects using
    the Business Components Wizard.
    Let's modify the entity object CustomerWt so it can use the database trigger.
    Edit the entity object CustomerWt by right-clicking in the navigator.
    Click on the 'Attribute Settings' tab and edit the ID attribute.
    - Uncheck 'Mandatory'checkbox. This allows you to insert without a value for the primary key
    - Check 'Refresh after Insert'. This obtains the value from the database generated by the trigger.
    - Check 'Updateable While New'. Id is only updateable when inserting.
    Click finish to complete the wizard. Save all and recompile the project.
    Now let's test our work.
    In the navigator right-click the application module and select 'Test..'. This will launch
    BC4J's built in tester. Connect to the application.
    In the tester double-click the CustomerWtView view object to run a test edit form.
    After the edit form renders, navigate through the existing records using the navigate
    buttons on the edit form. Now let's insert a record to execute the trigger.
    click on the '+' button to insert a record. Enter a value in the 'Name' field and commit the change.
    Observe that a new value has automatically been inserted into the Id field.
    That's it! You have successfully used BC4J and a database trigger.
    Now let's try it without a trigger..
    Now edit the entity object CustomerNT so it doesn't need a database trigger.
    Similar to before, edit the entity object CustomerNt by right-clicking in the navigator.
    Click on the 'Attribute Settings' tab and edit the ID attribute.
    - Uncheck 'Mandatory'checkbox.
    - Check 'Updateable While New'.
    An additional step is also required. The Create method will have to be modified to extract
    the value of the sequence.
    In the Edit EntityObject Wizard click the Java tab and select Create method and click Finish.
    The create method is generated in your Java fil e. In the Workspace view of the Navigator,
    expand the CustomerNt entity object in the navigator. Double-click to open it in the Source Editor. In the Structure pane, double-click
    create(AttributeList). Modify the Create method so it looks like this:
    public void create(AttributeList attributeList) {
    SequenceImpl s = new SequenceImpl("customer_nt_seq", getDBTransaction());
    Integer next = (Integer)s.getData();
    setId(new Number(next.intValue())); }
    Save and compile the project.
    Now test the ViewObject CustomerNtView using the tester as before.
    In the edit form of CustomerNTView click on the '+' to insert a record. Observe that
    just as before a new value has automatically been inserted in the ID field!
    Using a Database trigger sometimes preferable if you have non BC4J applications
    also sharing the database. In this case it is still safest to just let the database
    update it's own primary keys.
    If you don't have any other non-BC4J applications sharing the database, then not using
    a database trigger is perfectly acceptable and can have slightly better performance.
    The important thing to remember is that the option is yours to use either approach!

    Thank you for the reply Jonathon. I am using a ViewObject which
    consist of several tables. I haven't tried the DB trigger
    approach but just using the BC4 approach in overriding the
    create method.
    Here is the parent class create as a part of the file which does the job correctly.
    public void create(AttributeList attributeList) {
    SequenceImpl l_seq = new SequenceImpl
    Integer l_next = (Integer)l_seq.getData();
    setCustomerId(new Number(l_next.intValue()));
    This is when I triedpassing the value to the child table. But I
    can't figure it out. I think the link is working fine if I had a
    ViewLink deployed but it doesn't look like it's doing the job
    for ViewObject.
    I am trying to call the childclass.method
    But I am getting error.
    Thanks a lot for your suggestions,
    703 696 1121

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    thanks to all

    Thank you very much Michael,
    I really wanted to know this.
    good day.

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    If you are using Oracle 6i, then check whether the file RWCON60 exists or not. If it exists then create a batch file with the following code in the report file's directory, and run the batch file.
    Echo compiling Report .....
    for %%f IN (*.rdf) do <file_path>\RWCON60 userid=<user_name>/<password>@<connection_string> batch=yes source=%%f stype=rdffile DTYPE=REPFILE OVERWRITE=yes logfile=log.txt
    If my response or the response of another was helpful, please mark it accordingly

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    C:\javaeetutorial5\examples\web\bookstore1>ant create-tables
    Buildfile: build.xml
    C:\javaeetutorial5\examples\bp-project\app-server-ant.xml:140: The directory you specified does not existI have changed in the file to this:
    # The SDK's default installation on Windows is c:/Sun/SDK
    # The Application Server's default installation on Windows is
    # c:/Sun/AppServer
    # machine name (or the IP address) where the applications will be deployed.
    # port number where the app-server is accessed by the users
    # port number where the admin server of the app-server is available
    # Uncomment the property j2ee.server.username,
    # and replace the administrator username of the app-server
    # Uncomment the property j2ee.server.passwordfile,
    # and replace the following line to point to a file that
    # contains the admin password for your app-server.
    # The file should contain the password in the following line:
    # AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=adminadmin
    # Notice that the password is adminadmin since this is
    # the default password used by the glassfish app-server installation.
    javaee.server.passwordfile=${javaee.tutorial.home}\examples\common\admin-passwo rd.txt
    # Uncomment and set this property to the location of the browser you
    # choose to launch when an application is deployed.
    # On Windows and Mac OS X the default browser is used.
    # Database vendor property for db tasks
    # Digital certificate properties for mutual authentication
    keystore=${javaee.tutorial.home}\examples\jaxws\simpleclient-cert\support\clien t_keystore.jks
    truststore.password=changeitAny idea which directory the error refers to?
    I�m using Netbeans 5.5 and have a connection to my local mysql database.

    Ok, this is the build.xml from bookstore1:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- You may freely edit this file. See commented blocks below for -->
    <!-- some examples of how to customize the build. -->
    <!-- (If you delete it and reopen the project it will be recreated.) -->
    <project name="bookstore1" default="default" basedir=".">
        <description>Builds, tests, and runs the project bookstore1.</description>
        <property name="is.war.module" value="true" />
        <property name="uses.db.sql.file" value="true"/>
        <path id="common.jars">
            <filelist dir="../bookstore" files="build.xml"/>
        <macrodef name="iterate">
            <attribute name="target"/>
                <subant target="@{target}" failonerror="false">
                    <buildpath refid="common.jars"/>
        <import file="../../bp-project/main.xml" />
        <target name="-pre-deploy" unless="netbeans.home">
            <antcall target="create-tables"/>
        <target name="-pre-compile" unless="netbeans.home" depends="init,build-common,copy-common-jars"/>
        <target name="build-common" unless="netbeans.home" depends="init">
            <iterate target="default"/>
        <target name="copy-common-jars" unless="netbeans.home" depends="init">
            <mkdir dir="${build.web.dir}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
            <copy file="${reference.bookstore.jar}" todir="${build.web.dir}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
    </project>And the build.xml in bookstore looks like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- You may freely edit this file. See commented blocks below for -->
    <!-- some examples of how to customize the build. -->
    <!-- (If you delete it and reopen the project it will be recreated.) -->
    <project name="bookstore1" default="default" basedir=".">
        <description>Builds, tests, and runs the project bookstore1.</description>
        <property name="is.war.module" value="true" />
        <property name="uses.db.sql.file" value="true"/>
        <path id="common.jars">
            <filelist dir="../bookstore" files="build.xml"/>
        <macrodef name="iterate">
            <attribute name="target"/>
                <subant target="@{target}" failonerror="false">
                    <buildpath refid="common.jars"/>
        <import file="../../bp-project/main.xml" />
        <target name="-pre-deploy" unless="netbeans.home">
            <antcall target="create-tables"/>
        <target name="-pre-compile" unless="netbeans.home" depends="init,build-common,copy-common-jars"/>
        <target name="build-common" unless="netbeans.home" depends="init">
            <iterate target="default"/>
        <target name="copy-common-jars" unless="netbeans.home" depends="init">
            <mkdir dir="${build.web.dir}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
            <copy file="${reference.bookstore.jar}" todir="${build.web.dir}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
    </project>And the main.xml in \bp-projects looks like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- Copyright 2005-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.  You may not modify, use, reproduce, or distribute this software except in compliance with the terms of the License at:
    $Id: main.xml,v 1.2 2006/04/12 17:20:13 ie139813 Exp $ -->
    <!-- main.xml: this is the file that should be included by the project
         build files. It will figure out whether it is running from inside Netbeans
         or command line and include appropriate tasks.
         @Author: Inderjeet Singh -->
    <project name="main" default="dummy-default">
      <property file=""/>
      <property value="1.5" name="default.javac.source"/>
      <property value="1.5" name=""/>
      <condition property="common-ant-tasks-file"
        <isset property="netbeans.home"/>
        <available file="${ant.file}/../nbproject/build-impl.xml"/>
      <import file="${common-ant-tasks-file}"/>
      <target name="dummy-default"/>

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    HI ALL!
    Duiring the compilation of web application including webServise i have a problem.
    D:\projects\tests\test\nbproject\build-impl.xml:226: taskdef class cannot be found
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)And the string of file build.xml
    <target name="wscompile-init" depends="init">
            <taskdef name="wscompile" classname="" classpath="${wscompile.classpath}"/>
            <taskdef name="wsclientuptodate" classname="org.netbeans.modules.websvc.core.ant.WsClientUpToDate" classpath="${wsclientuptodate.classpath}"/>
    I have the NetBeans IDE 4.1 and JDK 1.5.0_5.
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    I have similar problem with NetBeans 5.0 beta when I tried to create a simple web service.
    From the Project View, under the hierarchy
    ---- Libraries
    right click and Add Libraries
    add the JAX-RPC 1.6 (which netbeans point to "c:\netbeans-5.0beta\ide6\modules\ext\jaxrpc16\*.jar"
    Press Ctrl+2 or Window|File to go to File View,
    open the file under the hierarchy
    --- nbproject
    originally it was
    I changed it to

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    When I leave in all the default source and run it using:
    ant -v -f build.air.xml clean package
    it goes for awhile and then fails with a:
    /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/build .air.xml:65: Could not create application descriptor
    What am I doing wrong? Here is the full log from terminal on my Mac running Snow Leopard with ant 1.8:
    admin-MacBookPro:FlexUnit4SampleCIProject brantner$ ant -v -f build.air.xml clean package
    Apache Ant version 1.8.1 compiled on September 21 2010
    Buildfile: /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/buil d.air.xml
    Detected Java version: 1.6 in: /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
    Detected OS: Mac OS X
    parsing buildfile /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/buil d.air.xml with URI = file:/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject /build.air.xml
    Project base dir set to: /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject
    parsing buildfile jar:file:/usr/share/java/ant-1.8.1/lib/ant.jar!/org/apache/tools/ant/antlib.xml with URI = jar:file:/usr/share/java/ant-1.8.1/lib/ant.jar!/org/apache/tools/ant/antlib.xml from a zip file
    [property] Loading Environment env.
    Build sequence for target(s) `clean' is [clean]
    Complete build sequence is [clean, init, compile, test, package, ]
       [delete] Deleting directory /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/targ et
       [delete] Deleting directory /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/targ et/bin
       [delete] Deleting directory /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/targ et/dist
       [delete] Deleting directory /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/targ et/report
       [delete] Deleting directory /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/targ et
    Build sequence for target(s) `package' is [init, compile, test, package]
    Complete build sequence is [init, compile, test, package, clean, ]
        [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/targ et
        [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/targ et/bin
        [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/targ et/report
        [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/targ et/dist
        [mxmlc] Loading configuration file /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/sdks/4.5.0/frameworks/flex-config.xml
        [mxmlc] Required RSLs:
        [mxmlc]     framework_4.5.0.20135.swf with 1 failover.
        [mxmlc]     textLayout_2.0.0.232.swf with 1 failover.
        [mxmlc]     spark_4.5.0.20135.swf with 1 failover.
        [mxmlc]     sparkskins_4.5.0.20135.swf with 1 failover.
        [mxmlc]     mx_4.5.0.20135.swf with 1 failover.
        [mxmlc] /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/targ et/bin/Main.swf (63438 bytes)
    [flexunit] Validating task attributes ...
    [flexunit] Generating default values ...
    [flexunit] Using the following settings for compilation:
    [flexunit]     FLEX_HOME: [/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/sdks/4.5.0]
    [flexunit]     player: [air]
    [flexunit]     sourceDirectories: ["/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/sr c/main/flex"]
    [flexunit]     testSourceDirectories: ["/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/sr c/test/flex"]
    [flexunit]     libraries: ["/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/li bs/flexunit-aircilistener-4.1.0.swc","/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit- d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/libs/flexunit-cilistener-4.1.0.swc","/Users/brantner/Docu ments/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/libs/flexunit-core-flex-4 .1.0.swc","/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIPr oject/libs/flexunit-uilistener-4.1.0.swc"]
         [null] Executing '/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java' with arguments:
         [null] '-jar'
         [null] '/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/sdks/4.5.0/lib/mxmlc.jar'
         [null] '--version'
         [null] The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
         [null] not part of the command.
         [null] Output redirected to property: SDK_VERSION
    [flexunit] Found SDK version: 4
    [flexunit] Created test runner at [/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/tar get/bin/TestRunner.mxml]
    [flexunit] Compiling test classes: [org.flexunit.demo.EchoPanelTest, org.flexunit.demo.SampleTest]
    [flexunit] Executing '/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java' with arguments:
    [flexunit] '-Xmx256M'
    [flexunit] '-jar'
    [flexunit] '/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/sdks/4.5.0/lib/mxmlc.jar'
    [flexunit] '+flexlib'
    [flexunit] '/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/sdks/4.5.0/frameworks'
    [flexunit] '+configname=air'
    [flexunit] '-output'
    [flexunit] '/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/tar get/bin/TestRunner.swf'
    [flexunit] '-source-path'
    [flexunit] '/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/src /main/flex'
    [flexunit] '/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/src /test/flex'
    [flexunit] '-library-path+=/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4Samp leCIProject/libs/flexunit-aircilistener-4.1.0.swc'
    [flexunit] '-library-path+=/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4Samp leCIProject/libs/flexunit-cilistener-4.1.0.swc'
    [flexunit] '-library-path+=/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4Samp leCIProject/libs/flexunit-core-flex-4.1.0.swc'
    [flexunit] '-library-path+=/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4Samp leCIProject/libs/flexunit-uilistener-4.1.0.swc'
    [flexunit] '-headless-server=true'
    [flexunit] '/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/tar get/bin/TestRunner.mxml'
    [flexunit] The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
    [flexunit] not part of the command.
         [null] Error redirected to property: MXMLC_ERROR
         [null] Loading configuration file /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/sdks/4.5.0/frameworks/air-config.xml
         [null] /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/targ et/bin/TestRunner.swf (491869 bytes)
    [flexunit] Using the following settings for the test run:
    [flexunit]     FLEX_HOME: [/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/sdks/4.5.0]
    [flexunit]     haltonfailure: [false]
    [flexunit]     headless: [false]
    [flexunit]     display: [99]
    [flexunit]     localTrusted: [true]
    [flexunit]     player: [air]
    [flexunit]     port: [1024]
    [flexunit]     swf: [/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/tar get/bin/TestRunner.swf]
    [flexunit]     timeout: [60000ms]
    [flexunit]     toDir: [/Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/tar get/report]
    [flexunit] Setting up server process ...
    [flexunit] Starting server ...
         [null] Executing '/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java' with arguments:
         [null] '-jar'
         [null] '/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/sdks/4.5.0/lib/adt.jar'
         [null] '-version'
         [null] The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
         [null] not part of the command.
         [null] Output redirected to property: AIR_VERSION
    [flexunit] Opening server socket on port [1024].
    [flexunit] Waiting for client connection ...
    /Users/brantner/Documents/burrito/flexunit-flexunit-d3a56a1/FlexUnit4SampleCIProject/build .air.xml:65: Could not create application descriptor
        at org.flexunit.ant.launcher.commands.player.AdlCommand.createApplicationDescriptor(Unknown Source)
        at org.flexunit.ant.launcher.commands.player.AdlCommand.prepare(Unknown Source)
        at org.flexunit.ant.launcher.contexts.DefaultContext.start(Unknown Source)
        at Source)
        at org.flexunit.ant.tasks.FlexUnitTask.execute(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    Total time: 18 seconds
    admin-MacBookPro:FlexUnit4SampleCIProject brantner$

    Mean the one for i6.. we monitor that as well.
    Or just reach out to me offline:
    my last name at digitalprimates dot net

  • Problems with JDK and NetBeans

    Hi, I've just started to learn java and I'm having some problems to compile projects. I installed JDK 1.5.0 (with NetBeans 4.0 beta 2), but when I try to compile any program (including the sample ones) I get the following error message:
    C:\Documents and Settings\F�bio\JavaApplication2\nbproject\build-impl.xml:34: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Malformed \uxxxx encoding.
    Anyone knows what might be happening?
    By the way, I've already tried to reinstall the whole package (removing everything first), but it didn't help. Also, before installing this version I was using JDK 1.4.2 just fine, but now none will work .
    Thanks in advance

    I'll try that!
    By the way, I tried commenting out that line in the xml file and it worked! Still I have to do this to every new project I create, but it's a work-around =D
    Thanks for your help

  • Compile build.xml with Ant for web service with annotations

    Hi Friends,
    I have a web service with annotations, using javax.annotation.PostConstruct, and javax.annotation.PreDestroy.
    I have a build.xml to create a EAR for this web service.
    When I run the ant task, the build complete successfully but the .war file cannot be deployed on the WLS server. Taking a closer look, I see that the required files such as, webservices.xml, weblogic.xml, weblogic-webservices.xml, Provision.wsdl files are not generated.
    Following is the build.xml file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <project default="jwsc">
    <property file=""/>
    <property name="weblogic.jar.classpath"
    <property name="oimclient.jar.classpath"
              value="C:/_data/Project_Dc/OIM_jars" />
         <property name="com.jar.classpath" value="C:/JDeveloper/mywork/Service_Test/lib" />
    <taskdef name="jwsc" classname="">
    <path id="weblogic.classpath">
    <pathelement path="WEBLOGIC_HOME"/>
    <fileset dir="${weblogic.jar.classpath}">
    <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    <target name="all" depends="clean,build-service,deploy"></target>
    <target name="build-service">
         <jwsc srcdir="${src.home}" destdir="ear_directory" >
    <path id="oim.classpath">
    <pathelement path="OIM_HOME"/>
    <fileset dir="${oimclient.jar.classpath}">
    <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    <fileset dir="${com.jar.classpath}">
    <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    <jws file="${jws.home}" type="JAXWS" />
    <target name="deploy">
    <!--add wldeploy task here -->
    <target name="clean">
    <delete dir="output" />
    Can you please point out what else is to be done and where exactly am I going wrong in writing the build.xml file.
    Let me know if some else information is required.

    This is what I get when I run the ant task:
    Buildfile: C:\JDeveloper\mywork\ProvisioningService_Test2\Provision\resource\build.xml
    [jwsc] JWS: processing module /com/fox/provision/webservice/endpoint/impl/ProvisionEndPointImpl
    [jwsc] Parsing source files
    [jwsc] Parsing source files
    [jwsc] 1 JWS files being processed for module /com/.../provision/webservice/endpoint/impl/ProvisionEndPointImpl
    [jwsc] [JAM] Warning: failed to resolve class org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject
    [jwsc] [JAM] Warning: failed to resolve class com.bea.xml.XmlObject
    [jwsc] [JAM] Warning: failed to resolve class javax.xml.rpc.holders.Holder
    [jwsc] JWS: C:\..\...\..\...\code\ProvisioningService\src\com\...\provision\webservice\endpoint\impl\ Validated.
    [jwsc] Processing 1 JAX-WS web services...
    [jwsc] warning: Specified AnnotationProcessorFactory, '', not found on search path.
    warning: No annotation processors found but annotations present.
    2 warnings
    [jwsc] Compiling 2 source files to C:\DOCUME~1\....\LOCALS~1\Temp\_lsgijm
    [jwsc] Building jar: C:\..\...\..\...\code\ProvisioningService\src\com\...\provision\webservice\deploy\ear_directory\com\fox\provision\webservice\endpoint\impl\...EndPointImpl.war
    [jwsc] Created JWS deployment outputFile: C:\..\...\..\...\code\ProvisioningService\src\com\...\provision\webservice\deploy\ear_directory\....\...\provision\webservice\endpoint\impl\..EndPointImpl.war
    [jwsc] [EarFile] Application File : C:\..\...\..\...\code\ProvisioningService\src\com\.....\provision\webservice\deploy\ear_directory\META-INF\application.xml
    [AntUtil.deleteDir] Deleting directory C:\DOCUME~1\....\LOCALS~1\Temp\_lsgijm
    Total time: 7 seconds
    Due to some limitations, I edited the path in the build.xml files.
    Please let me know what can be done. Thanks.
    Edited by: user9112073 on Nov 22, 2011 9:52 PM

  • Compiling Flash Builder Projects with ant - error

    I'm fairly new to FlashBuilder as well as using ant to build projects.
    I'm working on a project in FlashBuilder 4.5. I'm using a 3rd party SWC that contains an alchemy-compiled C application in the SWC. Building my entire project within FlashBuilder is working fine. However, due to other parts of the project (not imported into FlashBuilder) I need to build with ant on occasion.
    The Class specific to the C app within the SWC is throwing errors when building with ant - it says it can not find the source. I had one recommendation to look into adding/editing something within the build.xml file, but I don't know what that addition/edit would be.
    Any help appreciated.

    Apparently related to switching workspaces... the error log identifies a path to an old workspace I changed out of weeks ago. I created a new workspace and moved the project (just the source, etc, not the settings) into it. been running fine for a while now... though funny how this problem didn't show up until yesterday.

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